Blue Dragon Sovereigness caught the Bing Xiulan Void and Bing Xiulan’s face was uncovered!

But there is no blood spatter, and there is no misery of flesh and blood, it is actually a mask!

And, still a living thing!

This face turned into an azure silkworm, caught in the hands of Blue Dragon Sovereigness, constantly struggling. .

“Baby!” Bing Xiulan exclaimed, at this time she is no longer an ordinary face, but full of agility, is a beautiful woman who is not weaker than the other side, compared with her elder sister is not awkward Give more.

Blue Dragon Sovereigness threw the green silkworm back and said: “Look at your birth, spare your life, roll!”

Looking at the identity of Bing Xiulan? Is there any big girl in this girl, it is to make the killing intent stronger than the existence of Blue Dragon Sovereigness!

“Baby!” Bing Xiulan quickly put the green silkworm on his shoulder. The green silkworm had a very spiritual surname, and the body squirmed and squirmed a lot of small feet against the Blue Dragon Sovereigness.

She also puts her hands on her waist and bargains with Blue Dragon Sovereigness. “He is my brother-in-law. You have to put it together, otherwise this Young Lady will not leave!”

“hmph, think this Sovereign doesn’t dare to kill you?” Blue Dragon Sovereigness looked sharply, murderous aura mad, all around the temperature immediately fell sharply.

“Don’t let go, people just talk about it!” Bing Xiulan quickly turned soft, “Quasi-brother-in-law, people try their best, 10 million don’t change to come to me after you die, this Young Lady The most feared is the ghost!”

This unremarkable girl! Too unreliable!

Zhou Heng said in his heart, but with the body is the sword of the Soaring Heaven Nine Forms, he has to fight!

Now that Blue Dragon Sovereigness’s attention is drawn to Bing Xiulan, it’s the best time to launch an attack!

His thoughts moved, and 99’s broken rune burst into bloom, slamming his palm toward Blue Dragon Sovereigness.

“Well?” Blue Dragon Sovereigness snorted. She felt the jade hand hurt a little. Although she was stunned by a mosquito, she was in the rank of her. Zhou Heng was controlled by her and could still carry her on her. Counterattack?

Although the power of this counterattack is negligible!

She can’t help but loose her hands, and Zhou Heng needs only that moment’s all.

Right hand, Black Sword is already in the hand, Zhou Heng’s Essence, Qi, Spirit is in the limit to the extreme, no worries in the heart, just a sword throws, no honor, no victory, no victory, no life and death.

Soaring Heaven Nine Forms, nine in one!

Sublimation is the ultimate!

The entire dark universe seems to have a center of incomparable light, and then the center becomes dark and incomparable, and a singular sword qi!

Opening Heaven, crackable!


Blue Dragon Sovereigness was shocked, and the sword of Soaring Heaven Nine Forms, coupled with her incomparable contempt, allowed Zhou Heng to instantly pour out the power of 11 Round Sunshine King, creating a terrifying destructive power.

But… the result is desperate!

The Blue Dragon Sovereigness was just quit by the earthquake, but the hundred zhang, the armor of the body was completely motionless, and even a trace could not be drawn!

This is the Creation Boundary level of the treasure, through Soaring Heaven Nine Forms Zhou Heng, although the power can be burst out in an instant, but still can not shake the Creation Boundary level material!

The gap is too big!

“Some weird!” Blue Dragon Sovereigness showed a touch of surprise, she did not take Zhou Heng seriously, but the other party gave her two surprises, and one is bigger than one.

A Sunshine King in the district can make her a numb? Can she force her back with a sword?

She reached out and patted Zhou Heng’s head to kill Zhou Heng directly and took Zhou Heng’s god to get all the information.

Zhou Heng Suddenly, isn’t this looking for smoking?

He was inevitably killed in any place on his body, but only the top of the head was different. There was a bone on it, which Huotian gave him, and it was branded on his bones.

Incomplete, but formidable power is huge, and even collapsed a Creation Boundary powerhouse!

“NO——!” Blackbird, Bing Xiulan, and Zhou Tong roared at the same time and rushed forward, but their speed was comparable to the existence of the Creation Emperor.


This palm was firmly photographed on the top of Zhou Heng’s head. Hey, a golden light burst into tears, and it was inexplicable!

“What? -” – The shape of the Blue Dragon Sovereigness was shocked, but the necklace between her neck was a big bang, and it trembled, then slammed, a sharp stone. Suddenly broken, turned into powder and fell.

The golden light dissipated. She was not as bloody as the enemies of the past. Instead, she floated calmly in the sky, her limbs open, and she did not know whether she was dead or comatose.

This sudden change made the black scorpion unpredictable, and the pace of their rushing out suddenly stopped.

Hey, the power of Blue Dragon Sovereigness is what they witnessed. They destroyed the starship thousands of miles away, Frozen World, and erased the Creation Boundary’s powerhouse!

This kind of existence is actually taking a picture of Zhou Heng and then shocked himself!

Is it that Spiritual Qi is running away? Legendary cultivation deviation?

Zhou Heng took a deep breath and he was shocked because he found himself underestimating the strength of Huotian.

The rune branded on his top of the head is only 1% of the full state, but it can also collapse a Creation Emperor that touches the “threshold” almost hangs – if it is not the necklace between her neck, she is sure It is difficult to escape the fate of blood rain.

A broken rune in this district has such power, so if it is in a complete state? And the number reaches two hundred and six? And also combined in some mysterious way?

It is not difficult to break Immortal Realm!

Touching the “threshold” is just a touch of the threshold. The original Huotian and Black Sword Masters must have passed the past, and they have made a big move, just like the Creation Emperor’s absolute crush on the Moonbright Emperor!

He guessed it right, the necklace that motivated Black Sword was the necklace that kept the name of the Blue Dragon Sovereigness.

If she hangs like this, it is actually quite funny. It has spanned three million years and ended up being killed by a Sunshine King. It is simply notn’t know whether to cry or laugh!

Zhou Heng walked in the air. All the blue Dragon Sovereigness hits were all solved by the rune on the top of the head. He didn’t have a single thing.

“Zhou boy, be careful!” Blackman reminded.

Both Zhou Tong and Bing Xiulan were deeply impressed, and Zhong Gufeng squeezed the daggers tighter. Their fears are not unreasonable. The Blue Dragon Sovereigness is too powerful and powerful enough to exceed the limits of the Creation Emperor. Who cares?

“Nothing!” Zhou Heng said in his mouth, but there was no dare to care between the moves. If the other party didn’t die, he couldn’t make another move to his head. He could just smash him with a turn of thought.

“Well–” whispered, Blue Dragon Sovereigness woke up!

Zhou Heng A few people suddenly turned their hair upside down, raising an indescribable chill from the bottom of their hearts.

She woke up!

“Who are you?” The Blue Dragon Sovereigness looked at Zhou Heng with a stunned look. The tone was changed before the decisive decisiveness, but it was like a little girl who was not deeply involved. Looked towards everyone’s eyes were full of vigilance.

She, her, her… amnesia?

Otherwise, she dignified Creation Emperor, why bother to play with them in this way, it is simply a price drop!

And her breath is weak, as if following her memory, the cultivation base went straight to Moonbright King!

“My name is Zhou Heng, who are you?” Zhou Heng tried to make his expression look softer, but she had just seen her destroying all the stars and ships, and I didn’t know how many people were killed. His smile is also a fake.

Blue Dragon Sovereigness glared at him, looking like a thief, “Why should I tell you the name?”

“Do you still remember your name?” Zhou Heng couldn’t help but be surprised that the other person should be amnesiad. Can the person who lost amnesia remember his name?

“Of course, I am Blue Dragon Clan’s Queen, Blue Dragon King!” Blue Dragon Sovereigness said with a hint of pride, and the chest was a bit stiff, a very proud look.

Zhou Heng astonished, this woman has lost her memory and has no memory loss.

——She lost some of her memory. Now she may only have the record of the first part of her life. She may even think that she is still a little girl, not the Blue Dragon Sovereigness that smashes the world and kills people!

After all, rune’s prestige is too strong, and the necklace keeps her a life, but it is impossible for her to suffer a little bit of injury. Unfortunately, she hurt her brain.

For Zhou Heng, for example, this is a good news that can’t be better, otherwise the Goddess of War will definitely be up and down and kill them all!

“Little Lanlan, you really don’t remember who we are?” Bing Xiulan got together and had a weird smile.

“What do you want?” Blue Dragon Sovereigness Although some of the amnesia, behavior is somewhat childish, but not stupid, I immediately found that Bing Xiulan looks like a good person.

“I am your elder sister who has been separated for many years!” Bing Xiulan hugged the Blue Dragon Sovereigness, and wowed, but Zhou Heng looked at the score, this girl was just doing it, and there was a little bit of tears in her eyes.

“But I don’t have an elder sister!” Blue Dragon Sovereigness is weak and weak, and the tone is very innocent.

“You must have made a mistake, I am your elder sister!” Bing Xiulan couldn’t help but say that he was nodded.

“No, I am sure I remember correctly!” Blue Dragon Sovereigness also shook his head again and again. “You don’t have a dragon horn on your head. How could it be my elder sister!” She was not stupid.

This woman is equivalent to a time bomb, who knows when she will restore her memory, and then kill it! The best option is to stay away from her, never to have a relationship with her – at least until the strength is insufficient.

“I also feel that you have made a mistake!” Zhou Heng smashed Bing Xiulan forcibly. This pro can’t be confessed. He doesn’t want to bring this time bomb around him.

“Go!” Blackbird, Zhou Tong, and Zhong Gufeng are also hairy in their hearts, that is, how do they have invincible hearts? It is only a belief, and it cannot be eaten.

Zhou Heng took Bing Xiulan and left, but after they got out of the way, they found that the Blue Dragon Sovereigness was behind them and saw them look back. The Sovereigness, which should have been aggressive, was low. I started playing with my fingers and weakly said: “The people and people don’t recognize the way home!”

Tsundere is dead! (To be continued.)

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