But in the blood of the three dragon crescent shovel, such as the poison dragon is generally out of the moment. Three green awns, suddenly flying from behind them.

The eyes of the blood are condensed, the figure is blurred again, and the shadows are changed. Let all these three green awns pass by. The whole blood of the blood, another flash, appeared in the eight hundred feet. Just avoiding a starlight spear that flashed in place, the starlight flashed, not only the hundreds of feet around, it was like a bright. It is the top of the cave and the underground, and it is also penetrated by this starlight.

Up to five thousand feet, down to five thousand feet, deep bottomless, beyond the presence of several people in the sense of sensing.

“Clean and scattered, you are Wutaoshan really clean?”

With the voice of the blood, almost everyone’s eyes looked at the three greens.

Only a moment, there is a figure, coming out of the darkness.

“I really thought that only one magic Buddha, the magical wheel, and the Chiba array would be able to stop me and so on.”

Walking in the air, the net is scattered and walking. The body is shining, and the stars are flashing. However, when it was a real mess, when it came to the Baizhang area behind the festival, a sword light behind the real person was suddenly attacked and inserted in front of the net.

“Please honestly stop your friends”

“Fruit brother?”

I can’t help but look at the law. A few people around, there are also unexpected colors.

The real people of the festival are not ignored, and they are all three. The main body still holds the dust and the jade, and the lightning flashes. On the left side of the festival, a hand-held bottle is placed with a red-brown hairpin on the head. In addition to the bun, the red mans are rolled up, rolled up a layer of Nanming from the fire, and spread around. The bottle is open, like a bottomless pit, and the swords that are smashed by the princes are absorbed into it.

On the right side of the ‘Festival,’ is holding a treasure mirror. There are dozens of fifth-order nine-day magnetic photon meridians, which are played from the inside, so that the step Xuanqing has to take the ‘too virtual yin and yang disk, take the initiative to take back, first protect his body. That is the jade bracelet, but also a burst of light and shadow, illusion of thousands of bracelets, instantly wiped out most of the.

“This is, is it true?”

The figure of Step Xuanqing, which has been withdrawn from the thousands of feet, is extremely embarrassing, and a few pieces of clothes are worn by the nine-day magneto-optical meridian.

Looking at the opposite of the festival, step Xuanqing chilly sensation in the eyes, the meaning of taboos and more points.

He thought that he had paid enough attention to the head of the Leaving Dust. When I was really in a war, I realized that my understanding of the festival was so shallow.

The true shape of the instrument is a kind of avatar. It is made of excellent treasures and is divided into avatars. The strength is between the soul of the soul and the second Primordial Spirit. It can have six 70% of the main body, but the range is smaller and can’t leave the body. However, this alone will make the strength of both sides contrast and change again.

I remember that about three hundred years ago, there were people in the magical door to make a statement. When Leaving Dust was weak, the whole dynasty went south to the southern bank of the Xuan Dajiang River. In this early place, the sect was rebuilt and the three oppressions of the Central Plains were removed. After two or three thousand years, the magical door will be able to prosper and please the devil.

But these sounds were forced to be suppressed by the then sect master. At that time, he was Xuan Qing, and he was dissatisfied. I only thought that my master, because of the secret investigation of Jiangnan’s falsehood hundreds of years ago, was defeated by Leaving Dust Xuan Ce, so Leaving Dust was too deep.

It can be seen now that Step Xuanqing is a festival that is fortunate in his heart, that is, at the time of Qi and blood, the combat power is enough to match any one of the top ten in the monument, not to mention the time of its prosperity. ?

No wonder, it’s the first person in the world, Mu Yuanxuan, who once took the initiative to retreat after seeing the festival. He never did it to the South for hundreds of years.

At that time, if the magical sects went south, only the festival of the time of this grand glory, I was afraid that there would be seven Primordial Spirits, which would destroy most of the energy.

That Tianzong Suiyuan Temple, if the three holy sects have formed an alliance, there is no need to worry about each other. It also coincides with the old age of the festival, but I am afraid that I will not dare to peep at the south.

And today, if it is the combination of the three major geniuses, it is idiotic to dream of winning Leaving Dust.

However, at this time, the killing intent of the real-life method is mostly locked in a clean and empty person, making the latter, the face is stiff, and the body can’t move.

The rest of the people are also speechless. Within the cave, the silence was restored again and the atmosphere condensed. Until Step Xuanqing laughed again: “I am really a quiet person. I am only a doorman of my magical door. I am only curious. How do you know how to help you? Do you think you are not in the Stone Buddha Cave?”

If you know that Jingjing is intimate with the magical door, Leaving Dust will never choose this one and enter the Shiling Buddha Cave together.

That is really quiet, at this moment also faintly sighed, look calm and calm, calm: “I thought that the festival is a friend, suspected that the Liuli Temple is like Lu Dazheng. This has been persisting for hundreds of years in the South, and has several contacts with the Yuanyuan Temple. The Liuli Temple is a wild mountain in the south. There are several times of extinction. The Daxie is abandoning the small Buddhist temple and changing into the Great Ascension. This is a matter of course.”

The festival method shook his head slightly, and the voice was indifferent: “One hundred years ago, when the true Taoist friend refused to be my extraterrestrial door elder, the festival was already in doubt, but it was only until today that it was truly certain.”

Into Leaving Dust is the truth of the outside door, it is necessary to cross the ancestral hall to ask questions. However, this really quiet person would rather disregard the rich resources provided by the Leaving Dust Palace and also do a simplification and cultivation.

It seems that this really quiet person is temperamental, and prefers to be free and unwilling to be restrained. If you look at it in reverse, it also makes people suspicious.

As for how to confirm today, this really quiet person is a magical chess piece, but the festival has no meaning.

Really quiet people still do not understand, eyes confused. That step Xuan Qing has no deep research, knowing this festival, I am afraid that there will be layout before this. No matter who is today, the first one to come here will be judged by the law as a ghost inside.

And even if the festival knows the true identity, what can it do? With the power of four people, and the help of future stars and robbing, it is still a good chance. Even this festival, with the help of these two instruments, is just a time to silence oneself and delay some time.

He has no desire to wait any longer, but he will change later.

You can follow the Xuanqing, and then the eyebrows are spurred, the eyes are dignified, watching the three ‘laws, the feet. Not far from Jun Baichuan and the bloody person, this time is not the same, and they have looked at the past with cold eyes.

I saw this moment, there are countless mysterious runes, stretching from the foot of the festival, the divine light shines, and in an instant, the caves are covered.

The glow of the sun is like a legendary heaven.

This method, step Xuanqing faintly recognizes – ‘Reverse God to Tibet, the full name Xuantian reversal of the gods to Tibet, from an ancient god decided Xuantian return to the Tibetan wedding dress Dafa

Suddenly, the heart was cold, and the color of madness and despair was almost impossible to bear. It turned out that the original Suiyuan Temple was so good and poisonous.

Going back to the gods and dressing up the Dafa. In this battle, the four people they were present were also among the sacrifices scheduled for the Sugawara Temple.

He had everything in mind, and he had more precautions against the temple, but it was unexpected. The problem was still on the side of the Leaving Dust Palace.

The reason why this method is willing to fight is because Leaving Dust has been decided early, and it can be a big victory. No matter what calculations they have, they will be crushed into powder before the return of the gods.

The large-scale shock in the entire Shiling Buddha Cave has spread to the deepest layer of the Buddhist cave.

Two hundred miles below the surface, here, in addition to the darkness, it is getting wet. The lake outside Shiling Island is squeezed and infiltrated, making several small underground lakes formed here. The environment is bad, that is, those Buddhist repairs 300,000 years ago, and they rarely take care of this place.

It is also the least layer of Buddha statues. It is only a few hundred miles away, and it is only a hundred and twenty. At this time, most of them have been destroyed. Some of them are destroyed by the aftermath of the tremors. The small 800-square-meter caves have more than a dozen Primordial Spirit cultivators, but not too short. Half a time, the entire Buddhist cave has a full collapse. The other part is a violent storm that is destroyed by this layer. Countless sword power, constantly slamming in this narrow space, and all kinds of temperament brought by various techniques, the spare power, destroy everything in the range of 100 miles.

The tens of miles above the ground floor has actually been cracked. In the common sense, it should have collapsed. However, from the bottom of the continuous plucking, the stone pillars that are struck up, but these layers have a new support. It was just the muddy soil, but it continued to fall down. The surrounding stone wall is also cracking, and countless lakes are constantly rushing in.

Yuan Bai was bruised and wounded, standing on the bottom of the boulder, which had not been destroyed. A pair of sword wings unfolded behind him, and the flames lingered. The nearby water liquid, just close to the range of his Baizhang, will be chemical vapor. The surrounding water surface is five or sixty feet lower than the outer surface.

The most serious injury is an amazing scar on the back, and you can even see the forest bones above the back. At this moment, the muscles are constantly contracting and squirming, and they are slowly healing. However, on the wound, there was a bloody red sputum, which stubbornly prevented the recovery of the injury here. Whenever a piece of flesh grows out, it will burst into flesh and blood after the whisky.

However, Yuan Bai couldn’t take care of it at the moment, and he couldn’t even take a breather. A crescent moon-like blade followed. Forcing Yuan Bai, he had to sneak away. And just in the shadow of others, leaving the moment of this cyan boulders. This sharp and unmistakable black-red blade light also splits the boulder, together with the thousands of feet below, into two, and is smashed by hard.

Looking from afar, it is a huge bloody red sickle.

Yuan Bai’s face is unchanged, and one palm is taken as a Great Falling Monument. I saw that underwater, a deep blue water dragon, is also backing up at this time.

Suddenly slammed, the dark blue water dragon collapsed immediately and the water was scattered. Hit the stone wall that remains on all sides, it is actually the stone layer of stone, which instantly erodes countless deep holes.

And Yuan Bai’s right hand is also entangled by a chilly force. Fortunately, his swallowing changes, the most able to control the drug lords, a breath, these entangled drowning poisonous cockroaches, has collapsed and scattered.

At the same time, there were dozens of chilly shadows on the opposite side, and they all ran through the air, and all of them were covered.

He didn’t recognize this thing, but not long ago, it was a big loss. In order to swallow the sun, these chilly shuttles, one pair of arms, were almost pierced and corroded.

A roar of roar, Yuan Bai’s body, faintly revealed the animal shape. The clothing was also broken and the half was broken. Blood stasis is blessed. Yuan Bai fiercely punched out, but in front of him, he began to collapse inward. Endless darkness, began to engulf the Quartet.

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