After Zhuang Xiaohu left south, Zhuang Wudao waited for another two quarters of an hour. It was not until noon that they set foot on the bank opposite the Fenghe River.

In the middle of the jungle, Zhuang Wudao follows the arrogance of the air, and uses the method of magnetic smashing.

Although it is not a Southern Heaven forest, it has been chosen as a habitat by a third-order demon, and it is naturally rich in spirits. There are also a lot of monsters in the forest, but either they can’t keep up with his idling, or they feel the danger of Zhuang Wudao, and they have not blocked the meaning of hunting.

However, when his figure reached two hundred miles inside the jungle, he felt a few fierce and bad ideas, and locked it in the distance. All the way to follow, even Zhuang Wudao’s magnetic, can not completely get rid of.

Zhuang Wudao knows that this is a second-order monster. The method of being able to keep up with the magnetism is at least a second-order Late Stage.

Generally, the third-order demon repairs, there must be a lot of powerful subordinates, for their running.

These monsters follow, there should be a warning, let him voluntarily retreat. However, this time he Zhuang Wudao, this is for the moon bear daoist, it is impossible to retreat.

The look is still calm, Zhuang Wudao just added a little more idling. These second-order demon repairs can be feared. However, his current method of magnetism still has a surplus. He may not be the opponent of any one of them. However, it is not difficult to escape from these beasts.

At this time, there is a rift in the distance. When the moon mad bears come out at night, the combat power will be greatly improved. However, they hate the sun and choose a damp and dark place to live.

It is also Zhuang Wudao’s choice of noon, to see the cause of this demon. At the height of the sun’s sun, the strength of the moon bear daoist is similar to that of the ordinary third-order demon. It may be a little stronger, but it is also limited.

The closer the rift is, the more Zhuang Wudao can feel the abundant spirit power, and he can not help but make a surprise.

Compared with the moment, there are ‘there are two kinds of positive and negative instruments, and the unnamed mountains covered are not much worse. It’s no wonder that this demon is so wary of Leaving Dust Palace’s presence in the Unknown Mountain. Once lost, the moon bear daoist is only afraid to find a spiritual land similar to this rift environment.

In the next moment, Zhuang Wudao suddenly had a warning sign, and the subconsciously accelerated his body shape to the peak and moved to the side.

And just after an instant, Zhuang Wudao saw a giant hand of the sky, photographed in his original foothold.

A huge palm of several tens of feet wide, directly on the ground to shoot a big deep pit. When I looked up again, an incomparably huge figure appeared in front of Baizhang. Covering the fierce sun in the sky, cast a shadow of hundreds of feet on the ground.

At the top, a pair of Mori’s giant python, just killing intent, looks down. A sharp tooth, like a cold flash. The air is overwhelming, like a giant looking at the ants on the ground.

Under this pressure, Zhuang Wudao also felt shocked. However, it may be because of the Innate Battle Soul that I was not convinced by this huge black bear.

In the heart is an inward sigh, so he is extremely reluctant to see these Golden Core cultivator and high-level demon repair. I feel that my life and death are all involuntarily and completely out of my control.

The most unpleasant thing about Zhuang Wudao is this feeling. If not necessary, he only wants to hide far and not contact these high-level cultivators.

Standing outside the fifty-five feet, Zhuang Wudao decided to micro-introduction, so that the ‘upper Yangyang dynamometers were all red, floating in the void, hanging behind their own.

Then there will be no more movements, and the gods will be closed, indicating that they are not hostile. However, after all, it is a third-order demon repair. Although Zhuang Wudao knows the other side, there is actually no killing intent, and it is still in the heart, and it is alert to peak.

“My name Zhuang Wudao, Leaving Dust Festival Techique under the seventh discipline. This is the Rift, is for the help of the moon bear daoist

Zhuang Wudao speaks aloud while releasing his own cultivation base. Only with the ‘Yin and Yang Dihua’s gas separation method, the whole force has caught the magic power.

However, he is now a True Origin and still achieves the level of Qi Condensation 10th Layer. It is even more sturdy and has a long air machine.

Only in this way can you win the trust in front of you. There is also a weak cultivation base, a brilliant method of squatting, and it is possible to use the power of the sputum yang yang dynasty to escape from the shadow of the mad bear.

“I don’t know the Moon Bear Senior, can you listen to me a few words?”

That month, the bear daoist coldly noticed the letter behind Zhuang Wudao, and there were some taboos and disdain.

Then I will not open my mouth. I will continue to look at Zhuang Wudao with a dull look. My eyes are like watching my own things.

Zhuang Wudao doesn’t know whether the moon bear daoist agrees or refuses, but he doesn’t care. He said to himself: “Unknown mountain, there are two third-order otters lurking, and hundreds of otters. I only know, I don’t know Moon Bear Daoist?”

The shadow of the mad bear was obviously unexpected, and the huge pupil was slightly congested.

“Guessed by junior, this is bound by Shifting Mountain Sect and Northern Great Peace Sect, wanting to ambush me in the nameless mountain.

When Zhuang Wudao’s words were half-finished, I felt that the atmosphere of the moon bear daoist was violent, and it was obviously a bit intolerant.

It seems to be telling him, Shifting Mountain Sect and the Northern Great Peace Sect calculation Leaving Dust, and what is it?

Zhuang Wudao took a deep breath and knew that he could not hesitate. He went straight to the topic: “There are mountains and rivers in the world. Everyone has the Lord. I don’t know where these water scorpions come from, but I know that there are few in the world. The place where you live. Only here is different, the river network is vertical and horizontal, the veins are gathered together, and there is no shortage of spiritual elements. However, because of Senior, there has never been a strong water demon. But if the otter family helped the Great Peace Sect and Shifting Mountain Sect have a hand, but the two have to be rewarded.”

I am worried that this month, Xiong Daoist may not understand what he meant. Zhuang Wudao said in a crisp and straightforward way: “So, I am afraid that this square will be a thousand miles away. Senior is based.”

That month, the bear daoist was much smarter than he had imagined. The body changed, and the Heaven and Earth were put away. It was only three feet in size and showed a deep thought.

However, it is still a ruthless bearlike figure. Although the third-order demon repair has intelligence, it still cannot be shaped.

Then, the next moment, the ground in front of the bear daoist in this month, suddenly appeared a few large characters. I have never refining the transverse bone and can’t talk. This month, the bear will endorse the word directly.

“Help you, what good is it for me? You can do the Lord with a Qi Condensation cultivator?”

This time it was Zhuang Wudao’s turn. He thought that he had to pay a lot of money. However, he never thought about the moon bear daoist, so it was so crisp that he talked directly to him about the conditions for his help.

After picking up an eyebrow, Zhuang Wudao took out the seal of the real person of the festival: “I am ordered by the master, the Prime Minister has everything Leaving Dust affairs here. What are the requirements of Senior, you can mention.”

The voice has not yet fallen, Zhuang Wudao has already seen the greedy color revealed in the eyes of this month’s bear daoist, and the heart suddenly inwardly sighs.

“Nature, the junior is in the Leaving Dust Palace. After all, it is a small person. Senior really wants a lion to open my mouth, but I can’t, but if the conditions are too much, Leaving Dust Palace may not recognize you and me.”

That month, the bear daoist was snorted, but then he was deeply pondered. After a long time, he printed a few lines of characters in front of him.

“Even if I help you, how can I win? Shifting Mountain Sect can be used in the Golden Core cultivator of the Unknown Mountain, up to five.”

Zhuang Wudao’s spirit is very vibrating. I know that at this moment, I have entered the topic. The moon bear daoist also really took a bit of sincerity.


“Leaving Dust Palace is a canon, with a total of 20,000 miles south of Eastern Wu, all the land of the ruins, all the lords of the demon. Without him, Leaving Dust Palace is not allowed to hunter the demon in this area. Mines also have to occupy a share of 30%.”

When Zhuang Wudao left the rift valley and returned to the west bank of the Fenghe River, Yun’er figure appeared outside his body.

“These conditions are not too much. But as Sword Master, it is a little unqualified. Isn’t it afraid of Leaving Dust Palace, and will not admit it at the end? At that time, Sword Master, I am afraid it will be prestige. sweep the floor.”

“Just to survive this crisis, I will take care of him after the flood.”

Zhuang Wudao didn’t care if he smiled: “I don’t want to be in the high position of Leaving Dust Palace. If they don’t want to admit it, I don’t have to face it at all. In the future, it will be hidden by Leaving Dust Palace. For me, actually It’s not a relief. Yun’er you didn’t say that for the cultivator, the cultivation base is the root. The identity power is all foreign objects. If I can prove the Primordial Spirit one day, this Heaven country, I want Nothing is available

His heart is indeed extremely relaxed. In that month, the bear daoist is actually very measured. There are many wild forests in the 20,000 miles south of Eastern Wu. However, there are not many resources, and it is not like the Southern Heaven forest. The monsters are scarce. Even if you give him, it is no big deal.

As for the Ziying Stone Mine, this is not something of its own. When it comes to a full-fledged, it can be compared to the demon repair of the Primordial Spirit.

Zhuang Wudao has also argued that the conditions of the first month of the bear daoist were 35,000 miles from north to south, including Wu Guodong from all jurisdictions, but he was cut nearly half by his life.

Leaving Dust Palace is still maintained, and the right to dispose of all monsters. Under the command of the moon bear daoist, no one can kill the Terran. Once the killing is committed, Leaving Dust Palace has the right to kill.

In fact, Leaving Dust Palace did not lose anything. However, if the Lemuring Dust Palace’s several Primordial Spirits are still not satisfied, then he can’t think of it, he can only let it be.

After all, it was indeed awkward and unruly.

However, the shadow of the moon is mad, since he dared to make an agreement with him, most of them also had enough confidence to make Leaving Dust Palace not dare to turn his face and ruin.

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