"Tonight's experiment is very important, every data has to be recorded, so you have to..."

A female researcher with a white shirt and black tie on her upper body and a black lower body walked in. As soon as she saw Chu Tian, ​​she was stunned.

"Who are you"

Mushan Chunsheng asked in surprise, with a tired face.

"You are...."

Chu Tian looked at the girl carefully.

The figure is very good, and the appearance is not bad, but he always likes to put his hands in the pockets of his coat, which leads to a decadent temperament.

The thick dark circles under the eyes, coupled with the dark eyes, made the man who was astonished by her appearance shy away.

He knew this person, Harusheng Kiyama from the world of the Forbidden Book Catalogue.

This means that when I came out to sleep, I slept in the world of the Magical Forbidden Book Catalogue. "Oh, I'm a new researcher, and I'm your assistant."

Chu Tian lied without changing his face, but he didn't expect the other party to believe it, Mu Shan Chunsheng just nodded and sat down.

This Royal Sister, whose appearance and figure can get a high score of more than [-], will only be highly tense when she is researching.

The rest of the time is... a sad beauty who never wears makeup, has a random personality and has no female self-consciousness.

In the general routine, all older unmarried women are definitely the best in a certain field. They dedicate their youth to their careers, resulting in no time to fall in love. Harusheng Kiyama is... a typical representative, she is a school city quite Renowned expert in brain physiology, specializing in diffusion force field research.


Chu Tian sighed: "Professor Mu Shan, you look good."

"what did you just say"

The decadent beauty was stunned.

"It's nothing, it's just a feeling."

"Get up quickly, your task tonight is... sort out these materials, don't think you can be lazy because you are new here."

Kiyama Harusheng was talking, and suddenly he fanned the wind with his hand and unbuttoned his shirt.

"Fuck, is this starting to take off?"

Chu Tian was speechless, but his eyes did not blink.

What's going on with this woman? She just said that she looks good, how can she dress if she doesn't agree? "Strange, isn't the air conditioner on?"

Mushan Chunsheng took off his white coat and shirt, and showed his upper body with only a small hood.

"I felt a little cold when I slept, so I turned it off."

Chutian tries to identify Mushan Chunsheng's taste from the inside.

The old-fashioned white style seems to be a size smaller, and it seems to have been worn for a long time, and the edges are a bit frayed.

Mushan Chunsheng is a very sloppy woman, and suffers from severe insomnia. The whole person looks ill, but it is a pity for her figure and appearance.

At this moment, Chu Tian's chat box flashed.

It was Sakata Yinshi who called: "Group leader, where are you?"

The person on the other side of the camera rolled his eyes and lay on the ground, only the old alcoholic Sakata Gintoki was still sober.

"I'm in Academy City, what's the matter?"

"It's okay, it's just... I'll take care of you since you left the venue early. Their wedding will be held for seven days. Come over when you're done, the second round hasn't started yet!"

"I know, I know, hurry up and drink more."

Chu Tian hung up the phone.

Turning around, Chu Tian found that Mu Shan Chunsheng was staring at him, with his arms folded in front of his chest.

"Your... What's the matter with the communication equipment, don't you understand the common sense that you need to block the signal in the laboratory?"

Chu Tian was stunned, he was so common sense, you didn't even see that you still have... common sense.

"I'm sorry, I'll turn it off right now."

"Turn off the machine and clean the trash can."

Mushan Chunsheng pointed to the trash can that had not been cleaned for almost three days. It was full of stuff, and scattered coffee cans were lying around, there were about two dozen.

"Professor Mushan, do you sometimes act like a woman..."

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Chapter 642 Do You Have a Transmigrator Detection Agency?

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and buy me two cans of coffee by the way."

Mu Shan Chunsheng turned around and stared at Chu Tian, ​​with his arms folded in front of his chest, showing off the strength of the female doctor.

"I'm going right now."

Chu Tian covered his nose and ran all the way with the garbage in his hand. Miss Sister's welfare tonight was a bit too much. He just saw a little pink, um, does this mean he wants to buy a box of Durex.

It was early morning outside, the night was silent, and the road was sparsely populated.

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