(I wish you all happy May Day, ask for a monthly pass, kiss ~~~)

Under the seal of the big array, it was full of suffocation and eerie. .

A series of blood dragons roam in the big array, each of which exudes the yin and murderous aura of the Hittites, completely without the atmosphere and dignity of Dragon Clan, but rather like a poisonous snake hiding in the shadows, at any time May open your mouth and bite a bite.


These blood dragons appeared looking towards Zhou Heng. Six people attacked the past. Both lantern-sized eyes were full of bloodthirsty rays of light, showing an incomparable evil atmosphere.

Zhou Heng slammed out, and the golden divine glow overflowed, and the blood dragon that first invaded was shattered. However, this large array is constantly forming a new blood dragon, and it is completely painless to be shattered by several blood dragons.

The five Dragon Sovereign are not idle, but this big array is used by the Dragon Emperor for the suppression and kill Zhou Heng, but also the low-end Bright Immortal can compete? Each and everyone is in a hurry and has to join hands with five people.

They have a combination of techniques, and the combination of the five is not as simple as adding up. This increase in combat power is exactly ton tons, enough to reach 9 Dharma Bright Immortal!

It’s just that 9 Dharma Bright Immortal is absolutely perfect in Immortal Realm, but when it comes to Bright Realm, it’s just a small idea, there is no lack of 20 Dharma, 30 Dharma, or even 50 Dharma’s Bright Immortal!

But after 50 Dharma, such outstanding arrogance is pitiful, of course, they just jump into Star Boundary is the high-end Star King! The difficulty of forming Divine Idol is naturally far less than the formation of Star, and you can quickly jump over the Star King stage and enter Star Sovereign!

This is what Dragon Emperor used to deal with Zhou Heng’s big battle, even if the five Dragon Sovereign teamed up to explode 9 Dharma Bright Immortal’s combat power? They are only at risk for 10 breaths, and they appear battered and exhausted.

Zhou Heng Zhang Kai’s rune defense, shrouded the five Dragon Sovereign and the black scorpion under his protection. For his current spiritual level, it is only a single Heavenly Scripture rune. This spiritual consumption is almost negligible. Excluding.

He defended with the rune of the soil, and then started with the Five Elements rune, all the way forward to rush out of the big array.

Dragon Emperor This time is a full blood!

This large array has strangled the 10 million level of Immortal, and there is no shortage of high-order Immortal. This series of powerhouses is a part of the death of Zhou Heng, but their life cultivation base is put together, only in a short time. The words that broke out inside were enough to make Star King frown.

What’s more, this is Immortal Realm, with the Heaven and Earth Rule of Immortal Realm, that is, Star King can only play the power of 99 Divine Idol, in the face of this Blood Dragon Drifting Slaughter Formation have to be shunned!

Zhou Heng is under great pressure. The fighting power of these blood dragons is constantly improving. From the beginning, 20 Dharma has soared to the current 40 Dharma, and the momentum of this improvement has not stopped.

This shows that the big array of formidable power has not yet reached its limit!

“This big battle is not complicated, just rush out!” said Blue Dragon Sovereigness. “However, this is equivalent to the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses formed by countless high-end Bright Immortal. We can only do it hard. Hit the past!”

This magnificent army with thousands of men and horses is the endless blood dragon. After strangling 10 million Immortal, it is made up of large arrays. All the way forward needs to fight with them all the way, not to be half-small!

It is completely meaningless to entangle with the big squad. Only one way to go forward, to kill and die!

– It’s unrealistic to wait for a big array of formidable power to disperse, because the pressure on the trap and the attack is the same, but it takes a lot of time to completely dissipate, but it takes at least In a few days.

If you can hold on for so long, you can break it out!

“Hahaha, Zhou Heng, you are slowly being annihilated by the big bang, this Emperor has no time to watch the drama, now go to Absolute Immortal City!” The voice of Dragon Emperor came, nothing, and it was completely unrecognizable.

“Unfortunately, a Great Accomplishment of Heavenly Scripture!” His voice faded and could not be heard.

“What to do, he went to Absolute Immortal City!” Blue Dragon Sovereigness said to Zhou Heng.

“Nothing!” Zhou Heng waved his hand. “Absolute Immortal City has Bright Realm’s powerful array of protections, but it’s not easy to break!” He tried the formidable power of the array before, enough to withstand the Five Elements rune. damage!

Even if Dragon Emperor is Star King, it will take at least a few days to break the battle!

He must be faster than the Dragon Emperor!

Zhou Heng striding forward, double-handedly bombarded, and shocked a bloody dragon into blood. However, the number of blood dragons is really too much. He is like a mortal who is pushing a fully loaded truck and moving very slowly.

In the face of this situation, the five Dragon Sovereign did not even have the qualification to intervene, can only look at one side, not to drag Zhou Heng’s hind legs already good.

The blood dragon turned into countless blood drops, and then it was crushed into nothingness. Zhou Heng didn’t notice it at first, but after a long time, he suddenly discovered that the blood was not all smashed into nothingness, but there was still a trace of silk. It’s down.

Zhou Heng violent eyes shined, these remaining things are actually broken rune!

It is a layer with Sanguine River Heavenly Scripture and Cyanwood Heavenly Scripture, but it is more broken. Just like three hundred sixty blocks in Heavenly Scripture, you can form a slightly smaller rune, a total of 36,000 broken rune. A big rune can be formed, representing a Profound Truth of Heavenly Scripture.

But these broken runes, even if it is 36,000, may not form a small rune, let alone a big rune!

Don’t forget, how rare Heavenly Scripture is!

Is this the essence of the big battle?


Zhou Heng immediately shook his head. What is the Blood Dragon Drifting Slaughter Formation? It must be a Bright Realm level. If you need to use rune, it must be superior to Immortal Realm. How can it be similar to Sanguine River Heavenly Scripture?

Moreover, this rune is too broken, formidable power is naturally weaker, how can it not match this big array!

Just between Zhou Heng’s thoughts, these runes quickly disappeared and returned to Yu Tian.

Zhou Heng made a few more punches. The seven blood dragons were suddenly broken by him without any suspense. The blood was directly turned into nothingness. Only a few broken runes were floating. This time, he extended the right hand moves and collected the broken rune into his hands.

He smashed Blue Dragon Sovereigness and the other hand slammed toward the other’s forehead.

Blue Dragon Sovereigness didn’t know what was going on. He thought that Zhou Heng wanted to be intimate with himself in front of the four sisters, and he was so scared that he struggled and stunned Zhou Heng.

But where she had the strength of Zhou Heng, and after he was tightly held, she could only close her eyes with conviction. As long as she didn’t see it, nothing happened.

“Fat girl, thinking about it!” Zhou Heng said with a smile, a palm press on her white jade-like forehead, and the broken rune suddenly poured into her within the body.

Blue Dragon Sovereigness suddenly lovable body trembled, then opened his eyes incredibly, cry out in surprise : “World Law !”


The other four Dragon Sovereign exclaimed at the same time.

World Law is an area that Bright Realm powerhouse can reach. The Warrior of Immortal Realm and Mortal Realm wants to touch the secret of this world only through Heavenly Scripture! Is there only a few of One Realm’s Heavenly Scriptures?

Don’t look at them as the king of the family. In the flourishing period, the Immortal Realm can shake the three shakes, but the Heavenly Scripture is worse than the 108,000 li. Red Dragon Sovereigness is lucky. When you are suppressed, you get it. A Heavenly Scripture recognizing Master, but she just got rid of the Heavenly Scripture and was swallowed up. How can I have time to practice?

“Zhou Heng, can you capture World Law?” Red Dragon Sovereigness was surprised to see Zhou Heng. If this is true, then as long as Zhou Heng is willing, he can adjust countless powerhouses and really powerhouse!

Zhou Heng is silent, he is lost in thought.

The blood sacrifice can break any formation, which is nothing to say.


There is no such thing as a “technical” content, but why can the most complicated ban can be smashed? Even if it is formed by Heavenly Scripture rune, as long as there are enough mortal sacrifices can also be lifted!

The reason… Is it because of blood?

Does everyone have World Law?

It’s just because every World Law is too small and too weak to be brought together by blood sacrifice. When the number of rules is enough, then you can crush everything!

For example, Huotian, she is just Moonbright King, but even Bright Immortal can easily crush!

This is the law’s formidable power!

The more complete the rule, the bigger the formidable power!

Power is to look at strength, while the law is to see the full surname!

Yes, yes, this will explain!

The greater the scale of the blood sacrifice, the more the broken rune, and the more complete the law of formation!

Moreover, the stronger the people who are sacrificed by blood, the more broken runes they contain, so the same effect is achieved. If mortals need to sacrifice 10,000, Immortal only needs to sacrifice one, or even just cut it. Put some blood on your skin and you will do it.

Zhou Heng has always suspected that Warrior’s cultivation is to try to figure out World Law, and any technique is produced in accordance with World Law!

Warrior, unconsciously, is simulating the natural world, but with different levels and different depths.

Only after entering Bright Realm, with a very high cultivation base, this understanding will become transparent, no longer a fog.

This Blood Dragon Drifting Slaughter Formation is to gather the blood of countless people and extract the essence of it. Therefore, several relatively complete broken runes are formed, which are formed by the form of blood dragon!

Therefore, formidable power is powerful!

This is also why Zhou Heng has killed so many people who have not seen the broken rune in the blood, but it is only discovered for the first time.

– The blood before is too thin, it is impossible to be justified.

Zhou Heng thought of Huotian again. This Peerless Goddess has a complete rune on every bone!

Compared to the thousands of 10 million people can form a few broken rune, how strong is Huotian? How many billions of Immortal can be compared?

No wonder she can crush any existence under her thoughts!

Horror! (To be continued.)

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