“Even if you become a Star Emperor and have the power of Star?” Ximen Shan cheered himself up. “I am 4,000 Stars Star Emperor. I don’t know how many times to crush you!”

“Blowing the nonsense will save you!” Zhou Heng hooked his finger, “Let’s come over and fight!”

“Frenzy boy, see me explode your head, see how hard you are!” Ximen Shan screamed, his heart had an inexplicable fear, only to ignite the anger to drive this fear away!

He danced with his hands, and Stars suddenly rushed in the sky, screaming at Zhou Heng. .

Star is hard to match the same level of treasure, and with the strength of the high-end Star Emperor simply no stronghold one cannot overcome!

Xiu xiu xiu, every Star has a dazzling starlight, and this slightly dim sky is dotted with light.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Zhou Heng punched and punched, and did not use the spiritual power to protect his fists.

– That Level 4 Blood Spirit Fruit has no ability to transform into its own spiritual accumulation, but it is not wasted under the suppression of Black Sword, but combined with his own flesh and blood bones to further enhance his Physique.

Now his brute force has reached at least 5,000 Stars!

Purely than power, he has crushed Ximen Shan!

Of course, brute force can’t run cultivation technique. This is a defect. Otherwise, Scarlet Flame Sword Art will increase the power of 40 times. Crossing Yang Star Any Star Yanjing is killed by his sword! And unlike Soaring Heaven Nine Forms, which can only be used once, the horrible brute force is enough to keep him squandering Black Sword and killing thousands of Star Emperors!

Every time he punched, a Star was hit by him.

Zhou Heng is also trying to detect his own strength. There is no use of Black Sword or Five Elements rune. Every punch is a complete burst of force. In the boxing force, Ximen Shan’s Star was actually smashed by a path of cracks.

Ximen Shan is horrified. Warrior’s Star is a comparable treasure! Zhou Heng Even if Star can smash, can it be that you can smash the treasures by hand?

This… Is this guy a Monster Beast?

“Change!” Ximen Shan loudly roared, in order to repel the uneasiness of the heart, the body swollen, the black hair grows out, turned into a ten zhang high ape monkey, the claws are sharp, the roots have three chi long, like Take a weapon.

He has already maximized his combat power. Jumping fiercely, waving two giant palms and patted Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng coldly snorted, turned out and greeted Ximen Shan’s palms.


A loud noise, dusty sand, and dancing.

Zhou Heng forcibly withstood the two palms of Ximen Shan, both of which were solidified. One is a marmoset up to ten zhang, the other is a normal body shape, in contrast. It’s as if the baby blocked the adult’s attack, it’s incredible!

But this is not the final result!

Zhou Heng began to move forward.

Because the two players are low, one person moves forward and the other must go backwards. This fight is power. Whoever is strong, who can overwhelm the opponent.

Ximen Shan The body like a hill is constantly going backwards. He can’t resist the brute force of Zhou Heng! Although he looks like a rare beast of the Big Mac. When facing Zhou Heng, it seems that the other party is the real rare beast. I can’t beat it at all!

Zhou Heng suddenly shouting loudly, and suddenly punched. The violent force surged and Ximen Shan was suddenly shaken out.


Ximen Shan’s body crossed an arc in the air, fell heavily on the ground, and raised a new dust. He climbed up hard, his body was restored to its original state, and the original gorgeous clothes became ruined. Only the red crotch in the day was not damaged, it should be a treasure.

Blackhead suddenly put his eyes on the light, staring at Ximen Shan’s lower body, it is easy to think that it has some special hobby.

“Impossible!” Ximen Shan’s body is crumbling, but his face is full of enthusiasm for refusing to accept reality.

He is a high-end Star Emperor. He has the bloodline of the ancient gods. He and Zhou Heng have a brother-in-law. He must kill Zhou Heng. How can he lose to the other side?

“Nothing is impossible!” Zhou Heng coldly said, “You brothers are bully intolerably, you have to step on my body and send Ximen Dong to the upper position. As a result, one will die first and one will die!”

“You – you are not allowed to mention the name of my younger brother!” Ximen Shan said shouted, “Zhou Heng, I will kill you, I will kill you!”

“Although it’s been nearly a year late, it’s not too late to send you to see your younger brother!” Zhou Heng offered Black Sword, his eyes tweeting, and Ximen Shan wanted to kill him. Why didn’t he want to kill the bastard?

I couldn’t beat it before. Now, thirty years of reversal of the wheel of fortune, he will never be merciless.

“I want you to die!” Ximen Shan came out again, he did not hesitate to burn the star power, blew one after another Star, and his strength continued to increase.

This is desperate!

Unfortunately, he is facing Zhou Heng! This physique has reached the enchantment of 5,000 Stars Star Emperor!

What is this concept?

It is Zhou Heng who gave up all resistance and bombardment, and the opponent must also exert more than 5,000 Stars’ attack power to deal damage to him! It is also like hitting a mountain with a hammer, each piece can only knock down a small piece, want to crush the whole mountain body and don’t know how much it needs!

Of course, if the 4,000 Stars Star Emperor uses the cultivation technique, then the outbreak of the surname must exceed 5,000 Stars, but Zhou Heng will stand up and let it be bombarded?

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Zhou Heng and the other side are constantly slamming, the power of terror overflows, and Ximen Shan’s body constantly oozes blood. His skin has been shattered, the internal organs are also broken, and the bones are close to the edge of collapse.

– Ximen Shan is not as powerful as Zhou Heng!

He screamed and his body suddenly reversed, and he rushed toward the passage.

It’s natural to escape!

Ximen Shan, where is the death, and then, only live to have the hope of revenge.

“Hehehe, just want to run? It’s not that easy!” Blackbird had long been eyeing his red panties, how can he let him run. Immediately hoofed and slammed the rune.

Ximen Shan suddenly made a move. For a moment, he realized that this was not done, and he still maintained his forward posture. However, it is impossible to move forward.

Zhou Heng slid out, Black Sword raised, swung, squatted, a blood light picked up, and Ximen Shan’s head flew up. However, his consciousness was banned by rune, and he did not respond to his death. His face was like a smile but not a smile.

Another piece of grievance comes to an end!

Zhou Heng Collapsed Black Sword, but there is no joy in my heart. He and the Ximen brother had no resentment, but Ximen Dong was going to step on him, let Ximen Shan sneak out, and even kill him in the duel, but he turned his name back!

This kind of hatred is meaningless!

“Xunzi, gone!” Zhou Heng just retracted his thoughts with a sigh of relief, and he had to rush back to inform Heavenly King Gu. In contrast, this news is much more important.

The blackbird has already wiped out Ximen Shan’s search, including the spacecraft on the other side and the red panties that make it jealous. It was put on the buttocks without hesitation, and wearing a flower skirt outside, a smell of smell was unstoppable.

For the treasure, the blackbird is never wasted.

“Walk away!” Satisfied with authenticity.

They enter the passage. Drive to the exit. After a long time, they saw the Monster Beast, who was in front of them, and was fighting a battle with the guards of the Great River Learning Institute.

The Great River Learning Institute guards the exit of this passage. A powerful defense is built, one inside the channel and one outside the channel. That’s two completely different concepts – it’s not bad to be able to play 10% in the channel.

Skyriver King’s Monster Beast is powerful. There are also such masters in the school, and even the Skyriver Sovereign and even the Skyriver Emperor powerhouse. It took a long time to listen to the Skyriver King’s Monster Beast and start to retreat.

Because the channel is wide enough, the Monster Beast can’t occupy much space. Zhou Heng hides far away, and after the defeat of Monster Beast, it becomes a stray dog, and he has no choice but to go.

Zhou Heng and Black and Little Fire continue to move forward toward the exit.


He had just walked to the exit, and there was a sword light flying in, and the murderous aura could make the cold hair stand upside down.

Zhou Heng kicked out, loudly said: “I am a student, not a Monster Beast!”


He punched the sword qi that was hit, and his eyes were closed. At this time, it was not the time of the prestige. He quickly took out the identity token and lit it with his own breath. Otherwise, once the Skyriver Boundary’s powerhouse was shot, it would be bad luck.

“It’s a student!” A loud voice sounded, and a slender old man jumped out to block the attack that the previous attacker 2nd Round had just launched.

Old man After Zhou Heng walked out of the passage, the color was unpleasant: “Why don’t you follow the six-month deadline and delay until this time?”

“Student’s confidential information!” Zhou Heng saluted the old man cup one fist in the other hand, and then glanced at the sneak attacker, and felt a little unhappy, because the first time I couldn’t figure out the situation, I could Secondly, he has already indicated his identity, and he has also lit up the identity token. The other party has to insist on attacking. What does this mean?

The man is a young person who looks like a twenties. His face is quite arrogant and his strength should be that he has just stepped into the Star Emperor. Seeing Zhou Heng’s dissatisfied gaze, he showed a sneer, as if he did not put Zhou Heng in his heart.

“Secret information?” Old man looked at Zhou Heng and seemed to wonder if Zhou Heng was in danger, but after considering the matter, he looked forward towards Zhou Heng nodded and signaled Zhou Heng to go with him.

Zhou Heng followed the old man to the side, which told him about the encounter with Heavenly King Gu. He didn’t make much changes, but the things about Blood Spirit Fruit and Instant Transportation Talisman are naturally not going to happen. The mention is that he lost his way and strayed into Heavenly King Gu’s nest.

The point is that Heavenly King Gu can be restored to Comet Boundary’s cultivation base in less than a month. If it is killed again, who can match it?

What if the old pervert is to do any research and transform the living people of Crossing Yang Star into half-human and half-beast? . )

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