
Chu Tian glanced at the group of chefs behind Miss Erina: Soma Yukihira, Kei Isshiki, Teruki Kuga, Ryo Hayama, Ryo Kurokiba, Takmi Aldini, Alice Nakiri, Keita Tiansuo, Kobayashi Gentian...

You are paralyzed, these people are all ten heroes!

You are paralyzed, these people are all ten heroes!

Not now, not in the future!

He couldn't help but admire Miss Erina's wink.

Well, the rookies of the lower grades, the trash of Jixingliao, when these people are in the second year, they are all top ten. It seems that Nakiri Erina not only has the tongue of God, but also the eyes of God.

"What's wrong? Not making a decision?"

Erina is aggressive.

"If you can't choose, then you can admit defeat? An omnipotent group owner can't even find ten chefs, I really don't know what to do..."

"No," Chu Tian shook his head: "It's not that I can't find it, but it's too troublesome... How about this, how about I let the young master compare to all of you? Do you have any opinions?" As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

"We've been seen all over, Erina-sama!"

"That's right! That guy actually wants to compare with all of us. Does he know where Togetsu Academy is? It's at the top of the world's cooking pyramid!"

"Wait a minute, the chef called Xiaodaojia, shouldn't he be cooking Chinese cuisine? Look at the ingredients on the cutting board next to him, chili sauce, bean paste, peppercorns, star anise... and the shape of the pot. , is dedicated to Chinese cuisine [fried] dishes..."

"It seems to be true! Since it is Chinese cuisine, let Jiujiu me take seniors to come forward! He specializes in 4 Sichuan cuisines in Chinese cuisine, and his strength is unfathomable!"

"For a long time, my senior's restaurant is Chinese cuisine, and there are hundreds of chefs at home! I think he is enough for this duel..."

"For a long time, my senior! Use your best mapo tofu to show him! Otherwise, we will all be seen!"

"That's right! Senior Jiujiu's Chinese cuisine is absolutely number one in Totsuki Academy. Compared with Sichuan cuisine, senior Jiujiu can't lose!"

The shouting continued, and the momentum of everyone letting Jiujiu me play according to the discipline was getting louder and louder!

Chu Tian, ​​who heard the cheers on the opposite side of the screen, almost didn't laugh out loud!

Nima, someone gave away the head just after playing?

I want this head!

"How about the Chutian group master? Since you want your chef to play ten, at least show us his strength, otherwise my subordinates will not be convinced."

"Okay, little boss, you can compete with the guy who called me or something, let him suffer, and experience the difference between Dou Di and Dou Zhe."

"it is good!"

The little master clasped his fists, and the turban danced in the wind.

After a long time, I was in front of the camera, looking left and right, and kept looking at the blue-haired boy on the opposite side.

In fact, Jiu I Zhaoji is a "pure" person among the top ten heroes. "Innocent" is the best way to describe it. Even when Nakiri Ji launched a coup d'etat, he never thought about winning him!

If it wasn't for Erina's forced addition of the group family function and the knowledge of multiple planes, he wouldn't be too lazy to come to this troubled water.

Jiu Izhaoji: "You are called the little master, right? Although I don't know where you are a chef in Huaxia, but I have studied Sichuan cuisine for a few years in the Sichuan province of Huaxia, and I came to Yuanyue Academy for further study. Sichuan cuisine, you can't beat me!"

Little Master: "I'm from Sichuan."

For a long time I follow the rules: "........"

Erina Nakiri: "......"

Koping Soma: "........"

Jiuga Teruki gritted his teeth and slapped the table angrily: "I don't care if you are from 4 Sichuan! The technology in your place can't be compared with Totsuki Academy! We have the top high-tech here! There are people from all over the world. The elite teachers! There are also countless talented chefs! Like you, who only cooks in the kitchen, it is impossible to beat me!"

Little master: "I cooked for the emperor.".

Chapter 121 Dress up the little master with a carved emperor [4 more]

For a long time I follow the rules: "........"

Erina Nakiri: "......"

Koping Soma: "........"

Kurokiba Ryo: "........"

Tian Suohui covered his mouth in surprise, "Emperor, emperor?! Could it be that the young master is an ancient person?"

Nakiri Alice: "What about the ancients, this chat group connects all worlds, not to mention the ancients, not even the people--yes!"

Takmi Aldini: "I have studied the history of ancient China. If I cook for the emperor, his level should be very high..._..."

For a long time, I gritted my teeth: "I don't care what the emperor is! Yuanyue Academy is the most professional and scientific cooking school. The Chinese dishes I learned have been improved and strengthened, and I will definitely be able to beat ordinary Chinese cooking!"

The group members couldn't help but chuckle after listening to what I said after a long time.

Ordinary Chinese food?

Sao Nian, in front of you is the Dou Di of the cooking world!

Learn about fantasy cooking?

Nakiri Erina gritted her teeth: "Then you are better than Mapo Tofu! I would like to see which one is better than the chef who cooks for the emperor and the chef who has been trained to a high level by our Totsuki!"

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