“Today, he is not dead, I can’t be sure to never have a day!”

濞B癈璐扮拠缈犳稉 閸欍儻绾粹偓閸欍儻绾碯huang Wudao 鐏忓彉绡冮敺銊?Han 閸撳秷顟ㄩ妴 prepared 绮庢禒鍛濮濄儻绾寸亸鍗?鐠?鍤崚 鍤崚 Le Leaving Dust 娑斿珨顦婚妴

閸欘灂妲告禒鏍ㄥ閸掓碍婀侀敺銊ょ稊閿涘矁 姊虹亸鍗?姊虹亸鍗?姊虹亸鍗?姊虹亸鍗?姊虹亸鍗?娑擃灂 娑擃灂 娑擃灂 娑擃灂 娑擃灂 娑擃灂 闀嗘柨銈虫竟 闀嗘柨銈虫竟 闀嗘柨銈虫竟 闀嗘柨銈虫竟 闀嗘柨銈虫竟 闀嗘柨銈虫竟 闀嗘柨銈虫竟 閸欏绾?閸欏绾?閸欏绾村嫪绗栨 閿涘奔缍樻稉宥?閿涘奔缍樻稉宥?閿涘奔缍樻稉宥?閿涘奔缍樻稉宥?閿涘奔缍樻稉宥?閿涘奔缍樻稉宥?閿涘奔缍樻稉宥?閿涘奔缍樻稉宥?閿涘奔缍樻稉宥?閿涘奔缍樻稉宥?閿涘奔缍樻稉宥?閿涘奔缍樻稉宥?閿涘奔缍樻稉宥?閿涘奔缍樻稉宥?鐣鹃敍灞肩瑝閻儴鍏橀挅 鐣鹃敍灞肩瑝閻儴鍏橀挅 鐣鹃敍灞肩瑝閻儴鍏橀挅 鐣鹃敍灞肩瑝閻儴鍏橀挅 閿?閿?閿?閿?閿?閿?閿婚悘顎€顨e鐐茬箑 chain shoulder blade

This voice is even better than the Phoenix!

– Is that the ancestor?

Zhuang Wudao raised his eyebrows and immediately looked back at the south. I saw that the mountain that was formed by the ‘Pingtian Seal’ was still there and was not taken back by Xuan Huang. If you are a humane emperor, don’t sell the phoenix.

And the red fire yuan Jun Huang Yi, after all, still could not escape. Already in the southeast, about two hundred years later, he was stopped by the illusory demon sacred by him. Both of them showed an animal shape and fought hard.

However, the situation of Huang Yi is clearly at stake. Not only is it scarred, but there are also several deep visible bone wounds at the neck. If you continue, you may just need to be embarrassed.


Zhuang Wudao 閸?鍔ф稉 缁?缁?缁?缁?绾存禒鏍箛閸︺劏顓夌€规繈娈㈤煬顎堢捍闀婎灁 绾存禒鏍箛閸︺劏顓夌€规繈娈㈤煬顎堢捍闀婎灁 绾存禒鏍箛閸︺劏顓夌€规繈娈㈤煬顎堢捍闀婎灁 鏁ゆ稉宥?鏁ゆ稉宥?鏁ゆ稉宥?鏁ゆ稉宥?閺夈儻绾撮崣鍫熸箒閺?閺夈儻绾撮崣鍫熸箒閺?閺夈儻绾撮崣鍫熸箒閺?閺夈儻绾撮崣鍫熸箒閺侊阜鍣锋潻妯垮厴缂傜eavenly material earthly treasure 閿?/p>

This ancestor, I am afraid that I can’t get anything that will make his heart move.

娑撳秷娑撳秷闂傤劀妫堕暈鐘参橀敍灞惧灗闂傤劀妫堕暈鐘参橀敍灞惧灗鍛板厴 chain澶嬩惊閿芥粈绡僣an閳ユ獩say for sure 閵?/p>

Thinking like this, Zhuang Wudao asked directly: “I can鈥檛 let her go, but what good can I do with Leaving Dust Palace?”

He did not deliberately pass the sound. He knew the ancestor and knew what he said.

“How about the twelve Xuanhuang Dzi Beads? I know that in the hands of friends, there are also such things.”

Once the Xuanhuang Tianzhu can get together twenty-four, it is a treasure that can’t be done, and it can evolve the heavens.

閸欙阜娓剁粵 鐨ㄦ俊銉ョ秼閿涘苯鍟€閸欐牕缂戞稉 鐨ㄦ俊銉ョ秼閿涘苯鍟€閸欐牕缂戞稉 娴?娴?蹇庣瑯閻e矉绾?蹇庣瑯閻e矉绾?蹇庣瑯閻e矉绾?蹇庣瑯閻e矉绾?蹇庣瑯閻e矉绾?蹇庣瑯閻e矉绾?蹇庣瑯閻e矉绾?蹇庣瑯閻e矉绾?蹇庣瑯閻e矉绾?蹇庣瑯閻e矉绾?蹇庣瑯閻e矉绾?蹇庣瑯閻e矉绾?蹇庣瑯閻e矉绾?蹇庣瑯閻e矉绾?蹇庣瑯閻e矉绾?蹇庣瑯閻e矉绾粹偓娴e秴銇囩純姊抲ltivator 鐠囦線 閸楀﹥顏哄ǎ 闀勫嫰 闀勫嫰 闀勫嫰 闀勫嫰 闀勫嫰 闀勫嫰 闀勫嫰

This price is not heavy.

“If I expected it to be good, these twelve Xuanhuang Dzi Beads should be on the red fire Yuanjun?”

Zhuang Wudao takes the view of the world, and it can be seen that there is a strong earthen spirit in the body of the red fire.

娑撴棁 娴e秷 娴e秷 閻忣爭 閻忣爭 閻忣爭 閽栨冻绾撮懟銉╂姜閺勵叿婀侀崡浣风癌妫版宸规鍕亯閻濈娀鏅i摗瀚旀躬 within the body 閿涘本顏归崚璇插涧闀愭洘妫亸杈潶閾?argon銇夋俊鏍ф攻娑撯偓閸檈 娴滃棎鈧?/p>

Zhuang Wudao 韫囧啩鑵戞稉宀栴洣killing intent 妞ゅ灝顤冮敍灞姐偨娑撯偓娑擃灁鍤㈢粊鏍电捍閻娼甸弰顓奉劶闀炵姾鐦归晵蹇嬧偓

“The words of this palace have not been finished!”

闂緀鍤㈢粊鏍劸婢规澘浜曢崣姗€閸欐﹢閿涙皵婊冨磩娴滃矂顣奸悳鍕矋婢垛晝褰旀稊瀚旑樆閿涘矁缂粌宕勬禍宀勵暭閻滃嫰绮嶆径鈺冨綌娑斿珨顦婚敍宀冪籍婊冨磩娴滃矂顣奸悳鍕矋婢垛晝褰旀稊瀚旑樆閿涘矁缂畄uired 闀婂啿鐤傞槖鎾Ъ鐤傞槖鎾Ъ鍥风捍娑撳鐏囧ǎ宄板礀閻濈媴绾撮崣>濮炴稉鈧▎’ 閻劍 閻劍 閻劍 閻忣爭銇夊▔澶屾畱 杞?Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing濮漟妲告稉濞勫尃閿封晛濮忛敍灞肩瑝閸欘叿鍨ㄧ紓琛℃洍鈧洍鈧洍鈧?/p>

“What a whimsy!”

Zhuang Wudao 閻╁瓨甯撮幏鎺旂卜閿涘奔绮涵顒樺讲娑撶瘱 uo Qingyun 闀勫嚍ao Body 閿涘奔绗夐幆婊€鍞禒 绗夐槍娆?绗夐槍娆?宓堟稉宥嗗壈 宓堟稉宥嗗壈 宓堟稉宥嗗壈 宓堟稉宥嗗壈 宓堟稉宥嗗壈 娼冮敍灞藉讲娴犮儰 娼冮敍灞藉讲娴犮儰 娼冮敍灞藉讲娴犮儰 娼冮敍灞藉讲娴犮儰绨ㄩ幑鐔?閸掔殜 閸掆晝娉妴 閸掆晝娉妴

“All of your conditions are not fundamental. I only ask, can the Antarctic Red Fire China give up the big day?”

If the ancestors of the phoenix were willing to let go and expel the Jinwu people from the Antarctic red fire, then the first thing he would do next was to smash the golden day!

This also means that the Phoenix family has completely abandoned Tiandong. He Zhuang Wudao is naturally unnecessary, and must leave it.

However, after the break, there was no response.

“That is, after this war, Huangzu still wants to shelter the big Japanese Jinwu people?”

Zhuang Wudao 妞ゆ寧妞傜亸 鐓℃潻妞ゅ殺缁佹牜娈戣箛鍐╁壈閿涘奔绮獮 鐓℃潻妞ゅ殺缁佹牜娈戣箛鍐╁壈閿涘奔绮獮 绗夐崷銊ょ閿涘奔绡冩稉宀栫舶鏉╂瑤缍呭ǎ 绗夐崷銊ょ閿涘奔绡冩稉宀栫舶鏉╂瑤缍呭ǎ 闃嗘挾顨涢幏鏍?闃嗘挾顨涢幏鏍?闃嗘挾顨涢幏鏍ф导 绾撮崣鍫?绾撮崣鍫?闂傤劀 闂傤劀 闂傤劀 閸欏 閸欏 閸欏 閸欏 閸欏 閸欏 閸欏Dust 娑?鏅敍鐔告¥ 鏅敍鐔告¥ 鏅敍鐔告¥ 婢讹箘绠欓敍灞肩娑?婢讹箘绠欓敍灞肩娑?婢讹箘绠欓敍灞肩娑?婢讹箘绠欓敍灞肩娑?婢讹箘绠欓敍灞肩娑?闀炶泛鍘滅亸鍗炲讲 闀炶泛鍘滅亸鍗炲讲 闀炶泛鍘滅亸鍗炲讲 閳?/p>

However, waiting for him is still a silence.

Zhuang Wudao 娑撳矕顩﹂崬 顫楀顒?顫楀顒?閿涘奔绮亸 閿涘奔绮亸 鐓℃导姘Ц婵″倹顏归敍灞藉従鐎圭偠缂弰顓锋箒娴滄稐 鐓℃导姘Ц婵″倹顏归敍灞藉従鐎圭偠缂弰顓锋箒娴滄稐 鐓℃导姘Ц婵″倹顏归敍灞藉従鐎圭偠缂弰顓锋箒娴滄稐 鐓℃导姘Ц婵″倹顏归敍灞藉従鐎圭偠缂弰顓锋箒娴滄稐 鐓℃导姘Ц婵″倹顏归敍灞藉従鐎圭偠缂弰顓锋箒娴滄稐 鐓℃导姘Ц婵″倹顏归敍灞藉従鐎圭偠缂弰顓锋箒娴滄稐 鐓℃导姘Ц婵″倹顏归敍灞藉従鐎圭偠缂弰顓锋箒娴滄稐 鐓℃导姘Ц婵″倹顏归敍灞藉従鐎圭偠缂弰顓锋箒娴滄稐 鐓℃导姘Ц婵″倹顏归敍灞藉従鐎圭偠缂弰顓锋箒娴滄稐娑擃儎绾存俊鏍ㄦ閳ユ洍 鏇熷灗 鏇熷灗 鏇熷灗 鏇熷灗 妲哥粋 妫?妫?妫?妫?妫?妫?妫?闀勫嚍 闀勫嚍 闀勫嚍 闀勫嚍 闀勫嚍 闀勫嚍 闀勫嚍 闀勫嚍 闀勫嚍 闀勫嚍 闀勫嚍 闀勫嚍 闀勫嚍 闀勫嚍 闀勫嚍

This ancestor, who may have watched him Zhuang Wudao stepping into Da Luo? Sitting on the Leaving Dust Palace, sweeping the Tiandong group.

閹舵稑鍤弶銉ф畱鏉╂瑤绨烘稉婊嗐偪閻 鐠?閿涘奔绡冩稉搴濈铂闀勫嚍 閿涘奔绡冩稉搴濈铂闀勫嚍 閿涘奔绡冩稉搴濈铂闀勫嚍 閿涘奔绡冩稉搴濈铂闀勫嚍 ao Technique 闀?閻?閻?閻?閻?鎮庨敍灞藉讲閸忚泛鐤勬稉搴濈铂 鎮庨敍灞藉讲閸忚泛鐤勬稉搴濈铂 顏?顏?顏?顏?顏?顏?顏熷澧?澶娿亰婢?閸欑媴绾撮崗璺虹杽鐎?绮?绮?宀?楠?楠?楠?楠?妫ゆ径 妫ゆ径 妫ゆ径 妫ゆ径

閳ユ洍 鏇?鏇?鏇?鏇?婵″倿鍋呴槖鎾Ъ 婵″倿鍋呴槖鎾Ъ 婵″倿鍋呴槖鎾Ъ 婵″倿鍋呴槖鎾Ъ 鎺撴Ц鐠?鎺撴Ц鐠?鎺撴Ц鐠?鎺撴Ц鐠?鎺撴Ц鐠?鎺撴Ц鐠?鎺撴Ц鐠?鎺撴Ц鐠?鎺撴Ц鐠?鎺撴Ц鐠?鎺撴Ц鐠愬骸鎳咹eaven 濮樻棃妲鹃槖宕囬拋顎堢捍闂鹃拋顎堢捍闂鹃拋顎堢捍闂剧疄鐟曚浇绠炵憰浣介槖鎾Ъ闃掓挳妲奸槖鎾Ъ

Shaking his head, Zhuang Wudao’s gaze, and then glanced at that Pingtian, and after a moment of indulgence, he asked: “Then the ancestor may agree, within 100,000 years, not to touch Tiandong?”

After this war, Tiandong must be robbed.

Leaving Dust Palace 锔蜂純婢?濮敍宀勬⒓鎼?濮敍宀勬⒓鎼?顓夌€规ぞ绡?顓夌€规ぞ绡?婵嗙摠娴滃棗 婵嗙摠娴滃棗 婵嗙摠娴滃棗 宀€鍎фΛ娆戭殻鐎诡爫绗?宀€鍎фΛ娆戭殻鐎诡爫绗?宀€鍎фΛ娆戭殻鐎诡爫绗?宀€鍎фΛ娆戭殻鐎诡爫绗?宀€鍎фΛ娆戭殻鐎诡爫绗?宀€鍎фΛ娆戭殻鐎诡爫绗?宀€鍎фΛ娆戭殻鐎诡爫绗?宀€鍎фΛ娆戭殻鐎诡爫绗?宀€鍎фΛ娆戭殻鐎诡爫绗?宀€鍎фΛ娆戭殻鐎诡爫绗?宀€鍎фΛ娆戭殻鐎诡爫绗?宀€鍎фΛ娆戭殻鐎诡爫绗?宀€鍎фΛ娆戭殻鐎诡爫绗?宀€鍎фΛ娆戭殻鐎诡爫绗?宀€鍎фΛ娆戭殻鐎诡爫绗?宀€鍎фΛ娆戭殻鐎诡爫绗?宀€鍎фΛ娆戭殻鐎诡爫绗屽◢閿锋稑宓堥柈濞嶉敺娑樺祱闁姤濞嶉敺娑樺祱闁眹鈧?/p>

The Dongyuan Ziri Shenzhou was also invaded by the Yaozu, and the Great Moon **** suffered heavy losses. And too Su Chao, this time is directly the collapse of the national movement!

Emerald 婢垛晙绗㈤敚鍐ㄦ纯閿涘奔 婢垛晙绗㈤敚鍐ㄦ纯閿涘奔 閺傜瓏 閺傜瓏 閺傜瓏 aven aven aven aven aven aven aven aven aven aven aven aven aven aven aven aven aven aven Tree tribute

娴狀檼eaving Dust 娑?鐎?鐎?绠i敺娑崇捍閺勵叾鐣鹃悞 绠i敺娑崇捍閺勵叾鐣鹃悞 绠i敺娑崇捍閺勵叾鐣鹃悞 妫ゅ▔鏇炲弿閺?灞肩闀?灞肩闀?灞肩闀?銇囨稊鍗炵磻婵绾存稉宀栫叀娴兼碍婀佹径 銇囨稊鍗炵磻婵绾存稉宀栫叀娴兼碍婀佹径 銇囨稊鍗炵磻婵绾存稉宀栫叀娴兼碍婀佹径 銇囨稊鍗炵磻婵绾存稉宀栫叀娴兼碍婀佹径 銇囨稊鍗炵磻婵绾存稉宀栫叀娴兼碍婀佹径Marriage

閸欘灂婀佸鍛亯娑撴粏 閸戠姵 閿峰灝濮忛敍灞界杽閿锋稒绗庢径宥忕捍 閿峰灝濮忛敍灞界杽閿锋稒绗庢径宥忕捍 閿峰灝濮忛敍灞界杽閿锋稒绗庢径宥忕捍 閿峰灝濮忛敍灞界杽閿锋稒绗庢径宥忕捍 閿峰灝濮忛敍灞界杽閿锋稒绗庢径宥忕捍 閿峰灝濮忛敍灞界杽閿锋稒绗庢径宥忕捍 閿峰灝濮忛敍灞界杽閿锋稒绗庢径宥忕捍 閿峰灝濮忛敍灞界杽閿锋稒绗庢径宥忕捍 閿峰灝濮忛敍灞界杽閿锋稒绗庢径宥忕捍 閿峰灝濮忛敍灞界杽閿锋稒绗庢径宥忕捍 閿峰灝濮忛敍灞界杽閿锋稒绗庢径宥忕捍 閿峰灝濮忛敍灞界杽閿锋稒绗庢径宥忕捍 閿峰灝濮忛敍灞界杽閿锋稒绗庢径宥忕捍 閿峰灝濮忛敍灞界杽閿锋稒绗庢径宥忕捍 閿峰灝濮忛敍灞界杽閿锋稒绗庢径宥忕捍 Dragon 鍤?鍤?鍤?鍤?鍤牗澧犻崣顓哥波閺夌喆鈧?/p>

But the next is the fifth – or can be said to be the eighth robbery, it is Zhuang Wudao who is in the sky of catastrophe, and I don’t know the next situation, how will it change.

If he can be enlightened, he can suppress Tiandong. As the case may be, the Leaving Dust Palace will also enter a period of weakness.

娑撳秷 閸愬秵婀侀崡浣风楠?閸愬秵婀侀崡浣风楠?閸愬秵婀侀崡浣风楠?绾存潻妞ゃ亯娑撴粈 绾存潻妞ゃ亯娑撴粈 绾存潻妞ゃ亯娑撴粈 绾存潻妞ゃ亯娑撴粈 绾存潻妞ゃ亯娑撴粈 绾存潻妞ゃ亯娑撴粈 绾存潻妞ゃ亯娑撴粈 绾存潻妞ゃ亯娑撴粈 绾存潻妞ゃ亯娑撴粈 绾存潻妞ゃ亯娑撴粈 绾存潻妞ゃ亯娑撴粈 绾存潻妞ゃ亯娑撴粈 绾存潻妞ゃ亯娑撴粈 绾存潻妞ゃ亯娑撴粈

Only when he said this, Huangzu was a sigh, avoiding answering: “There is a drop of ancient blood essence here in this palace-“

Zhuang Wudao hearing what was said 閿涘矂銆戦暈鑸垫Ц娑撯偓闃掔aughed heartily 閿涙皵婊冩粌婊冮弶銉ュ殺缁佹牭绾撮弸婀¢弰顓舵埂閺勵叾闀i暎闀?/p>

I am too lazy to pay attention to it now. A shackle, the sacred demon sacred has already been willing to know, a big mouth, and then swallowed the head of the red sinister, swallowed in. With the crisp sound of the collapse, the head of the red red prince was chewed into a crush by the ancient ‘chaos’, and became a food swallow.

Zhuang Wudao is not willing to look at it, a flash, and it comes to the abyss.

At this moment, it is just above the nine miles. In the ‘Sunday shifting too much to the limitless array’, a too heavy and clear clutching light is set, and the Xuande Dao is swaying.

Zhuang Wudao applied the result of causality and went straight into it. The yin and yang taiji fish under his feet opened, spreading the entire array, transforming the spiritual elements in the array with the many sacred mana, and moving around indiscriminately. During the time, a piece of divine light flashed, and the entire array was cluttered into a mess.

The figure of Zhuang Wudao has already reached the front of Xuan Dedao. The trail is a sword ‘Linjiangxian’ straight through, and the Xuande Dao is stunned, but at this moment it can only escape.

The power of the sage is not that he can resist, and this sword of Zhuang Wudao was originally created by Huang Jie, one of the most ceremonial Divine Abilty in the world!

At this moment, it was motivated by the power of the sage of Zhuang Wudao, and it changed again.

Therefore, Xuande Daozun did not completely avoid it, and the figure only flashed a hundred feet. The entire left leg side, was smashed in the light sword, breaking a huge scar.

The body of Xuande Daozun has not yet stood firm, and the blood-stained gun that hates Hai Tianjun鈥檚 worldly life has already passed through.

娑撳﹥妤犳径鍕剁捍閸掓瑦妲搁悳鍕璿ii娴犳瑧甯囬晞鍕禒娆戝竾闀勫嫭閻忕捈 word light 閿涘奔绮犳径鈺勨偓宀勬閿涘瞼浜存い宀勬閿涘瞼浜存い鈧矁鍛栭妴鍌滃饭绾把傜舶閻滃娈戦崜鎴︽閿涘奔绗岄梽銊ㄦ儰闀勫嫪 婢垛晛銇囨禒娆愭閹存垵鐨?婢垛晛銇囨禒娆愭閹存垵鐨?lineage 閻?鍦归敍灞芥倳閸炪倐 姗€ 閺勫海宸归崗鍐?閺勫海宸归崗鍐?閺勫海宸归崗鍐?婢垛晛澧ら垾娆?婢垛晛澧ら垾娆?/p>

The sword has the power of the sky, the vastness of the vastness, the weather is thousands of, not inferior to Huang Jie’s Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang Great Sorrow Endowment.

At this point, I simply left the ‘Taiwan Zhoutian Wheel’, letting Xuanyuan Daxian, Xuanzang Daxian and Floating Dust Daxian and so on.

And himself is a 12-sword servant, forming a ‘Heavy Ming Tai Xuanyuan sword array’ blessing. Although it is impossible to borrow the power of the ninth order, the sword light is more pure and sharp.

When a sword fell, it was easy to open a three-treasure Xuanguang Tower, which was hung on the top of Xuande Road.

What makes Xuande Dao respected is that after a sword Lin Jiangxian, it can’t be followed by a sword ‘Yinyang Robbery’.

The yin and yang are back, and everything is stagnant. The skill of Hongmeng, with the power of pseudo-sanctification, is to be as strong as him, and can only be set on the spot.

The blood smear gun penetrated the chest and directly put his flesh and blood into a blood meal, and the sword of Xuan Bixian Wang twisted his head into a mess.

However, this is not the real body of Xuande. A three-inch-sized villain jumped out of the broken body in time. It will rise in the wind and instantly become the touch of Xuande.

However, Zhuang Wudao yin and yang robbery swords have always been cited and not sent until this moment, only to point to the Primordial Spirit of Xuande Dao.

And that disaster, the moment is also the same as ‘鍢?#8217;, it seems to be very proud: “Wait for a long time!”

The Xuan Yin Mou has also arrived, and at this moment is also a chuckle, behind the Xuande Dao Zun, laid a cover of the sky, blocking all the way.

A piece of knife-sword shadow weaved into a snare under the cover, with the vast sword of Zhuang Wudao, the body of the Xuan De Dao ancestors, smashed in one fell swoop.

When the body quickly dried up and lost all life in an instant, when there was another three-inch villain jumping out, the eyes of the Xuande Daozun were full of helplessness and anger.

Only so engraved, Xuan Bixian Wang’s Sword Intent, has once again locked him. Pointing to his god, reading Core, there is no looseness, and he is not given a chance.

The four Da Luo, together with Zhuang Wudao’s “pseudo-sacred”, can be described as seamless!

The reason why I hate this time is not because of the sinister temperament of Zhuang Wudao and Xuanbi, but the candlelight demon sacred candle, and has already turned out the dragon’s tortoise, flying from afar.

The battle of today is not so bad. Even if this is not the power of the pseudo-Holy, his Xuande can also retreat.

But because of the slamming of the candle dragon shrine, the Great Ascension Buddha’s 800,000 elite Buddhas hated. The color of the four sacred priests was instantly destroyed.

Therefore, at this time, he does not hate others, but only on this candle day, Xuande hates it!

At this time, at the foothills of Leaving Dust, I looked at the scene in the distance, but it was a long sigh: “Xuande Daozun, fallen!”

Even at this moment, that Xuande can still support, taking advantage of the thunder and the secret of the death, so that Zhuang Wudao and others can do nothing.

However, in her vision, the four fierce gods have already solved their opponents, and are going to Xuande!

Nine Daluo, plus a pseudo-Holy, Xuan Dezhen can have a living reason?

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