Killing, really domineering!

But the Blue Dragon Sovereigness also has such qualifications, even the prohibition here can be forcibly blasted, so who can match this battle?

“You, who are you?” Many people are trembled and screamed and never want to believe in the identity of Blue Dragon Sovereigness. .

“Is the ant ant, also know the identity of this Sovereign?” This Blue Dragon Sovereigness is very proud to say, but she is not just like Bing Xiulan, she only knows what can be in her mouth, her hands, and the power of horror.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Hundreds of people were immediately shocked by blood, even the gods were crushed together, and there was no chance of escape!

Everyone is awkward, although the ban has disappeared, everyone has restored their strength, but the strength of this Blue Dragon Sovereigness is even more ruthless, no one can afford the courage to fight with her!

– Unless the great power of Absolute Immortal City!

Now everyone believes that this woman is definitely the Blue Dragon Sovereign that was suppressed by Yǔ Wenjian here, perhaps because their intrusion released this “savage beast”, but now the butcher knife is raised on their heads!

Really retribution!

The people who have realized it have long since retreated, and they have to float out of the air and want to escape from this ghost place.

——The gravity of this place is still outrageous, but for the powerhouse that is restored to Sublimation Boundary or even Creation Boundary, it is not difficult to fly!

“Want to run?” Blue Dragon Sovereigness lightly snorted, slammed in and sighed, then spit out!

A piece of frost rolled over, bang bang bang 嘭, the sky seems to be raining, and everyone and everyone vacated Warrior has been frozen down, when it fell to the ground, it was crushed, few Can survive.

Too strong!

Compared with her, Young Master Frost is also called the word “cold frost”? Laughing off the big teeth!

“brother, let’s go!” Zhou Tong also found it. He was lucky and unfortunate. He had to delay the time because he wanted to collect a treasure. He ran here and just hit the Blue Dragon Sovereigness. It was really a year. unfavorable.

Hey, Zhong Gufeng also jumped over, but although their group is called Sunshine Boundary, but now the ban has been removed, this little strength is not enough!

Zhou Heng pulled Fire God’s Furnace out, the Blue Dragon Sovereigness was outrageous, it was a level of Sanguine River Old Ancestor, no, stronger than Sanguine River Old Ancestor, this peerless powerhouse is how small they are now. Shrimp can be strong?

“We are going the other way, find a place to hide here!”

Zhou Heng said, he communicated with Fire God’s Furnace and said, “Are you dealing with this woman?”

“If your strength is strong enough to make this Eminence, kill her like a chicken and slaughter a dog!” Fire God’s Furnace is very disdainful and seems angry that he is juxtaposed with the Blue Dragon Sovereigness.

“Crap, I have to have enough power to make you, then I will suppress her, what do you need?” Zhou Heng did not say good-natured, “Can your fire kill her?”

“I’m afraid it won’t work!” Fire God’s Furnace said with a sly voice. “The two times this Eminence is swallowed by different fires. The precious thing is that it is born in heaven and earth, not the power of the fire itself!”

“This fire can burn the Creation Emperor, but she is obviously stronger than the general Creation Emperor. It is impossible to burn it, and it can burn a maximum of disability!” Fire God’s Furnace gave Zhou Heng an egg pain answer. .

What is the use of disability, since the shot will be killed, otherwise it will be mourned by the existence of the Creation Emperor, it is really sleepy!

“Forget it, can afford to offend, don’t mess, find a place to hide!” Zhou Heng said, while holding Fire God’s Furnace, if you really want to be stared by the Blue Dragon Sovereigness, he certainly uses Fire God’s Furnace On the one hand.

Unfortunately, Huotian didn’t come, otherwise the Peerless Goddess was awkward and just touched the existence of the threshold!

“Hello, you don’t bullly intolerably!” There are a few powerful presences shouted, they are not Creation Sovereign or Creation King, and almost stood up to Immortal Realm’s Peak. Although only one of them is Divine Idol, but who is willing to lose if it is irreparable?

The Blue Dragon Sovereigness was ignored, and a Sunshine Emperor was killed by her life, but the gods were not broken and she was pinched. But she just touched it and tightened the palm of her hand.

“It turns out that… more than three million years have passed!” she murmured, her eyes flashing through a slap in the face, “I didn’t expect this Sovereign to be suppressed for so long! Oh, damn humans, give this Sovereign Go to hell!”

Her right hand waved, the cloak swayed, and a blue glow reflected the world.

The coldness enveloped the whole world, the radiance of the gods, everything was frozen, and it was the Divine Idol of the Creation Boundary. There was no resistance in the face of such a powerful existence.

The only exception to “one” is that Zhou Heng is a few people!

Zhou Heng held up Fire God’s Furnace, a treasure of the order that released a blazing flame, melted the nearby cold, and protected Zhou Heng.

“I thought it would be a good idea to have a Dharma Divine Idol?” The Blue Dragon Sovereigness was a vertical figure, and she directly penetrated the top of the head and appeared in the star.


The power of terror was over, and the continent of the Dragon Taming Palace suddenly broke, turning into two broken continents, and countless small pieces that floated into the depths of the universe.

Zhou Heng and the others were also shaken out, watching the mighty Blue Dragon Sovereigness in the distance.

Weng! weng! weng!

On a starship ship, countless lights are on, and that is the Lingguang cannon is gathering!

Different sizes of starships also have different formidable power ampoules. For example, there is a top-level ampoules on a starship with a Creation Boundary powerhouse. One or two doors may not pose a threat to the Creation Emperor. Shoot it?

The previous ban has been resolved, and all Sublimation Boundary and Creation Boundary powerhouses have learned everything about the Dragon Taming Palace from Dharma and Divine Idol!

This Blue Dragon Sovereigness is absolutely impossible! Starships must have some preparation time to make space jumps, so they must delay the time, and they all think of the spirit gun!

Tens of thousands of doorlights are blasting, is the Creation Emperor going to be frowned?

The energy storage time of the Lingguang can be much shorter than that of the Starship. Just a second or two later, almost 80% of the stars have completed the energy storage, the white light shines, and the Blue Dragon Sovereigness is mad. And go.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

a path of attack, but the white light in front of the Blue Dragon Sovereigness is like a hit on an invisible barrier, it can not cause a trace of damage to her.

——Wanmenling light cannons or can make Creation Emperor frown, but Blue Dragon Sovereigness is obviously not the creation of Creation Emperor!

Fortunately, these starships are not attacking so that they can hurt her and kill her, just want to fight for the time of that’s all! This kind of horror exists only in the supreme almighty of Absolute Immortal City!


“Daddy delusion!” Blue Dragon Sovereigness coldly snorted, suddenly behind a blue sky Dragon phantom, with ten thousand zhang, Long Wei shock, terrifying matchless. “ang”, blue Sky Dragon roared, bang bang bang, Void trembled, swaying a shock wave.

The shock wave passed, and all the starships collapsed in an instant, but no one escaped!


Is this the absolute power above the Creation Emperor?

This existence is that Huotian… can you really fight?

Maybe Huotian in the heyday can, but now Huotian has been seriously injured, and the cultivation base has fallen to Moonbright King. Is it really ok?

The starship was destroyed, and most of the people were killed together, but a few people escaped, at least the existence of Sublimation Emperor, otherwise it would be Sublimation Sovereign and it would be difficult to escape the destruction of both body and soul. .

Losing the starship, there is no ability for space teleportation. What should I do?

In the face of this, even more than the absolute strength of the Creation Emperor level, the surviving people have the courage to rush to fight a battle, they will run away, even if they are lost in the hustle and bustle of the stars, it is better than this!

Blue Dragon Sovereigness reappeared, and the coldness once again icy, and the escaped silhouette immediately turned into a block of ice, with a frightened expression on his face, but he could no longer move a sense of consciousness.


The power is terrifying, it is simply unrivalled throughout the world!

“There are some ants!” the goddess of War murmurs. The only people who survived are Zhou Heng. There are also a few Moonbright Sovereign, Moonbright Emperor, and a few Sunshine Kings that were originally left in the continent. They are not strong enough. Did not enter the final crypt, but temporarily saved a life.

“But these people, some weird!” She stepped gently, and the lotus step was already in front of Zhou Heng. She didn’t give Zhou Heng any chance to react. It was already pinching. Zhou Heng’s neck, and took away Fire God’s Furnace.

Although it is a slender jade hand, it looks white and beautiful, but the strength contained in it is terrifying matchless, and Zhou Heng’s face rises purple, and how he can run his power is useless.

“What is this material?” She knocked on the pill furnace and saw that she had no reaction, she slammed her hand.


Fire God’s Furnace made a crisp sound and screamed again and again: “Hey, it hurts this Eminence!”

“Well, the strange Artifact Spirit!” Blue Dragon Sovereigness looked at Fire God’s Furnace strangely. She didn’t even have a crack on the pill furnace under the blow. It was a big surprise.

This material is unexpectedly hard, but Artifact Spirit seems to be unexpected… Hey!

She completely ignored Zhou Heng, and how could a Sunshine King make her look more.


Zhou Heng can’t make a little power. In the hands of Creation Emperor, he is a fish to be slaughtered. Even the fire God’s Furnace is released. There is no chance to release the fire!

There are too many differences in strength!

You must not wait like this! Zhou Heng is in a big heart, he has too much concern, and must not die!

“Let’s let go!” Zhou Tong, Bing Xiulan, and Black Skull are all yelling, while Zhong Gufeng holds the two daggers tightly. He has a fighting intent, and the Creation Emperor dares to fight.

“Well?” Blue Dragon Sovereigness’s eyes looked at towards Bing Xiulan, with a hint of doubt. (To be continued.)

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