For the whole nine days, Zhuang Wudao was far away from the ceremonial ceremonies and returned to the half-moon building. At this moment, even his cultivation base, which is only one step away from the Foundation Establishment, still feels exhausted. Especially the face, already stiff and stiff.

Within these nine days, he must sit in the main hall of Leaving Dust like a clay sculpture. There can be no movements for people to pay respect to, and they must also pretend to be a kind-hearted image.

Undoubtedly is similar to the action he was sitting in, but in just a few days, he was already exhausted.

Zhuang Xiaohu and Nie Xianling were both recalled before he was enshrined in the Grand Ceremony. However, when Zhuang Wudao returned to the half moon building, goodbye to the second woman. But I found that these two spiritual slaves have different attitudes toward him.

The words and deeds of Nazhuang Xiaohu are even more respectful. Nie Xianling is as good as ever, and the words and deeds are not humble, and there is no humiliation and slavery. However, when he spoke to him, he was more and more close to him.

Zhuang Wudao can also guess the knowledge of one or two, most of which is the battle of Haitaoge Linhai’s semi-colon, and with the slightest hesitation, he slaughtered the Haitao Pavilion, including Feng Yu, and so on, making Nie Xianling for him. I am grateful for the trust.

It’s just Zhuang Wudao’s heart, but it’s also inwardly self-deprecating. This girl, although she experienced a big change, was betrayed by her relatives and friends, and her heart has grown a lot, but in the end it is still too young.

His scum, such as Zhuang Wudao, may have been worthy of the trust of others with all his heart, but now it is not necessarily. The girl is so convinced with him, but the world is impermanent, can’t say for sure and he will eventually be abandoned.

After half a month of rest in the half-moon building, Zhuang Wudao only had difficulty and returned to the spirit. The first thing I did later was to go to the Temple of the Fa.

The esoteric discipline, has been qualified to cultivation in the temple, the inheritance of the two mountains and seven peaks. As a true esoteric ‘Origin Mountain’, you can stay at the top ten temples without being tied to the mountain you belong to. All the Cultural Techniques, all the secrets, can be practiced.

However, in addition to the ‘Leaving Dust Hall, which belongs to Leaving Dust Origin Mountain, and the ‘Xuan Ling Dian, Zhuang Wudao has to exchange the Cultural Technique secrets in the other eight halls, but it takes ten times the good deeds.

For example, the 3rd Grade ‘Eight Eight Stars of the Ming Cuifeng essay’, the Ming Cuifeng Disciple, only need 180,000 good works to redeem all the contents of the first four layers. If you change to Zhuang Wudao, you need 1.8 million good deeds to get your wish.

The secrets of the other eight peaks are even more exaggerated, and the price is more than three million yuan.

Therefore, after Zhuang Wudao arrived at the Temple of the Fa, he did not take a look at the other eight halls, but went directly to Xuan Ling Temple.

Even as a confidant discipline, you still need good deeds to get the Heritage Technique heritage and secret technique. Just the Origin Mountain and the Xuan Ling Dian, the amount of good work required by all the Cultural Techniques has dropped by about 50%. You can’t do anything with sect, just sit back and enjoy it.

However, Zhuang Wudao came here this time, but it was for the Cultural Technique, but for the secret technique.

His previous battle in the Unknown Mountain of Eastern Wu, the accumulation of hundreds of thousands of good deeds, has long been spent. Most of them are used to redeem the shrinking version of the ‘pros and cons, and the rest are Heavenly Jade Illuminating Life Sutra, some follow-up content of Shangying Yingyuandong Zhenrui Zhenfa, and naturally Nie Xianling Xi’s “Returning Origin”.

There is no money left in the body, I have closed the day before, and I have no time to earn. fee,. However, as a secluded discipline, there is a privilege that can qualify for a free cultivation sect, a mystery of inheritance.

Mystery – whether it is bloody, swallowing, clouding, or the hollow palm between the secret technique and the Culture Technique, Zhuang Wudao has a deep experience, can be large The strength of the strength has been strengthened.

Can make people weak and strong, and even subvert the gap in the cultivation realm

So for this opportunity, Zhuang Wudao is also looking forward to –

He was well aware of the situation in the Temple of Xuan Ling in the Temple of the Ten Commandments. The four mysteries in the inheritance, the improvement of the combat power is very good.

In particular, only a esoteric discipline can qualify for cultivation, a secret technique called the k-day five-lei Zhengfa. You can borrow the mines of Jinlei, Thunder, Mulei, Tulei, and Mines to integrate into the gods and strengthen the power.

Only Qi Condensation Realm can increase the power of the city, and enhance 60%. After the Foundation Establishment, it has more than doubled. A total of nine floors, the highest can make the power of the heavens and thunder, more than five times more.

However, the demand for good deeds is also high, the true biography is not eligible for redemption, and the secret recipe also needs 1.2 million good deeds.

And the secret of ‘Origin Mountain’ like Zhuang Wudao, the price can be a double discount, 600,000 good work can be.

There is also a kind of secret technique of ‘Nanming Sanzheng Real Fire, which can be exchanged after the fact that it has been discovered to the Foundation Establishment.

In conjunction with the “Nan Ming Ji Duo Huo Shen Shen”, Qi Condensation can increase 50% of Nanming from fire.

In fact, Sancha Zhenhuo and Wulei Zhengfa are both secrets of the cultivation industry. However, this ‘widely, and only relatively speaking, only those who have a long history of sect, have the most complete inheritance.

If those scattered skills can succeed, they will often be secret and not only declared in their own way.

In addition, there are many people who are cultivating these two kinds of secret techniques, but it does not mean that the power of the three 昧 昧 与 and the five lei Orthodox is general. On the contrary, the grades of the two secrets are quite good and can be among the 1st Rate.

And Leaving Dust Palace’s ‘Nanming Sancha really fire, and the storage of k days and five Lei Zhengfa, and before the looting of the ancestors of the refining and transformation of the ancestors, with the door of the Cultural Technique, can also improve the number of

According to Yun’er, even in the Heavenly Immortal world, these two secrets can be considered the most inherited.

It is a pity that Zhuang Wudao can only choose one kind of secret surgery. Whether it is the day of the five thunder and the Fa, or the Nanming Sancha really fire, it is helpful to him. It can be said that the effect of the increase in combat power is far from the ‘Leaving Dust Hall’, the real secret of the Leaving Dust Palace.

After the replacement, there were six ‘Thousand Miles of Light Shifting, a rejuvenation technique, and the blessing of the secret pass. Zhuang Wudao smoothly entered the ‘Leaving Dust Hall’ in the center.

I saw the situation here, and it is roughly the same as the Xuan Ling Temple. It is also a completely enclosed dark space with hundreds of stone doors suspended around four sides.

In the same way, the material color of Shimen is divided into equal poles, but the number is large and complicated. However, most of them are of lower grade and are varied and almost all-encompassing.

For 13 thousand years, Leaving Dust Palace Origin Mountain has absorbed hundreds of millions of pieces. These people have made great achievements for the Leaving Dust Palace, or the innate talent is outstanding, and the cultivation base is deep. In the form of a offering, join the Leaving Dust Palace, directly to the Leaving Dust Origin Mountain.

After these people join Leaving Dust, they often record their own Skill Technology secrets in the Temple of the Faith in exchange for good deeds.

So this ‘Leaving Dust Hall, also in the Leaving Dust Palace, is the most versatile of the Culture Technique.

However, the hall is really up to 3rd Grade, and the white jade stone door with complete inheritance still has only twelve seats. There are also twenty stone gates. It’s also a white jade color, but it’s a bit awkward.

Zhuang Wudao was about to go to the top, and the three Zijinmenmen looked over, and then they listened to Yun’er and gave a horror.

“Well? That is, big return to heaven?”

Zhuang Wudao raised an eyebrow and looked at it with amazement. If you see a pale yellow stone door over there, it is engraved with the ‘big back to the eye, five golden characters.

The eyes flashed slightly, and Zhuang Wudao did not enter the slightest hesitation. Then I saw a square stone table in the door, and there was a book with a yellowed and broken book.

Zhuang Wudao feels a slight resistance when he touches the spirit, blocking his spiritual intrusion. This is the Leaving Dust Palace, which is specially designed for this acupuncture.

“Only three thousand good deeds? Fortunately-“

Although he has no money at the moment, he is the one who is both right and wrong, and the river of good deeds falls in the sea. However, only three thousand good deeds can be obtained.

Zhuang Wudao took his secret pocket and took it out, swaying at the book. When some of the inscriptions inscribed in the jade plate disappeared, the prohibition on the stone table disappeared without a trace.

With only one sleeve, Zhuang Wudao took this broken book in his hand. After reviewing it, I have already recorded all the contents of this book in my mind. A total of one hundred and seventy-two pages, seventy-four kinds of needles, no one left.

Just by impression, Zhuang Wudao feels the subtlety of this method, surpassing by far his secret needle of the thirty-sixth road.

“Sure enough, it is a big return to the eye”

Yun’er’s voice is a surprise: “It’s really an innocent place to break through the iron shoes. It doesn’t take much time. Your spiritual slave should be saved.”

“It seems that there is still a defect?”

Zhuang Wudao looked again and confirmed the last part. It should have been torn off and at least 20 pages incomplete.

“The big return to the heavens, a total of eighty-one needles. It can be described as profound and profound. It is the best choice in the needles before the Primordial Spirit.”

Yun’er didn’t care about the incompleteness of the book: “The complete version, I can naturally recall it in the future. To save the Nie Xianling, it is enough to rely on the seventy-four stitches.”

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