Zhuang Wudao can even use these three swords to discharge a simple three-in-one sword array, so that the sword can multiply.

Unfortunately, in terms of strength, it is still limited by the flesh. The Great Force of the Great Falling Monument Hand has tripled. Zhuang Wudao hits a palm, and can only increase to about 100 elephants.

In fact, the strength growth on Fist Technique is not too much.

“The strength of the three hundred and sixty-five cows is one yuan. When all the dragons and cubs in the Seventh Tribulation were born, the highest is the one dollar. When the Sword Master first entered the Late Stage of the Qi Condensation, it was close to the one dollar. Inferior to those of Divine Beast.”

After Yun’er finished, he immediately suggested: “But the Sword Master is still in need of strengthening. Otherwise, it can only play 30% at most.”

When it comes to the flesh, Zhuang Wudao can only smile. His smelting Fist Technique is almost daily. Reining Muscle Dan, is also serving three. Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang Great Sorrow Endowment and Great Spreading Art have never been broken.

If you give him five or six years, you will be able to train your body to peak, so that the Great Falling Monument Hand can really reach about eight times.

However, it is a pity that his own cultivation base is always a step in his own body. And the strength is growing, and it is also fast to be surprised.

“The usual method of refining Binging Bone is really difficult to help Sword Master. By relying on the blood sacrifice, it will be strengthened by the power of the Lord, and it will leave hidden dangers.”

Yun’er is still self-contained and said: “So, you can only rely on external forces. For example, hundreds of years of Jinjian capsules, Zi Ling made body Dan, etc., can greatly enhance the body. “”

“I have never heard of it.”

Zhuang Wudao shook his head, and Yun’er said several things that he did not see in the world.

However, in his memory, there are indeed a lot of cultivators. It has been a coincidence that some spirits that can greatly strengthen the body are greatly enhanced.

If there is any news in this regard in the future. It should be noted.

“I am only wondering why, at this level, the power will surge so much?”

Twenty-three to thirty-five images have improved by more than half the amount of Ox Demon Origin Hegemon Body and improved to the 2nd Heavenly Layer.

But he himself within the body, and there are not too many third-order pseudo-Spirit Roots. Then there is a layer of immature tendons that cover the meridians.

Is it possible to strengthen the strength of the meridians and gather their own strength?

“This is due to Sword Master’s Innate Battle Soul ”

Yun’er seems to know that Zhuang Wudao would ask, and smile: “Innate Battle Soul, not only one of the world’s top ten Soul Body, but also one of the ten innate warfare. Hehe is famous, is it virtual to? Sword The Master should be improved by the Spirit Root, and the restrictions on the Origin Soul will be solved. Therefore, the spirit and the soul will melt together, and the soul will be reflected in the body, which will greatly increase the strength. The body of this soul should be the stronger the soul, the flesh. The strength is also huge. In my memory, the two former Kings of Acquired Battle Soul in Seventh Tribulation are indeed far more powerful than the same.”

“Acquired Battle Soul ?”

“One of the top ten acquired battles, the soul of the battle can also be acquired, but it can not be into the Acquired Soul Body. Before Seventh Tribulation, there are no less than one thousand Craft Technique, which is dedicated to practicing Dao Body and Soul Body. Such as ** Xuan Gong, you can refine the ** body, the body is tyrannical, can carry hundreds of millions of strength. For example, ‘Battle Profound Soul Body **, the legend can be repaired into Acquired Battle Soul. Sword Master You Soul Body has been set, it is no longer easy, but the body can find a way to build an acquired Dao Body or acquired battle body after Dao Fusion. The best is **Xuan Gong, or Sijiu Xuan Gong Unfortunately, this is the true story of the Taoist, Yun’er only knows one and a half points -“

“It turned out to be”

Later, Zhuang Wudao did not pay attention to listen. What is the **, the required Dao Body, as soon as you hear it, it is far from your own realm.

Qi Condensation, Foundation Establishment, Golden Core, Primordial Spirit, Void Refining, these five realms are the words, the realm, I really do not know when to repair.

The power of oneself has been preliminarily mastered, and the swordsmanship has also been practiced and accomplished, to the extent that it can fight the sword with people.

“Speaking of the fact that I have thirty-five elephants in the flesh now, the soul can also be compared to the Foundation Establishment. Is it possible to call the bloody warrior to help the war?”

“Yes, but I don’t expect the increase to be much. And for Sword Master, it’s still a burden, and it’s impossible to do it.”

After getting the answer, Zhuang Wudao began to prepare and killed the three heads inside Yanghu. He has been dragging on for nearly a month and can no longer delay.

Just the mysterious machine, he sent him this month’s moon. However, the number is twice as large as usual.

“Going out, it’s not as good as Leaving Dust Origin Mountain. So this time you and my moon are all doubled.

When mysteriously speaking, the eyebrows are slightly ambiguous, seemingly worried. However, for Zhuang Wudao, there is still concern: “I heard that Junior Brother is ready to travel today, go to the top three fish heads in Yanghu? Can you help the Senior Brother?”

In the words, he is secretly blaming. Although he knows that Zhuang Wudao has mastered the boxing of the Great Falling Monument Hand, the three fishes are, after all, second-order monsters.

Also, is Zhuang Wudao at this time, able to kill alone?

Originally thought that Zhuang Wudao would call people in the same side and go together. However, until today, Zhuang Wudao has no movements. Make him very worried,

Zhuang Wudao said nothing, and thought together, a flying sword has already gone to the opposite side. Xuanji brows one, and the right hand pops up, just picking it above the sword front.

With ‘When, a clear sword, the mysterious finger has no scars at all, but the body leans back slightly. It’s all inexpressible and shocking: “Twenty swordsmanship?”

Even the Foundation Establishment, the sword is not the same.

In the eyes of Zhuang Wudao, it was also a flash of color. His sword, although not showing great compassion. However, even if the Foundation Establishment cultivator is asked, it needs to be retired. The mysterious machine is hard to be a finger, and the points are not damaged. The strength is unfathomable. Sure enough, it is the first person in the Foundation of Xuan Lingshan.

“It turned out that I was a small brother of the Junior Brothers. Twenty like swordsman, with a sword, and the three heads of the fish, it should be easy. Junior Brother Now, when it is Qi Condensation 9th Layer? It’s ridiculous, Mo Mo asked, Li Wei and other generations, I’m afraid that it’s not worthy to give you shoes.”

Mysteriously connected three words, the scorpion is full of ecstasy, but then it looks calm: “Just the Junior Brothers this trip to Yangshu, still need to be careful. The three divisions are already this morning, south down If you are away from home in the east, this is probably a big battle in the south. You are one of the six people appointed by the real people of the festival, and you have the responsibility of assisting Su Shishu. You need to go early and help me to preside over the overall situation.”

“South Down?”

Zhuang Wudao Brow and Xuan, the choice of Leaving Dust Origin Mountain, or is it fully involved in the battle of Xu Clan?

Su Qiu and the two Golden Core divisions are down, and should be ready to explore the details of the ore vein, and by the way, the Xu Wei back shield.

However, at this time, as early as he expected, a large purple ore vein, enough to make Leaving Dust up and down, all sentimental. Even with the ability to save the real person, it is difficult to suppress it.

My heart is full of twists and turns, Zhuang Wudao is really careful about the slight dagger: “I understand, must go early and go back early, the Senior Brother can rest assured”

This month, the total value of the total number of 14,000 two gold, Zhuang Wudao after the departure, but most of them medicinal pill, through the Beitang Family and Xia Family channels, all sold out, but in exchange for Five second-order treasure bans.

Three mouths and three talents Xuanyang sword, up to twenty-one forbidden Law. If he sacrifices himself, he will have to spend months of work.

However, with these three treasures, only two days, the three swords were raised to the sixteen Forbidden Law, and the power was greatly increased.

In addition to the swords, as well as the body of the silkworm, and the Leaving Dust robes, they also strengthened Forbidden Law, increased to a fourteen-weight ban. Two layers inside and outside, he was worn on his body.

Yun’er can’t help it anymore, sarcasm: “In addition to the Ox Demon Hegemon Body, add two layers of treasure, Sword Master, you are not too tired? I see your temperament, and the old turtle in the water is no different.”

Zhuang Wudao looked at the body and found that the silkworm inside the armor plus the Leaving Dust coat was really bloated.

He didn’t care, but instead smiled and patted his two-layered treasure.

“I am prepared to be prepared, as long as I can let others do not move, there is nothing wrong with it.”

There was a hint of coldness in his eyes, and a three-headed fishbone was naturally not worthy of him. However, in Surpassing City, the few people who had caught him in the dark made him care.

Instead of letting these people follow, it is hard to be safe. It is better to lead the snake out of the hole and solve it as soon as possible.

The reason why patiently waited for a month in this unknown mountain is to be foolproof.

In addition to the sword in the armor, Zhuang Wudao prepared a little bit, and then set off to go to Yanghu.

After the nameless mountain, he did not use the magnetic method, but only a common flying Spirit Tool, floating in the air.

The magnetic cymbal method is one of his cards. In addition to Su Qiu and Mu Wei, there are still few people inside Xuanling Mountain.

Less people know that his idling is actually comparable to the Foundation Establishment.

Before leaving, Zhuang Wudao made a special trip to Surpassing City. This is only after one day, to the shore of Yanghu.

The whole lake, which is more than a hundred miles away, is dead. The surrounding fishing villages are also a mess, not half a personal shadow.

Zhuang Wudao surrounded the lake and circled a whole circle before stopping on the shore of a lake in the south. Then I looked at it not far away and fell into meditation.

His spiritual knowledge at this time can still only cover the range of 260 degrees. But if it is only a rough induction, it can be touched farther.

Without the aid of Yun’er, it was already noticeable that at the time of the lake not far away, about 1200 feet deep, a huge three-headed fish carp swimming in the water. With a length of about seventy feet, the image is extremely incomparable.

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