Zhou Heng looked at the broken door panel and couldn’t help but sigh. Why do some people like the door so much?

An upright man walked in, his height was about a mile, his upper body was only wearing a bare shouldered pecan, and his chest was open, and he could see the golden scales of gold in many places on his body!

The entire Dragon Clan is divided into two categories, one is a dragon shape and the other is a human figure. .

In theory, the dragon-shaped bloodline is more noble. You only need to eat he he to reach the Black Hole Boundary. As for the holes, you have to see how strong the bloodline is.

And the dragon shape completely inherits the physique of Divine Beast, which is horrible and horrible!

Look at Little Fire and you know, as Divine Beast, it will be able to eat Star Boundary bombardment without hurting it at Bright Immortal! It’s not terrible, it’s not hurting, it’s a terrible thing!

The human form is different. Only when you activate the bloodline can you really have the power of Dragon Clan. Only in this state can you call Divine Beast, and even combine physique with its own spiritual power to get more A tremendous strength.

This looks very good and powerful, but it has a time limit. It is that the Comet Emperor level can only be turned into a dragon shape for about an hour, but the Force of Bloodline runs out and it takes at least ten days to recover. The body also consumes a lot of spiritual power.

It can be said that it is a double-edged sword. If you can’t kill the enemy when you are transformed, you will push yourself to a dangerous situation.

However, it is like the dragon shape and the difference of the bloodline concentration. The human form is also the same. Some humans have a high concentration of Dragon Clan bloodline, but they do not meet the requirements of the dragon shape, and localized dragonization will occur.

For example, one hand is a dragon paw, and there is a dragon tail behind the buttocks. Like the giant man, there is a dragon scale on the body!

As for the Dragon Horn, it is the 99% of the Dragon Clan, which is the most common. And because Zhou Heng did not grow out of the dragon’s horn, it was only because the sacrifice thought that the bloodline was too thin and was directly thrown here.

Zhou Heng didn’t care about the identity of Dragon Clan. It was the old Azure Dragon. It wasn’t being bullied by Hóng Yue. He is the descendant of the Grand Void lineage, Huotian’s junior brother, how could you really be the descendant of the Old Dragon!

This is just a journey of experience!

74th Golden Star is obviously an exile. The people who stay here are either bloodline thin, abandoned, self-defeating, or other people who have committed crimes on the planet, but there may be strong bloodline among these people. a case.

This giant Han should belong to the latter. Although it has not yet formed such a prominent change in the dragon claw tail, it is already very good to form the dragon scale, which will have a very strong defense in the human form.

It can be said that the scale covered area is equivalent to the Divine Beast level of defense.

“Unfortunately, the human form can’t eat!” Zhou Heng sighed, he has no resistance to eating dragons, but he can’t make a mouthful if he is human. However, this is the Dragon Domain. Even if he encounters a dragon shape, he can’t start it. Otherwise, how can he compete with the Dragon Domain with his current strength?

“What do you say?” The giant did not understand Zhou Heng’s self-speaking words. He just thought that it was a big rebellious statement, and he forgot all of his intentions.

“Nothing!” Zhou Heng pointed to the broken door. “Let’s calculate the compensation first!”

“Small meaning, as long as you are willing to discuss with Laozi, Laozi will pay you!” The giant man patted his chest and said, the palm of his hand slammed down like a drum, directly shocking the heart, it was the ordinary Skyriver Boundary. White.

Zhou Heng smiled and said: “One Thousand Dragon Coin!”

“pu!” This giant Han suddenly squirted out, mad and ruined the earth, “Why don’t you grab it!”

A thousand Dragon Coins, you can even buy ten pounds of Comet Boundary Monster Beast meat, or a whole Skyriver Boundary Monster Beast, or a hundred Star Boundary Monster Beast! With this broken door, can you value that many money?

“If you can’t afford it, you can reinstall the door, so you can’t leave it!” Zhou Heng said lazily, and waved his hand to emphasize.

“Who said that Laozi can’t afford it!” The giant man was mad at the chest, and it was doubtful that such a great strength would not ruin his chest. He opened a posture and said: “Come on!”

“Slow!” Zhou Heng extended his right hand. “I shouldn’t know you, why are you running to fight with me?”

“Hahahaha, of course you don’t recognize Laozi, listen to it, Laozi’s surname is Tu Lan, and will be the great Long Tulan in the future!” The giant Han started to shoot again, and Zhou Heng had reason to believe that if he took a few more shots If you don’t use him, the giant man will shoot himself badly.

Dragon Clan, only the breakthrough Black Hole Boundary is eligible to be crowned with the dragon name. Obviously this giant is not a small man, because he is now just Skyriver Boundary Peak, similar to Zhou Heng realm.

Can only be said to be similar, this Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth Road Skyriver’s Great Perfection is whatever anyone can achieve?

However, Zhou Heng felt that this big man had a problem with his mind and gave him the feeling of playing the lute for a cow. He sighed: “The trouble is to focus, why are you going to open my door?”

“Laozi heard that there is another Skyriver Emperor, so Laozi wants to convince you, lest you compete with Laozi after Ancestral Pond baptism!” Tu Lan said with a slap in the chest, as if he didn’t, he wouldn’t talk.

Zhou Heng was a little strange, saying: “You still don’t have Ancestral Pond baptism?”

Dragon Clan’s Ancestral Pond baptism is only two times. For the first time, any Dragon Clan is eligible. The initial activation of the bloodline will open the way to rapid improvement. The second time, only a few people can enjoy it, after the breakthrough Black Hole Boundary.

He heard that Dragon Clan would be the collective Ancestral Pond baptism in his life. This giant is obviously not like a baby who was born less than one year old this year. Is he just like himself, just here?

No, this person’s bloodline is quite rich at first glance, and all of them have grown up. They are absolutely exiled in other planets, which means that the other party has been in the Dragon Domain for a long time.

“New, you are too ignorant!” Tu Lan showed a scornful expression.

“tell me the story!”

“Hey, I am here to fight, not to explain it to you!” Tu Lan shouted.

“Then let the horse come over! However, let me know first, the things that are broken by you here are all to be lost. If you dare to lie, I will regret you and come to this world!” Zhou Heng Be careful.

He has a strong feeling that he is going to get rich today, and he can get rid of the shyness of the bag.

“Great tone!” Tu Lan was obviously angry, and immediately rushed out and rushed toward Zhou Heng.


He is like a bull, and his footsteps are like an earthquake, so that 99% people are not willing to face it. They can only use the technique of fighting, and first consume the power of this bull.

Zhou Heng has no idea of ​​avoiding. At the level of Skyriver Boundary, his spiritual power is absolutely invincible!

Tu Lan hits!

Zhou Heng kicked out!


The giant Han was suddenly shot and flew out. Unfortunately, he hit the fence. The wood couldn’t bear the weight of his wood, not to mention the powerful impact. He suddenly broke the fence wall. .

This fist played well, Tu Lan swayed and climbed up, like a drunkard, and could fall over at any time.

Dragon Clan, the body is really tyrannical!

Zhou Heng sighed in his heart that he had just punched the other’s chest, and the boxing had just covered with dragon scales, forcibly offset his power of at least 80%! And a few dragon scales are like this, then the complete form of the dragon body?

Divine Beast, that’s what makes people!

Look at Little Fire and you know that Bright Immortal can withstand the bombardment of Star Boundary and nothing!

Without Black Sword, let alone killing Divine Beast, it is extremely difficult to reinvent it!

However, he hasn’t used Tyrant Dragon Fist yet, but it contains a few strength of Rule of Old Azure Dragon, which is equivalent to rune. This formidable power is definitely not a play.

He pointed to the broken fence wall, which means obviously.

“I lost!” Tu Lan snorted and then slammed toward Zhou Heng.

“Two thousand Dragon Coin!”


When I heard this daylight robbery, Tu Lan almost fell to the ground, a greedy guy, a broken fence actually dared to open such a big mouth! How can this guy be humanoid, so greed should definitely be dragon-shaped!


Zhou Heng was another shot, and Tu Lan was shot again. This time he did not hit the fence, but slammed into the house and knocked the stone wall out of a big hole. Fortunately, the house Still not collapsed.

“I lose it!”


“I lose it!”


“I lose it!”

After ten consecutive bombings, Zhou Heng’s little stone house was finally unbearable and collapsed gloriously. Tu Lan flew out of the rock pile. The first sentence was “I lost it!” I felt that Zhou Heng couldn’t help but sigh that the stupid person is not myrrh.

“How much money do you owe, can you still afford it?” Zhou Heng did not shoot again.

Tu Lan couldn’t help but look at him, his face was suddenly green.

He has now owed at least 20,000 Dragon Coin’s huge debt!

If you repay it by yourself, it will take at least a hundred years to pay off! Although for the high-ranking Warrior, a hundred years is not too long, but the number of days is not too short!

How can you owe that many money?

Even if you buy this broken place, then there is a lot of Dragon Coin. How can he just lose 20,000 Dragon Coin if it is a bad thing?

It’s too dark!

“Laozi hasn’t lost yet!” Tu Lan yelled, and the meaning of the account was obvious, as long as Laozi didn’t lose, he would never pay! But he won’t win Zhou Heng, but it’s hard to lose, because his key parts are covered with dragon scales, which is by no means the power of Skyriver Boundary.

It can be said that he was born in an unbeaten position!

Of course, he only dared to make a decision at this time. If he is so rude in the baptism contest, he will definitely lose his face! But now there is no way, 20,000 Dragon Coin’s debt is too heavy, he will not eat and drink for the next 100 years, all have to be used to pay back!

“I want to pay the bill? No way!” Zhou Heng smashed his sleeves and was fierce. (To be continued.)

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