Heavenly Scripture was born and it was a big deal. Zhou Heng immediately took the girls and the blacks. .

However, Zhou Yuhe was gone, and Zhou Heng didn’t have time to wait. He wrote a message stating where he went.

After the entire group was packaged into Xianju, Zhou Heng unfolded the Swift Clouds Flowing Light Step and flew away from the place where the telepathy was previously. However, although he has a direction in his heart, it is only a general direction. After three days, he may have deviated from the correct place.

After all, if the distance is too long, as long as the deviation is a little bit, the angle may be thousands of miles.

Fortunately, after Zhou Heng went out for two more days, there was a scene of flames.

From the sky, this land of flames should be a circular area, but the area of ​​the land is extremely large, and he can’t see the head at all.

Is there such an area on Absolute Immortal City continent?

Zhou Heng has been searching for the Myriad Ancient Great Emperor. He has only focused on Absolute Immortal City for a while, and has no time to pay attention to other places, so he is almost ignorant of places outside Absolute Immortal City.

Is this land of flames always there, or is it a dramatic change caused by the birth of Heavenly Scripture?

He tried to move forward, and the flame immediately angered, seemingly preventing him from advancing, but at this time, the Sanguine River Heavenly Scripture, which had been in the body without his movement, trembled, overflowing with a wonderful wave!

Oh, the flame immediately retreated, giving him a passage!

This must be the place where another Heavenly Scripture was born! !

Zhou Heng is sure that he did not recklessly rush in immediately, because the ownerless Heavenly Scripture…terrifying matchless!

Think about the ownerless Creation Boundary, you will know it in the Dragon Taming Palace, and you will be able to erase any presence under Creation Boundary! And Heavenly Scripture, this should be the treasure of Ultra Creation Emperor Rank?

This kind of treasure, there is a saying that it is the winner, if you want to force the charge, I am afraid you need a super devil like Huotian! Or, like Zhou Heng, although its strength is not too strong, you can have a Black Sword that can ** any treasure!

From this point of view, he is a fated person, because he got the Black Sword.

He summoned the ladies from the Xianju, and this wonderful scene naturally makes everyone look at the horizon.

“There is treasure! Wow!” The black cockroach immediately slammed into the fire in the four hooves, but the body had not rushed out and was shot by Huotian in the back of the head, and fell directly to the individual.

“elder sister, why do you want to hit someone?” Black 驴 驴 和 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H?

“People who don’t have Heavenly Scripture are mortal!” Huotian indifferently said, “If you want to go in now, I won’t stop you!”

Just kidding, she said that she must die, who would not believe?

Although the black scorpion became a surname, he did not take the risk of taking his own life, and quickly swayed the hoe. On the one side, Feng Lianqing also smiled and took back half of the leg. She was just a slower shot than the black cockroach.

“Only someone with a Heavenly Scripture can enter?” Zhou Heng strangely said.

“Heavenly Scripture itself is also eager to be strong, hoping to complete itself and upgrade the level!” Huotian said. “This is a battle between Heavenly Scriptures. You are not the main force of the battle. Just help!”

As she said, her detective shot on Zhou Heng’s lower abdomen, Sanguine River Heavenly Scripture immediately emerged, and two peach blossoms appeared in the Peerless Goddess’s eyes, and the momentum was overwhelming: “You help me Junior Brother, He will naturally let you devour this world Heavenly Scripture. If you dare to have dissent, I can let you disappear at any time, can you understand?”

“Ming, understand!” A child’s face emerged from the Sanguine River Heavenly Scripture, but at this time the face was full of fear and was scared.

The Saniine River Heavenly Scripture’s Artifact Spirit used to be 2,580,000, but it was scared in front of Huotian!

Well, you are also Heavenly Scripture!

Zhou Heng snorted and turned to look towards Huotian and said, “You don’t go in with me?”

“With me by your side, you can never really grow!” Huotian indifferently said, “However, you can rest assured that I will create a level playing field!”

She watched the land of flames, and suddenly a huge peach blossom was born under her feet, wrapping up to the land of flames. Only in an instant, this peach blossom expanded to the point where it could not see the head, and then covered the ground of the flame. under.

“In this place, the power of anyone will be suppressed in Sublimation Boundary, Dharma, Divine Idol are not accessible!” Huotian has a trace of exhaustion, her true cultivation base is only Moonbright King, to fully control the flame The land is naturally hard.

Zhou Heng and all the girls and the black scorpions are all in a state of ignorance.

There is always a way to surprise this Peerless Goddess!

Sanguine River Heavenly Scripture is a tremor. It knows the strength of Huotian. But how strong it is but it doesn’t know. After seeing Huotian show this hand, it finally understands how far it is from Huotian. Big!

The other party can make it collapse with a thought!

“The Big Witch, the Big Witch!” Fire God’s Furnace yelled in Dantian, and it was scared.

“Can the Creation Emperor or the Ultra Creation Emperor temporarily get rid of this realm suppression?” Zhou Heng asked, when the Dragon Bingary Powerhouse was in the Dragon Taming Palace, the Creation Boundary powerhouse could only break the ban if it was willing to pay the price.

And the existence of Blue Dragon Sovereigness directly blasts the ban!

“That is courting death!” Huotian said disdainfully, his eyebrows turned, and the look of contempt was also impressive! She explored the jade hand and pointed in four directions. “There are four people with Heavenly Scripture coming over, plus the Heavenly Scripture that was born here. Maybe you can collect this world Heavenly Scripture all at once. !”

“So smart?” Zhou Heng strangely said.

“Heavenly Scripture is the dismantling of the law. It is also eager to integrate and become more complete. This is a kind of potential! Everything in the world is organic. Maybe God wants to fuse this world Heavenly Scripture!” Huotian said, “And I Will ban this world, Heavenly Scripture, if not, no one can come out!”

**! ** Incomparable!

Before Sanguine River Old Ancestor, Dongguo Heng, Kong Qingyang, they fought for a Sanguine River Heavenly Scripture, even tens of thousands of years to layout, Huotian, free to make a means to have One Realm’s Heavenly Scriptures are all done!

And she is simply disdain for use, as a kind of exercise for Zhou Heng and a gift for him!

Is there such a way that there is a second person in the world to make it out?

All the girls are scalp numb, the more they understand the power of Huotian, the more awe-inspiring, and the black scorpion is very incomprehensible to Zhou Heng, is it not a long face, it is also very Great UnUn Donkey Handsome, why aren’t beautiful girls looking at it?

“There are only six Heavenly Scriptures in this world?” Zhou Heng asked, remembering that Huotian had said that One Realm’s Heavenly Scriptures had nine poles, but this is only the limit.

“Not six, only five!” Huotian slightly sensed, “There are two Heavenly Scriptures that don’t belong to this world!”

Zhou Heng is confused, is five plus two not equal to seven?

“There is still a person in the deepest part of this flameland. He also has Heavenly Scripture, but belongs to Mortal Realm, but his bloodline is a bit interesting, raising the level of Heavenly Scripture, and… he is being trapped by a ban, but Get out of trouble now! The flames of this place will break out, you can shorten his efforts for at least five years, and you will be able to get out of trouble for up to two years!” Huotian said out of thin air, if there is a story.

Zhou Heng They all know that Huotian is disdainful, she is the most proud person.

Zhou Heng in ones heart trembled, said: “Myriad Ancient Great Emperor !”

Huotian turned back and glanced at him. He said: “His bloodline really has something to do with you, and it is probably your ancestor!”

There is no doubt that it must be Myriad Ancient Great Emperor!

Zhou Heng knew that Myriad Ancient Great Emperor had a Heavenly Scripture, but this Heavenly Scripture was born by Mortal Realm, helping Myriad Ancient Great Emperor to climb Mortal Realm Peak, setting up Star Gate when it was impossible. Profound Qian Star.

After entering Immortal Realm, this Mortal Realm Heavenly Scripture is still strong, so that the Myriad Ancient Great Emperor not only the cultivation base, but also the horror of its own, let him enter the Absolute Immortal City at Creation Sovereign. , set off a storm!

In the end, Myriad Ancient Great Emperor was **, but he had Heavenly Scripture protection, so he was trapped in this flame…not right, this place of flame can only be entered by people with Heavenly Scripture, a few ten years Away Dugu Xuan may not have reached the Ultra Creation Emperor, and the Grand Singularity Cult’s Cult Lord, according to Zhou Heng’s just-introduced news, she was suddenly in the top two thousand years ago, before it seems that there is no such person!

According to Zhou Heng’s speculation, the original creation of the Myriad Ancient Great Emperor caused the existence of the Ultra Creation Emperor, and the Myriad Ancient Great Emperor was only the Creation Sovereign at the time, and it was impossible to match the Ultra Creation Emperor. He fled here.

Because Myriad Ancient Great Emperor has Heavenly Scripture, he can enter this land of flames, but the Ultra Creation Emperor is not, but they are not willing to let Myriad Ancient Great Emperor escape, people can not enter but banned by anti-day means, or Give Myriad Ancient Great Emperor to you.

At that time, the Heavenly Scripture should not have been formed yet, so it did not attract the attention of other Heavenly Scripture owners. Until now, Heavenly Scripture was finally born, and the resonance attracted the attention of other people with Heavenly Scripture.

In this case, then Zhou Heng has to go in.

“Zhou Heng!” The sound of the screams, Zhou Yuhe’s body rushed, and the face was full of surprises. “Great Emperor is here!”


Zhou Heng nodded, said: “I already know, I am going in!”

“Don’t act blindly without thinking!” Zhou Yuhe quickly stopped. “This flame has an inexplicable forformable power, so the old man’s defense can be burned through! Wait a while, old man believes that this prohibition will inevitably weaken !”

He only thought that this flame was laid by the people of Myriad Ancient Great Emperor.

Zhou Heng said with a smile : “Ancestor, this is the power of Heavenly Scripture, it can’t be weakened, and only people with Heavenly Scripture can enter, you are waiting here, I will definitely help Great Emperor get out of trouble!” to be continued.)

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