
Several blood dragons came in, and Zhou Hou was awakened from his meditation. He was also a few punches, smashing those blood dragons, extracting the broken rune from it, and breaking into the body of Blue Dragon Sovereigness.

For him, this broken rune has no meaning, and the merged Five Elements rune has reached the level of Bright Realm Heavenly Scripture.

All he needs now is Bright Realm Heavenly Scripture!

He never swears at his own woman. Since these broken runes can’t be saved and taken away, it’s naturally cheap Blue Dragon Sovereigness.

“Hey, brother-in-law, you can’t be so eccentric!” Red Dragon Sovereigness cried on the side. “The benefits can’t be given to the four sisters, and everyone else!”

Golden Dragon Sovereigness three people because of the complete acknowledgment allegiance of Zhou Heng, this time naturally do not ask for anything, although they are also envious of the heart, just look at Zhou Heng with a look of hope.

“Zhou Heng -” Blue Dragon Sovereigness looked at Zhou Heng with a sly look, and she was naturally reluctant to enjoy this big opportunity.

“Sister-in-law!” Red Dragon Sovereigness called with a squeaky voice. She was the only one after another who was completely unaffected by Zhou Heng. She immediately threw a wink. “Big big, people also give you warm blankets.” !”

“Rogue second sister!”

“Second sister!”

The other four Dragon Sovereign are shy and blushing, and this female hooligan is simply pulling down the quality of their entire Dragon Clan!

Zhou Heng laughed heartily, in fact, he does not care, since Blue Dragon Sovereigness will give up the benefits, he naturally will not object. After his double-handed bombardment, after breaking a blood dragon, the broken rune extracted from it was scored into the body of the five Dragon Sovereign.

Of course, this is indispensable to black scorpion. If there is no such good thing, Zhou Heng will definitely be cursed by it.

Zhou Heng took out a piece of Nine Origin Spirit Replenishing Pill to make up for the amount of spiritual power that began to be consumed. Of course, he was far from exhausting, but it was obviously not a time for the break, he had to do it. It is possible to keep the power in the Peak state.

He runs a Divine Idol to hold up the five Dragon Sovereign and the black scorpion so that they can fully comprehend the broken rune they just got, which is not branded on their bones, it can never be bad!

On the contrary, these runes are quite fragile and can only be kept for a short time. When the time comes, it naturally disappears and is still between Yu Tian.

So they can’t waste a little bit of time, they must seize every minute of time to comprehend.

Zhou Heng is hard to move forward!

This is a big battle, enough to kill tens of thousands of Bright Immortal, although Zhou Heng has reached the extreme of Immortal Realm, he must run the Five Elements rune every time, his pressure is huge.

For the five Dragon Sovereign and Black Skulls, this is a very rare opportunity, so Zhou Heng tired, still as much as possible to kill the blood dragon, extract enough Five Elements rune to supply them.

Zhou Heng keeps licking Nine Origin Spirit Replenishing Pill, the top recovery medicine pill that allows Bright Immortal to break the head and is now being thrown into the mouth by Zhou Heng, if you let Absolute Immortal City The big gangs saw it, and they would definitely be defeated by Zhou Heng.

After two days and two nights, Zhou Heng has already reached the edge of the big battle. He only needs to move a dozen more steps to leave the killing.

Zhou Heng did not do this, but stopped here.

He wants to spend as much as possible here to extract enough broken rune!

From Bright Immortal to Star Boundary, this is a qualitative leap, and the difficulty is far too ridiculous. Now the more broken Rune is drawn for the five Dragon Sovereign and Black Skulls, the less difficult they are to break the Star King.

Moreover, if you really can’t hold it, just go a few steps forward and you can go out! Take a step back and say that you really have to be in danger. Is there not Hóng Yue in Xianju?

But if the great god can not be alarmed, don’t be alarmed. Zhou Heng always feels that as long as Hóng Yue is present, then Huotian can certainly be sensed within such a “short” distance, and the situation will be completely out of control!

He insisted that the five Dragon Sovereign and the black scorpion had a path of Mingxia, which is the result of their gods knowing, merging with the Tao and resonating with the law.

– They all got the benefits of Tianda!

This is not Heavenly Scripture. A considerable amount of broken rune combinations can form a relatively complete large rune, which erupts a more powerful formidable power. These are truly fragmented runes, completely irregular, but World Law is World Law, even the most fragmented is the best goods in the high-end atmosphere!

As long as they have a little rune in the attack, they can double their combat power!

Strength and law have always complemented each other!

It can be said that the law is immortality, that is, martial arts, just different levels of Warrior imitation of Yu Tian’s law, plausible, formidable power is naturally completely different.

Two days later, Zhou Heng finally withdrew from the big battle.

He can’t hold it, and Nine Origin Spirit Replenishing Pill is almost exhausted.

The five dragon Sovereign and the black scorpion are flashing the magnificent Mingxia, with a path of Supreme, and the black scorpion is with the body. The sound of hong long long is like a universe reopening. Like.


In the midst of strong fluctuations, a Dharma came out behind the black scorpion!

Sublimation Boundary !

After two years of precipitation, the scorpion jumped into the Sublimation King from Sunshine Emperor!

Hey, Dharma emerges one after another, this one is not as enchanting as Zhou Heng, and can form the limit of 21 Round. But it’s really amazing to eat Heaven and Earth Fruit, so that it has four Dharma for a breakthrough!

This is not over, because this time I got quite a lot of World Law, which fully inspired the efficacy of Heaven and Earth Fruit. After the black scorpion got four Dharma, it just paused and started to form the fifth Dharma!

Sixth, seventh, and eighth!

Breakthrough !

Sublimation Sovereign !

In the end, this cult cultivation base was stabilized on 4 Dharma Sublimation Sovereign, and the temperament of such a singularity is even worse than the genius of Bing Xinzhu!

“Hahaha, this Eminence has finally entered Sublimation Boundary! It will not be long before this Eminence will become Creation King, Creation Emperor, and what genius is slag in front of Great-Uncle Donkey!” Around the Zhou Heng six people turned up, ran a step and twisted its ass, very popular.

“I want to be awkward!” said Black Dragon Sovereigness, his eyes staring at the black scorpion.

Their five females are 5 Dharma and 6 Dharma Bright Immortal. These broken runes alone are not enough for them to quickly improve the cultivation base. However, this understanding has been engraved into the bone marrow and will benefit a lot.

“I want to know that False Dragon Emperor knows that this killing has not annihilated us, but it has made us a great advantage, and what a wonderful expression on the face!” said Red Dragon Sovereigness.

“No way, Great-Uncle Donkey is lucky, whoever follows this Eminence will have meat!”

“You are shameless!”

Everyone shouted, but the thickness of this scorpion has reached the level of impervious to sword or spear, which is ridiculous, it is the right to Zhou Heng, they are embarrassed.

“Go, let’s go back and find the Dragon Emperor and fight again!” Zhou Heng said after returning to the state.

“It’s False Dragon Emperor!” The five Dragon Sovereign are also correcting Righteous Path.

Zhou Heng turned his eyes, how are these five women always entangled in this problem?

“set off!”

With a big hand, he rolled up the five Dragon Sovereign and the black scorpion and rushed back to Absolute Immortal City.

This time, the goal was clear, he didn’t need to waste time on the road, he walked fast, and he returned to Absolute Immortal City just half a day later.

At this point, Dragon Emperor is attacking the city.

He really had a hole card. At this time, he had a huge bag. The whole body was scarlet red, and the hurricane was sprayed outwards, causing a shock to the prohibition of Absolute Immortal City.

This wind is very stinking, even if it is separated from the distant Zhou Heng, they can smell strange, and Absolute Immortal City even if the protection is under the prohibition, the city wall actually appeared a path of peeling, although away It’s still a long way off, but it will definitely be eroded over time!

In fact, if Dragon Emperor only asks Absolute Immortal City to hand over the Grand Singularity Cult Lord, I believe that other Bright Immortal will be happy to hand over the Grand Singularity Cult Lord in exchange for the departure of Dragon Emperor. No, Dragon Emperor only knows that the people of Heavenly Scripture came to Immortal Realm, but who knows who?

– Grand Singularity Cult Lord is not so stupid, even the appearance does not change?

Therefore, Dragon Emperor can only slowly find the entire 49 Immortal Cities. The method is quite simple, that is, the person hides the identity of incarnation. It doesn’t matter if it is mortal, that is killing!

All killed, still afraid that the person does not show his feet?

Besides, it is not a full wireless cable, such as who suddenly appeared two thousand years ago. It’s just that Dragon Emperor doesn’t dare to leak the news of Heavenly Scripture, otherwise it will definitely attract the attention of Bright Realm!

Heavenly Scripture, that’s Supreme’s cultivation technique, which allows Warrior to really touch the rules, and always realize the mystery of the world, precious!

If it is to bring out the real power, then Dragon Emperor can only play soy sauce!

After all, Immortal Realm cuts out only the power, but there is no limit to the law. Some of the great powers have already touched the law. Even if they don’t reach the height of Heavenly Scripture, they can increase the power by several times or even dozens of times. !

Also suppressed under the 99 Divine Idol, the combat power is completely different!

As a result, Dragon Emperor prefers to use the most inefficient practices and is not willing to take the risk.

This does have little effect, but as long as there is enough time, Dragon Emperor can finally break through Absolute Immortal City!

It’s just that he absolutely did not expect that the Blood Dragon Drifting Slaughter Formation, which he had put all his troops on, was not able to kill Zhou Heng! No way, his evaluation of Zhou Heng’s strength is based on Creation King, but Zhou Heng is now 7 Dharma Bright Immortal. How many times is this strength improved?

Lost in a thousand miles, a thousand miles!

What’s more, what is lost now is not a small one. It is a thousand miles away. The development of the situation is naturally beyond the control of Dragon Emperor.

“Dragon Emperor, dare to fight!” Zhou Heng made a big challenge and launched a challenge. (To be continued.)

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