Divine Beast is a magical creature. No way, every Divine Beast is innate in Innate Earth. .

Divine Beast does not require cultivation, as long as it grows naturally, it will eventually reach the limit determined by bloodline.

Like Four Divine Beasts is Chaos Boundary, and most Divine Beast are Black Hole Boundary, but there is no Comet Rank, Skyriver Rank Divine Beast, which is also too weak, simply insulting Divine Beast.

Divine Beast is powerful, but its descendants are not necessarily.

Divine Beast is both unique and unmatched, so it is necessary to mix the bloodline and reduce the purity of the bloodline.

Just like Azure Dragon clan, there is only one Chaos Boundary Second Ancestor from that Old Dragon, which is much worse than Old Dragon.

Divine Beast’s descendants are divided into two types. One kind of bloodline is powerful, directly has the ontology form, and the human form is incarnation. Then this inherits the advantages of Divine Beast. As long as you eat and sleep, it will naturally become a super powerhouse after the growth. Affected by the bloodline.

The other kind of bloodline is not so powerful, it is normally human form, and it can only become ontology after activating the bloodline. This is the same as the human Warrior. There is a road that needs a breakthrough, and it may be stuck in Star Boundary and Skyriver Boundary.

But it’s also good, that is, it’s possible to get rid of the limit of bloodline and get higher achievements!

Although there are few such examples, it is not without!

For example, Divine Beast One-Legged Vermilion Bird.

The first One-Legged Vermilion Bird is just 8 holes, but after seven generations, there is an outstanding descendant who has stepped into the Chaos Boundary, thus raising the entire One-Legged Vermilion Bird clan’s bloodline. To Chaos Boundary – of course, this is only the limit, just like Azure Dragon clan’s bloodline limit is Chaos Boundary, which has only been two heads from ancient times so far.

Zhou Heng now has Azure Dragon bloodlines. Before he reaches the limit of bloodline, he can endlessly enhance physique by eating and sleeping. This does not conflict with his spiritual level, which is equivalent to spiritual cultivation.

Of course, this is something to eat.

In the past, Zhou Heng only had to pick good food and eat a bite. The strength was supplemented by the captured Spiritual Qi. But now it is different, he must eat quality food, which can supply the enhancement of physique, otherwise it will only be filled with the amount, and it will be a hundred times more than Feng Lianqing!

Of course, some key points are not to be replaced by the amount, such as the breakthrough of the great realm, you need the food of the grade. If the food is not there, the medicine pill will do the same. There must be something good at this section of the bone, otherwise it may be dragged on for a long time.

– Divine Beast’s physique promotion has no bottleneck, but no bottleneck does not mean that the time of growth is the same.

It is a pity that the Old Dragon has already been eaten, otherwise it will become the best food for Zhou Heng. Unlike now, he is suffering from a hunger.

This is not actually hunger, but the body has not yet gained enough energy to express a desire for his consciousness.

The better the appetite of Divine Beast, the stronger it is for the bloodline!

Although Zhou Heng is a Dragon Clan bloodline from the top five Dragon Sovereign in the lower world, the bloodline on his body is quite strong enough to have a feeling of not eating enough.

His bloodline limit may be Comet Boundary or Black Hole Boundary, definitely far beyond the limits of the five Dragon Sovereign!

Because of this unexpected event, the Dragon Domain trip had to be suspended, and Zhou Heng was desperately ate for a month. This only slightly satisfied the body’s hunger, although still a little hungry, but would not feel weak.

The arrangements that need to be made are all completed. Hóng Yue did not let Zhou Heng bring Xianju, only the black scorpion and Little Fire peers, forced to cross the stars in the flesh. Because there is no Star Gate, it takes a lot of time. After two months, they came to the Dragon Domain.

Hóng Yue really didn’t care about him. He said that he would take care of the beautiful wife and the other mother. He turned his body and disappeared between steps.

If it was changed three years ago, the first thought of not suppressing Hóng Yue was definitely to go to the Grand Void Star Domain to find Huotian, but now he does not have such an idea.

He too weak!

As a self-respecting person, he does not want to appear in front of Huotian with this appearance – even if he knows that Huotian will never dismiss him, but his dignity does not allow him to do so.

When you see Huotian, he must be at least Black Hole Boundary!

Hóng Yue is really gone, everything depends on himself from now on! Even, in order to let him tap the potential as much as possible, Hóng Yue took away all his Divine Artifact, including Black Sword! !

Now, Zhou Heng can’t take a wrong step, one step wrong, it can be ruined!

Zhou Heng took a deep breath and looked at the huge group of stars in front of him.

Dragon Domain is a super-large star domain consisting of five star domains, belonging to the five largest Dragon Ancestors of gold, red, blue, green and black. Together, it becomes a super-large star domain.

This is not only the size of the region, but also the quantity and quality of the powerhouse.

Two Chaos Boundary’s top powerhouse, at least fifty 9 holes-level powerhouses, more than a hundred 8 holes, hundreds of 7 holes… and the number of powerhouses is constantly increasing, with the bloodline of Old Azure Dragon From generation to generation, there are talented clansman emerging.

This is the advantage of Divine Beast, that is, the forces ruled by Five Saints in the past are not comparable. After all, although humans can also inherit bloodline, they are far from the potential of Divine Beast.

Although the cultivation method is not limited by the bloodline, the more difficult it is, the more difficult it is to go up. Divine Beast definitely exceeds humanity in high-end combat. In fact, in ancient times, Divine Beast ruled the world until the appearance of Five Saints changed the position of human weakness.

Divine Beast is the favor of heaven and earth, but it is not with the Holy.

Zhou Heng thought about flying, thinking for a while, he flew over with a planet.

“Stop!” As he approached the planet, a cold will passed, and the pressure was full.

This is at least the powerhouse of Black Hole Rank!

Zhou Heng stopped by the words. Not long after, I saw a small battleship approaching at a very high speed. On the bow was standing two armed men, and the face was completely hidden in the armor. Holding a lance, there is a terrifying power flow.

This gives Zhou Heng an extremely strong sense of danger, not because of the strength of the two, they are also Skyriver Boundary.

It is the two lances!

If you are stabbed, you may die, just like Black Sword!

Can two patrol warriors in the district be equipped with such a treasure? When is the treasure of Chaos Rank so worthless?

“Who is it?” A guard asked in a arrogant tone, fully demonstrating the arrogance of Dragon Clan.

“I am the descendant of Dragon Clan who just awakened the bloodline. I have come to the ancestors!” Zhou Heng has already thought of a set of words for himself. Although it is a bit late to awaken the Force of Bloodline at such a young age, it is not historically There is no such precedent.

The two look at each other in dismay, or the original person, said: “Go on board, go with us, can’t have any change, or directly kill!”

Great rules!

Zhou Heng laughed, said: “As you bid!” He took the battleship with the black scorpion and Little Fire, and the ship immediately returned to the air. After ten minutes, they landed on the land.

The two guards took Zhou Heng to a huge temple, where all the Dragon Clan ancestors, Azure Dragon, one of the Four Divine Beasts, the aloof and remote of the Old Dragon, and the second Chaos Boundary Returning to Azure Dragon, it is the ancestor of the five Dragon Clans, the five sons of Old Dragon.

This is clearly the star of the Golden Dragon clan, because the Golden Dragon has the most statues, occupying almost half of the position.

Zhou Heng was brought to the front of an old ritual. Both guards took a few steps back, but lance was directed at Zhou Heng. As long as he made a slight change, he would swear out mercilessly.

“You said that you awakened Dragon Clan bloodline?” said the old sacrifice, and there was a vicissitude in his voice. It was the gas of death, and the lifespan of the old man was not much.

“Yes!” Zhou Heng replied, his tone calm.

“Showing in front of the great Ancestral Dragon, young life!” said the old sacrifice.

Zhou Heng thought about the movement, activated the Force of Bloodline, and suddenly he was incarnation as a pure Divine Dragon that reached the hundred zhang, and there was a tangled flame – these time, he finally made up the hunger, and physique had a considerable improvement. The size of the real hedge zhang has also reached the scale of the real hedge zhang. The longest change time is more than one hour, but the recovery still only takes three days.

In Dragon Clan, the hundred zhang’s head can barely be included in Comet Rank.

“Purple?” The old sacrifice was a slight glimpse.

Dragon Clan’s most powerful bloodline is of course Old Azure Dragon. There is only one one that really returns to the ancestors, that is Second Ancestor. In addition, gold, cyan, blue, red, and black are also quite pure bloodlines, and the more they deviate from these five colors, the more the bloodline is reconciled, and the future achievements are naturally lower.

Violet Dragon Clan, which has not appeared in the years of the Dragon Domain, seems to have died on Comet Rank. This level can also be dominated in the big star field of Hundred Dragons Star. The Dragon Domain is too powerful. Comet Rank can only be said to be the backbone, but it is definitely not a powerhouse!

This is a powerhouse of World. If you can’t make a powerhouse, you have a limited future. No one wants to look at it.

“Okay, put away the dragon body, you can’t keep the bloodline for a few minutes, don’t be too reluctant!” The old ritual waved his hand at random and then said again, “Ancestral Pond has two months to go. It will be open, you should go to… 74th Golden Star for a short period of time, then Ancestral Pond baptism, depending on your bloodline awakening level!”

He took out a token and let Zhou Heng drop some blood on it, and completed the assignment of Zhou Heng.

74th Golden Star?

The two guards did not speak, but they looked at each other. It was the worst planet in the Golden Dragon Domain. Not only did the Spiritual Qi level reach the 3 Origin Star, but it was very confusing. The people who live there are not the bloodline thin, that is. I committed a crime of exile.

It’s no wonder that Zhou Heng’s explicit purple dragon body is destined to have a limited future. Sacrifice adults will definitely not take care of him. How can he put it on the higher planet! To know that Zhou Heng is a human body, you can’t use Divine Beast’s advanced level. Violet Dragon Clan has a limit of Comet Boundary, but Zhou Heng may not be able to reach it. Maybe stay in Skyriver Boundary for life.

Who would be willing to pay more attention to a Skyriver Boundary? (To be continued.)

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