The trace department loudly questioned Chu Tian, ​​and the referee hurried down to check to see if there was a thunder in Chu Tian's crotch and replaced the tennis ball. !

However, to no avail.

Tennis is still tennis, there is nothing abnormal!

Chu Tian smiled slightly, but his words were not expressive.

The ball just now was turned into a bomb by his second stand-in, the Killer Queen.

Killer Queen (killerqueen) is a serious office worker, the substitute of Ji Liang Yoshikage (Beng Liang Bengying), which has 3 abilities.

The first: can turn touched objects into bombs.

There are two ways to detonate a bomb. One is that the person who touches the bomb will be blown up, while the object that turns into a bomb will be fine. For example, if you turn a doorknob into a bomb, anyone who touches the handle will be killed.

The other is that objects that become bombs explode on their own, such as the tennis ball just now.

Second: Withering through the heart attack: From the left palm of the Queen Killer, a bomb chariot that automatically tracks the heat source will be generated. It will explode when it is close to the target. It has high defense power and is difficult to destroy. destroy.

Third: The loser eats the dust, in order to protect the ultimate bomb of the stand-in messenger - the bombing of the timeline.

Although the third bomb sounds similar to the death roll, it is actually far more terrifying.

As long as the third bomb is not lifted, all the people who were killed in the reincarnation timeline, even if the bomb is not used, will eventually die.

For example, in a reincarnation, A is blown to death, and the second reincarnation is started. Even if the killer queen does nothing, when the time comes, A will still be blown up.

For example, after 3 reincarnations and ABC is killed, in the 4th reincarnation, as long as the time comes, they will still die.

Of course, Chutian only used the first bomb when he dealt with Jibu just now, turning the tennis ball into a bomb.

After all, this is just playing tennis and not killing people. The first bomb is enough to bully people. It seems that it is too much to release withering through the heart and the loser eating dust.

"I advise you to surrender sooner rather than later."

Chu Tian threw the planing ball mischievously and stared at Jibu with a playful expression.

Although other people often say this when they are playing, those people feel that they are arrogant when they are a little ahead.

But in essence, people who say such things are generally not threatening.And it's common to be defeated in the end.

But Chutian is different.

It is really for his good to persuade the Ministry of History to surrender.

He can't guarantee that the Ajibu will be in a hurry to catch the ball, and it will not be the racket that will explode.

"Huadi, bring the racket here."

"Huadi, bring the racket here."

Ajibu ignored Chutian's advice, but asked Huadi, who had regained his senses, to bring a high-end racket again.

Although his intuition told himself that Chutian's ball was very terrifying, he had no other way.

Unless he is beaten to the core, he will not end!

"It seems that you still don't know what you are picking up."

The Killer Queen touched the tennis ball again, turning it into a bomb.

Chu Tian thinks that the kid who doesn't listen to advice will know if he has to suffer a few more times!


Chu Tian jumped high again, the tennis racket pressed down violently, and the air flow was a little chaotic!

0 · · · · · Flowers 0 ·


Near the bottom line, Jibu's eyes were filled with the belief of winning, and he clenched the tennis racket with both hands and swept forward fiercely.

Forehand with both hands!

Apparently, Atobu thought that one hand was not enough to resist the move just now.


Vigorously spinning his forehand upwards, Akubu gritted his teeth and shouted: "Go!"


But seeing the flash of fire in front of him, the entire beat of Ajibu was instantly annihilated and dissipated, and it was blown to ashes!

First bomb, explode again!

The audience all swallowed their saliva, and their eyes were already bursting open.

Looking at the two balls that had just exploded, their thinking and common sense were completely unable to keep up.

This is not a weight competition at all!

This Qingxue's singles No. [-] is not a regular player at all, or he is not even a normal person!

...... 0

Who can believe that tennis becomes a bomb?

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