Li Wei clenched his teeth and found himself licking his joints. He was dislocated at this time. The muscles of the limbs are also sore, the whole person is soft on the ground, can not afford the slightest strength, can not move.

Seeing Zhuang Wudao’s foot is approaching, he has once again stood in front of him, and Li Wei feels an inexplicable sense of humiliation, which is filled in the bottom of his heart.

The two are getting started at the same time. He is the arrogant son of the Leaving Dust Palace. Zhuang Wudao is also a secret confidant, but with a myriad of skeptical eyes.

However, just two years later, Li Wei has been completely stepped under his feet by someone he has always looked down upon.

And Zhuang Wudao, can be high in the cloud, overlooking him, this moment can even control his life and death.

I don’t dare to be in the heart, but Li Wei is helpless and can only scream.

“Zhuang Wudao, do you dare to kill me? You bastard, miscellaneous, Leaving Dust Palace is still not up to you. The law enforcement hall will never let you go, kill the same side, you are going to rebel.”

“I really don’t dare”

When he spoke, Zhuang Wudao was in the direction of his side, and Zhuang Xiaohu, who was rushing to the sky, bowed his head. There are quite a few fish that have slipped through the net, and even his Prfound Technique is not yin-yang.

After that, I have to deal with this Li Wei, and I have no time to pay attention to it. In the end, Zhuang Xiaohu shot and killed the embers of these Haitao Pavilions one by one.

With the cultivation base of her Foundation Establishment, there are several top-quality Spirit Tools in hand, which is a breeze to deal with several Qi Condensation situations.

When the village of Zhuangzhuang saw it, it suddenly became happy. Quickly pleasing a smile, the expression is slightly charming.

Zhuang Wudao shook his head slightly, still looking down, and Li Wei, who was lingering in the mouth. Then, inadvertently, he stepped on Li Wei’s right hand and gently brushed it intentionally or unintentionally.

“However, it is inevitable that you will be accidentally injured when you start it.”

Li Wei’s right hand bones suddenly creaked. He asked himself that the temper is still tough, but at the moment he still feels that the pain is difficult, and he almost has to cry out. Feeling his right hand, it seems to have been crushed by Zhuang Wudao’s foot.

“Zhuang Wudao ”

Li Yan’s face was full of anger, and it seemed that his anger was extremely extreme. The heart has been swallowed up by this sense of fear.

I feel that Zhuang Wudao’s killing intent has been concealed and penetrated into his heart. Can be sure, this Zhuang Wudao, really wants to kill him

“What the hell do you want to do? You crazy, sad side, is my Leaving Dust Palace. Are you really dare to do it?”

Zhuang Wudao didn’t talk, only looked at it silently, lying in the city of Sancheng, three hundred feet away.

Li Lan looked at him with his gaze, and then the pupils shrank, and the city was rescued by him. He was always photographed by Dao Technique.

It wasn’t until I felt that I could never escape from Zhuang Wudao’s Capturing Dragon’s power, which would leave the city away.

However, at that time, the damage to the city was heavy, but there was still some self-defense. But at this moment, it is already soft on the ground, and the blood is weak.

The same is true of Yan Anjun, who is not far away. The meridian is broken, the Spirit Root is shattered, and the cultivation base for more than ten years is all put into the water.

Li Wei couldn’t help but know Zhuang Wudao. When was his shot, his spiritual knowledge was never sensed.

However, at this time, he was more concerned about it, but it was still very ruthless by Zhuang Wudao. Like the one in the city, in the Leaving Dust Palace, the future is boundless, almost destined to have the Golden Core achievements of the brilliant younger generation, actually said to be abolished, no mercy.

I took a breath of cold air, and Li Wei’s scalp was numb, and his body was stunned.

“Are you crazy, do you think that if you miss a mistake, you can avoid the punishment? Same side 龃龉, the shot is actually so vicious, do you think that the law enforcement hall will let you go? You dare to hurt me, Ning Zhendao two uncles, It’s true that you will never turn over and you will have hundreds of millions of good deeds and you will never die.”

Leaving Dust Palace The law enforcement hall is worth elder, and the dust peak is the second. In addition to Ning Zhen, there is also a Taoist Golden Core elder.

“I don’t know if I can avoid sin, but I am guilty of being disabled because of the side. It is better than being counted by people. I still have nothing to do with you. Are you right?”

Zhuang Wudao no longer pays attention to Li Wei, but raises his eyes and looks to the rear of the broken house in Haitao Pavilion.

The lips are slightly picking. Zhuang Wudao once again raised a few sneer and sneer in his eyes, it seems that he saw something ridiculous.

On Li’s forehead, there was a big sweat from the beans, not because his right hand was crushed and nearly broken. Instead, I felt that Zhuang Wudao’s killing intent turned out to be strong again. Although this goal is not aimed at him, it is also shocking.

Suddenly, Li Xin’s heart fretting, suddenly laughed heartily up: “I understand that this is the case. So this time, the name of your Zhuang Wudao is definitely right in this year’s Yingcai list? That Wei Feng is mostly early. I know, if you Zhuang Wudao people are smart, but they still fall into his calculations. You have scrapped two of them, and he will definitely let you die. He is going to let you have a chance to detect. It is to make you clash with the three of them. Funny, ridiculous, these three idiots, I really thought that looking for Haitaoge to join hands, you can safely get out of it. Funny, ridiculous-“

Zhuang Wudao slightly moved, looking at Li Wei’s eyes, slightly changed, and the smile included: “You are not as stupid as I imagined.”

Nearly 30 Golden Cores in Xuanling Mountain, up and down harmonious, are listening to the real law order. However, in the early years, it was not so united. Consistent external, more is forced by the situation.

The first battle for the shackles, in fact, has continued for two hundred years before the introduction of Zhuang Wudao. It is only because of the rich resources of Xuanling Mountain, there is not much difference between the tributaries of the tributaries, so there are battles and methods are extremely mild.

It was not until twenty years ago that six consecutive disciplines under the Jury were formed into Golden Cores, and the status of the shackles was stabilized.

Xuan Lingshan is still the case, not to mention the other two mountains and seven peaks. The cover of Qiancheng and Yan’an is a master, it is not a macro.

Only one east is cold, and worships under Wei Feng.

However, if you refuse to abandon this love, you will treat the three people together, and you will be able to explain others’ doubts.

“Can you still laugh?”

Li Wei snorted and said coldly: “Zhuang Wudao, you will be in trouble sooner or later. No matter whether they are dead or alive, it is a success or failure. Wei Feng has a bright and fair chance. It will be the same for you, and it will be the same for you to distribute to the evil land in the south. In any case, Zhuang Wudao, you will die when you die, I really admire him, a stone number of birds, it’s really good. These three wastes, It’s a good deal to change your Zhuang Wudao. Ming Cuifeng’s three real missions are dead. He is going to shoot you. I don’t think there is anything to say about the real people. Haha is replaced by me and willing–”

“Is it? It’s just a guess, but it’s not impossible.”

Zhuang Wudao is still plain, as Li Wei said, the people facing the crisis are not themselves, the voice leisurely said: “As far as I know, even the sin of the four rules is included in the door rule. It’s not true that you can’t be offended. There’s a way to do it, just to slay the ancestors and sell the sects.


Li Wei was slightly stunned, and there was a horror in his eyes. But just thinking for a moment, Li Yi’s eyes are round and round, and it seems that even the eyes are about to jump out of the eye.

“Daoye Heavenly Way, you mean the third road, Heavenly Way ”

The third road, Heavenly Way, once passed, it is the secret recipe. It is also recognized by the Leaving Dust Palace. The esoteric secret in the secret is the Xuanmen Tianjiao.

The two mountains and seven peaks, the tenth temple of the Fa, the sect of all the secret inheritance, are qualified to practice.

Although not a Golden Core, the identity can be compared with the Golden Core elder in the door.

Leaving Dust Palace has only appeared one person for more than 10,000 years. At that time, it was the most glorious era of the Leaving Dust Palace. When the momentum was very strong, it even went straight to the three great saints.

Unfortunately, due to lack of foundation, it gradually declined. But until now, Leaving Dust is still one of the top ten sects in the world, no one dares to look down.

If there is more than a third way to Heavenly Way, let alone this little ‘missing the wrong side, sin. Zhuang Wudao is really a bully ancestor, collusion of evil spirits, only the plot is not too serious, it is not business

The sect commandment, but clearly stated – where I Leaving Dust Qi Condensation, the third-year-old Heavenly Way before the age of twenty-four, but not the deceased, can be the secret of Leaving Dust Origin Mountain. All should be blamed, except for the bully and the ancestors, and the sale of the sect

“The third way, Heavenly Way, you are kidding, you are now –“

The voice stopped abruptly, and Li Wei completely stopped, remembering the introduction of Zhuang Wudao, which has not yet reached three years, and has not exceeded twenty-four.

Zhuang Wudao’s cultivation base to date is just Qi Condensation Realm. No matter what, no conditions are exceeded.

“In your opinion, how many opportunities do I have?”

See Li Wei silent, refused to speak. Zhuang Wudao did not care, and continued to ask: “I don’t want to answer? Then I only ask one sentence, now you want to live and think about Li Wei?”

Under the feet, the force was quietly added, and a group of blood was shot out and sprinkled into the soil.

Li Wei’s face was distorted, and his teeth were biting and squeaking. But in the end, but after all, it was a bleak look: “Nature is trying to live. The three of them and Haitaoge teamed up to plan. I just happened to be there and didn’t participate.”

“I guessed it.” Zhuang Wudao slightly dagger, but still standing in place, no action.

Li Wei coldly snorted, naturally guessed Zhuang Wudao, what exactly is wanted, the change of face color suddenly and white, and finally bite his teeth: “Today, if the law enforcement hall asks, I will be honest. Report

I swear by the Primordial Spirit, if I had a half-sentence at the time, I would have died under the robbery in the future. ”

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