“What’s so hot, what did this Eminence miss?” The black scorpion ran back with four legs, and it was kicked far enough by Zhou Heng. .

“Roll!” Bing Xinzhu was on the air, seeing the black scorpion coming out and immediately venting it on its head, it was a kick, and the black cock suddenly flew to the sky, instantly turning into a small black spot. .

“This Eminence who provokes who – who provokes – who is -!” In the sky, screaming from the black screaming full of innocence and grief.

“elder sister, after you marry someone, your surname can be changed, and you will have to be acquainted in the future. 10 million can’t be so rude anymore!” Bing Xiulan teaches that it is rare that she has a good chance. Teach it.

Bing Xinzhu almost vomited blood, when is this guy who only lazy and sloppy to qualify himself? Isn’t this all because of this guy?

“Get ready for the bride price, come back for a month!” Grand Singularity Cult Lord slammed his sleeves and turned away. The ** ** swayed around and walked, full of maturity.

In the presence, only Zhou Heng and Bing Xinzhu sisters were left.

“That–” Zhou Heng slammed his hand. “Are we even unmarried couples?”

Bing Xinzhu is bitter in the heart, Bing Xiulan is noisy, how can the Master be anxious to marry her? She glanced at Zhou Heng with a sigh of relief and said, “A month later, you are not allowed to come!”

“Why, how can you choose a white-haired wife?” Zhou Heng glanced back.

“You–” Bing Xinzhu wants to kill, she is white?

“Okay, when the daughter of Zhou Family does not lose you!” Zhou Heng leaned over and said, “That, we are also a family, what is your dowry, I am not greedy, just lend your Heavenly Scripture can be seen!”

Still not greedy? One opening is Heavenly Scripture. Do you think it is a stone on the street, and you want to be able to bow your head?

“No!” Bing Xinzhu not even think.

“Hehehe, have you not had enough fun?” Zhou Heng smiled and his eyes Divine Idol was in danger.

Bing Xinzhu was shocked and took a few steps to make a warning: “What do you want?” She lost to Zhou Heng before. It was not too much strength, but was completely overwhelmed by Zhou Heng. A completely unprepared.

If she plays again, she may not be able to win, but she will not be so ugly.

“Make you play, do you think I am a very unreasonable person?” Zhou Heng said with a smile.

Are you not?

Bing Xinzhu said in her heart, but she didn’t want to irritate Zhou Heng. After all, the Master and Younger Sisters all stood on the side of the man. Her bottom is not enough.

“Ask you a question—” Zhou Heng thought for a moment, “Do you know the Myriad Ancient Evil Venerate that once screamed Absolute Immortal City?”

“How many thousand years ago?” Bing Xinzhu shook his head. “I’m under two thousand years old. How could I know a few ten thousand years ago!”

This woman is truly talented. She became 15 Dharma Sublimation King in less than two thousand years old. In contrast, Zhou Tong is almost a thousand years old, but the strength is only 12 Round Sunshine King, too much.

– The higher the realm, the more difficult it is to break through, especially the Sunshine Emperor to Sublimation King. I don’t know how much young supreme talent is trapped.

“No, Myriad Ancient Evil Venerate is so famous, should you ever hear about it?” Zhou Heng leaned over her side, nowhere.

Bing Xinzhu quickly took a few steps and frowned. “The name of Myriad Ancient Evil Venerate has certainly been heard, but he has already died!”

“Dead?” Zhou Heng paused. “How do you know that he is dead?”

“It’s all said!” Bing Xinzhu took a few more steps.

Zhou Heng is catching her up and overbearingly: “Go, stay with me, meet!”

“Hey, let go!” Bing Xinzhu screamed quickly, how the man grabbed his hand casually, thinking about his feet on his face. She can’t help but reflect, how suddenly she is so violent?

“What a shame!” Zhou Heng grabbed and took her out of the lotus garden.

The two walked in front, and Bing Xiulan followed, laughing like a fox.

Can she not care? This is what she planned, and now everything is as expected. It makes her very proud to admire herself. She is so beautiful, she finally married the elder sister, and no one will manage it later. she was.

The three men walked all the way, and the believers on the road saw Zhou Heng and Bing Xinzhu holding hands, and they did not pay attention to it.

Bing Xinzhu is so beautiful. There are no shortage of pursuers and admirers in the teaching. At this time, the famous flower has the Lord, and can you not sigh and repeat?

Zhou Heng is mainly anti-customer, pulling Bing Xinzhu in a round of Grand Singularity Cult, while pushing with his own blood, but never sensed the slightest difference.

Myriad Ancient Great Emperor is not here!

“A month later I came to hire, remember to take Heavenly Scripture as a dowry!” Zhou Heng finally let go of Bing Xinzhu’s hand and waved goodbye.

“Roll!” Bing Xinzhu is not elegantly shouted.

“elder sister, want a lady! Want a lady!” Bing Xiulan quickly advised, for fear that Zhou Heng would not be embarrassed, and her wishful thinking is not to be defeated.

“You give me a stop!” Bing Xinzhu grabbed her wrist, this is the culprit, how can she let go!

“elder sister, what do you do with me, don’t want to be reluctant to me, you will be someone else in the future, you have to be a teacher, you don’t need to be sorrowful! Sister, let go! Let go – brother-in-law, Help!” Bing Xiulan explains what is extreme joy turns to sorrow.

Zhou Heng also respected Bing Xiulan. Seeing that she was caught by Bing Xinzhu, she was too happy to be happy.

“brother-in-law, you don’t talk about loyalty Ah-!” Bing Xiulan screams, watching Bing Xinzhu’s gloomy face, she knows that she has no good fruit to eat.

Zhou Heng left Grand Singularity Cult and returned to his place of residence. He found that the black scorpion had returned. When he saw him, he only gave him a back head and squeaked the tail. Obviously, he hated being kicked twice. mind.

He calmed the scorpion and made some benefits. This scorpion was willing to talk to him. It was an adult who ignored the villain.

“Grand Singularity Cult’s Cult Lord seems to be out of the ordinary!” Zhou Heng went to see Huotian.

“She was very hurt!” Huotian said a news that shocked Zhou Heng.

“What!” Zhou Heng, the woman was actually injured? I can’t see it! He asked with some caution: “If she is in a state of prosperity, can she resist you?”

Huotian just looked up and glanced at him, then went down again and didn’t answer.

Obviously, she did not bother to answer this question, too much!

From the time you step into the threshold, to the position of the Peak where Huotian is located, there seem to be countless steps! What exactly is this threshold? Is it the “law” that Grand Singularity Cult Cult Lord calls?

“What is the law?” Zhou Heng asked.

“Law?” Huotian glimpsed a little, she can use the supreme ability, but this is almost her instinct, as if the black bear is infinite, but why is it powerful? Born so!

The air around her shows a small whirlpool of each and everyone. When she thinks about getting into God, it will destroy the stability of the space. Reflecting her power from one side, she can scare the Creation Emperor!

After a while, she was nodded, saying: “The whole world is made up of rules, such as why the water is going down, why the flame is hot, why the trees grow!”

“The law constitutes this world, mastering the law, is to master the world!”

“The so-called Heavenly Scripture is the genius of the heavens and the earth, carrying the discovery mystery between heaven and earth, that is the law!”

“However, the rules documented by Heavenly Scripture are fragmented, and they need their own strength to push! If you fully master World Law, you will change your mind, change the world, and do your best!”

Zhou Heng is more and more surprised. Whether it is a mortal singer, or an achievement of Immortal, from Spirit-Gathering to Creation, this is the process of Warrior’s self-improvement. In this process, Warrior is constantly enhanced, so it has gained a long time. Life essence.

So, is the so-called “threshold” that is Finger Law?

Sanguine River Heavenly Scripture is actually tens of thousands of broken runes, and taking a few pieces of small rune can make a terrible lethality. Zhou Heng only knows that the small rune’s formidable power is very powerful, but why it is powerful, but he is completely unclear.

Now, listening to Huotian, this should be strength of Rule!

He clearly remembers that before the Grand Singularity Cult Lord hit, it was easily solved by Huotian’s peach blossom! You know that even if Ultra Creation Emperor takes a punch, it takes time, but Huotian doesn’t need it at all, as if she is on the side of Zhou Heng!

This is not power, but rules!

Heaven and earth stipulate that you can’t break, you can’t break it!

He constantly combines the broken rune of Sanguine River Heavenly Scripture, which is actually a step-by-step understanding of this World Law! Of course, all he touched was one hair from nine oxen. The rules of the whole world don’t know how complicated it is. Every Heavenly Scripture only records a little bit.

Why Fusion One Realm’s Heavenly Scriptures can be invincible, because you have mastered World Law more and more complete!

Zhou Heng suddenly realized why so many people want Heavenly Scripture.

This should be the quickest and most effective way to touch that threshold.

However, for Zhou Heng, it is too early to consider the law, because it is known to see him Sanguine River Heavenly Scripture, the number of his small rune can only be improved by the cultivation base.

What he has to do now is to upgrade his own strength, otherwise he will not have the qualification to talk about the law.

Seven days later, Absolute Immortal City suddenly had a big shock, but it only came to a few minutes. But Zhou Heng is a sudden feeling in my heart, it is an indescribable feeling, as if there is something in summon him.

“There is a Heavenly Scripture to be born!” Huotian said.

“What!” Zhou Heng was surprised. Huotian said that Heavenly Scripture can sense each other, but Heavenly Scripture will be taken over by World, and the sensor will be isolated, even if they are separated.

And now he has sensed that this Heavenly Scripture is an unclaimed thing?

No wonder Huotian wants to use the word “born.” (To be continued.)

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