After asking the answer that he wanted to know, Zhou Heng took the sword and cut the head of the 7 Round Sunshine Sovereign. .

Others don’t need him to do it. The father of the Profound Yin Physique girl is already commanding his own men. This is a statement, and Zhou Heng is in the same boat and wind.

Otherwise, if Zhou Heng wants to keep the secret, what should I do? Now everyone is on a boat, and he naturally will not leak this secret.

In fact, he is more concerned, Zhou Heng never cares whether he is known by others – he will not do it.

Thanks to Zhou Heng, and after giving Zhou Heng a lot of Xianshi, the girl’s father took the person away, and there are many people here, no one wants to stay.

Back to the carriage, Zhou Heng their carriage also swayed.

“Lian Family is really awful!” Ying Mengfan hated and said that before the presence of outsiders, in order to reflect the pressure of the owner of the Zhou Heng family, she did not interject, and now she could not help.

“It’s too odious, how can there be such a despicable person under the sun!” Han Yiyao also took a heavy shot of the table.

Not only the two of them, but the other women are also filled with indignation, actually taking a woman as cauldron to practice! How can there be such a disgusting family, keeping the woman as a pig, and slaughtering after “mature”!

Empty draped in human skin!

“Can’t let them go!” Everyone reached a consensus.

Zhou Heng nodded, said: “Withering Sheep City is not far from Bronzeheart Valley, we just have a visit!”

“Do you want to ask the people of Zhou Family?” Moonshadow Saintess is worried. After all, Withering Sheep City belongs to Northern 7th Horse City and Sunshine Emperor is in town! Although Zhou Heng has killed two Sunshine Emperors before, it has a lot of luck and it can’t be effective.

Besides, the roots of the Lian Family are not limited to this. In case there is a Sublimation King secretly sitting in the town?

“Don’t bother Zhou Family!” Zhou Heng waved his hand. Zhou Family is now being chased by Absolute Immortal City. It is not convenient to show up. In fact, he himself has this danger, but no one can confirm that he is The descendants of Myriad Ancient Great Emperor.

After all, the power of the Dragon Taming Palace line was basically cleaned by Blue Dragon Sovereigness, and everyone who knew that Zhou Heng and Zhou Tong had a relationship was dead. To take a step back, now Absolute Immortal City is more concerned about how those people die?

But be careful is still necessary. Anyway, Zhou Heng’s appearance has changed greatly, and the breath has changed quite a bit because of the improvement of realm. It is difficult to compare him with the previous Zhou Heng.

“Do we have a Fatty Lan here?” Zhou Heng said with a smile.

This is an Ultra Creation Emperor!

“Who is fatty?” Blue Dragon Sovereigness was not happy at all. In fact, she was also very surprised why her body was so full, especially the chest was too big and too close to “memory”, but she was not disgusted. what!

This dead kid actually dares to lick himself fat, too damn!

“I can’t hold a hand, I don’t know how to be fat!” Bing Xiulan’s two hands held a breast of Blue Dragon Sovereigness, and they pranked mischievously, not innocently.

She is the same as her elder sister. Although her figure is perfect, her chest is just a good grip. It is a small type. It is smaller than Blue Dragon Sovereigness. It is no wonder that she will be jealous.

“Don’t–” Blue Dragon Sovereigness twisted his body, his cheeks were stained with 1st Layer, and the apricots were like water. The two huge jade balls were constantly squeezing and squeezing.

Looking at the two peerless beauty is so noisy, Zhou Heng has a feeling of nosebleeds, these goblins, let not let people live?

Another half a month later, they came to the Teleportation Formation in Northern 8th Goat City, the last Teleportation Formation they needed to cross, and the front was Northern 7th Horse City, their destination.

Hey, after a brilliance, they came to a new continent.

This is the Northern 7th Horse City, because it is arranged for the Sunshine Emperor, the intensity of the Spiritual Qi here is simply amazing, but the gravity has also risen to a new level, even Zhou Heng is difficult to fly.

However, gravity is large, but there is no such thing as a crusher, but the speed of people is very slow, and it is difficult to fly that’s all.

Only three unaffected are Huotian, Blue Dragon Sovereigness and Bing Xiulan.

Huotian Needless to say, even if the Ultra Creation Emperor’s ban can’t be applied to her, the Blue Dragon Sovereigness itself is the Ultra Creation Boundary. This level of gravity is completely trivial. As for Bing Xiulan, because she has a high-order fairy, I played a role in the trip to the Dragon Taming Palace.

It’s strange that her strength is so low that it can ignite the power of the treasure?

Zhou Heng thinks that what happened to this girl is a bit weird. If it has not reached the 20 Round month before, it can’t provoke the world’s reaction. Now it can run the high-end fairy, and it’s no wonder that Huotian can get a “somewhat” evaluation.

It’s just Huotian amnesia, Blue Dragon Sovereigness, and Bing Xiulan, even more ignorant. Actually, no one can tell what is going on. What is this?

“Good Spiritual Qi! I feel that I have to breakthrough again!”

“Yes, me too!”

“How can I stop?”

The girls are cheering, their physique is like a giant beast, greedily absorbing the Spiritual Qi, and as long as there is enough support from Spiritual Qi, their cultivation speed will be too fast.

Zhou Heng 愣然, he absolutely underestimated Huotian, as this way, all the women can rush to the Creation Emperor all the way, even the Blue Dragon Sovereigness is possible!

She is just a move, she can create a super miracle in the eyes of all people. What is the ability?

After the Creation Emperor, across the threshold, how many steps are there?

Has Huotian climbed to the top of the throne and looked down on all beings?

This exclamation, after ten days of advancement in the entire group, became more and more intense, because in just a few days, the girls at least added 2 Round! If you go on like this, it is no problem to go beyond Zhou Heng to get into Sunshine Sovereign.

Zhou Heng is both happy and stressed. He is not only invincible from the identity generation, but no one can compare his cultivation speed. He can be involved by Huotian. The girls are almost like crazy realm.

He had to be promoted to Sunshine Sovereign for the first time, otherwise he would be laughed at the bottom of the bed!

With the support of physique, Spiritual Qi is the best cultivation resource for all the girls. They don’t need any spirit pill and marvelous medicine. This makes Zhou Heng feel relieved. Now he only needs to concentrate his cultivation resources on himself.

He has the heart of the wood and the blood of True Dragon, and he can make his cultivation base jump a lot!

Two days later, they came to Withering Sheep City.

This is a great city that existed in prehistoric times, because this continent is the land on a prehistoric sacred star, and it was relatively intact in the great destruction of Immortal Realm, and even this ancient city was preserved.

It’s just that the city is in, but the people are all dead. After the great collapse in the past, Immortal Realm really didn’t know that only a few original people survived.

With the 3-Star Elixir Master’s nameplate entering the city, Zhou Heng has to do a few things.

The first is to go to the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion to see if there are Bone Melting Grass and Frost Spirit Spring Water for sale, and the second is to certify the 5-Star Elixir Master title – 3-Star Elixir Master at the 7th Horse Immortal City level. Not very good enough.

He went to the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion and finally got two good news.

——Frost Spirit Spring Water is on the way, almost ten days to send. While Bone Melting Grass is not sold directly, some people know where to grow, but need to pay for the news.

After paying 5,000 Chinese stone, Zhou Heng finally got the information of Bone Melting Grass’s growing place – Three Swords Mountain!

It’s a coincidence that the place where Lian Family used to hold Profound Yin Physique is Three Swords Mountain!

It seems that he and Lian Family are destined to fight each other, how can conflicts happen!

Zhou Heng left the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion with satisfaction and went to the Alchemist’s Association.

Northern 7th Horse City’s Alchemist’s Association is relatively advanced. There is one 5-Star Elixir Master in the association. There are seven more 4-Star Elixir Masters. These eight people are all major families and forces. Unfortunately, the object of heavy investment, but unfortunately can be recruited to be recruited.

These eight people are just obsessed with alchemy and research drugs, and have no interest in wealth and fame.

Because Zhou Heng is already an 3-Star Elixir Master, this time he directly certified the 5-Star Elixir Master, which caused considerable attention to the Alchemist’s Association. Not only did the seven 4-Star Elixir Masters converge, even the 5 -Star Elixir Master also came in person.

They naturally do not come to supervise Zhou Heng, but if Zhou Heng is really successful, they may be able to get inspiration from each other’s refining techniques to enhance their skills.

– But they are obviously destined to be disappointed, because watching Zhou Heng alchemy will not only improve their skills, but will also hit people, and not generally big.

No, five minutes later, the eight high-end Elixir Masters were all shaken into puppets, and they didn’t react for a long time!

Dan… can you still do this?

So playful, so casual, but perfect, the rate of Cheng Dan is more than 80%!

Damn, they have been studying for years!

I want to die!

After the shock, they immediately became fanatic again.

Yes, this Lord is the reincarnation of Medicine Venerate. In addition to his elderly, is there a second such genius under the sun? It turns out that the rumors of the Western 12th Pig City Alchemist’s Association are not false, and now the reincarnation Medicine Venerate has come to their association, where they have certified 5-Star Elixir Master!

I am so honored!

Medicine Venerate The room where adults have been waiting to be sealed, and when they have any confusion about alchemy, they will sit in this room and meditate, and adjectively immortal!

When entering, Zhou Heng is alone, but when he comes out, he is surrounded by the former cluster, and the block can’t stop it!

Because the Alchemist’s Association of Northern 7th Horse City can make the 5-Star Elixir Master nameplate itself, Zhou Heng just waited for three hours and replaced it with the new Elixir Master nameplate. Although it is only a two-star difference, this status change It is earth-shaking.

3-Star Elixir Master can make Sunshine Emperor pay attention to Sunshine King, and 5-Star Elixir Master…you can’t put Sunshine Emperor in your eyes, because sometimes Sublimation King will come to seek medicine pill!

How can you not be arrogant?

Shortly after Zhou Heng returned to Inn, at least a dozen of the Withering Sheep City giants came to visit, including the Lian Family. (To be continued.)

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