The ingredients of Mapo Tofu are simple, and as one of the most popular dishes in Chinese cuisine, it is indeed not new to everyone.

As a master of Sichuan cuisine, Jiuga Teruji's signature dish is Mapo Tofu.

His subordinates even have dozens of bald chefs who look exactly the same. They do nothing but cook tofu, aiming to push the delicacy of "Mapo Tofu" to the extreme!

So Erina chose this dish as a competition item, but it still carried a little selfishness.

After all, it's the first match, so you can't lose!

"What about the judges? How to arrange it?"

After a long time I hurried to prepare the ingredients, Erina asked again.

"Let those rookies around you be the judges, or else I'll blame you for bullying you." Chu Tian calmly said.

"Hmph, that's what I thought too. One of the rules of our Togetsu Academy is that the judging is fair, and evaluating the quality of cooking is a compulsory course."

"Hehe, that's still fortunate for you..."

After mocking the eldest lady, Chu Tian sent a private message to the young master.

"Little master, don't show mercy to them, get out your giant panda tofu, and open the eyes of this group of guys."

"Can't magic tofu?"

"Go directly to the big move, don't talk nonsense with them."

Chu Tian knew the dishes of the young master better than the young master himself.

Tofu cuisine can be said to be a key dish to start the journey of small master cooking.

When Shao'an, a fellow apprentice from the young master's family, came to Ju to go downstairs to play in the restaurant, the one who competed with the younger master was Mapo Tofu.

Later, in the Huangpu River, when the dark cooking machine confronted the bright cooking world, Shao An and the little master were still comparing Mapo tofu.

It's just that Shao An is a bad egg. He lost to the little boss for the first time because his tofu is not like the little boss's mother.

The second time he lost to the little boss was because his tofu was made too much like the little boss's mother.

Both sides are lost!

Traditional Mapo tofu, spicy, fragrant, color, hot, hemp, five in one.

The magic mapo tofu made by the little master for the first time is a six-in-one, using soybeans instead of beef, and the sixth flavor in Mapo tofu - crispy, leads to super tofu.

As for the second "Magic Panda Tofu", in addition to the two advantages of "six flavors in one" and "the wonderful taste ensemble of tofu and meat", special effects have also been added, and the creativity is also leveraged. Mapo tofu tens of thousands of streets!

Chu Tian: "These hillbillies only know science, where have they seen metaphysics? Just rub them with a giant panda!"

Chu Tian: "These hillbillies only know science, where have they seen metaphysics? Just rub them with a giant panda!"

The little boss nodded: "Yes, yes, but in terms of might take a while, about 3 hours to prepare."

Chu Tian: "Does it take that long?"

Little Master: "The main reason is that it takes time to grind tofu. This dish needs to be done with gypsum tofu. If you use brine tofu, there are ready-made materials, but brine tofu is harder, less watery, and more bean fragrance. Gypsum tofu is more tender and elastic, with more water content.”

Chutian: "Don't the legendary kitchen utensils have the effect of speeding up time? I remember that magic holy copper utensil that can make abalone and dried scallops in one fell swoop?"

The little master: "The magic holy bronze can only be used to send dry goods. If it is fragile tofu, it may turn into stinky tofu all of a sudden..."

The young master was amazed in his heart, this group of masters still know so much!

Even the legendary kitchenware knows!

Chu Tian: "If that's the case...then just wait!"

Chutian can't wait for 3 hours, and the eldest lady certainly can't wait.

· · · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

If it takes such a long time, even if she wins, she will definitely be pricked by her, saying that customers have long lost their appetite after waiting for so long.

Since it is a hang, it must be fast, accurate and ruthless!

"System! Give me Tokisaki Kuangsan's [Emperor Keke]!"

System: "Emperor Keke sells for 1200 million, and the host's points are not enough to pay."

"Paralyze, then take it apart and sell it. What kind of bullet is it that accelerates time?"

System: "Emperor Keke, originated from the ability of the bad elf in the dating battle - Tokisaki Kurumi, in the form of a combination of a clock and a gun, there are a total of 12 abilities, and the one that can speed up time is a bullet. (Aleph), which can speed up the time of the hit target."

"That's it! One shot, how much does it cost?"


"For 100 million points, each bullet of Kekedi sells for 100 million. Do you want to buy it?"

"Buy! Add me to the little boss!"

After a while, the little boss's body shook, and an ancient pistol appeared out of thin air in his hand.

Chu Tian: "Little Master, this gun gave you the prize in advance, as long as you shoot it at the tofu, you can speed up the time and jump directly to the time when it is fermented and formed."

The young master: "So amazing? Could this be the legendary kitchen utensils?"

Chu Tian: "This is better than kitchen utensils. You can shoot yourself and even move instantly!"

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