The news spread quickly like a fire.

The group members who...stayed in other parts of the mirror world stopped what they were doing and ran to the nearby clothing store as quickly as possible to start shopping for clothes.

As for marriage, how can you do it if you don't wear formal clothes. This whole night, the worlds on both sides are busy.

People in the world in the mirror, it is easier to say, just need to change clothes and dress up and it will be fine.

But on Cake Island, the whole army was mobilized due to a sudden happy event.

As the protagonist, Kaido didn't ride Charlotte Lingling for a whole night, and he said he was very depressed.

....a week later, two hours before the wedding ceremony, the whole cake island has become: boiling.

The VIPs who received the invitations landed on the island one after another from the port and went to the banquet hall.

Chutian and Whitebeard, who were big matchmakers, went to the main city banquet hall in a luxurious carriage.

In front of the banquet hall in the main city, a number of noble characters walked into the castle chatting and laughing. Charlotte Lingling has a set of social skills and has made a lot of friends in the sea. The guests are also happy to give her face, except... ......Her status, these people also want to meet a few more friends at the banquet, so when they heard that Auntie had another happy event, all the friends she made came from all around the sea.

"Group master, why hasn't the protagonist of the wedding appeared yet?"

Sakata Ginshi asked vaguely while nibbling on a chicken leg.

These people have been here for 7 days, and they have not done anything else during these 7 days, that is... eat and sleep, sleep and eat, anyway, they are free to eat, not to eat for free.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Of course the bride and groom are the last to appear. Have you ever seen anyone get married?"

"I don't know, maybe the way of marriage on our side is different from yours."

Sakata Gintoki didn't worry too much, because he only needed to have something to eat.

That... it doesn't matter if the bride and groom come or not, as long as it doesn't delay him eating.

The time comes to 12 noon.

After the high-pitched suona sound of the bands, two huge human figures slowly appeared from behind.

Chapter 641 Suddenly ran to Academy City

One of them is Kaido, who is as strong as a bull, and the other..."Who am I?"

Seeing the aunt's appearance, Chu Tian rubbed his eyes, thinking that he was hallucinating.

The aunt in front of me is obviously a lot thinner than the previous aunt, and her physique is only about one-fifth of the original size, and she has become a different person! "Please look, that... who is standing next to Kaido. I seem to be blinded..."

"It's weird, didn't you say that the bride and groom entered the venue? Where's Auntie?"

"Wait a minute... it seems that person... is... Aunt"

"Don't say it seems to be true! That guy seems to be... Auntie herself!"

Everyone turned pale with fright.

For some reason, Charlotte Lingling lost weight overnight.

It's not the same as the previous... Aunt! "Could it be that when these two people were fighting, Aunt burned fat"

Chu Tian still remembered that when aunt was turned into a dragon, a lot of cream came out of her original body.

After changing into a dragon, the physique has increased several times, and the energy consumption to maintain the body will naturally be more.

In addition, Kaido wants to have a hard bow these days, and the aunt naturally has to fight with others, so she does a lot of exercise, which eventually led to this aunt losing weight at an astonishing rate.

"Hello! Hello!"

I don't know if it was Kaido's success on base, or if Auntie was happy with her figure.

Today's aunt seems to be in a good mood and keeps saying hello to the guests next to her.

"It's someone who has been married dozens of times and has a lot of experience."

Chu Tian kept clapping and blessing under the table, he was very satisfied with the marriage.

"It's the aunt's new look that makes me a little bit unbearable, or the original fat pig looks more friendly..."

While drinking, Chu Tian sighed again and again, thinking that the world of pirates is almost over, and he has almost been ruined by himself.

It's time to find a new world to play with.

"You guys drink first, I'll go outside to breathe, I'm a little drunk..."

Chu Tian waved his hand and dropped a group of famous drunk members who had already been drinking.

......The World of Magical Forbidden Books Catalogue, Academy City.

In the fifth school district, in the Analysis Institute, in a dark office, more than a dozen computer monitors flashed with bright light curtains.

Frame by frame data samples were quickly pulled down and recorded on the hard drive, while Chu Tian, ​​who went out to sober up, was falling asleep on the sofa.


The lights in the house were turned on, and the dazzling light shone into the eyelids. Chu Tian rubbed his eyes, let out a sigh of relief, and sat on the sofa.

"Ah.... where am I"

Chu Tian blinked and adjusted the focus to see the front clearly.

He only remembered that he was drunk at Kaido and Auntie's wedding, wanted to find a quiet place to sleep, and then randomly ordered a world to travel in.

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