If it wasn't for the fact that Ajibe's beat was blown to ashes with his own eyes, no one would have believed it!

"What, what are you fighting for! You can't fight this at all!"

"The Ice Emperor is over this year, and he has met such a strong opponent!"

"Tennis becomes a bomb, this is the strongest trick I've ever seen!"

"Although I don't know how this guy did it, he's really strong!"

The reason why the audience hasn't gone crazy is because Chutian has raised the world's awareness by a few percentage points.

Otherwise, it will be estimated that the police have already been reported!

"Game Qingxue, 1-1!"

"Birch land! Bring the beat!"

After repeated defeats and battles, the rich young master has no shortage of beats!


Just when everyone was wailing, Atobe served again!


Chutian still returned the ball unremarkably, but the ball was added!

The white-gray figure of Ajibu was torn out, and the air seemed to leave an afterimage. Everyone only saw him advancing forward, holding the shot with both hands, and rushing straight towards the bombarding tennis ball!

"Are you going to go up again, Captain Trace!"

"Come on, Akibu!"

"Akibu! Take him!"

Ajibu's eyes narrowed, and his right hand stabbed straight down!

But...boom! ! !

The fire light mixed with the shock wave galloped!

Half a beat went missing!


Tennis explodes again!

In order to win the game, Chutian will not be soft-hearted, and the obsession with victory is not the only one who has this! .

Chapter 227 The atmosphere is quite dignified [2 more]

"I'm sorry, but you're pretty strong, but I have to knock you down here!"

Atobe seemed to feel a raging dragon rushing towards the tennis ball that he sent out.



Chu Tian's hands rush out of extremely strong power!

In the next instant, everyone could only see that Chu Tian's figure turned into a bolt of lightning, leading the shot towards the tennis ball bombarded by the electric light and flint!


Like a long knife slashing at a high-speed bullet.


The tennis ball ripped through the air and slammed down towards the foot of the foot.

And the moment the ball hit the ground, it exploded again, giving him no chance to fight back at all!

"Paralysis, the group master's hands are really black!"

Seeing that Chu Tian had opened 4 hook-ups in a row, the group members despised him a bit.

Tsunade: "This is too bullying! This is basically a tiger beating a child!"

Natsu: "The traces are so miserable. I pretended to be such a big one before the fight. The result of "Nine Sixty" has been repaired so badly by the group owner. I will be embarrassed among the team members when I go back!"

Sakata Gintoki: "The group leader of Dog Day, can't we play a little more normally, so even if we win, others will say that we can't win by force..."

Naruto: "I just wondered what he meant by turning the game into a bomb show, so that's what he meant! Echizen, have you seen this kind of ball?"

Where have the people of the Qingxue tennis team seen such an exaggerated ball?

Although they can hit the ball with some superpowers, it is unheard of to directly turn the ball into a bomb!

Echizen: "How could I have seen this kind of ball? It should be a superpower..."

Kikumaru: "Damn, how many stunt shots does the coach know? Wait a minute and make sure he teach me this bomb tennis!"

Taocheng: "No no no, senior Yingji, you should teach me! My vertical smash ball is a perfect match for the bomb ball!"

Senior Gan: "I think this ball is more compatible with the wave ball..."

Several people from Qingxue are going crazy, you push me, and Chutian is already scrambling to be a teacher before he ends.

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