e: Three more today began to double the monthly ticket, land reclamation to everyone to ask for a monthly pass

As I said, Luo Qingyun’s fingertips point to the eyebrows of Zhuang Wudao.

“Look at this mark, it is a balance. One end of the scale is a blood sword, which symbolizes the power of Avici Equality King. The other end is blank-“

Luo Qingyun Voices, Zhuang Wudao also realized: “That is, I only need to increase the weight weight at the end of the blank, the energy sword is used to power the other side of the balance? Use this Avici Equality King’s power cultivation, or fight with people?”

“Sword Master is really smart, and the blind can teach.”

Luo Qingyun nodded lightly: “But it can be accepted by the Lord. It can be used as a ‘weight, a sacrifice, but it is harsh and rare. Only the soul, especially the special ‘tasty, soul.’ Or the extremely rare heavenly material earthly treasure can make him tempted. Like the soul of the daoist you saw in the cold heaven palace, it is a perfect sacrifice, which will definitely make Avici Equality King happy. Value is not even It’s a pity that under the Lord’s blood essence—”

Zhuang Wudao couldn’t help but have a headache, licking his forehead: “Why did you provoke such a thing? Right, can this spell be hidden?”

Heaven 修界, no one knows ‘Avici Equality King, this lord, and I must have no one knows this unique mark. Just, not afraid of 10,000, just afraid of the event.

And with the evil of this curse, anyone who looks at it will be suspicious.

“After cursing your refining, you can change it at will, you can hide it, you can change the position, and hide it with the body. As for how Sword Master can provoke this curse, it is also self-contained. You should never do it. Proactively ask him to give you the second chance of the second Primordial Spirit. Who can’t wait until this is not a violation of the rules, the light is a big spy on the Sword Master’s chance, will you miss it? There is a good magic embryo like you in front of you, the demon Lord It is even the rules that I have set, and I don’t care. The magic repair lineage, after all, still believes.”

Luo Qingyun faintly sighed, and then remembered something: “Right, this curse, there is another use, that is, the print. You can plant a sub-print on others. You can also collect it on behalf of the demon. Good spirit.”


“Well, in this world, there are always people who are eager for strength. Some people are eager to ask for truth. Some people want to live forever, or they want revenge at no cost. There are many people who are good at heart, and this curse can make them pay. I want to do whatever I want, but the price is not too shallow-“

Luo Qingyun at this time is like a demon who teaches people to sin, and the voice is tempting: “It seems like a macro person, as long as there is a line of praise, even if the whole person is sold to you, it is willing.”

Zhuang Wudao If you realize it, in other words, you can also trade with these people now? Has become the downline of the Avici Equality King, harming others

Shaking his head, Zhuang Wudao didn’t even think about it. He Zhuang Wudao has his own bottom line.

It’s just that you degenerate Demon Dao alone, no need to pull others. It is Zhuang Xiaohu, and this woman is also willing to do this.

“This need not be mentioned again. Now I still want to know why this feedback is so rich? What a drop of the Lord’s blood essence, is there any mystery?”

“Large?” Luo Qingyun said: “This is because in the Heaven world, in the world without other barriers, the Avici Equality King’s return is more than ten times more than the rich”

“How can this be?” Zhuang Wudao is even more puzzled: “I remember the original blood of Liu.”

“Different, the blood of the so-called Liu Liu has actually been taken away by the Liu Liu, leaving only blood. And this magic blood essence, but contains at least True Demon Realm, even Profound Demon one The level of the devil is the most essential part, and it is the most essential part. It should be a serious injury in the war, even after the body is scattered, somehow, it falls in the hands of this blood daoist. The demon Lord has not been able to recover. The means in the blood jade bottle is obviously not like the Dao Fusion environment, but the real fairy is shot and the blood essence is sealed.”

See Zhuang Wudao still puzzled. After thinking about it, Luo Qingyun explained it more straightly: “Let’s say that, the blood of the willow, Avici Equality King got no big use, most through these blood, comprehend Divine Abilty mystery of some of the willows. If there is a perfection of the willow, the demon is not expected to want it, but this magical blood essence is different, through these three drops of essence, the Avici Equality King, There is probably a way to master a True Demon Realm and even Profound Demon.”

“It turns out!”

Zhuang Wudao This is a sudden realization, so to say, these three drops of the Lord blood essence, really nothing.

True Demon Realm is equivalent to the true fairy in the Heavenly Immortal world. Profound Demon is the same level as Golden Immortal and is already the top master.

To know that Ling Xiaoxiao, but only the Golden Core, although that Goldford Immortal, do not touch the cause and effect robbery, stronger than the ordinary Golden Immortal. The level of power can still be roughly the same.

Refining that ‘equality curse, Zhuang Wudao only used one hour. The process is extremely simple, just by thinking of yourself and leaving a mark on it.

However, Zhuang Wudao has always suffered from the loss, heartbeat, and even if there is a guarantee of sword spirit, he still worried that there will be any legacy in the future.

However, after refining, this thing can be changed as desired. Zhuang Wudao hides this curse under the soles of his feet, hiding in the skin, and there is no trace of the outside.

Then there is the heart of the three three-headed fire carvings. This thing, although taken from Divine Beast, is similar to the moon pattern and branches. There is a close connection between the three hearts. However, it is not just taking it, but it requires extremely complicated methods to make this thing what he wants.

Zhuang Wudao didn’t know where to start at the beginning. He knew exactly what the three hearts had and what kind of benefits he had. But I don’t know how to use this thing best.

Fortunately, Luo Qingyun, then passed on some of his mouth, and the method of refining. Zhuang Wudao This is the only way to start refining.

The first is to take one of them, use your own True Origin as fuel, and turn it into a heart-warming flame. Refining the heart into hundreds of drops of golden blood.

Then, with some herbs, together with these blood, they inhale themselves with the body and fuse with the heart.

Beginning with the process of ‘changing the heart, the heart is transformed into pale gold step by step.

Zhuang Wudao Naturally, it is impossible to replace your heart with the heart of a beast. It is not a plot to the heart of the three-winged fire carving, which contains the heavy bird blood vessel.

Instead, according to the slogan provided by sword spirit, it is replenished as a supplement from the world’s magical decision and the dusty mountain. It is a derivative of these two secrets.

The advantage of having sword spirit is that it is replaced by other cultivators. It is estimated that this object can only be swallowed and absorbed the essence of refining.

He can develop the benefits of this heart, the use of 100%.

‘Change heart, after completion, Zhuang Wudao feels that he is behind his wings, and has a closer relationship with the cold hair under his body. From the world of magic and the determination of the dust, it is the peak of the 3rd Heavenly Layer.

The body is more intense, and the wings behind it seem to be able to add more power. However, the effect is not obvious, and the most benefit is his pair of eyes.

The re-emphasis of the world can now be seen farther, and the power of twisting the void is also enhanced by at least half the time.

It’s also easier and easier to see the flashing ‘channels’ between Heaven and Earth. There are also various spells from the Ming Dynasty, and the power is also increased by three to 40%, and even as much as half a time, it is not a small surprise.

However, this ‘change of heart, the most important benefit, is still in the future, the second and third Primordial Spirit, when it was built. The flesh can have the same characteristics as his current three Golden Cores. The other two hearts are immortal, and the other can be restored immediately. It is like a natural elf, and it is more different than the Inextinguishable Dao Body.

As for the other two golden hearts, Zhuang Wudao refining is much simpler. But have to wait for more time,

Just put a bit of flesh and blood at your apex in it. Then find a special vessel and put the two hearts into it for cultivation.

In the future, the flesh and blood that he implanted will continue to engulf the heart of these two three-headed fire carvings until they are transformed into ‘outside heart.’

The heart is there, the Golden Core is there, and the Core of this incarnation is there. Just match the flesh and blood skeleton.

But after all, it is a sixth-order three-headed fire sculpture, equivalent to the Dao Fusion in the cultivator, and the top of the Dao Fusion.

Wanting to completely devour refining takes at least a hundred years. It is the golden blood of Zhuang Wudao’s heart in the heart. It is only to the extent that it can be used. It has not been completely converted to its own. It takes hundreds of years to slowly kill.

However, the four spirits of the thunder and fire, the early success of the promotion. However, it is said that it is engulfing refining. In fact, it is more image-oriented. It should be ‘assimilation, only right.

The so-called assimilation is the sixth-order god nucleus, the main body of the reverse phagocytic spirit. Fusion with the soul fire of the swallowing beast.

Otherwise, with the power of the third-order gods, devour the sixth-order god nucleus, at least it must be digested by hundreds of thousands of years.

Zhuang Wudao cares about the spirit that can control the thunder and fire of heaven, but does not care what the main body of this instrument is. It is naturally a smarter and more convenient way of choosing.

I buried my head and digested the income of this blood sacrifice, completely ignoring foreign affairs. Waiting for Zhuang Wudao to handle the three ‘three-headed fire carvings, the heart is properly handled. Four Thunderfire Scorpio, will also come to the gods of the crystal nucleus, all digested and swallowed – or ‘assimilation,” Zhuang Wudao finally found the atmosphere on the Meridian Xuanyang ship, there are some wrong, abnormal tension.

Within his quiet room, there is also a letter floating. It is the law of the real people, but he just entered the refining ‘heart, this letter did not wake him up.

After receiving the symbol, the gods explored it. Only for a moment, Zhuang Wudao frowned and shook out of the door.

This entire meridian Xuanyang ship is quiet, no one. Zhuang Wudao did not care, and went straight into the main cabin of the ship’s central hub. When I got here, I saw a dozen Primordial Spirit cultivators on board, and the fifty or sixty Golden Core cultivators were here, sitting side by side. The real person sitting on the top of the festival is starting talking: “I decided to decide, one month later, with Demon Dao three battles in the Shiling Buddha Cave.”

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