“Great Peace Sect brought the two third-order otters here, without the help of Shifting Mountain Sect and the otters, blocking the Songjiang Haikou.”

Zhuang Wudao explained faintly: “And Leaving Dust wants to stabilize the rear and push the Great Peace Sect out of the East Ocean. It seems that the moon bear daoist can help Leaving Dust suppress the pillars of one side, and it will definitely need to be summed up.”

The cleverness of the harbinger of the moon is far beyond his imagination.

Songjiang Haikou has no direct impact on the Leaving Dust Palace. The cultivator is flying in the air and is free to enter and exit the East Ocean without taking a boat. However, in the upper reaches of the Songjiang River, there are a dozen countries of the Leaving Dust Palace, which are relying on this river. Once the river is blocked, the loss is so large that it is difficult to measure. It will also trigger national dissatisfaction with Leaving Dust Palace.

Moon Bear Daoist is seeing this point, and will make a verbal agreement with his little Qi Condensation.

Otherwise, it’s just that it’s hard to be as good as a man who wants to convince the moon bear.

“You can collude with the demon repair, and the reputation is not so good after all.”

Yun’er raised his eyebrows and seemed to think of something bad. “I remember that before the five robberies, the Terran cultivator and the demon repair lineage were like water and fire, and two could not be coexist together. If there is a sect to dare to combine with the demon repair, it will definitely be the target of the public, and everyone will be stunned. Until Seventh Tribulation Previously, the various ethnic groups in the Heavenly Immortal world determined the position of the hegemon, and the relationship tended to ease. However, although there were often cooperation, they were hidden in the dark and never dared to put the relationship on the table.”

“Heatherly Immortal, I don’t know what the situation is. I only know that in this Heaven world, I am not alone in the Leaving Dust Palace family.”

Zhuang Wudao doesn’t care, how about collusion? The transaction with Yuan Bai was in front of him, and he had no psychological burden when he bargained with Yue Xia Daoist. Is it only for Great Peace Sect to do the first day, he is not allowed to do fifteen?

The so-called far-reaching near-attack, Leaving Dust Palace and Southern Heaven Linhai are too close, so all the lineages in Linhai are regarded as deadly enemies. For the Moon Bear Daoist, it is mostly a means of appeasement.

In fact, even for Lin Hai, those fourth-order big demon, Leaving Dust Palace is not a precedent for tacit cooperation.

In the Leaving Dust Palace, although there are also rules that do not collude with the demon, but not in the rules of the four. It is possible to accumulate good deeds to offset sin.

After all, the demon repair is different from the demon, and the latter is replaced by Zhuang Wudao.

“Sword Master, is it going to rush to Surpassing City?”

“Where to go there?”

Yun’er raised his eyebrows and said with a slight whisper: “Sword Master, you are not talking to the bear daoist that month?

Zhuang Wudao laughed and continued in the direction: “That is the ancient moon north hall and Xia Family, it is not me to find them, but they come to find me.”

Yun’er stunned, after a little thought, a smile. With the status of Zhuang Wudao, it is true that there is no need to go to the door.

Shifting Mountain Sect counterattacks, and the Leaving Dust Palace is at the top of the land.

However, for the Liang Family in the ancient month, this is a disaster, and even the Baia Clan will be an unbearable hit.


When Zhuang Wudao returned to the Wumingshan, Dou Wenlong and several Foundation Establishment cultivators were carrying a group of scattered repairs and busy in the mountains.

This ‘pros and cons both are infinitely big, and this is nearing the end, only some details need to be completed.

Zhuang Wudao is an inwardly bitter smile, and I don’t know the day when it was on the battle. Can this hugely expensive formation play a role?

He did not intend to go to the involved, but still called Dou Wenlong alone into his own small building. After only half a time, Dou Wenlong has gone from the inside of the building. After a few days, I will look at my feet from time to time.

Zhuang Wudao has temporarily moved to the seat of the Chamber at the top of the mountain. There are not only many cultivator venues, but also the Core of the ‘Pros and Cons.

With the formation method, he can easily manipulate within three thousand miles, most of the circulation. And you can use the fourth-order ‘Ten Tianshen Lei, bombardment anywhere within a thousand miles.

And if it is with the west, then the other two parts of the ‘pros and cons are infinitely large, and each other, so the range can be increased by nearly

Supporting Su Qiu and Xuanjizi and others, confronting Shifting Mountain Sect in the country.

It is said that if there is a Foundation Establishment Golden Core cultivator, this kind of pros and cons will be a huge number of days, and the power can be improved. However, this cycle, such as the meridian of the human veins, Lingyuan self-contained system. The key to manipulating this array is not to manipulate the cultivation base of the person in the array, but to understand and sense the Heaven and Earth spirit.

Zhuang Wudao asked himself that no one can surpass him in this unknown mountain. The qualification of Spirit Root is enough to make him feel comfortable, and it is more than enough to control this ‘both positive and negative instruments. The fact that Yun’er has been raised from time to time also makes him the level of control, not inferior to those of the Golden Core cultivator.

What’s more, it is related to the overall situation. He is not willing to entrust this method of Core to others.

In fact, if it is not the status of Dou Wenlong in the nameless mountain, it is too important, it is a lineage of the law, it is trustworthy. And many things he has to do after that, they also need this person to cooperate. Zhuang Wudao simply does not want to tell others about the things in the mountains.

“Sword Master, you are so sure, is there a Great Peace Sect in this nameless mountain?”


Zhuang Wudao disperses the spirits, and with the pros and cons of the two instruments, the spirits gathered together, spread in all directions, spread to every corner of the big array.

Due to the consumption of the Primordial Spirit, the forehead was full of fine cold sweat. But he has to do this, time is running out, he needs to know all the details of this array in a few days.

Despite the mental fatigue, Zhuang Wudao still insisted on the spirit and replied: “Just just in case, if you change to Qin Feng, you will definitely notice this detail before the layout. In the Leaving Dust Palace, a few leisurely Son, even if I can only detect the movements and truths of this side, it is good.”

It is also because of this, at this time the entire nameless mountain, knowing that hundreds of water rafts lurk in the bottom of the mountain, only him and Dou Wenlong.

“Great Peace Sect has been deliberate and has been laid out for a long time. In the southeastern region, it is impossible to arrange this only. East is out of chaos, it is estimated that it is just the beginning.”

When Zhuang Wudao said this, his knowledge of the gods has spread to the whole mountain. It is not only able to sense all the creatures of this unnamed mountain, even the presence of dust particles, it will not be missed, and the movements of all the cultivators in this mountain are printed into their own Primordial Spirit.

And some of the disciples of the discipline are inevitable, and they are also sensed by his gods.

“We are so many people, isn’t it better? How can he choose the Zhuang Wudao?

“At the beginning, it was only a preparation. There are four people in the middle of Suqiu’s uncle. How can they not be able to turn him? Is there such a change in the end?”

“I see this child, it’s not very reliable, but it’s a young one, but it’s a daring coward. If Shifting Mountain is really attacking, will Zhuang Wudao scare the incontinence?”

“Cautiously, don’t forget that there is a big squad in this pros and cons. The man is in the center of the center and can’t hear it.”

“I just want him to hear it. If you are interested, just let yourself out. You can’t help yourself. Don’t be tired of our Senior Brother.”

“You may not be able to hear it. ‘There are a lot of positive and negative tactics. It’s a real four-step array. Isn’t he a cultivator in Qi Condensation? Can you control it?”

“This big array does not have to be a strong cultivation base. It is said that the better the Spirit Root, the more control you can take when you are at the center of the town.”

“Oh, just rely on him? A 5th Grade Spirit Root? It’s also a good doctor. I really don’t know how to be a real person. Why do you want to include him under the door? We Xuan Lingshan lineage, only a few secret missions in a few decades.

“Is it useful to say that, he has the Dou Wenlong Senior Brother holding his back. How can you be dissatisfied, and maybe you got him?”

“Dou Senior Brother? I really don’t understand, Dou Senior Brother, what kind of soup he was filled with. It’s still respectful, that person has a life, all obey”

“Without the sinister Senior Brother, even Guyue Ming Junior Brother, it is better than him. The ancient Junior Brother was born in the aristocratic family, and it is said that it was a long time ago.”

“I have different opinions. Zhuang Junior Brother is smart and can’t be chaotic. It’s extremely rare. Dou Wenlong’s Senior Brother is so respectful, there must be a reason”

The people who talk about it are not just this one. There are still many at the foot of the mountain. There are Dou Wenlong sitting in the town. Those who are accompanying Dou Wenlong, but no one dares to say ‘Zhuang Wudao, these three words, only said that this time away from the chaos.

“If Shifting Mountain Sect attacked it, there is no Golden Core sitting here, even if the ‘pros and cons are both big and big, it is good, and it is useless.”

“It’s better than not having this big battle, how many can stay for a few more days, and wait until the sect reinforcements.”

“sect? Hey, I don’t expect it to be good. That Shifting Mountain Sect has been planning for a long time. Even if he does not hesitate to use the “Wan domain to seal the big battle, seal the area of ​​120,000 miles. For Su Shishu, It is already necessary to get it. If you want to start with the group of Su Shishu, you must first break our nameless mountain. If you don’t have the perfect grasp, how can they easily start? I don’t know what the last resort will be. “”

“I think so too, don’t say sect now has no spare capacity, even if there is, I am afraid I will not come to help. I am Xuan Lingshan lineage for too long, Leaving Dust does not know how many people hate it, but can not find opportunities to suppress At this time, it’s not bad to go down the stone, will you help?”

“Do they dare? Do you not know that you are glory, and you lose everything?”

“Don’t you dare? I am afraid that after the war, the decline of the Xuan Ling Mountain Range is a foregone conclusion. That Shifting Mountain Sect is really the sinister elite of our lineage, almost all here.”

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