Just opposite Hongde’s real person, Yu Xuxuan smiled and shook his head: “Leaving Dust has been raging in recent years, but the strength is not broken. Whether it is Great Peace Sect or dry Tianzong, it has not wavered. Leaving Dust Palace is the foundation. Instead, the East Spring Palace is destroyed, and the Shifting Mountain Sect is shrunk, and it can only be fixed to the mountain gate. In the hundreds of countries in the southeast, 60% has been owned by Leaving Dust. Today’s strength is more than a thousand years. Before, a sacred policy, a festival, two generations of inheritance for a thousand years, made Leaving Dust return to the extreme.”

“It is also the land of the southeast. It has become more and more prosperous in these years. It is said that Destiny in the world, 10% has been returned to the south of Tibet.”

On the side of Yu Xuxuan, Yu Yunqin also shook his head and commented, with a sly color in his eyes. This southeastern land, nowadays, not only has a large population increase, but also the land and spirits have been developed one by one, and they have been robbed from the hands of the monsters. Lingtian has increased and ore veins have been excavated. So in the southeast, the resulting Golden Core cultivator is also getting more and more

Although the Central Plains is a vast land of resources, if it is about potential, it is far less than the southeast. It is also because of the forces of the world that the land of the south has been noticed, and it has gradually recovered, and it has surpassed the trend of the Central Plains. Only now, the Leaving Dust Palace has changed dramatically.

Thousands of years ago, Leaving Dust was able to hold the mountain gate and the empty island after the robbery of the island. Rather than the power of the Leaving Dust Palace and Scarlet Yang City, it is better to say that the northern forces are mutually restrained, but they cannot be started.

The wild land of the past has become the fat in the eyes of the Great Sect.

“Father, in fact, Yunqin has long had doubts. Scarlet Yang City has been working tirelessly for the past year. Is it right or wrong?”

A million years ago, away from the Cold Heaven Palace era, the land of Nishikawa was also extremely prosperous. With the power of one place, it suppresses the entire Heaven. After the destruction of the Cold Heaven Palace, the huge disasters caused countless deaths and deaths in the vicinity. This land of Xichuan was once again returning to the wild.

From Scarlet Yang City to the south, there are large areas of fertile soil, and a lot of spiritual land can be developed. Nearly a thousand countries in Xichuan, the situation is even more chaotic than the southeast of Heaven. Hundreds of large Small Sect doors, cultivation aristocratic family thousands.

In the eyes of Yu Yunqin, the development to the south is far less expensive than going north.

“Yunqin, do you really think that I have been a Senior for these years, is it really seeking to relocate to the Central Plains?”

Seeing the opposite face of Yu Xuxuan’s face, the slightest helplessness, the face of Hongde’s real person, also showed some smiles. Dai Yu Xu Xuan explained: “My Scarlet Yang City migrated sect Origin Mountain to the present. The Chiyin Island is not so much forced to be forced by the Three Holy Family. It is the initiative to do this. The richness of Nishikawa is enough for the sect to be the foundation of the world. However, the red yin is different from the Leaving Dust, and my strength is only in the perennial Under the Three St. Sects, not only have they been tabooed for three times, they are the emperors of the Great Spirits, and they are not willing to see the fourth holy sect. The people of Nishikawa are even more ignorant. Scarlet Yang City The sinister situation is better than today’s Leaving Dust Palace. My Scarlet Yang City is also an outsider, and it is bogey by the local sect forces. The reason why I went north to the Central Plains is actually to defend myself. Only the Central Plains Disrupted, so that those Central Plains sect, can not be distracted to the south, can hold Xichuan. Yunqin you only need to look at my sage, in the Central Plains and the three holy sects dozens of fights, I know Scarlet Yang City, I have no intention of standing in the middle of the heel, what I did, but it was mixed with the crowbar. Not much. It is nothing more than ‘balance, two words, which side is weak, and where is Scarlet Yang City?”

Yu Yunqin is stunned and staring at the two people in front of him. There is a sense of unbelievable psychedelic feelings. It seems that at this time, he is in a dream.

But think about it, it is not tyrannical. Although Scarlet Yang City is the fifth Orthodox in the world, it is still far from being completely controlled by this area.

On the one hand, the forces of these sect aristocratic families are taboo, and on the other hand they are the three holy sects of the north.

The land of Nishikawa is different from the north. The north is bitter and cold, and the land is thin. So Great Peace Sect can easily control the land of the North. This southwest is rich in resources and fertile land. The size of the country is nearly a thousand, the number of large Small Sect doors and cultivators is several times higher than that of the north. I don’t know how many people are coveted. Scarlet Yang City After 8,000 years, the forces are only a hundred thousand miles away from Scarlet Yang City.

Hongde went on to continue: “The Xuan Xuan Junior Brother’s dispute with the Hongzhen Senior Brother was not whether it was going to continue northward. But the Hongzheng Senior Brother thought that Yan’s fight with Sanshengzong, I Scarlet Yang City I can take advantage of this opportunity to focus on the land of Nishikawa, sweeping the southwestern sects, and truly mastering the ears of Nishikawa. However, Xuan Junior Brothers does not agree that Yan’s strength is too weak. Sanshengzong has another hidden hand, once the Central Plains dying , Scarlet Yang City must be devastated.”


Yu Yunqin willow eyebrow picked up and looked at Yu Xuxuan with a puzzled look: “father, I don’t know what the three holy sects have?”

Yu Xuxuan silently said, Hongde is faintly sighed: “In fact, it does not matter, you have to know sooner or later. Xu Xuan is skeptical of the three holy sects, it is likely that they have mastered the law of contact with the upper bounds, and even get through The road to being too virtual.”

Yu Yunqin’s eyes narrowed. Open the road to the virtual, contact with the upper bound? Is this not to say that the three sacred cultivators have been able to fly over and over? Even if it can’t, if there is one or two for the upper limit Void Refining cultivator, it is also a disaster!

“Just guess, it has not been confirmed!”

Yu Xuxuan shook his head: “But in any case, my Scarlet Yang City ancestral home is in the hands of the Sugawara Temple. It is a great shame and no matter whether it is Yan or Sansheng, it is impossible for the Father to see through. Scarlet Yang City must not take the initiative to retreat from the Central Plains, it is self-destruction.”

Hongde also lamented: “Now Heaven’s situation is uncertain and difficult to grasp. So Leaving Dust, an ally, can’t be lost. If this is defeated, it must collapse.”

At this point, Yu Yunqin is no doubt that Scarlet Yang City and Great Peace Sect seem similar, but different. The land of the north and the North Sea are poor and the resources are exhausted, so Great Peace Sect has to open up and go south to East Ocean.

However, Scarlet Yang City is different. Just combing the land of Nishikawa, it has exhausted all the energy of Scarlet Yang City, and it is unable to expand.

In fact, think about it, what is Leaving Dust at this time, similar to Scarlet Yang City 8,000 years ago?

But this time, Leaving Dust is going to resist this robbery, how difficult is it?

“I don’t know Leaviing Dust Palace. Why don’t you ask for help from Scarlet Yang City?”

“It is a singularity, but not an ally.”

Hongde laughed, and his eyes contained the fine mans: “Leaving Dust If you turn to my redness, the old man is necessary to see, the seventh-order sinister bloody corn under the devil’s cave, is really true or false.”

“It turns out that” Yu Yunqin knows: “So, there must be something under the magical cave. Leaving Dust doesn’t want me to know Scarlet Yang City?”

“Of course”

Yu Xuxuan also laughed: “Leaving Dust Palace is strictly guarded against the devil’s cave. If it is really frank in the heart, there is nothing else in it. It will not be hidden in my Scarlet Yang City.”

In Yu Yunqin’s eyes, the first thing is the anger, but then disappears without a trace. The Devil’s Grotto is under the mountain gate of the Leaving Dust Palace. The things inside are naturally owned by the Leaving Dust Palace. It is a matter of course not to share it with Scarlet Yang City. And this time Leaving Dust is also responsible for causing cause and effect. She did not borrow the power of Scarlet Yang City, and there is no reason to tell Scarlet Yang City in detail.

The reason why she was angry was that she felt that she was being bullied by her allies and was annoyed as an outsider. Seriously, Leaving Dust Palace did not owe Scarlet Yang City anything.

This is annoyed. Actually, it is not reasonable to come, and there is no reason.

“I see this Leaving Dust, I may not be able to keep it.”

“Who knows? The real people of the festival have always been cautious and far-sighted. If they are not sure, they will not act rashly. Since I am prepared to leave my Scarlet Yang City aside and deal with it alone, I must be somewhat emboldened-“

Hongde said this, suddenly raising his eyebrows, slightly sideways, seems to be listening to something. After a while, I smiled and said: “The battle of Huang Lianshan has already had results.”

With the action of Hongde, the three pictures of the eyes have also changed a little. However, Yu Yunqin did not go to see, but continued to see Hongde real people.

The Battle of Huanglian Mountain in Hongdekou is the first of three Demon Dao in the North, the first action on the Leaving Dust Palace. Huanglian Mountain is located in the territory of the country, close to the East of the East. It is one of the seventy-story of the Leaving Dust Palace. It is also one of the few strongholds on the north bank of the Tibetan River. There are ten Golden Cores in the town, and hundreds of Foundation Establishment cultivators presided over the formation, blocking the passage from the east to the entrance to the estuary.

Just two days ago, this Huanglianshan stronghold was surrounded by Demon Dao’s three more than 20 Primordial Spirits, hundreds of Golden Cores, and tens of thousands of Foundation Establishment cultivators.

“The Meridian Xuanyang ship was in the middle of the 23 million miles, and it took less than half a day to get to the Huanglian Mountain. That Leaving Dust Zhuang Wudao, in the three-time period, continuously laid four “Heavy Gods” The big array, together with the help of the Meridian Xuanyang Ship, actually killed six Golden Cores and recreated a Primordial Spirit cultivator.”

“How come?” Yu Yunqin couldn’t help but watch Hongde: “Even if the real people are rushing, the strength is weak. Demon Dao has a lot of three, how can it be reversed to create Demon Sect. It’s not a big one.” ―”

“I don’t want to take a nap on the ‘Ziwu Xuanyang ship.” In the past, my master, I also mentioned the name of this ship. And the Zhuang Wudao’s heavy and powerful gods are also the advanced of the two dynasties. Array method. Combined with the ‘Mr. Sun Yat-Sen ship, it can be used to re-emphasize the gods and gods of the gods, and the power of the array can be traced directly to the Jiangnan Taoist Palace of the Leaving Dust Palace.

Hongde spoke, and the incredible one shook his head: “The key is that this ‘Midnight Xuanyang ship’s speed is too fast. In less than two hours, it will fly for twenty-three thousand miles, idle. It’s incredible to catch up with Dao Fusion. Take the ship, from the most difficult place to the extreme north, I’m afraid I can’t use it for three days?”

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