“I still know the time”

Zhuang Wudao This smile, walk away from Li Wei’s side. Then I looked cold and looked into the distance.

Just across the street, the ruins of Haitao Pavilion, there was a series of squeaks.

The remaining four Thunderbolt were working together, and the remaining buildings were broken and collapsed.

And when the visions of the people in front of them are wide, they are only seen in the inner courtyard of hundreds of feet away, and the east is cold and white, looking to the side. There is still one person in front of him, which is Nie Xianling who can’t move. Closed eyes, the pretty face is also bloodless, and the neck is covered with a bright silver knife.

When Li Wei saw it, he suddenly became stunned. He knew that Zhuang Wudao’s murderous murder was suddenly coming.

“Zhuang Wudao ”

That east is far from the cold eye, this time is also a deep taboo color, heavy breathing, tight facial muscles.

“Let me take your spiritual slave, and when I return to Leaving Dust Palace, I will return you.”

“You are going to marry me? This is not what a gentleman does –“

Zhuang Wudao blinked and stepped forward, showing a dangerous color in his eyes. However, the line of sight did not stay in the east, but on Nie Xianling, looking up and down.

Fortunately, it may be that Feng Yu, do not dare to do too much in the name of their own. Nie Xianling has nothing to lose but to be surrounded by the Qi and blood meridians. There are no signs of flare up in the three cold veins.

“so what?”

East is cold and sullen, and the blade in his hand has been pressed into the white neck of Nie Xianling: “If I don’t want to marry you, I am afraid that I can’t get out of this forest. Today, you are raising your hands and changing her life. Or I burned with her jade, Zhuang Wudao, you can say a word.”

“Jade is burning, you still have no such qualification.”

Zhuang Wudao shook his head, then turned his head and asked Li Wei: “This situation, you are witnessing it. Li Wei, you said this person, should you kill?”

Li Wei is still unable to move. He is covered in bones and joints and has been shaken off. He cannot act on his own. Fortunately, Zhuang Xiaohu knows how to be interested. See Zhuang Wudao who has let him go, and he will take the initiative to help Li Wei to heal.

At this time, Li Wei is no longer soft on the ground and can sit with stability. Hearing what was said, cold and cold looked at the east and cold, and then ‘hey, one voice, unwilling to open his face: “I saw, you want to kill and kill, what about me”

Zhuang Wudao nodded and then squatted on his sleeves. It seems that there is no abnormality in the understatement. However, the voids outside the hundreds of feet are shaking.

The east was cold and standing behind Nie Xianling, and the sensation was numb in the chest, and then there was a painful spread. The hands and feet are soft, all the strengths of the whole body are disappearing at this moment without a trace.

I couldn’t help but lean over and look at my chest. I saw there, it was a big hole, almost equivalent to the size of two skulls, ribs and internal organs, all disappeared. They were all smashed by a sudden force and became a meat. The end of the blood scatters behind him, covering a whole five feet.

Staying for a moment, the east is cold and it is another roar. Suddenly biting the tip of the tongue, but rose all the spare force, poured into the silver knife in his hand.

But before he got his knife, he broke into the neck of Nie Xianling. It is also a strong and unrelenting force, and it will come again. I don’t know where to come from, and there is no warning.

This time, it was directly on his forehead. With the sound of ‘Boom, the head of the East is cold, like a watermelon.

The brain is overflowing and the blood is scattered. Even the body of Nie Xianling in front of it splashed a lot.

Li Yan’s eyes were round and full of eyes and looked at this scene with incomprehensibility. This is the case, I have never seen Zhuang Wudao how to do it, and the East has been inexplicable by the cold, killing directly on the spot.

People can’t help but wonder if there is already an invisible person, lurking in the east side of the cold.

However, throughout the process, Li Wei looked at his eyes from beginning to end. If someone was lurking, he would never see his eyes.

“This is, the strength is outside? No, your cultivation base is not yet Golden Core Realm, how can this vain force–

Suddenly like what I thought of, Li Wei’s pupil was fiercely exaggerated: “This is the second secret of Gu Yunhang’s famous secret technique in the world. It is a sneak peek through the mountains, killing people from the mountain, where did you learn from this secret? ?

Zhuang Wudao was too lazy to take care of, and the letter walked in front of Nie Xianling. The latter has also opened his eyes, and the pair of gems-like scorpions have neither the joy of escape and the horror of the aftermath.

Opposite Zhuang Wudao, eyes hollow, calm terrifying.

“I remember when I first accepted you, I once said that if Nie Xianling becomes my burden one day, I will definitely stand by and watch this sentence, you can still remember?”

“The bells remember” Nie Xianling’s face was still calm and waveless, and looked up: “Master, you said, if one day, I became your burden, you will never pay for me. And if you have What is the danger, the first sacrifice is my Nie Xianling -“

“I remember you remember?”

Zhuang Wudao has a long voice, with a bit of coldness: “Today you need to remember clearly, I am here, but not to save you, but to prevent trouble, to avoid the matter of your Nie Xianling, and finally to me. If It is possible that I will sit back and ignore it and never care about your life.”

“The bells understand”

When he spoke, Nie Xianling suddenly smiled and his eyes were bright. This is true of the Patriarch people, but is this really the case?

Just as Zhuang Wudao frowned, Nie Xianling suddenly solemnly solemnly bowed his knees: “Master, please wait for me for a while”

After that, he picked up the silver long knife from the east and turned to the gazebo. The figure is light, just like the Lingbo fairy who walked out of the lake. He walked to a maid dressed in front of a woman who had no face.

“Nie Yin, since I have had memories, I have treated you like a sister. I have never been sorry for you. Why are you negative?”

Indifferent to see this woman with no emotion, Nie Xianling did not wait until Nie Yin answered, he had already slashed his knife, and he fell off his hand and directly dropped the woman’s head.

The blood was sloppy, and Nie Xianling’s body was splashed. She was all white and she was all red. Nie Xianling ignored it. When he returned to his head again, the voice returned to calm again: “I remember the fairy bell, I will never forget it, and I will never have another time.”

Zhuang Wudao is a flash of light, and then a solemn decapitation: “Don’t let me down.”

Li Wei is incredible, looking at the bloody girl in the distance. At that moment, he actually felt that this girl had a momentum that made him feel scared and timid.

Zhuang Xiaohu also bowed, and I always felt that Nie Xianling at this time was different from the girl she impressed with Nie Xianling.

The former Nie Xianling, soft and weak inside, seems to be weak and windy, but there is the tenacity and perseverance that this man has never had.

At this time, Zhuang Xiaohu, from the eyes of Nie Xianling, saw ruthless and very ruthless.

Zhuang Wudao did not take it seriously, but turned to Zhuang Xiaohu and said: “You take her to find a place to hide, and must not be found. Unless you receive my letter, you can return. If it is after ten days There is still no news. Then take her away and fly away, no need to come back.”

Zhuang Xiaohu worried about Zhuang Wudao, he bent his knees. And Li Wei’s hearing what was said is a sneer: “Hidden to hide? Originally, Zhuang Senior Brother, you have no confidence? If I want to find someone, Leaving Dust Palace, I haven’t found it yet. use?”

Zhuang Wudao smiled and still didn’t bother to pay attention. His arrangements are just to prevent accidents. According to sect, the ancestor of thousands of years ago used the third road, Heavenly Way, which took three days.

And his Zhuang Wudao’s preparations are more complete this time, and it is already the strongest state before the Foundation Establishment. It’s always impossible to make a final result, worse than the Senior Master.

Within these three days, Wei Mingfeng, Wei Ming and others, could not help him, but they could start with Nie Xianling and Zhuang Xiaohu.

Whether it is the true identity of Nie Xianling, or the same side dispute that she triggered this time, Wei Feng has enough reason to plead guilty.

At this time, only he can get through the third road, Heavenly Way, in order to provide him with a blessing.

“Daoye Heavenly Way -“

I remember when I was in Surpassing City, he wanted to go this way and go under the door of Leaving Dust. However, under the circumstance of the change, the team successfully passed the library test and the great competition, becoming the festival Techique.

Originally thought that this ‘Daly Heavenly Way, has no chance. Unexpectedly, after two years of entry, he was forced by the times and had to try again to find the door of the once-implanted Immortal Ascension.

“So, is Sword Master already determined?”

Yun’er’s voice, in the mind of Zhuang Wudao, remembered: “Is it really going to ask the way to ask?”

“Nature, I am actually curious, I have been waiting for a long time. Want to see, what is there?”

When I first knew Guyue Ming, Enron passed the second road to Heavenly Way. He didn’t know what was in his heart, but he had a bit of eagerness to try.

“Is it? So Sword Master, you need to be careful.”

“Be careful? Is Yun’er knowing something?”

Zhuang Wudao raised an eyebrow. He knew the sword spirit and was familiar with Leaving Dust Palace. Naturally, this means before Seventh Tribulation.

“I don’t know. However, the means of the big sect to try the discipline has its merits. Before Seventh Tribulation, the Leaving Dust Palace is very weak. The accumulation is enough, and now it is in the world. Even if it is A small courtyard, the way to start the trial of the discipline, must also be different. Sword Master should be careful, that is the Heavenly Way, the torture of your heart -“

Zhuang Wudao frowned, has restored calm. He knows the meaning of sword spirit and refers to his own obsession. However, it still moved the magnetic method, and flew away in the direction of the Leaving Dust Origin Mountain.

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