This deep underground is a darkness. When Yuan Bai’s group appeared in the dark, it was the Primordial Spirit cultivation base of several people present, all of which were as hard to see. However, this group of dark days also took all the chilly shuttles and swallowed them all in.

However, Yuan Bai’s eyes did not show any ease, but his brows were wrinkled. Just behind him, countless ice needles are being nailed together. However, he has become a demon, but it has already been in decline. It is just stuck at the mark of returning to the air, and it has already reached the limit, and it is difficult to cope with it.

Unconsciously, it has been forced into a desperate situation by the opponent. However, in the next moment, the eleven water fires and sorcerers were also smashed, and behind him, weaved a chapter of the impenetrable sword, and all the cold and cold needles were intercepted and shot.

“Do not worry about being behind me, there is me here.”

Hua Ying’s hoarse voice sounded, with six silver rings behind him, a total of six nine-day magnetic photon meridians, hit the place where the ice cold shadows,

Silent and silent, the entire stone wall is penetrated by the flame. However, the opponent has already avoided it early and failed to touch the hair.

It is only the purpose of Ling Ying, this is to disturb, so that this person can not easily carry out the technique, never expecting his nine-day magneto-optical meridian Dafa, can make meritorious deeds.

“The one who is opposite you is the cultivation base Primordial Spirit Late Stage. The best thing is the ‘Sen Luo lunar eclipse gossip method, and the ‘Magic Earth Scorpio God’s decision. That the sickle is also Fifty-Five Forbidden Law’s ultimate magic weapon – swallowing the moon and enchanting, this object is sharp and must not be touched with it -“

His voice did not fall, but Yuan Bai was already slamming on the side of his body, and the bloody knife was on the rise. Suddenly ‘pū chī, a soft bang, Yuan Bai’s right palm, immediately flesh and blood. The whole person also flew up and took dozens of stone pillars behind him and broke them one after another.

Then the entire stratum began to tremble again, and in the mouth of Ling Hua Ying, there was also a bitter and helpless meaning.

“Du Tian Yu Dao, the gods are infinitely thunder”

The majestic purple thunder spreads and rushes around. The ice needles that followed the Yuan Bai figure, and the stone pillars that were constantly worn out under the ground, were all destroyed and swept away.

Make Yuan Bai able to be safe and stable, and reorganize his feet outside Baizhang.

“Yuan brother, are you not to be killed? I said, don’t fight hard. Listen to me how to persuade me? Swallow the moon, the world’s arrogant blade, no more than forty Yuan brothers, do you really think that you are this? Can the holy demon body resist everything?”

Hua Ying coldly snorted, when the thunder of the sky dissipated. I have to face the dilemma of a collection of True Origin squandering and squandering.

“Xianying Floating Light. Nine-Life Thunder Snake”

The body turned into nine flashes of lightning, avoiding the series of killings. When the spiritual Hua Ying reappeared, it was behind Yuan Bai, less than three feet.

However, on the side of the left shoulder, there were still a few blood holes in the hole. Beyond the wound, it is completely frozen. A chilly force has been immersed in his lungs.

This is another masterpiece – the Zhonghai Liyin Mountain Zihai Ju Shi, also the Primordial Spirit Land Stage cultivator. Known as the Heaven and the Second World, it is known as Heaven.

Just now, Hua Ying, while escaping from the occasion of a thousand-one-one, was still stunned by the purple sea.

While continuing to be alert to the movements of the two face-to-face, Ling Hua Ying wants to dispel the fire from the South, and resolve this chill. It was only the flame of his with the body that was just motivated. After being fired, there was a hot flame, and with the power of suffocation, the coldness of his with the body was driven away.

Hua Ying can’t help but smile.

“many thanks Yuan brother”

What he is most worried about is that the two cannot cooperate. They are fighting each other and it is difficult to form a joint force. Otherwise, they will lose their battle.

Fortunately, this bloody enchanting, not stupid to incorrigible, after all, accepted his goodwill.

Yuan Bai silently, without saying anything, the action has begun to have a rapport with Ling Hua Ying. The scattered demon yuan, an imposing mind, are echoing with the Hua Ying, and they cover each other.

For a time, it was the opposite of the two Primordial Spirit Late Stage, feeling nowhere to start, and briefly fell into a stalemate.

At the moment, Yuan Bai’s heart is the same warmth. It used to be a solitary in Southern Heaven, fighting with the same kind, resisting Leaving Dust, being alone, and having never had a companion alone.

This is the first time that people have joined forces, especially with the Terran cultivator. But this feeling is still pretty good. Someone guards the back of his own back, and when he shoots, there are always countless worries behind him.

“Only you and me, I am afraid I can’t hold it for too long.”

Hua Ying said, looking at the top with a bit of worry: “There is only one pair of sword wings, I am afraid that something has changed. This time can’t say for sure, you and I will die here.”

“No need”

Yuan Baiyan is concise and arrogant, saying that there is no need to worry. It seems that the heart is inductive, Yuan Bai has a pair of big bell-like eyes, and it also looks at the top with a deep meaning.

“I see you Leaving Dust, this time is a lot of bets -“

“Too much bet? What is this?”

Hua Ying is puzzled. This Yuan Bai seems to dare to know something. However, he immediately lost his mind and continued to spend leisure with Yuan Bai. I saw the opposite 20,000 ft., the whole body was covered behind the cultivator inside the cloak, and there were countless drops of water rising out of the air, forming a huge image of a monkey, and the image of Yuan Bai. The points are similar.

“Damn, it is the true shape of Akasaka.”

I dare not delay, and Hua Ying, the first sword, started to attack the giant python. It is one of the four mixed-race monkeys, one of the four big mixed monkeys, and one of the eight Divine Beast bloodlines of the lineage. The ability to fetch water is not inferior to the nine-infant phase.

I really want to be recruited by this person. He and Yuan Bai both have a die without a burial site.

At this moment, Ling Hua Ying is very nostalgic for his little Junior Brother. If there is Zhuang Wudao, there is room for this repair. And the remaining three times the sword wing blessing, if it can come, the two Primordial Spirit Late Stage, it is nothing.

I really don’t know what kind of change happened? Make Zhuang Wudao unable to complete the sword wing. When I thought about the Primordial Spirit Late Stage cultivator that entered the Shiling Buddha Cave, it was probably more than eight. Even if the spirit of Hua Ying was so tough, it could not help but shake it, and even gave birth to a sense of despair.

I and Yuan Bai, I don’t know how long it will last. Can I stop at Zhuang Wudao’s sword wing blessing, or other same side sources?

Yuan Bai’s eyes are much more determined. After the absence of the spiritual Hua Ying wing, he also did not dare to stay in the same place. Sure enough, just as his figure left here, a huge solid stone prison, slammed out. At the same time, a bloody moon shadow, empty-handed.

Yuan Bai did not completely avoid it. The blood became a palm of one hundred and eighty thousand elephants. If the hammer was broken like a broken mountain, it would still be difficult to be a knife. Fortunately, before he was injured, Yuan Baikou spilled more blood. The whole person slipped out of forty feet and brought a large amount of water.

Steady figure, Yuan Bai screamed, looking fierce and violent, looking at the bloody shadows. The flame in the eyes seems to have turned into essence, and the killing intent is absolutely extreme.

But still need to be patient, we have to wait a second. The thought of the bloody soul has already come. Very strong, more than ten times stronger than the old man’s previous commitment, has also been practiced as promised.

As he said, Leaving Dust Palace bets too much. This war, no matter what the situation, can never be defeated

At most half a moment, he can completely tear the opposite person into pieces. He must eat this person’s Primordial Spirit Golden Core, the limbs of the limbs, to vent their hatred.

I heard that this person, named Zhong Jiujun? Primordial Spirit Late Stage, presumably extremely delicious. That bloody moon enchanting, it seems to be good, when the demon repairs use –

“evil creature ”

Coldly snorted, from the opposite side: “I still want to bear up against it? I really want to see, how long can you stay one person and one beast?”

With the sound, thousands of stone pillars, from the heavens and the earth, rushed out, and went to Yuan Bai’s place. Mixed with three or five sharp and unremarkable positive and negative Magnetic Origin blade, with the bloody moon enchanting, forced Yuan Bai, had to be dodge again, squatting on the body, and dozens more wounds.

In the far distance, it is close to the completion of the Akasaka, and has been torn into pieces by the Hua Ying’s water-sword light. Zihai layman is unscathed, and his body moved to 10,000 feet away. At this moment, he laughed loudly.

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