“ga ga 嘎, you know all the secrets, can you feel at ease?” Heavenly King Gu strode forward, the tall and burly body formed a terrifying pressure, because his strength has been upgraded to the Skyriver Boundary Peak. Naturally, there is a powerful pressure on the low-order Warrior. .

“Well?” He suddenly stopped at his feet and showed a touch of astonished on his face. “How did you stop at the Skyriver Boundary Peak? You… didn’t open the stone chamber completely in accordance with the old man’s steps!”

His gaze looked toward the smashed stone gate and immediately understood what had happened. He had just not noticed it before.

“Hahaha, Great-Uncle Donkey, how can you be deceived by your old pervert!” Blackbird laughed and completely forgot who was the original idea.

“I thought this would stop the old man?” Heavenly King Gu sneered. “At most, let the old man spend more than a month to recover! Hey, old man, I don’t know how many years, I’m already fading out of the mouth. A donkey and a dog, just to give the old man a tooth festival! Unfortunately, the rest is a little white face, or else let the old man 艹stopped!”

This old metamorphosis is too straightforward! However, considering that he was able to bring all the beauty of a city together, in contrast, it is simply a small meaning to say a few words now.

“Go to hell!” Heavenly King Gu took a shot and slammed it toward Zhou Heng. The pressure of the high-end Skyriver Emperor was overwhelming, and Star Emperor didn’t even qualify for resistance!

“Xunzi is now!” Zhou Heng yelled.

“Understand!” Blackbird is already ready, with a double hoof in a circle. A green rune is already open, wrap it in with Zhou Heng and Little Fire.


Heavenly King Gu took a shot, but it was an empty shot, Zhou Heng they have disappeared from the place.

“Instant Transportation Talisman?” This old metamorphosis touched the chin, didn’t care about his own hang, and muttered, “When the old man returns to Comet Boundary, he will go out and kill! I haven’t played a woman for so many years without killing. I always feel that something is missing in my life!”


Bang! Bang! Bang!

Zhou Heng, Black Skull, and Little Fire fell out of Void and slammed into the mud. It stirred up the dust that was moving all over the sky.

“Rely. You can’t tap the dead scorpion, every time it hits so badly!” Zhou Heng climbed out of the mud pit, and it hurts not to hurt his physique, but the key is too embarrassing.

“Next improvement!” Black 驴 nodded. “…let you fall more important!”

Zhou Heng is looking around. After observing for a while. Road: “We seem to be very close to the exit!”

“Then we are going to sneak out immediately, or do we dig up the Blood Spirit Fruit?” Although the black cockroaches are very jealous of the old pervert, they can’t bear to give up the Blood Spirit Fruit. It looks very tangled.

“The old pervert said that he would take a month to return to Comet Boundary. We still have some time to go back to the letter and send the master of the Great River Learning Institute to suppress him! Otherwise, if the old pervert has reached Comet Boundary, no one is him. Opponent!” Zhou Heng said.

It’s not the Monster Beast without Comet Boundary, but they don’t mean going out, because the Spiritual Qi here is of higher quality, just like the Warrior on the 10 Origin Star is necessary to come over and take the Crossing Yang Star for them to practice. Use it?

But Heavenly King Gu is different. He is a pervert. The metamorphosis is naturally different from normal people.

Zhou Heng took out the Cloudnet Boat and they quickly headed for the exit.

Along the way, Monster Beast is rampant.

The previous six months were the least time for the Monster Beast activity here, as if some animals needed to hibernate. After this period, a large number of Monster Beast ran out, and it was the place where it should be a safe area. It also met the Monster Beast of Skyriver King Rank.

In this case, it is impossible for Zhou Heng to go back and find the Blood Spirit Fruit. It was turned over by Skyster Boundary’s Monster Beast.

Taking advantage of the high speed of Cloudnet Boat, they flew all the way. After three days, they came to the exit. There are hundreds of Monster Beast 徘徊, one of them is Skyriver King, the others are in Star Boundary, it seems to be rushing out.

Zhou Heng stopped at a far distance and collected Cloudnet Boat. The twisting power in the passage was too strong. Cloudnet Boat’s high speed didn’t work. It only made them fall into these Monster Beasts. Surrounded.

Just the Skysterer King’s Monster Beast can kill them with no difficulty!

“We wait, these Monster Beast probably want to rush out, we are behind!”

It wasn’t long before these Monster Beasts entered the passage and headed out to the outside world. According to Zhou Heng’s speculation, these Monster Beasts should be losers, occupied the original site, and they would have to think outside to go outside. World.

Zhou Heng waited for a while before letting Black and Little Fire catch up. After all, the Skysterer King’s Monster Beast was too terrifying. If it was found in the distorted space, it could only rely on the black Instant Energy Talisman. Escaped.

“Wait for a long time!” Zhou Heng. They didn’t go far, they heard a cold voice sounding.

This voice is very familiar!

Zhou Heng stopped and saw a daoist silhouette flying out of the mud. After falling in the air, it fell to the ground, but it was a handsome young man, not someone else, it was Ximen Shan!

This guy is actually guarding here?

Zhou Heng could not help but lightly smiled, saying: “You are very patient!”

“Since the middle of the fifth month, I have been guarding here!” Ximen Shan held his hand, his face was terrifying, but he did not immediately shoot. He and Zhou Heng had a brother-in-law, directly Shooting Zhou Heng can’t make him hate.

Anyway, Zhou Heng is definitely not his opponent. He wants to destroy Zhou Heng’s will and kill him.

“I was thinking, even if you are appearing with others, but as long as that person, or those who are not strong, I will kill you all, and then throw them into the depths of the ancient battlefield to feed Monster Beast, so that No one knows what I did!”

Ximen Shan took two steps and smiled at Zhou Heng. “Since you are alone, it saves me some trouble! You should know that I have to ambush you, so I will delay for a full month. Appeared, the goal is to avoid me!”

“Unfortunately, I am more patient than you!”

“I know you have Cloudnet Boat, but unfortunately you can’t use it in this channel, so you are destined to escape my hand!”

“Zhou Heng, today is your last! When you kill my younger brother, you are destined to die!”

When it comes to the last sentence, Ximen Shan is already looking at the face, and can’t wait to drink Zhou Heng’s blood and lick Zhou Heng’s flesh.

Zhou Heng shook his head. This guy really felt good about himself. He thought that he was coming out so late because he was hiding from him. He raised his eyebrows and said: “You think too much! I only know that you have gone to the Great River Learning Institute in order to avoid me. I haven’t even dared to show up for so many days!”

“Nonsense, I will be afraid of you?” Ximen Shan screamed, but after a sigh, he couldn’t help but sneered. “You want to irritate me, let me get out of control and let you take the opportunity to escape? Too naive!”

“Zhou Heng, let you see my progress these days!”

“Stumble under my power!”

With a bang, Ximen Shan released the Star with the body, and the number of Stars of more than 4,000 was not much more than before, but there was an inexplicable and powerful force flowing.

Star power!

This guy finally mastered the power of Star!

With the foundation of his more than 4,000 Stars, he was indeed qualified to form Star Power, but because he stayed at the Great Origin Learning Institute, he was not qualified to practice this mystery until after coming to the Great River Learning Institute. Only then opened up to him.

Have you mastered the power of Star, this combat power is completely different!

“Hahahaha, I saw it? This is the power I have now!” Ximen Shan laughed, his face was both hateful and unspeakable.

– He entered the Great River Learning Institute and added up to nine months. At this point, he can master the power of Star. He does have something to be proud of. Innate talent is quite out of the ordinary.

“Zhou boy, face directly, don’t give this Eminence face!” Blackbird is very uncomfortable.

The sooner Heavenly King Gu is informed, the sooner it is notified. Every second, this old metamorphosis is close to Comet Boundary! Zhou Heng nodded, in the mind of a move, more than a thousand also worked out, with a big star as the center, the stars guard.

Star spins, forming a wonderful power, it is the power of Star!


Ximen Shan suddenly became surprised and the eyes were smashed out. How could the star and the power of Star be possible!

It took him nine months to finally master the power of Star, but this speed can already be considered a genius level! Zhou Heng, this kid must start later than himself, but also master the power of Star!

Wait, how many stars?

More than a thousand!

How can it be!

The foundation of Star’s power is 3,000 Stars, which is recognized by the world! 3,000 Stars is qualified to attack Skyriver King, and if it is too late to breakthrough, God will compensate with Star Power, making high-end Star Emperor proud of its peers!

More than a thousand Stars… Is this guy a freak?

Ximen Shan is in the air.

Zhou Heng is very strong, he has long known, otherwise Zhou Heng can not kill his younger brother, let him rush to admit defeat is too late to rescue! But he absolutely did not think that, after such a short time, Zhou Heng actually entered the Star Emperor, and it is clear that only a thousand Stars form the power of Star!

why? God, can’t you open your eyes?

The improvement of cultivation base is not only the accumulation of spiritual power, but also the breakdown of understanding. The method of Star is the most difficult! Like he reached four thousand Stars, it was basically top, one could not break through Skyriver Boundary, and the other was the lack of advanced Star Secret, he could only stay at 4,000 Stars.

Can Zhou Heng actually have more than a thousand Stars in less than a year, and it has formed the power of Star, how can he accept? . )

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