Getting Dragon Clan bloodline, it sounds great, and the approach I get doesn’t seem too difficult. .

It can be really hard to do.

Dragon Clan definitely knows this, and Dragon Clan is also the most proud, and will never let the bloodline out, so the Dragon Clan woman must be “digested” internally, able to walk out, either married or have a lot of It’s not good to start with it.

And the Dragon Domain is too powerful, even the average person is going to provoke? Besides, even if you get Dragon Clan bloodline is not equal to strong, after all, bloodline has a thin and rich point. In addition, Dragon Clan bloodline has to go through Ancestral Pond twice baptism to really grow, which is enough for everyone to dispel the thoughts!

Being able to break into the Dragon Domain is like defeating the two Old Dragons! In this case, what about Dragon Clan bloodline?

Like the top five Dragon Sovereign, although they come from the five Dragon Clan branches, they are all from Immortal Realm. The bloodline concentration is definitely not comparable to Bright Realm’s Dragon Clan. It is really a foreign Clan of Dragon Clan. What is the use?

At the top of the list and the top five Dragon Sovereign that’s all, or the level of Immortal Realm.

“You go to Dragon Domain. If you have Dragon Clan bloodline, you can definitely reduce a lot of trouble for you!” said the five Dragon Sovereign.

This is the truth.

Hóng Yue ran around with Zhou Heng, just to sharpen Zhou Heng, and she also said that this time after leaving Zhou Heng to the Dragon Domain, he would never care for him, going to the other three Divine Beast’s old nests. Turn, get the White Tiger meat, Vermilion Bird wings and beat the teeth.

An outsider ran to the Dragon Domain, which was extremely dangerous, because there was nowhere to be killed if he was killed.

But if there is a Dragon Clan identity, even if the bloodline grade is lower, it is also Dragon Clan’s own person, and he can only apply the Dragon Clan’s family rules. As long as he does not commit the sin of the traitor, at least one surname is guaranteed. .

As it is, Zhou Heng did not make strong resistance and was pushed back again.

Just when Blue Dragon Sovereigness also sat on his body, Zhou Heng wondered, what kind of fun is she coming together? Did her virginity give him back to Immortal Realm? It was a strong excitement, and he immediately threw the thought to the topmost clouds.

The inexplicable force poured into his within the body and merged directly into his blood. This has almost no feeling at first, but after four pieces of his “opening” fertilizer field, this feeling becomes Strongened up.

Even began to boil and jumped in his blood.

Golden Dragon Sovereigness is the last one. When she screamed under the impact of Zhou Heng, Zhou Heng’s blood also boiled completely, screaming like a wave.

He immediately fell into a coma.

Between the stupid, he vaguely sensed that his body is changing, but he could not reach out and touch, the consciousness is always groggy, how can not wake up.

I don’t know how long it took, he gradually recovered his control of the body, bit by bit, very slow and slow. Finally, he successfully opened his eyes, but it was dark.


He banged out in a crack, and it seemed to break something, and his eyes suddenly brightened.

“Zhou Heng -” Yan Yanyan’s voice sounded, his wife and wife gathered around.

“I am this?” Zhou Heng felt weak and hungry, and seemed to be able to eat even a mountain. He looked around, because he just broke a huge egg!

Yes, he is just in the eggshell and will see all around being dark.

Dragon Clan, born from the mother is an egg, whether it is a bloodline, it is born in a dragon shape, or a bloodline is born into a human shape.

He also repeated this process!

Is he now Dragon Clan?

Zhou Heng sensed it and felt that there was a force in the body, hidden in his bloodline, old and noble. He immediately mobilized, Ang, a dragon roar 发出 from his mouth, his body immediately changed dramatically, incarnation is a near hundred zhang long Purple Divine Dragon, flashing a path of purple flame, It seems like a flame!


Zhou Heng turned his dragon claws and moved the faucet. He felt that the force in the bloodline was disappearing rapidly. He could only maintain this form for up to ten minutes.

“Husband, you really have to become a dragon!” Lin Fuxiang, Ying Mengfan Several small wife exclaimed.

“As long as there are no fewer guns!” This is Xiao Huoshui.

“Not only is there not much, but it is getting bigger!” An Yumei swallowed his mouth and was equally fascinated.

“It seems like a delicious look!” Feng Lianqing kept licking his mouth, and his greedy surname was full.

Zhou Heng’s mind was moved, and the body immediately shrank and changed back to the human form. However, the clothes on his body were not treasures. They had already broken down when they became dragon-shaped. This changed back to a red strip.

Fortunately, all around is his woman, even if there are still a few things that are not eaten, but it is a matter of morning and evening, he carelessly take out the clothes and put them on.

Within the body The mysterious power is slowly recovering as he returns to the human form, but this speed is really slow and outrageous. If it is all used up, it may take three days to fully recover.

This is Dragon Clan’s Force of Bloodline!

Zhou Heng thought about it, once again launched the bloodline transformation, turned into a purple Divine Dragon, said: “You attack me, I want to try the strength of this body!”

But the girls are shaking their heads, and there is no one to shoot.

“Don’t be afraid, you can’t hurt me!” Zhou Heng thought they loved themselves too much and couldn’t get down.

“This girl is very eager to flatten you, but there is a kind of momentum in your body that is too strong, I can’t make it!” Feng Lianqing panting with rage said.


After Zhou Heng startled, I immediately thought, this is Longwei!

And what he changed was the shape of Violetflame Sky Dragon, so naturally he brought the momentum of his Martial King Overlord, which perfectly blended with Longwei to form a higher level of pressure.

It’s just that all the girls are unable to get out of their hands under his momentum. How does he test his physique?

“Let this Venerable come!” Hóng Yue flashed, her eyes glaring at Zhou Heng. When she was “young,” she didn’t know how many Dragon Clan she had, and Zhou Heng evokes her good memories.

Zhou Heng suddenly felt a sense of ominousness, but he had not waited for him to speak. His dragon horn was already caught by Hóng Yue.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

He was beaten like a toy by Hóng Yue, and soon he became confused and passed out.

When he woke up again, he was restored to the human form, and the whole body was also covered with bandages.

The memory before the coma came to an end, and Zhou Heng couldn’t help but pull the mouth, Hóng Yue this woman!

Isn’t it the strength of the physique? Is it necessary to be so embarrassed?

“I can’t help myself, there is no way. There are too many dragons that have been smashed before!” Hóng Yue said lightly, and in one sentence, he would uncover this “compassion” and let Zhou Heng’s eyes be so sad.

Waiting for him to break into Chaos Boundary, he must swear the witch’s ass!

“Is it very uncomfortable, I want to stop me?” Hóng Yue suddenly came over and Yanran smiled. “This Venerable gives you a chance, hey, give you five minutes, just take your shot!”

Zhou Heng’s consciousness recovered and the body began to heal under the power of the spirit. He barely climbed up and stared at Hóng Yue for a while. He said, “I will stop you, but not now!”

“When was that?”

“When I can win you!”

“tsk tsk tsk, courage, but why do you think you can surpass this Venerable? Super Great Perfection, not to mention that you only have Star Boundary to achieve Super Great Perfection, that is, All Great Perfection of Four Great Realms may not be sanctified. This is always just a guess that’s all !”

“I will win you!” Zhou Heng said calmly but firmly.

“Hahahaha, that this Venerable is waiting for this day!” Hóng Yue laughed happily. After laughing for a while, she said: “After you become a dragon body, the physique intensity is about the beginning of the Skyriver Emperor, but in this state you can’t use the raw stone liquid, it is also strengthening the flesh, which is conflicting!”

Zhou Heng nodded, I am very satisfied with this result.

Because he just had Dragon Clan bloodline, this physique is strong enough in the early days of Skyriver Emperor. Once you get Ancestral Pond baptism, it will definitely make a big jump!

“The human form, physique has also been greatly improved, probably equivalent to the extent of Skyriver King!” Hóng Yue continued, with her eyesight naturally no possible error.

She looked at Zhou Heng, and her interest in the eyes became more and more intense. She said: “Your situation is very special. Although it is the dragon Clan bloodline which is impaired by five bloodline impure dragons, this bloodline is available on your body. The huge improvement far exceeds the five dragons!”

“This Venerable has a feeling that you will give this Venerable a huge surprise!”

“Now, fill in your stomach first, the more powerful Dragon Clan you can eat!”

Hóng Yue slaps Zhou Heng out, according to her words, because Zhou Heng’s Dragon Clan bloodline is already quite rich, so she can’t help but can’t control it – there is more than just Dragon Clan. There are three other descendants of Divine Beast.

Zhou Heng was hungry before he was in a coma. This lay was seven days. He was hungry and even stared at Venus. He quickly went looking for something to eat.

It happened that Feng Lianqing was also sitting on the plate and saw that Zhou Heng was carrying a bigger bucket than others, and could not help but brighten his eyes, and immediately proposed to compare with Zhou Heng.

So she was tragedy.

Divine Beast does not need to cultivate, as long as you eat, you can enhance your strength and physique, thus achieving the goal of “Golden Steps”. Every Divine Beast is a foodie, the more powerful it is, the more you can eat!

The Yi people are really good to eat, may they compare with the Four Divine Beasts that was born when the heavens were first opened?

Zhou Heng was already hungry and panicked. The stop was enough to be Feng Lianqing’s 3 times, which made her feel embarrassed.

This full, Zhou Heng only felt that physique seems to have a little improvement, although not very obvious, but it is indeed improving! (To be continued.)

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