The candle dragon shrine is a combination of the demon and the prince, but the leader is a demon king of the candle dragon family. Therefore, this Culture Technique, although similar to Xuanmen, was rejected by Xuanmen Zhuzong and considered to be a side door. It was forced to move eastward a million years ago, and now it is located in the eastern Shenyue Island, occupying the vast East Ocean waters around Shenyue Island.

Due to the influence of the East Ocean Dragon Palace, the Candle Dragon Shrine has always been rubbing against the East Ocean Dragon Palace.

“It seems that this is going to be a full-scale battle with the East Ocean Dragon Palace.”

Luo Qingyun’s idea was also swept over the battlefield. In fact, she does not care about the situation on the battlefield, but indulges; “East Ocean Dragon Palace has many monsters, and the Dragon Race lineage has been declining over the years. This war is afraid of eating a small loss. But this East Ocean Dragon Palace I have always been kind to you, Leaving Dust, I am afraid that the last Leaving Dust Palace will not sit idly by.”

Zhuang Wudao raised an eyebrow and then smiled helplessly. Indeed, the East Ocean Dragon Palace is the eastern barrier of the Leaving Dust Palace, which is a sea and a land.

And when the candle dragon shrine moved eastward, Leaving Dust also contributed a lot, but also a deep hatred.

If the East Ocean Dragon Palace really doesn’t, then Leaving Dust Palace will get involved sooner or later. I hope that the candle dragon shrine will not be so unwise, otherwise it will be a bloody battle.

It is also because of Leaving Dust, in the end is not the Xuanten ancestral court, there is no mixed Yuan Dazu suppression Destiny. Otherwise, in this world, who would dare to take the initiative to challenge Leaving Dust Palace?

“I don’t know if you and I are worried, the Leaving Dust Palace was so poor and weak, and it also supported two robberies. Now three Peerless Immortal King, plus the dust, the four top powers, The foundation is thick and strong, and you may not be able to support this fifth robbery?”

“However, the tree will also attract the wind, because the current Leaving Dust Palace is too strong, compared to the Taoist ancestral court, it will be unsettling.”

When Zhuang Wudao spoke, he also remembered the era of four robberies.

Leaving Dust Palace There are now three Peerless Immortal Kings, one is the Emperor Chong Xuan of the Emperor; the other is the head of Leaving Dust, the king of Xuan Bixian; the third is the emperor of Duanmu Xiu Xuan, the legendary inherited the dust 100% The man of the cloak.

But before that, there were two Peerless Immortal Kings.

Hengshan Daxian Tianchenzi, Futian Daxian Mingmei dust, are the great Luoxian Wang who achieved the three robberies.

Leaving Dust didn’t have a sect at first, but a group of scattered people, living in the Leaving Dust Mountain, and acquainted with each other.

Later, the fascinating view of the gods and the gods of the Ming dynasty, created a re-emergence of the Ming Dynasty, and this method proved the Yuanshi Avenue. Afterwards, the feeling of Leaving Dust Mountain was 300,000, and there was no inheritance of Cultivation Technique. There were very few witnesses, and it was also a weak force. Because of the scattered body, it was often oppressed by those Xuanmen. The dust will simply open the altar in the foothills of Leaving Dust, giving countless cultivators a gift, and nearly 10,000 cultivators will become immortals.

These scattered senses of grace, are all voluntarily to enter the door of the Tao. However, although the dust has a lot of professionalism, many of them, in the past and the dust, are commensurate with the Taoist friends. It is not appropriate to include these cultivators as disciplines. Finally, the method of compromise is matched by the Senior Brother.

Originally extremely loose, the dust is always fair. Over time, a complete sect gradually formed in the Leaving Dust Mountain.

This is the reason for the Leaving Dust Palace, and it is also the origin of the first generation of dust writers.

That Hengshan Daxian Tianchenzi and Futian Daxian Mingmei dust are the most outstanding people in the dust generation.

It is a pity that one died in three robberies, and one fell into four robberies. Almost every robbery came, and Leaving Dust had a Peerless Immortal King annihilation.

The five robbers are coming, they can no longer be suppressed. I don’t know if this robbery, will Leaving Dust still have Peerless Immortal King? Or, will Leaving Dust pay more?

There is no time on the East Ocean to continue watching. After only a moment, Zhuang Wudao took the car and drove away.

A month later, several people finally saw the Anyang City of Taishang Tian Dynasty. The national weather of each country is different.

The Emperor of the Taishang Dynasty, naturally, is not comparable to the Heaven and Star Pofound Realm dynasties.

However, the population in this city is actually not too much, only about 10 million people. This is basically a city that can accommodate the population limit.

This is also because of the unique nature of Anyang City, near the fertile plains, rivers and rivers. In order to support the tens of millions of people in the city.

Zhuang Wudao didn’t care about this. He looked at this Anyang Huangjing, just to observe Destiny of the Taishang Dynasty.

This will damage some of his life essence and accumulate hijacking. However, it can help him to infer that the situation in the Heavenly Immortal world is not worthwhile.

The catastrophe of the sky maps with a clear view of the world, so that the sky above the Anyang Huangjing, a red gold rushing weather column, faintly now in his eyes.

There are ten dragon-shaped air machines that are spirally wound around this air column. One big nine small, all of them are claws and claws, or they are inward or outward.

“Looking at the pillar of Destiny, it is still solid. But the ten dragons are fighting, and there is a strong enemy, and there are internal problems.”

According to Zhuang Wudao, this throne of the Shang Dynasty is the system of selection and inheritance. Taishang Tianchao has nine relatives, distributed in all directions, and is a big country with tens of thousands of ten years. The lord of the country also has the qualification to inherit the throne of the Taishang Tian Dynasty.

Each generation of Taishang Emperor is selected by the competition of the nine relatives. Therefore, the master of each generation of Taishang Tianchao has always been wise and has a good governance. It is also the source of the big nine and ten dragons on the pillar of Destiny. The nine relatives and the country’s same body are all honored and lost.

This is to make Zhuang Wudao happy. Before he came here, he also saw the Great Moon Dynasty in the Ziyuan Zizhou, the Taisu Tianchao in the east of Zhongtian Xuanzang. The two national dynasties, Destiny, are still fairly stable,

As long as these three heavens are not chaotic, it is unexpected that the chaos of the Heavenly Immortal world has not yet fully erupted. The robbery is coming, and for a while, he still has time.

However, this time Zhuang Wudao finished, but Luo Qingyun did not participate in the discussion. When I turned around, I saw that Sovereign Heaven Sword Saint was still in a state of disappointment.

Is this a hometown?

Zhuang Wudao is dumbfounded. Luo Qingyun, who is known at the moment, is already restless. It is estimated that this Sovereign Heaven Sword Saint cannot be distracted by the rest of the country.

I have the heart to satisfy Luo Qingyun’s wishes, but Zhuang Wudao still knows the importance of lightness, and is still the first priority to find the earthy treasures that can be transformed.

However, in this land, Zhuang Wudao’s luck is still not good. The three regions with strange rumors were all emptied and returned without fruit.

Fortunately, when Zhuang Wudao found the four locations marked in the picture, he finally succeeded.

That is a congenital treasure that is called ‘Grounding ginseng’. Even if you don’t need to refine medicinal pill, it can make people get the sex.

This thing is not a ‘rumor’, but a message that has been confirmed very early.

The ginseng has almost the same characteristics as the ‘Yinyue Shenzhi’. Can go down the ground, but the ability is slightly weaker.

In addition, this ‘land of the land’ is a place of extreme danger. It is a cave at the bottom of the mountain. There are countless tortoises in the shade, and the creatures touch it. There are countless natural wind blades that wander around the caves and are extremely sharp. Even if it is as strong as Primordial Immortal, under the impact of these wind blades, it will not last a while.

In addition, there is a secluded river in the meantime. Countless fierce grievances linger in the river, and all the creatures are forcibly dragged into the river of the river, instantly turning into blood.

This has led many cultivators, who have come here, to return empty-handed, and there are even many examples of direct deaths in the caves.

Zhuang Wudao also spent a lot of time on this, first of all, with the secret of the monument, the main position of this ‘land line’. Then use the causal method to avoid the too gloomy wind.

Even several times, Zhuang Wudao can only use the catastrophe in the case of a last resort, and erupted Destiny several times in a row. Under the glory of the world, you can avoid the tidal wave and get the ‘land ginseng’.

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