Coincidentally, within a remote hall under the foothills of Leaving Dust Origin Mountain, Hongfa real people also avoided the canonization ceremony. Sitting on the top of the platform in the middle of the temple, looking cold, looking at the three people under his seat.

Wei Feng is still calm, with a straight back and a demeanor. Feng Xuan and Li Chongzhen, but they are pale as paper, shuddering.

When they received the Hongfa live-action order to return to Leaving Dust, and they learned that Zhuang Wudao had passed the third Taoist Heavenly Way and was soon to be escorted by Leaving Dust Origin Mountain, the two had already guessed their fate. .

However, at this moment, under the cold pressure of the real people of Hongfa, they are still scared and unable to help themselves.

“Two years ago, I and the real people, I feel that the schools of Easter Wu are scattered around the country. According to the law, the practice of malpractice has been repeatedly banned. As a result, the disciplines selected by the museums have been declining year by year. It was only after the selection of inspections by Origin Mountain that the 234 schools in the 17 countries were inspected for great competition.”

The real voice of Hongfa is dull, but the chill in the language seems to freeze the temple.

“Feng Xuan is Wei Feng’s highly recommended, this seat also has high hopes for you. As for Li Chongxi, with 2nd Grade Spirit Root, in the four generations of discipline, it can be regarded as a promising future. Just accumulate enough good deeds, Foundation Establishment Disciple is also a stable one. It is even hopeful to win the Golden Core. But what about the Zhuang Wudao, how do you want to explain to the Ming Cuifeng to this seat?”

Li Chongxi couldn’t speak, Feng Xuan was full of cold sweat: “This matter involves the Great Peace Sect Chong Yangzi in the north. Feng Xuan expelled Zhuang Wudao from the beginning, but also for my Leaving Dust to calm down the incident and avoid it. At that time, Feng Xuan could only measure Zhuang Wudao this child, only the Spirit Root of 5th Grade.”

Wei Feng listened in the ear, but it was a slight sneer. If this is the case, what is the use of the explanation? Instead, it shows the low energy, but nothing.

At this time, Zhuang Wudao, let alone the Great Peace Sect, even if the offense is the Central Plains San Shengzong, Hongfa real people will not hesitate.

In the body of Qi Condensation, it is ranked 26th in the list. Such a discipline, which sect is not dreaming

No matter what the reason is, you can’t offend the three.

“Is it? I heard that the people of Zhou Country Shen Family have also sent three Yu Ding Dan?”

The voice of Hongfa’s real person is really colder. A few points: “But there is no reason to open the discipline, which one is the sect law? Who gives you the guts, open an inner disciple? Northern Great Peace Sect, quelling disputes? Need you to come to the next generation? 嘿I Leaving Dust Palace This death in the hands of Great Peace Sect, the talent of hundreds of people”

The voice of reprimanding is like a hurricane, including True Origin. The two people who make the wind Xuan are all faceless, and among the seven, they all overflow with blood. It is already a slight shock in the sound waves of Hongfa.

“This seat is promoted and reused. I hope that you can have one day and become the pillar of my Ming Cuifeng and Leaving Dust Palace. Can you return to me like this? Let this seat and this Ming Cuifeng, both Into this Leaving Dust, the laughing stock of hundreds of thousands of people? Make countless people in the world, laugh at me, the macro is unclear, and there are no eyes?”

After saying this, the macro law seems to be sloppy, and then too lazy to speak, unable to wave his hand: “Retreat, this seat, the southern black wolf cliff is now lack of manual use, you are also in need of some experience. This seat is already there, and I have arranged two patrol disciplines for you. Give you ten days, overdue, and at your own risk.”

“Real people?”

Feng Xuan turn pale with fright, the southern land of evil, has always been the sect to match the mistake of the discipline. And that ‘black wolf cliff, the fierce name is particularly outstanding. The situation of patrolling the discipline is even more sinister.

If he goes, it will be hard to have a day of survival.

However, the macro law is closed, but he still remembers that when the ceremony was completed, Leaving Dust had hundreds of thousands of disciples under the mountain, and he sneered at his head and gloated.

Wei Feng is like a woodcarving, sitting and listening and not responding.

Li Chongzhen is also looking down, but he is more able to judge the situation than Feng Xuan, and there is no room for recovery. After a deep ceremony, he took the initiative to withdraw from the partial hall.

Feng Xuan looked at the macro law, and looked at Wei Feng, and then as a walking dead, a foot deep and shallow, out of this partial hall.

After waiting for the two to leave, after a long time, the Hongfa real talents once again said: “The new stage of the ranking is ranked, Wei Feng, you know it long ago? Before the return of Eastern Wu, the row of Zhuang Wudao is known. Bit?”

Wei Feng did not hide it. He said frankly: “I traveled to the Central Plains countries in my early years. In the Heavenly Dao League, there are three or five friends who are now in charge. It is known that the Heavenly Dao ally will have five flowers and five flowers. After the peach is given to the real person, the discipline has been secretly inquiring about it. Therefore, the list is not yet known, and the classification is known to be Zhuang Wudao’s ranking, which may be within the first four hundred.”

The Hongfa real person had long expected it, and his face was dull: “So I asked the three people to build a thousand cities and start with Zhuang Wudao. With this tragedy of Haitaoge?”

“Good” Wei Feng slightly decapitated, no half-minded derogatory meaning: “disciple knows, once the vent, or Yingcai list. Not only the teacher must be a laughing stock, the discrimination is also in this Leaving Dust Origin Mountain, and then It is difficult to have a foothold.”


The eyes of Hongfa’s real people are dull, no joy and no anger: “However, that is to cover the thousand cities and the 虞安君, let you be at your mercy.

Wei Feng is in the Ming Cuifeng. Although he is in power, he is almost in charge of the first position. However, the teacher of Gai Qiancheng and Yan Anjun is also a person in Golden Core.

Although it is the edge of Ming Cuifeng, but he will let his own discipline, threatened by Wei Feng?

“So the discipline let Mo ask and throw out Haitao Pavilion.”

Wei Feng didn’t think that: “If things go well, these three people really don’t have to bear too much to do with the system, at least Xuan Lingshan, and temporarily can’t hold him three handles. With the Haitao Court, this transaction, for them in the future The future is also very beneficial.”

Hongfa real person slightly frowned: “You know Zhuang Wudao in the list of Yingcai, within the top four hundred, it is necessary to know the three thousand people in the city, will never be Zhuang Wudao opponent. A Haitaoge sub-number, district The eight Foundation Establishments may not have gotten him. The reputation of this child in the Xuan Lingshan discipline is as good as it should be -“

“Disciple has long been expected”

Wei Feng’s face is ugly: “The only thing that did not come to mind is that this child’s ranking on the list of Yingcai will be the high of the twenty-sixth. The last regret is that the scruples are too heavy, and I worry about the collusion of Ming Cuifeng afterwards. The voice of the outsider has not been arranged for Golden Core to intervene.”

The top four rankings, with the top 30, seem to have only three hundred and seventy rankings. However, on the list of the top, it means a gap of 100,000 or even 300,000. The strength of the battle is also the difference between the clouds and the mud.

He did not know that this was the Heavenly Dao League, deliberately concealing the truth from him. It is still the strength of Zhuang Wudao. It is really a few days in this short period of time.

However, the prejudging of Zhuang Wudao’s strength is wrong, but it is the biggest cause.

“Disciple didn’t think that Zhuang Wudao would be alone and rushed to Haitao Pavilion. I didn’t expect Haitao’s eight Foundation Establishments to work together, not his opponent.”

Wei Feng took a deep breath: “However, as I expected, no matter what choice he made, he would inevitably send a place in the South, and guard the black wolf cliff.”

Whether it’s waiting for you, whether it’s a wild side, it’s anger and hurt. Originally, no matter what Zhuang Wudao did, it was wrong and all had guilt.

“So, you didn’t expect Zhuang Wudao to be offended by the Heavenly Way. Ascending to the heavens in a single leap, and standing side by side with my Golden Core elder?”

Wei Feng silently, if he knows that this child is ranked, it is not the first four hundred that he knows in advance, but within the first thirty, he must be able to think of it.

The top 30 of the list, even the Foundation Establishment, is also the pride of the world. He Wei Feng, can you prevent it?

The face of Hongfa’s real person’s moment is also gloomy and cool to the peak: “However, this time, including your discipline, whether it’s a thousand or a city, it’s all in my Ming Cuifeng’s this discipline. The most outstanding people, the future can be a big task. Whoever you choose as a pawn, why choose him alone?”

“Three people have had old grievances with Zhuang Wudao, and the discipline can safely get away from it.”

Wei Feng’s tone is light and casual, and he seems to be talking about something that has nothing to do with him: “Further, you don’t know the Master, the cloudage master uncle lineage, the recent momentum is too strong?”

“After all, it belongs to the same lineage disciple”

Macro law is coldly snorted: “Although there is selfishness, however, in the past few years, Yunfa has done nothing, and I am not sorry for Ming Cuifeng.”

“It’s only been for three years, but not necessarily three years later-“

Wei Feng sneered: “That cloud law and Shizun are equally qualified to win the Primordial Spirit. You have been fighting for two hundred years. In the end, the master is one step ahead. In the past three years, the first position of Ming Cuifeng will be the one who will wash the mind. If you take advantage of it, you will become a baby, and you will become a Primordial Spirit. With the heart of the cloud, can you not complain? When Xuan Lingshan is in decline, the old man of Yunfa can only rely on the master. But now, the situation is It’s not the only game of Ming Cuifeng. I’m asking Master, this time, hundreds of positions from the five countries, how many of them fell into the division to sit down?”

Speaking of this, Wei Feng has a voice, and the ambiguity on the face is more intense: “If you are not willing to cover the city, you willingly resent the Zhuang Wudao, and I will be able to do so. piece?”

“You always have thousands of reasons.”

The real person of Hongfa closed his eyes again and recalled the scene of the Golden Core conference in the main hall of Leaving Dust a few days before.

Hundreds of positions, Ming Cuifeng occupies 20%. A large number, only in Xuan Lingshan. However, nearly half of them are from the seat of the Cloud Law.

He did not know whether this was Xuan Lingshan’s compensation for the cloudage lineage, the loss of the two thousand people, or the lineage of the Ming Cuifeng lineage. I only know that the method of the Senior Brother is still as old as three years ago.

“However, I can’t help but give me the explanation of the Ming Cuifeng discipline. The black wolf cliff is guarded for ten years. If there is merit in ten years, you can recall it in advance.”

“many thanks teacher”

Wei Feng had expected the results and went deep into the Hongfa.

In the Haitaoge tragedy, he did not have any handle in the hands of others. Guilty, it is only Eastern Wu Dao Hall, Feng Xuan expelled Zhuang Wudao.

However, it is not a direct responsibility, but the recommendation is wrong. The distribution of the black wolf cliffs is already a heavy punishment, so that the Ming Cuifeng can close the long mouth.

Just fell in the air, Wei Feng’s lips, but there is a hint of ridiculous smile.

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