The three-headed fish carp is called ‘three heads,’ but it doesn’t really have three heads. Instead, at the neck side, two fan-shaped sharp horns were grown, which looked like a three-headed body.

Zhuang Wudao added a second-order ‘Mingshui’ to himself, and the lakeside below him was in his eyes, and suddenly became clear and clear.

Even under a thousand feet, the tiny creatures deep in the bottom of the lake can be seen clearly. At that time, the three fishes seemed to be hunting. The big mouth is open, like a bottomless vortex, engulfing all the creatures in the water.

Suddenly unaware of the arrival of Zhuang Wudao, still hunger and thirst is preying on everything.

“It seems that there is pregnancy -“

Yun’er is standing beside Zhuang Wudao, and looks at the following: “The beasts are going to produce a lot of Qi and blood, especially the water beasts. This is especially true. You need to prey a lot beforehand. The food is saved. Unfortunately, although the lake is large, it is not enough to support a second-order demon fish, so it will kill the fishermen.”

However, Zhuang Wudao was a little bit sympathetic and compassionate. The weak are prey to the strong. It is the world that he has long recognized. The three-headed fish are strong and strong, so before the child was born, the fish in the water, as well as the fishermen on the lake, were licked for their food.

Today, his mana is stronger, killing these three fish, I must have this demon, and there is nothing to complain about.

Waiting quietly, watching the night come, the stars in the sky shine. Zhuang Wudao This is the god of the lock that locks the fish, the hands of a pinch of a spiritual decision, the instantaneous emptiness of the myriad of stars.

“Sunday borrows the spirit, the stars are smashed”

The silver-white starlight converges on the side of Zhuang Wudao into a mouth-shaped sword shape, and then stabbed like a raindrop and penetrated into the lake.

The second-order technique from ‘Heavenly Jade Illuminating Life Sutra, which triggered a great power. Thousands of silver and white sword shadows fell, and the three fishes suddenly felt amazed. The body of seventy feet long twisted, and suddenly the entire lake was swaying violently, undulating and undulating.

A ** water vortex emerges below, resisting those starlight sword shadows. Above the two giant horns of the three-headed fish carp, the electro-optic filaments flicker.

In the next moment, two silver-white lightning surges out and merged into one place in front of them, and then went straight up.

Zhuang Wudao’s face was dull, and the ‘Magnetic Spirit Spirit’ that had risen to the 14th Forbidden Law was placed below.

However, the sky’s silver thunder, under the ‘magnetic Origin Spirit Shield, is net-like and spreads around all around.

However, when these electric lights were scattered, Zhuang Wudao looked at the bottom again and saw that he had only three fish rods, which had disappeared.

“Divine Abilty?”

Zhuang Wudao’s face is quite helpless. Just now his god thoughts have captured the traces of the three fish heads.

However, it was too late to shoot, and the fish raft had gone to nowhere, and it should have reached the deepest part of the lake.

“Sword Master, you are too big.”

Yun’er shook his head and dismissed it. “In addition to the Divine Abilty, there is also a kind of water-removing method. This three-headed fishbill seems to be very simple. With the body, there is only a trace of blood vessel.” But I see Sword Master, it seems to be intentional?”

It is not like the nameless mountain here. There is a ‘two-inner interior scene, the nine palaces, the environment is good, almost inferior to Leaving Dust Origin Mountain.

Here the spirit power is thin, there is no equal, but Yun’er still can show the figure out of the sword.

Zhuang Wudao did not care, at this time he was not a Foundation Establishment Realm. However, Accumulating Sword Art has already pushed up to the 2nd Heavenly Layer realm, which has restored Light Cloud Sword. The Qi and blood body and even the True Origin doctrine are no less inferior to the ordinary Foundation Establishment cultivator. It is enough to maintain sword spirit and exist outside of yourself.

“It’s not intentional. Today is the test of the strength of this three-headed fish.”

Zhuang Wudao is slightly dagger, only when he only needs to arrange it a little, or when the three fishes are used to display the water, use the scorpion technique, such a Prfound Technique Divine Abilty, can easily block.

However, not so, how can he lead the few characters who follow in secret?

At this time, Zhuang Wudao was greatly increased, and he was already able to sense himself. At that time, he was peeping at his own thoughts.

“However, since there is a vessel鹏bloody vessel, how can it enter this river and lake? It is also more common in the sea to say these three fish carp. I used to be in the Surpassing City, I have never heard of this yang lake, there are second-order The monster is hidden.”

“It is not more common in the sea, but it should only exist in the sea. This demon is so crazy, because of the fresh water of the rivers and lakes, it is different from the water quality in the ocean. Just because it is already a second-order monster, this can be in the rivers and lakes. Survival, but it may also be due to the preparation of the child, will break into the rivers and lakes,”

“It’s too lazy to control it. But there are two females in the lake. There may be more than one fish in the lake. It’s deep underwater, not pre-arranged, fearing it’s hard to kill. Come here today, tomorrow Look at the situation and say.”

Anyway, over the lake, all the fishing villages have been destroyed. Those fishermen have already withdrawn from Yanghu. The three fishes were shocked by his technique and would not run out for a moment.

Zhuang Wudao also has plenty of time to slowly arrange. Still driving the clumsy Sky Spirit Tool, Zhuang Wudao slowly flew off the shore.

Just after Zhuang Wudao left the place, several figures came from a distance, and they came across the lakeshore.

“The stars are the blade, this is the second-order Dao Technique. The Shen Lie can be used. The Heavenly Jade Illuminating Life Sutra is at least the 2nd Heavenly Layer. The mana is also strong enough. It is estimated to be between the six and seven buildings of Qi Condensation. Hard to smash the water, although relying on the power of the Spirit Tool, but without the Ox Demon Hegemon Body’s magnetic suffocation, you can’t scatter the water, the singer Young Master, really 5th Grade Spirit Root ?”

Standing first, it is an old man, looking at the lakeside here, the eyes are slightly transparent: “I was surprised that he alone took the task of killing the three fish, but did not invite Same side, but now I understand a few points, this child still has some conviction. This combat power can reach two or three Qi Condensation peaks, three pregnant fish in a pregnancy, it is really possible to be jealous of him. kill?”

“Xiao is tired of you. This is nonsense. If it is not so good, how can I plant Shenlin and others in Surpassing City? So far, there is no news?”

The other person who spoke, but another cultivator, also stood in the void, a black robe, no need for white face, and now sneer at the moment: “I see him just touch it, it should be measuring the three fish. Strength. After that, either the side is invited to help the boxing, or the employee is hired to help. If you want to take him back to the north, you need to get up as soon as possible. Once this child is in contact with people, I am afraid that it will miss the trace.”


The sound is cold, but it is a woman of about 30 years old, dressed in a light green dress, temperament.

In his hand, he held a silver-white ring, and in the empty ring, there were more than a thousand light spots. Some are bright and bright, while others are dull.

“This child is now thirty miles away. When I get here, there is no action. I should have chosen a spiritual place to sit and meditate.”


The white-faced cultivator was slightly unexpected. Looking back at the silver ring in the green skirt of the woman: “Is this green?” This child does not invite the same side, and does not hire to ask for help. Is it only by him? Go deep into the water. Kill the three fish heads?”

Speaking of the back, the white face cultivator is all unbelief, only to feel that this is a cold joke.

“In fact, why do you need to manage so much? One kind of cockroach, you can take it directly. You and I are all coming for him. I have waited for a while under the Leaving Dust mountain. I finally waited for the opportunity, but also dared to be afraid. .

“The so-called former car, the teacher of the future. I know that Xiao Kong and you have a very strong relationship with the Shenlin, but can not blind eyes because of resentment.”

The old man who called Xiao Xiao was shaking his head slightly. I don’t think so: “The Shen Lie or only the Qi Condensation Realm, you don’t forget, he is the last closing discipline of the Leaving Dust festival. It is not surprising that some of the life-saving means are given. And the Leaving Dust token, It’s just that the three miles of light can make his life worry-free, and he can move a thousand miles in an instant. The three fishes, can you help him? It is us, a careless person will let him go, and endless troubles. ”

When speaking, the old man is the young cultivator who looks at the center of the four people and stands by the hand.

The three of them talked about it, and this one alone did not say a word, looking at the lake to ponder. The temperament is also the most outstanding, faint for the hands of all. Undoubtedly is a cloth gown, worn on him, as if it is a graceful temperament of the young Master.

In the eyes of the old man, there is also a sense of respect.

“Deacon, what do you think is good?”

The young man squinted and woke up from his meditation: “It is not difficult to leave this child, it is difficult to leave no trace, and you can’t leave room for Leaving Dust Palace to fight. It is always necessary to be foolproof.”

“Leaving Dust Palace?”

Xiaochao laughed and shook his head slightly: “This long-distance battle can make Leaving Dust Palace so bad. The bureau has been properly arranged, just wait for the Leaving Dust Palace to enter. Without the March time, this southeastern battle will definitely change. Great Peace Sect is in East Ocean. Sooner or later, I have to turn my face with Leaving Dust Palace. Even if I leave a trace, what are the fears? Deacon, you are too careful.”

“Give me a mouth”

The young man yelled and looked at Xiao Xiao’s eyes coldly, and even made the latter stunned, no longer dare to speak.

“Because it’s a matter of importance, it’s more ignorant. I don’t want to be the grass to scare the snake. I am a spiritual servant, and it is the matter for the master to solve problems. For Great Peace Sect, Shen Lie Things are small, East Ocean is a big deal. Once there is a loss, the master will be blamed by Great Peace Sect. Do you think it is unclear?”

Xiaokong is silent, no more words, but the green is leisurely said: “Since you can’t take it, what should I do?”

The youth did not reach the words, just watching the lake quietly.

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