This is the southern bank of the Xuanjiang River, with a population of tens of billions. How much can these magical repairs, even if they die to kill themselves?

So it was always Leaving Dust Palace, grabbed a first mover.

——This time, first of all, entering the south of the Tibetan Xuanjiang River, they are all Demon Dao scattered, not a climate, not afraid.

Then there are the Primordial Spirit cultivators, which are located in the north of the Zangjiang River. The total number should be twenty or thirty, and there are more than two hundred Demon Sect Golden Cores.

The power of natural magic is not limited to this. Just three demons of Demon Dao, there are twenty-seven Primordial Spirit cultivators, and the Primordial Spirit, which was assembled and assembled, is a splendid lineup. The total number of Golden Core should be nearly 800, and the Foundation Establishment cultivator can easily call 20,000.

However, it takes time, and Demon Dao is severely suppressed by the righteous. Until these years, the three holy sects and Yan’s conflict, gradually recovered some vitality. However, most people in normally are still hiding and hiding in various places, giving birth to many tribes and even independent division. At this time, Demon Dao summoned three cases, which was especially troublesome.

It’s only because of the current man’s hand, even if it’s in the defense line of Leaving Dust Palace, before diving into the territory of Leaving Dust, you can’t die much every day.

After all, the blood sacrifice is not just a blood essence Origin Qi, altars, arrays, rituals, enough Origin Storing Stone, and the right place are all indispensable.

And if a person kills more, it will also be contaminated with more causal karma, which will eventually lead to the result of abandonment. So even the Demon Dao cultivator is not a scruple, except for those who are mad.

The magic repairs the slaughter and the soul, sucking Blood Qi to strengthen itself, is also in the meat strong food, the ‘human way, the loss of the lack of more than enough, within the natural Heavenly Dao cycle.

However, Heavenly Dao is more than enough to make up for it, and Heavenly Dao is above humanity. This kind of thing can be done if it is done. Unrestrained killing and absorption, far more than what you need, will suffer from causal karma, and it will take a lot of effort to refining resentment.

But the cultivation base of Demon Dao went to the Primordial Spirit mirror, regardless of the blood sacrifice, or the own cultivation cultivation Technique, and no longer looked at the weight, but the quality.

These people, far from the devils, can easily extract the pure magical elements from the sacrifices.

The ship group never traveled to the east of the city, and crossed the Jiangnan Road Palace again until it was close to the place of the East.

To the north of Dongna is the Suiyuan, the holy place of the demon family, is also a natural barrier. It is also this scorpion, which hinders the journey between Lei Family and Yunshui Tiangong and enters East Ocean.

Those who want to go around in the South, they can only venture into the original, the demon holy place. Either bypass the road, from the Great Peace Sect, through the North Sea. It’s really stupid to do this, but instead of Leaving Dust.

The land of the East Ocean is the site of the treasure ship empty ship, which is what the magic repair is missing. Really want to fight in the East Ocean, no matter how many magic repairs, you can let it go.

At this point, the size of the fleet of Leaving Dust Palace is already very thin. Then there is a twist of the font, returning to the west until the Jiangnan Palace.

A total of two layers of defense, seventy-four kun Wuliang Promise Nanming are large arrays, under the cloth, in the sky on the south bank of the Tibetan Xuanjiang River, the formation of two huge divine light streamers. A large number of spirits of thunder and fire, through the pulse of the earth and the flow of the air, constantly interacting back and forth.

In the south of the Tibetan River, within the jurisdiction of the Leaving Dust Palace, all the densely populated Core areas are covered.

From this moment on, looking out into the sky in the southern land, you will find that the blue sky is covered with a faint red color.

Also from this day, all the movements of the magic repair on the south bank of the Tibetan Xuanjiang River suddenly quieted down and could not be arrogant.

The line of defense was formed, and the Ziwu Xuanyang Ship officially began to perform the functions of the spider, wandering around the sky on the South Bank.

Without the other Lingbao ships, there is only one fourth-order treasure ship with more than ten Primordial Spirit cultivators, carefully selected inside and outside the door, and the dozens of Golden Cores with the strongest combat power have begun to Wrapped above the cobwebs and wandered around.

In less than 20 days, there are more than 30 Golden Core cultivators in the South Bank that have been able to withdraw in the future. They have fallen under the pursuit of the Ziwu Xuanyang Ship.

There are even three Demon Dao Primordial Spirits, which have been slowed down by the withdrawal of the law, and they have been hit hard by the law and others. Two of them tried their best to escape. However, they have already hurt the roots. In the past 20 or 30 years, they have to crouch and can no longer participate in this war.

One of them was oystered. After being tortured by several Primordial Spirit cultivators of Leaving Dust, it was followed by the ‘Magic Star, the general end. After being tortured, I will take the three-day time of the Sun Yat-sen in the boat on the boat, and experience the three-day time.

They were shot by Yunfa and Yunlingyue, respectively, to prove the evil spirits and evils. Because it is done independently, it is not an oath, but it still enables the two to avoid the fall of the realm from the Golden Core.

The body of the two dead, Leaving Dust has not been let go, after the dagger, hanging on the mast of the Meridian Sunshine, to shock the world magic repair.

That Demon Dao’s three means, of course, is poisonous vicious. However, the response from Leaving Dust Palace is equally cool. It also reminds the entire southeastern region of the strength of the Leaving Dust Palace a thousand years ago. It is known that Leaving Dust at this time is not a toothless tiger, and it is still very vicious.

The natural magic repair side, nor did not think about going back. It’s just that the ‘Ziwu Xuanyang ship’s speed is too fast, especially after the south bank of the river, and after the blessings of the arrays, they have exceeded the idling speed of the Primordial Spirit Late Stage cultivator several times.

And with this dense ‘cobweb, Demon Dao’s three movements on the South Bank, any arrangement, are not the eyes and ears of Leaving Dust Palace.

Often the layout has not yet been completed, and the counterattack of the Leaving Dust Palace has already slammed. ‘Ziwu Xuanyang Ship, more than ten Primordial Spirit cultivators, can easily suppress the killing regardless of any change. With the idle speed of this fourth-order treasure ship, it is enough to complete each break.

The death and injury of the three major demons, Primordial Spirit, is not the Demon Dao. It is still a contempt for the Leaving Dust Palace. It was a real fight, and was defeated by Leaving Dust Palace.

Therefore, just two months later, the entire Tibetan Xuanjiang River south bank range. The magic repair is either cleaned up or returned to the North Shore. The final choice is to flee to the area where Leaving Dust Palace is not in control.

However, in the north, Demon Dao’s three cultivators are also gathering, and the two sides are separated from each other by the Tibetan-Xuanjiang River.

The situation seems to have fallen into a stalemate. After a few months, it is calm and calm.

Zhuang Wudao knows that this is the final calm before the storm and rain. Once the two sides decide to start, they must be raging. Therefore, it is more and more focused on cultivation, in order to have a breakthrough in the cultivation base before the war.

Not only him, at this time, the meridian Xuanyang ship, almost everyone, is fighting against time, trying to improve the cultivation base.

“The seventy-four seaters’ pros and cons are all infinite, and this time Leaving Dust Palace is really a big hand.”

Inside the Daleiji, a courtyard loft dedicated to the use of scattered repairs, Scarlet Yang City Hongde real people, tsk tsk looked at the sound.

“In the early years, I only knew Leaving Dust Palace. At most, I could only take out thirty or forty of the ‘pros and cons of the two instruments.” I really didn’t think that this time, the real shot of the festival is seventy-four sets. Not counting East Ocean and the rest of the Dao Hall Road Palace. Eight hundred Golden Core, 20,000 Foundation Establishment. Leaving Dust is not moving, but the world is shocked. Can only come up with such strength, only Great Peace Sect and I was Scarlet Yang City. I thought that this time, Leaving Dust couldn’t support it. Now it seems that this battle is worth seeing.

If you are on the cultivation holy land, it is not far from the forces that have joined forces, and the newly developed ‘Undead Sky City is the most. However, when the city was built, there were agreements between several parties, and the Primordial Spirit cultivator was not allowed.

Therefore, Hongde is a real person, and he has to set his own temporary residence in this big mine.

At this time in his eyes, it is a huge map, the entire southeast of Heaven, the topography and terrain are undoubtedly appearing on it. Including the position of the seventy-four ‘pros and cons of the two, there is also the layout of the Demon Dao.

“Which sect in the world can be without a bit of connotation? Leaving Dust Palace has accumulated over the years, and there are only thirty or forty seats in the squad,” the two sides of the two sides are infinite, and they are not used before, and they are sealed after refining. It’s my Scarlet Yang City. Isn’t the strength of the show just outside? It’s about six thousand years ago, the momentum of the Leaving Dust Palace is not under my darkness.”

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