“I decided, after one month, with Demon Dao in three battles in the Shiling Buddha Cave.”

Within the main cabin, there was a silence. Many people are both stunned and do not know why they look at each other, in order to get some useful information from the people around them. However, the move was obviously futile, and within the cabin, it suddenly became noisy.

“Decisive battle, why did you choose after January?”

“The opposite of undoubtedly is already running out of water. Sooner or later, I have to collapse first. I just need to wait for Leaving Dust. Why do you have to take great risks to fight?”

“But the Origin Storing Stone is not enough? Everyone will make a mess, and they will be able to put more than 70 seats in the 20-year period. I don’t believe the sects in the north, Lin Family Lei Family and Profound Saint Sect, Can bear the long time of those magic repairs”

There are many people talking about it, and some people directly question the festival. Zhuang Wudao is a sinking heart, knowing that the real people do this, there must be some reason.

In the battle with the magic, Leaving Dust has been conclusive. It is reasonable to say that it is not the best time now.

Speeding up the body, Zhuang Wudao walked to the side of Ling Hua Ying, and behind him was a mysterious machine.

“Several Senior Brothers, what do you know?”

“I do not know either–“

Hua Ying is equally stunned and confused: “Today is cultivation, and suddenly I received a letter from the teacher, and called me to discuss.”

Zhuang Wudao is speechless and looks at the mysterious machine behind him. I hope that I am grasping the secret power of Xuan Lingshan, and there are any reliable sources.

“Don’t look at me, I am also confused.”

Xuanji shook his head, but after the end, he indulged: “I only know that a few days ago, Shizun met with Profound Saint Sect, and received letters from the Central Plains. San Shengzong, and even Gold Overflowing Temple , Conferred God Palace –“


Zhuang Wudao Binocular micro-condensation, so to speak, the real people suddenly change their minds, is it related to the Central Plains?

Gold Overflowing Temple and the Conferred God Palace, which is ranked above the Leaving Dust, is also the great faction of the world’s top ten sects.

I just want to continue to ask the details of the mysterious machine, and I heard a ring of bells from the top.


As the silent bell rang, the cabin noise gradually subsided. The real people look like a point, scanning the people in the cabin.

“The day before yesterday, the celestial ancestor Mu Yuanxuan sent a letter, and wanted to come forward to mediate my Leaving Dust and the magic repair dispute. In addition, Profound Saint Sect has more messengers, advised me that Leaving Dust Palace will solve this dispute with Demon Dao as soon as possible. In order to avoid the catastrophe of the soul, the catastrophe plundered -“

The voice did not fall, and within the entire cabin, it was another explosion.


“Is this happening?”

“Hey, they are doing a lot with the Profound Saint Sect.”

“Mediation? Oh, the southeast magic repairs and plunders, these three holy sects do not come out to correct the contract and annihilate, but to say mediation. What is really interesting about this holy sect?”

“It is really deceiving. It was only the tyrannical Junior Brother. It was the rumor of the magic repair. It was a big pressure and forced to go to the door. Now, instead of standing by, let’s cross the bar and help the Demon Dao? What qualifications do they have to mediate the dispute between my sect and the magic?”

“It is true that no qualification is nothing but coercion and temptation. Deceive me Leaving Dust no one?”

“What is the use of these things? It is not a million years ago. I heard about the Three Sacred sects in my early years. I was interested in raising my own weight. I deliberately kept the Central Plains to repair the evils. Otherwise, thousands of years ago, This Heaven cult has no place for the devils and grandsons. There used to be some unbelief, but now I know, but I am too naive.”

Zhuang Wudao is also about to spurt fire in the eyes, filled with anger. However, he is now more able to sink his mind and know the real people of the festival, as well as the following.

“You and don’t be impatient”

The silent clock is ringing again, and there is no expression on the nodule. The voice is cold and cold: “The doubts of you, I have also asked Profound Saint Sect to come. The man said, he is not willing to come out and remove the magic. Just worrying about the Demon Dao cultivator dog jumping over the wall, unscrupulous, resulting in a greater disaster. The North Shore was robbed, so the rat was robbed – “

This sentence has not been finished yet. There are a few sneer voices from the bottom. The festival also ignores it and continues: “In addition, the three holy sects are willing to come forward to guarantee that 15 people from each side will be at the Shiling Buddha Cave. In the first battle of this battle, if I lost Leaving Dust, I will give up the Nanping Mountains within one year. If my Leaving Dust Palace wins, Demon Dao will make a contract with my Leaving Dust, within the millennium, all Under the door, disciple, are not allowed to set foot on the south bank of the Tibetan Xuanjiang River.”

Zhuang Wudao couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows and looked at each other with Hua Ying and others. His look was a loose one.

Is there 15 people on each side? This is what makes it. With Zhuang Wudao’s heavy sword wings, there is an odds of more than 100%.

It is estimated that this Central Plains Sanzong, most of them think that they Leaving Dust and even 15 Primordial Spirit cultivators, can’t take it?

On the contrary, Demon Dao has three sects, but it can match all the essences of the three geniuses.

It seems that the Central Plains Sanzong, although intentionally directed at the Leaving Dust Palace, still dare not be too much.

Other people in the room are also calm down. It’s just that it’s not a real-scale decisive battle. It’s like a lot of deaths and injuries. It’s still acceptable.

The power of the fifteen Primordial Spirit and Leaving Dust Palace is far from good, but it is not without a chance.

The essence of Leaving Dust Palace is not comparable to those of the magic.

“This seat has been negotiated with several real people. It is ready to fight this battle. Please also invite Yan and Heavenly Dao to come forward and make a notarization with San Shengzong. So you don’t need to be arguing and don’t need to do more. There is no need to worry. Today’s meeting, only decided to vote for this candidate.”

It is extremely easy to decide who to play. Festival Law, 叁法, 李玄安, 袁白, these five people are Leaving Dust Palace Now, the most important combat power, this time is indispensable.

Zhuang Wudao, Nie Xianling and Ling Hua Ying, nature is also among them. Zhuang Wudao and Ling Hua Ying are only the strength of the Golden Core, but if they really want to fight, even the cultivator of the Primordial Spirit Middle Stage may not be able to suppress the two. And the former two ‘smart sword wings, is the key to defeating this enemy. Nie Xianling, although only Foundation Establishment, can double the strength of everyone, and this battle is also a must-have.

But at this moment, people have not said it before. The festival is just a matter of saying that Leaving Dust Palace has another person to avoid doubts.

After all, a Foundation Establishment, joining the battle of Primordial Spirit, it would be ridiculous to say who is going out.

In addition, at the time of this decisive battle, there was a need to preside over the overall situation. Leaving Dust Palace was sitting in the middle of the town and was a real person. On the south bank of the Tibetan-Xuanjiang River, after the people agreed, they were presided over by Yang Fa.

Yunfa, Yunlingyue and the three people of the real people are all playing. However, the strength of the Leaving Dust Palace is only ten people.

The remaining four people can only be supplemented by the accomplices of the Leaving Dust Palace, which are scattered and quiet, Huang Han, and Gu He San. If Lu Dazheng is right, but he is not in the list of battles, he is entrusted by the festival, and he is a real person in the outside world, presided over the overall situation of the South Bank, so as to avoid being emptied by emptiness.

However, the festival also knows these allies, not very reliable, and specifically said: “This time, this Leaving Dust does not ask several friends to win and kill the enemy, just ask you to try to drag the opponent. If nature really encounters danger, several Taoist friends can also evacuate first to save their lives.”

This statement shows that those who have to participate, such as Huang Han Fuhe, have a good look.

However, after the festival, he said: “But if you wait for the war without retreating, Yang is guilty and deliberately dragging me Leaving Dust. After this war, I will leave Leaving Dust, whether it is defeat or defeat, I will do everything. The friend of the Yi family is gone.”

That Huang Han’s eyes changed slightly, and then he calmed down again: “The Taoist friends can rest assured that my Huang Family owes Leaving Dust a lot of people. And there is no such thing as a finished egg under the nest. Hwang also understands, true. To be admitted to Jiangnan by these Demon Dao sects, I am afraid that I am a member of the Huang family and there is no place for the founding. This battle, even if it can not win, will do its best. It will never fight and become the burden of Leaving Dust Palace.”

The rest, like the ancients and a few people, should also be. Although he did not swear and swear at the moment, his look is extremely serious.

Everything is agreed, and everyone in the cabin can begin to disperse. Zhuang Wudao has stayed, thinking about the place of this decisive battle – Shiling Buddha Cave.

It was at the beginning that he suspected that Chi Ling Sanxian taught to hide one of the three locations of the inexpensive Brother.

The location is on Shiling Island in the middle of the Tibetan River, close to the margin of Dongsheng. Heaven There was a time when the Dharma was prosperous. At that time, the world worshipped the Buddha, the Buddhist temple was everywhere, and the Buddha repair accounted for 80% in the world cultivator. The Shiling Buddha Cave was built at that time, with a total of 103,000 stone Buddhas.

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