The Lian Family who used to be Ying Mengfan’s three women were all removed, so the Lian Family here didn’t know that they had been stared by a comet. They also happily offered various conditions to Zhou Heng. This young Elixir Master.

– So young is 5-Star Elixir Master, the future is boundless!

Zhou Heng also “looked at the eyes” of Lian Family, and refused the recruitment of other families, but left a sigh of relief for Lian Family, giving them the illusion of hope.

Regardless of whether it is a success or failure, 5-Star Elixir Master’s flattering must be filmed. Zhou Heng’s house is full of gifts from major families. If there is still a spacecraft, it really hasn’t. Place it.

And because Zhou Heng’s status suddenly jumped, Heavenly Treasure Pavilion paid more attention to Zhou Heng, and soon sent a message that Zhou Heng wanted the Xianju already in stock.

This is what Zhou Heng has been looking for in order to replace Nine Profound Trials Pagoda. He was naturally happy after hearing the news, but the price also made him grin.

Actually up to eight hundred thousand top grade Xianshi!

“Young Master Zhou, this fairy has a lot of space. In fact, according to its true value, we took auctions with eight hundred thousand top grades!” said Elder of the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion.

This is a skinny old man, a high-end Sunshine Emperor named Liǔ Qibian. In fact, realm is much higher than Zhou Heng, but Zhou Heng and 5-Star Elixir Master are even more dazzling, even he has to politely call Young Master Zhou.

Elixir Master is one of the few people who do not decide status with the cultivation base realm.

Zhou Heng can’t help but smile, said: “eight hundred thousand top grade fairy stone, just kill me and can’t get it!”

He didn’t have made a fortune before, but the eight hundred thousand top grade stone, it is still a terrible wealth in the place of Northern 7th Horse City. Although it will not let most of the giants go bankrupt, it will definitely hurt thousands of people. Tens of thousands of years!

“haha, old man, dare to kill Young Master Zhou!” Liǔ Qibian laughed, then suddenly looked down and said, “In fact, this Xianju can also owe to Young Master Zhou, only need Young Master Zhou to refine us. A batch of medicine pill!”

Good intentions!

In general, 5-Star medicine pill can only refine 5th Grade medicine pill – otherwise it would not be 6-Star or 7-Star Elixir Master? Even the most popular items in 5th Grade medicine pill have a maximum of 30,000 or 40,000 yuan!

With the 5-Star Elixir Master’s rate of Dan, and then deducting the material fee, etc., how long does it take to pay off the top hundred thousand top grade?

Hundreds of years are at least!

As a result, Zhou Heng was tied to the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion here, and the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion was enough for a hundred years to find out the new treasure to entice Zhou Heng and continue to owe him to Xianshi until he was willing or Forced to be sold to the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion for life!

Zhou Heng lightly smiled, looking at Liǔ Qibian with a quirky expression, this trick can only be used on the ordinary 5-Star Elixir Master, but who is he, “Medicine Venerate” reincarnation, never consider the issue of Dandan rate .

“Kid, hello shameless, steal all the credit of this Eminence!” Fire God’s Furnace snorted in Dantian.

“You are my treasure, yours is not mine!” Zhou Heng responded with God.

Liǔ Qibian is higher than Zhou Heng realm and can sense Zhou Heng’s volatility, but he only thinks that Zhou Heng is thinking about gains and losses, and is not in the heart, but how strange is the other person’s smile?

It seems that the other is a hunter, and he is the prey to step into the trap!

Strange, why is this feeling?

“Old Sir Liǔ, what kind of medicine do I need to refine?” Zhou Heng is sure to get to Xianju, so I know that this is a trap and I have to step in. Anyway, this trap is not valid for him, so Heavenly Treasure Pavilion Blood is small.

“Fire Star Pill ten, True Wolf Pill twenty, Essence and Blood Pill ten…” Liu San changed a large list of medicine pill names. “Materials are provided by us, but each material is required to have at least 40% has a rate of Dan, otherwise Young Master Zhou will have to pay extra material fees!”

It’s really awkward!

The number of these medicine pills adds up to five hundred. If all is one, Zhou Heng has a long history of natural ripening and how the rate of Cheng Dan will increase. But the East is the same as the West. How can there be proficiency? It is just hard power!

A new 5-Star Elixir Master has the ability to refine what medicine pill can be refined.

Therefore, Zhou Heng has failed a lot, not to mention debts, but more and more owe!

There is a lot of debt, so what other options besides joining the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion?

However, the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion is at least just and honorable, allowing people to choose not to step in at the beginning.

“Yes!” Zhou Heng should take it down.

“Ha–” has now become Liǔ Qibian wrong. He has such a price tag, but there is a lot of room for negotiation. He is ready to kill half of it. It is absolutely impossible to think that Zhou Heng is so happy to promise. Come down.

But he is a businessman. After a “ha”, he immediately smiles and said: “Young Master Zhou is really a happy person, and the deal!” He was afraid of Zhou Heng’s remorse, and quickly said, “old man immediately sent people the materials. !”

When he finished, he slipped and did not give Zhou Heng a chance to rebel.

This old guy!

Zhou Heng smiled helplessly. When it comes to alchemy, who is he afraid of?

“Stinky brat, this Eminence has to work hard!” Fire God’s Furnace is lamenting.

“Different fire!” Zhou Heng just said one.

“Working hard, this Eminence eats you with your play, you can do something for you, but the kid, this Eminence warns you, don’t ask any more fire, who are the two brothers, and then This fire of this Eminence is anxious to you!” Fire God’s Furnace immediately smashed the table.

Zhou Heng’s mouth twitched, and it was difficult to determine which of Fire God’s Furnace and Blackbird was a little more awkward.

It didn’t take long for the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion to send a large amount of material, and naturally there was a special spacecraft – Xianju!

Zhou Heng used his knowledge to look into it and was shocked. The space inside was actually as big as a small town! No wonder to sell eight hundred thousand top grade Xianshi, Liǔ Qibian did not marry him, this is indeed worth!

He started alchemy, but in half a day he turned all the materials into medicine pill, and the number reached 1,900!

Liǔ Qibian is the material that is allocated to him according to 40%’s Chengdan rate, while Fire God’s Furnace’s success rate is over 100% – only the current alchemy level is too small, and the 100% rate is set. The requirements have been reduced a lot.

In other words, the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion not only did not get to him, but sent him nearly 1,500 5th Grade medicine pill!

These extra medicine pills don’t need to calculate the material cost, so the value is far more than the X hundred thousand times of 3 times! Zhou Heng is a rough calculation, this is at least five million top grades!

Heavenly Treasure Pavilion is a good person! He praised him in his heart.

– If Liǔ Qibian knows the truth of the facts, it is necessary to spray a lot of old blood!

Zhou Heng handed over five hundred medicine pills to Liǔ Qibian, and then the Elixir Master counted and identified it, and completed the transaction.

Liǔ Qibian’s face is full of dead flies, but the look of looking at towards Zhou Heng is even more full of fiery!

Half a day, the district has produced 500 pieces of 5th Grade medicine pill, this is too awesome! This is by no means what 5-Star Elixir Master can do, at least 6-Star… No, 6-Star Elixir Master is not possible, at least 7-Star or even 8-Star Elixir Master!

Such a genius, Heavenly Treasure Pavilion must be recruited!

Liǔ Qibian secretly said, decided to take care of Zhou Heng at all costs, this is a rising star, Guanghua, enough to sway the entire Immortal Realm!

Zhou Heng After leaving the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion and letting the girls and the black scorpions enter Xianju, he went to Three Swords Mountain to destroy this source of sin and look for Bone Melting Grass by the way.

But he hasn’t found anything unusual after three days of turning in Three Swords Mountain, and he hasn’t found Bone Melting Grass.

Zhou Heng is not discouraged. Lian Family will definitely hide those Profound Yin Physique. If it is easy to find, will it be secretly exposed for thousands of years?

In this case, then the snake is dispatched!

Ying Mengfan, Han Yiyao, and Han Yulian grabbed the squad, and the winner was responsible for acting as a bait, deliberately letting Lian Family grab it, thus exposing the nest. This cockroach was caught by Ying Mengfan.

“To act like a play, you will go to the Lian Family banquet in the evening, I believe they will definitely recognize your Profound Yin Physique, and then you will find a reason to travel alone tomorrow.” Zhou Heng thought about it. .

“Yeah!” Ying Mengfan nodded, flirtatized with water, rubbing Zhou Heng with a snake-like body, and the slenderness of the squid was deeply explored between Zhou Heng’s legs, “Sovereign can Can’t be poor!”

Zhou Heng glared at her lovable body, the real Profound Yin Physique was irresistible to him, and the two quickly merged into one, reaching the ultimate in a whisper.

Xianju is very large, and a mansion has already been built in it. There are still a lot of surpluses among the girls. Moreover, now that Huotian can control her own strength, she can finally live in Xianju.

It was night, Zhou Heng and Ying Mengfan went to Lian Family to be a guest, while the girls and the black scorpions were staying in Xianju.

An 5-Star Elixir Master came to the fore, which naturally caused the Lian Family to go up and down, and wanted to use Zhou Heng as an Ancestor.

This stopped dinner was naturally going smoothly, and it was not until late at night. Lian Family invited Zhou Heng to stay overnight, and Zhou Heng was finally approved, but said that she would accompany Ying Mengfan to go shopping the next day.

But he was drinking high, and he couldn’t get up the next day. Ying Mengfan was angry, and one person ran out of the door.


“Old Ancestor, that’s a Profound Yin Physique, and the innate talent is so great that I can sense that World’s Spiritual Qi is always centered on her, constantly rushing to her with the body, and she is making progress every moment. Minute!”

“It’s time for this woman to achieve Sublimation Emperor or even Creation King!”

“This cauldron is hard to find for millions of years!”

“The 5-Star Elixir Master is rare, but our Lian Family’s demand for medicine pill is not as strong as other families. Compared to the Profound Yin Physique, the 5-Star Elixir Master is not worth mentioning!”

“So in order to last forever -“

“Keep Zhou Heng, grab the Profound Yin Physique!”

“No, Profound Yin Physique wants to grab, but 5-Star Elixir Master has to recruit! Lian Kang, you can do things a little clean, don’t leave a little clue! Zhou Heng lost a wife, we just can use The beauty of the family went to him, and the wind on the pillow was blowing, not afraid that he would not be willing to rely on it!”

“Old Ancestor is high!” (To be continued.)

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