Bang! Bang! Bang!

Tu Lan thoroughly realized that he was offended by Zhou Heng, and even more aware that it is a bad habit, especially Lai Zhou Heng’s account!

He was lying on the ground, his body was blue and purple, and his dragon scales were at least half stripped. His appearance was terrible, like a little girl who had just been turned a few hundred times by the mob.

Under the Tyrant Dragon Fist, his proud defense completely lost its effect and was teased by Zhou Heng as a toy.

But he did not use the transformation in the final defeat!

Under the pressure of Zhou Heng, I knew the reason for everything.

After Ancestral Pond baptism, there will be a competition, the winners will be able to step up, continue to compete with the winners of other places, and finally produce the most powerful baptism of the entire planet.

Even if it is the first, it doesn’t have much benefit, but Tu Lan is watching this honor!

There are many more people who share the same ideas, so many people did not practice Ancestral Pond baptism when they were young, but stayed in adulthood – this is certainly not their decision, but their parents’ elders.

In addition to honors, the more time this baptism is dragged, the more you can accumulate and the better the benefits!

Because Ancestral Pond baptism is arguing for the benefits of Ancestral Pond, the deeper the strength and the stronger the strength of the bloodline, the more the benefits will be absorbed. Therefore, as long as the strength of the family will drag the offspring to a very late stage, Conduct Ancestral Pond baptism to maximize this benefit.

This will be the same as Wu Yi, otherwise it is all less than one year old baby. Is this not a mess?

Although everyone knows that the Dao Ancestor pool baptism is as late as possible, under the oppressive reality, the idle people can’t drag on for too long, because there is no way to obtain cultivation resources without sufficient strength, and there is no long life essence. Still have to be forced to go to Ancestral Pond baptism in advance.

So no matter where you are, a strong family will only get stronger and stronger, and it will be too difficult for the bottom people to come out.

Tu Lan comes from a small family, not very strong, but at least has the ability to provide a lot of cultivation resources, such as various medicine pill, such as various high-order Monster Beast meat, let Tu Lan in spiritual and physique The situation can keep up.

Of course, they are just a small family. They are more than the powerful Dragon Clan youths in Tu Lan. A considerable number of people will participate in this year’s Ancestral Pond baptism. Fortunately, this is 74th Golden Star. Those Tianjiao will not. Run here to do baptism, Tu Lan naturally does not have to fight with them.

It can be said that many people are actually deliberately exiled here, because there are not many competitors here, it is easier to get the first place.

Tu Lan is confident to get the top name in the big area of ​​Azure Poplar City, but the sudden appearance of Zhou Heng makes him somewhat inaccurate, so he will come over to challenge. It is best to transform Zhou Heng’s dragon shape into a force.

Zhou Heng was very strange. He used the dragon shape to transform himself. In just three days, he could recover and change again.

It wasn’t until Tu Lan said Skyriver Boundary’s Dragon Clan turned around and it usually took more than a month to fully recover. If Zhou Heng changed the dragon body this time, as long as the Force of Bloodline is exhausted, then he won’t be in baptism. It may be recovered and will be easily defeated by Tu Lan, allowing Tu Lan to focus more on the few enemies he believes.

Comet Boundary can shorten this time to ten days, and Black Hole Boundary has a full dragon body, so there is no such problem.

Actually it will take more than a month!

Zhou Heng astonished, he is exhausting the Force of Bloodline, it only takes three days to fully recover!

In this way, his Dragon Clan bloodline seems surprisingly powerful!

Comet Boundary is going to be ten days!

Tu Lan took all the money out of his debts, but still owed Zhou Heng more than 17,000 Dragon Coins. This debt is enough for him to see Zhou Heng in the next 100 years.

After leaving Tu Lan, Zhou Heng decided to go hunting. His current Dragon Clan body is far from reaching the limit and has great room for growth.

No way, the stomach is too hungry!

Tyrant Dragon Fist has two functions: attacking the enemy and promoting physique growth!

The growth of this physique is reflected in the ability to eat. Zhou Heng has already cultivated Tyrant Dragon Fist to the point of Great Accomplishment. The consequence is that after using it once, he will have a strong sense of hunger.

This kind of hunger does not affect his combat power, but it is very uncomfortable. It is the body instinctively signals him and needs to be supplemented with a lot of food.

Zhou Heng didn’t bring Black Skull and Little Fire. After crossing a few hundred miles of wasteland alone, he entered a mountain range. There are a lot of Monster Beast… and robbers.

Lidong Village’s adults are hunting here, but they even dare to work in the periphery to capture the Creation Boundary Monster Beast, while Zhou Heng goes directly into it.

In three days, he also hunted three Monster Beasts of the Skyriver Boundary, one of which was equivalent to the Peak Skyriver Emperor, which was completely cooked by him and then eaten clean!

To know that the Skyriver Boundary level of Monster Beast should have a few hundred zhang size, but only enough for his day’s weight, to see how terrible his appetite is now!

“It’s time for a long body!” Zhou Heng exclaimed, although it was only three days, but he could feel the power of the ** has been greatly improved. Although the strength of physique can only be truly realized in the form of dragons, there will still be strength and defensive improvement in the human form, but it is far less than the dragon shape, that’s all.

“Continue to eat and eat the ancestral baptism!” Zhou Heng continued to hunt.

Half a month later, Zhou Heng’s physique broke into the grid again, and the speed was so fast because his current realm and physique were very different, giving physique enough space to grow.

When physique matches realm, it will not be so fast because it will not be constrained by realm.

When Zhou Heng returned to Lidong Village, his physique had reached the Skyriver Boundary Peak.

That is to say, when he incarnations the dragon shape, even if it does not carry out a little defense, Skyriver Emperor’s attack can not cause him a little damage – like Tu Lan with dragon scale protection, and Zhou Heng also To go far beyond this level, and even a bit like Little Fire, it is that Comet King can’t hurt him.

In the human form, this defense is inferior, but it also reaches the level of Tu Lan dragon scale protection!

But you know, Zhou Heng has no dragon scales, this is purely his physical defense!

From Skyriver Boundary to Comet Boundary, whether it’s spirituality or physique, it’s a leap, realm needs to be comprehensible, and physique needs a lot of high-quality food to break through.

Such food is best known as Comet Boundary’s Monster Beast.

However, it is quite difficult to capture the Monster Beast of Comet Rank. After all, Zhou Heng does not have Black Sword now. It lacks the means of killing and killing. In terms of speed…he is still Skyriver Emperor, it is impossible to catch up with it. Comet Rank Monster Beast.

Besides, Ancestral Pond baptism is about to begin. There is no time for him to hunt down a Monster Beast of Comet Rank. And according to Hóng Yue, Ancestral Pond baptism has great benefits, and maybe his physique can be directly promoted to Comet Boundary.

Back in Lidong Village, Zhou Heng unexpectedly discovered that his room, which had been turned into a virtual market, was refurbished and rebuilt. After a question, I discovered that it was originally the people in the village who helped to cover it together.

Although this is just a little effort, Zhou Heng is the surname of the dripping water, and immediately sent ten Dragon Coins to each family to show the return, so that the people in the village are secretly sighed and have good news.

This day is already the top of Ancestral Pond baptism.

Zhou Heng was informed that he had arrived at Azure Poplar City all the way. There is also a huge Dragon Temple. The Ancestral Pond is not just one place, but it is spread over more than 300 planets throughout the Dragon Domain.

But for the second baptism, there are only five places to go, the first stars of the five-color Dragon Domain.

Legend can be said that the third baptism can only be carried out on the Eternal Dragon Star where Old Dragon is located. Since ancient times, only Second Ancestor has enjoyed this treatment.

Zhou Heng stood on the spacious square of the temple, observing the people around him, standing next to the Tu Lan, a bad luck egg, a dejected look. There is no way for this. Whoever let the creditors go ahead, and when they think that they will work for Zhou Heng for a hundred years, Tu Lan can’t help but grieve.

Today, I came here to participate in baptism. I still have a baby just born, and I am in my father or mother. There are also a small number of children and teenagers who are six or seven years old and ten years old. Drag the time to go on baptism.

What is left is the number of adults like Zhou Heng, the number is even less, only a dozen, but all are strong, Force of Bloodline is thick, some people even have dragon claws, long tail !

In particular, a woman is tall and full, and there are only a few armor covering the key parts. The bronze skin is smooth and reflective, and there is a female leopard.

But if you look closely, the few armor is actually made up of dragon scales, which means that her defense is bound to be amazing!

But this is not the point, the point is that this woman is actually a leader!

If it is not because of the protrusion of her chest, but also the slim waist, there is a strong femininity, Zhou Heng can never judge her surname from a faucet, because in his eyes, all the faucets are a look. .

But Tu Lan on the side showed a strong and stunning color, muttering: “How come Shui Yuqi is coming? Didn’t she say that baptism will not be carried out within ten years? But, it’s beautiful, that How delicate and elegant the dragon must be, the dragon nose is so small and exquisite!”

Zhou Heng listened to the cold war on the side, and Dragon Clan had the aesthetics of Dragon Clan. He looked left and right. If he didn’t look at his face, the woman’s body could score nine points, but if the face was counted. The words… zero points, definitely no more!

This woman is very strong, is the only Comet King in the field, the fluctuating atmosphere represents her breakthrough time is not long, I want to use the Ancestral Pond baptism to push the bloodline to Black Hole Rank! (To be continued.)

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