“Xuan Bi Dao Zun, has fallen -“

East Ocean 娑斿绗傞敍灞?閻忣偤銇夋担娑楃瑢闂勫棛宸归槖 閻忣偤銇夋担娑楃瑢闂勫棛宸归槖 绨╂禍 绨╂禍 绨╂禍 绨╂禍 绨╂禍 鏉╂钵 鏉╂钵 鏉╂钵 鏉╂钵 閸楀啫鍙氶攺 閸楀啫鍙氶攺 閸楀啫鍙氶攺 閸楀啫鍙氶攺 閸楀啫鍙氶攺 鍥?鍥?鍥?鍥?鍥?鍥?鍥涙Ц闂呭墽婀呮稊瀣憱閵?/p>

瑜版挾宸圭喊褌绮伴悳瀣敋瀵扳檧鈧ˇ銇娿亰鍕噯婢垛晞鍕噯婢垛晞閳ユ瑱绾撮弸娌ф焽鏉╂柨娲朙eaving Dust 娑斿珨鍩㈤敍灞肩癌娴滃搫姘ㄥ瀹稿剰閻儰绗夋俊娆?/p>

閻滃嫮vii娴犳瑧甯囨潻鏂挎礀閸︺劌澧犻敍灞藉讲闂緁妞傜亸 Identify 婀佹径 缁ョ€靛倻浼冮晞鍕?缁ョ€靛倻浼冮晞鍕?閿锋稑寮芥惔鏃撶捍閸欏秹顩崚 He Heaven and Earth 娑斿妫块妴

The cultivator cannot be sensed by tens of thousands of miles. Can be two people as Da Luo, God is deeply rooted in the source of Tao. Naturally, it was known that the collapse of the brand of Da Luo disappeared.

And the person who annihilated was not a neighbor, but he was a lonely son of Tian Yan.

鐎靛倻浼冩径鈺€缁忛弰顓峰韫囇傜粡闂傗暊isciple 閿涘矂妾伴悳鍕Ъ閸掓瑦妲告稉閿涘矂妾伴悳鍕Ъ閸掓瑦妲告稉甯存惔鏂垮殺閺勬挶鍌滃姧鍌滃姧灞界秼娴滃奔灞界秼娴滃奔娴犮儰绨ㄩ崜宥呯缂冾剼娈戦幐锔恍╃粔妯荤《閿涘苯婀惌顐肩叚閸楀▌ 闀?闀?鍛?鍛?鍛?East Coast 娑撳﹦鈹栭敍宀冪獩缁?ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea 顏炴畱闀炶泛鈧瑱绾撮崡鏉戝晙娑撳秵鏆嶉棻鐘虹箮閸掑棙顒奸妴

閸欘灁娲滄潻娆庣濮濄儴绗嶆潻鍥у箵閿涘苯 ammonia eaving Dust 鐏?鍋呮担宓?婀ユ禍 婀ユ禍 婀ユ禍 婀ユ禍 婀ユ禍 婀ユ禍 鈧?/p>

Both of them know that even if they take another step at this moment, they are no different from sending death. Although they can be respected for the Xuande Dao, they will win a chance, but they will definitely die in the hands of the immortal!

After 720 years, Zhuang Wudao participated in the robbery of Da Luo, and the power of Xuan De, the Taoist ancestor, was indispensable.

No matter whether it is Lu Xuanyang or the silence of the Buddha, there is no plan to sacrifice for Xuande. The spirit is not destroyed, no one can afford it, let alone the outsider of Xuande.

绾存导顬旀攻娑斿珨濮忛敍瀛?鐟?鐟?绾存导顬旀攻娑斿珨濮忛敍瀛?ea D ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea鐏忓棙鍨滅粵澶庮厒闀婄熁eaving Dust 鐏?绗呴妴鍌?/p>

闀炰浇 闀勫嫰妾伴悳鍕Ъ閿涘奔绔撮煬顮庡枎濮规ぞ绠f担娆欑捍閻╊剹鑵戦崡鎾/閿枫劎娼冩惔鍡?闀勫嫰妾伴悳鍕Ъ閿涘奔绔撮煬顮庡枎濮规ぞ绠f担娆欑捍閻╊剹鑵戦崡鎾/閿枫劎娼冩惔鍡?娑斿澹婇妴 娑斿澹婇妴 娑斿澹婇妴 娑斿澹婇妴鑻?chain锔绘纯閹恒儱寮稉搴″煂Leaving Dust 鐏?绗呮稊瀣灛閵?/p>

The task of the big day Jinwu is the heaviest. It is necessary to use the power of a family to contain the ‘Taiwan Zhoutian Wheel’. But for this reason, I have avoided this robbery,

Otherwise, this time, it must be degraded. Even if there is an idle speed in the world, can anyone in this field dare to say that their own law can surpass the saints?

And only this battle? How many big Luos have fallen?

閳ユ洍 鏇炪亯鐞涘秹 鏇炪亯鐞涘秹 鏇炪亯鐞涘秹 鏇炪亯鐞涘秹 閽栨稑顏规ウ鍨摍閿涘矁 閽栨稑顏规ウ鍨摍閿涘矁 閽栨稑顏规ウ鍨摍閿涘矁 鐎圭帬 鐎圭帬 鐎圭帬 鐎圭帬 鐎圭帬 鐎圭帬 鐎圭帬 鐎圭帬閿涘苯銇婄槐鐘叉禇瀹佸煔宕栭梻顒欑暕閿涘苯甯堥惉鎶界摕娑?/p>

A total of eight big Luojing, are in this battle. Forty-nine big Luojing in the Da Luo Zhengtian map, this battle, nearly a fifth died.

In addition, add a Xuande Daozun!

“But it seems that the injury of Xuanbi is not light.”

– After all, it is a half-step ancestor, where Leaving Dust Palace has conquered nine Da Luo, a pseudo-Holy, plus a ‘Taiwan Zhou Tian Wheel’, it is impossible to pay no price.

“It doesn’t help, after 720 years, it can be hurt.”

Took a deep breath 閿涘瞼娲伴崗澶嬵倫濮濊崵婀呴晫鈧椌顤抏aving Dust 鐏炲崬绌敍宀€ 娑擃偤宓堥悳 娑擃偤宓堥悳 娑擃偤宓堥悳 娑擃偤宓堥悳

“That can’t be good at calculations, and control the human rights of the people. Xuan Dedao respects wants to be desperate and can’t do anything about it –“

That Xuande was finally fighting for life, and he wanted to pull people to the same end, but most of the deaths were attacked and they could not be resisted.

“It’s true!”

闂勫棛宸归槖 闂勫棛宸归槖 閼?閼?娲块弰楣冩閻 閳ユソ 閳ユソ 閳ユソ 閳ユソ 閳ユソ 閳ユソ 閳ユソ 閳ユソ 閳ユソ 閳ユソ 閳ユソ 閳ユソ 閳ユソ 閳ユソ 閳ユソ 閳ユソ 閳ユソ 閳ユソ 閳ユソ绾撮槅鐡緀avenly Demon 娑撹鍤稉鏍电捍闁姤鐥呴摼澶婎洤濮濄倖鍎撮悜鍫滅閹存湸鍌滄埂濞屄癈鍏傞崚甯捍娴滄柨濮稊瀚旑潗閿涘瞼鐝跺┃鎰艾濮濄倖鍨敍浣测偓

Sure enough, the most intense catastrophe of Heavenly Dao鈥檚 robbery was so fierce at the beginning. In the Da Luo Zhengtian map, nearly one-fifth of the power was degraded for the bureau.

At this moment, the fruit of the robbery is still not in existence –

“It must be the same, the fifth robbery has been ruined! Only the celestial world is dying, and the robbing fruit has a chance to come out -“

The silence of the Buddha statue, although gradually calmed down, can be more temperament.

“But even if this body is degraded, I will kill everything, and I will definitely do everything, and get rid of this child!”

This battle, that can not only make the Buddha’s door suffer a heavy loss, but also almost cut off his hope of killing the Buddha and plotting the heavens.

闀炪儻绾粹偓鏇熸箒娑撯偓闀炪儻绾碙eaving Dust Palace 鐟曞棛浼冮敍瀛弐eat Ascension EEast Ocean 閵嗕敬reat Ascension 宥呭灡閿涘苯绶㈤梹璇诲秴鍨遍敍灞界发闂€濞?妞傞梻 妞傞梻 妞傞梻 鍞撮敍宀勫厴鐏忓棝娅¢崗銉ょ粻鏉?鍞撮敍宀勫厴鐏忓棝娅¢崗銉ょ粻鏉?鍞撮敍宀勫厴鐏忓棝娅¢崗銉ょ粻鏉?娴笺倕褰涢敍灞惧复閺夈儻绾磋箛鍛暰閺勵吀宸归梻銊ャ亣閸?娴笺倕褰涢敍灞惧复閺夈儻绾磋箛鍛暰閺勵吀宸归梻銊ャ亣閸?娴笺倕褰涢敍灞惧复閺夈儻绾磋箛鍛暰閺勵吀宸归梻銊ャ亣閸?娴笺倕褰涢敍灞惧复閺夈儻绾磋箛鍛暰閺勵吀宸归梻銊ャ亣閸?娴笺倕褰涢敍灞惧复閺夈儻绾磋箛鍛暰閺勵吀宸归梻銊ャ亣閸忕繝绨稉娌ф闀勫嫭鐗哥仦鈧妴

In other words, he died in the four days of the robbery of the Buddha, but it was impossible, but the ambition of enlightenment in the past.

閹稿顓呴弰鐤搑eat Ascension 娴f盯妫稉宥璭aving Dust Palace 娑斿妫块敍灞藉嚒闀炵姷娲块幒銉ュ暱缁愪緤绾撮崣顓电瘍濮漞娲滃銈忕捍鐎靛倻浼冩径鈺€娲滃銈忕捍鐎靛倻浼冩径鈺€宥呯殺闂绢枓宥呯殺闂绢枓 Eawing Dust 閿涘本浠洪崚 閺嬩胶鍋i敍 閺嬩胶鍋i敍

Breaking his way, he is not wearing the sky!

“If this child becomes enlightened, it will also be the robbery of my big-day Jinwu people. If there is such a wish, the dead Buddha will be assisted by Lu Xuanyang. I must have a ancestor, and I will definitely shoot for the Red Fire. Going back to justice. Just –“

Lu Xuanyang said, frowning: “This is not easy! Leaving Dust Palace is deliberate. After the 720-year-old battle, there is no strong enemy.”

– There are not a few people in the world who want to fight for the big Luo. Those who are in the upper bounds and who can open the eighty-one are all staring at the forty-nine Da Luo. However, the number of Da Luo who was vacated this time was as many as eight.

These are too high-spirited. If there is no special reason, why bother and the horrible existence of Xianjun? These people鈥檚 teachers are too late to take care of their own disciples. Where else can they be distracted?

That Leaving Dust Palace is painstakingly focused on the plot of the layout of the situation. In this field, there are motives to stop the people who can’t be enshrined in the immortal, all killed!

This time, I am not afraid of the serious injury of Da Luo, but also to make Xuan Dedao respect the fall, but also for the same purpose. Xuande Road is in vain, and they want to gather five ancestors to suppress the five spirits, which is even more difficult.

Zhuang Wudao has almost no strong enemy after the 720 years of looting.

Even if they are still a few scattered, it will not pose a threat.

The 19th floor of Zhuang Wudao and the power of pseudo-sanctification are not afraid. This time they are completely unprepared.

In 720 years, with the wisdom of several Taoist ancestors, nature can find the method of cracking. This child can be combined with the ‘too much annihilation’.

However, nowadays, this person has the great celestial beings, the big celestial beings, the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred.

In addition, as far as he knows, Avici Equality King has been robbed in the three layers of the prison. This burial with the god of the sea, may also intervene, help that can not be immortal.

There is also a monk and Yuan Jun, who calls Zhuang Wudao as a husband, naturally will not sit and watch.

– This is the real most troublesome, nine big Luo. Four of them are in the top ten of Da Luo. On the other day, Qi Ren Sheng Di, it is said that the real combat power is also the existence of the top five.

Originally in the 23rd place, after the main battle with Shura, he has already ranked 18 in the levy map. Even if it is the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, it still cannot know its true strength.

Like this kind of camp, it is the mixed Yuan Dazu met, afraid to be afraid.

Want to block that enlightenment, how easy is it? Lu Xuanyang has even produced a sense of despair.

“There should be a way -“

The Buddha of Heaven has fallen into meditation, but there is no way, he also needs to think of it.

After 720 years, it may be their last chance. Once Zhuang Wudao can enlighten Da Luo, he will be able to see the source of the Tao from the 19th, and at any time, there will be a human rights of up to one hour. With the help of Heavenly Dao, control the four fierce gods – then who can still get this in this world?

That is the North Ming after the enlightenment, but even more terrible. This person is a world, can be described as the Great Ascension Buddha’s sorrow, but also his ruin.

Thinking about it, the Buddha of Heaven disappeared and saw a divine light coming across the sky. It had to pass through nearly a hundred years, and appeared not far in front of him.

Only sensing the breath, he knows that it is a void dragon.

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