Luo Qingyun can see that the Great Sorrowful Sword in Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang Great Sorrow Endowment is almost completely abandoned by his Junior Brother, replaced by his own unique Sword Intent.

Zhuang Wudao is not the kind of person who likes to hurt the spring and fall in the autumn, and is more sensible. It is completely different from the first generation Sword Master Huang Jie. More practical and stronger than Huang Jie. Such a character can actually be cultivated into a seven-sword of great compassion, and expanded to the nine swords, so that this set of swords is complete, it is really difficult for him.

Just as she was after the completion of the Great Seven Swords, she began to make small changes to this set of swords, creating Accumulating Sword Art, adding some of its own characteristics, and Zhuang Wudao also began to adjust. And farther than she is, she is prepared to fundamentally subvert Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang Great Sorrow Endowment.

This is the result of Zhuang Wudao’s isolation in the Leaving Dust Palace for six thousand years.

It is estimated that soon, the set of swords should not be called the Great Sorrow, but it should be changed to the Nine Swords.

The vastness of the sky, the vast expanse of the vast expanse of the vast expanse of endless endless, that is Zhuang Wudao’s Sword Intent, unique to Zhuang Wudao’s kendo!

Vaguely, Luo Qingyun has relied on Zhuang Wudao to hold this kendo, invincible scenes.

A little bit lost, Luo Qingyun has already woke up. First, I laughed at myself and then walked to the side of Zhuang Wudao.

“This is the last place in the Ziyuan Ziri Shenzhou. It seems that to find this soil system, you must go to Zhongtian Xuanzhou.”

At seven locations, Che Longzhen rushed all the way. It took three months to run the entire Dongyuan Ziri Shenzhou.

“It can only be like this.”

Zhuang Wudao squinted and sighed softly.

The hospital of Leaving Dust Palace is located in the sea of ​​Zhongtian Xuanzhou East. The site that is equivalent to five equal meditations is the sphere of influence of the Leaving Dust Palace. Even across East Ocean, TECO Ziri Shenzhou has some areas and is the only one of Leaving Dust. In total, there are three hundred Xuanmen, depending on the Leaving Dust, which is one of the origins of Leaving Dust.

However, the tentacles of the thousand Wen Temple are not limited to this. In the middle of Zhongtian Xuanzang, there is no small force in the whole Ziyuan Ziri Shenzhou. However, after all, it is separated from Dongyuan Ziri Shenzhou by an East Ocean. Qianwen Temple is better than the latter.

Therefore, in the picture, there are only seven records in the Ziyuan Ziri Shenzhou, and the Zhongtian Xuanzhou side occupies more than 18 kinds of rare treasures.

However, Zhuang Wudao, the reason why I don’t want to enter the heart of Zhongtian Xuanzhou first, but start with the Ziyuan Zizhou Shenzhou, just to avoid the big chaos that will happen there.

Haotian Supreme was inspired by the Emperor Xuan Ying, seriously wounded, closed the Kingdom of God, and the sacred heaven and earth, is also a panic, people heart. The North Mingxian Palace was born, and all the teachings were eye-catching, and numerous cultivators gathered.

In addition, the Taishang Tianchao also had a big chaos at this time. There was a northern great prince who erected a flag of rebellion and swept across hundreds of countries. He almost overturned the rule of the Shang Dynasty in the north.

It is said that many Orthodox churches in the Heavenly Immortal world are involved in it, and even the figure of the Demon.

Zhuang Wudao suspects that he is in trouble with his own fortune. He is afraid that he will be involved in this storm when he enters the Taishang Tian Dynasty.

But now, he is not going to do it.

“The three treasures of the North Mingxian House should not be fake. But it is better not to go here, or not.”

Zhuang Wudao If you think about it, look at the west direction: “The Taishang Tian Dynasty has four places, although it is also a messy scene, but the vicinity of the Imperial Palace and the South is still fairly stable.”

In the past few hundred years, the situation in the Heavenly Immortal world has become more and more unbearable, and there have been many killings.

The chaos is not just the Taishang Dynasty, but the other four great dynasties are also struggling. For example, he is now in the Ziyuan Ziri Shenzhou, although the Great Moon Dynasty did not have a rebellion. However, there is a group of enchanting plundering, this Dongyuan purple day Shenzhou is the land of the Yaozu, even in the time of the five robberies, but also the deep foundation, so that the Dajun Tianjun army of the army is burning around, two Peerless Immortal King The national division of the class, who was injured in the war with the Yaozu several thousand years ago. So that Lian Jiu infants can not help but such a true fairy-level demon repair, need to turn to the Leaving Dust Palace.

At this moment, any ordinary person in the Heavenly Immortal world can detect that the situation is wrong.

After a lapse of six thousand years, most of the new robbery should have been generated –

This is another reason why he can’t wait to break through the obstacles as soon as possible. Before the new robbery was created, there were many places in the field that were more than 80 years old, and only one chance to achieve Peerless Immortal King.

Missed this time, then it is very likely that after this robbery, it means endless risks.

Once in the period of the robbery, the risk of a Supreme Immortal Monarch and a Peerless Immortal King is not a bad thing.

In the realm of the fairy king, the basics can be regarded as the top figure in the world, close to the sage of the mixed yuan.

The so-called saints, who ruled the Qiankun and the universe, have never been robbed and squandered. With the sky often, with the road. Clearly understand everything, the world, the past, the present, the future, the palm of the hand can play time and space, birth and death, reincarnation.

It can be infinitely infinite, no life, no death, no return to the void, can be gathered and scattered, not born or destroyed, never robbed, detached from time and space, causality does not touch the body, swims outside the object, does not rely on time and space, eternal Forever.

There are no saints in this world, only half a step with the Peerless Immortal King. These people are the top presence of this domain. In this situation, when there is no mixed environment, some of the gods that should belong to the saints can be stolen.

So unless it’s a very special reason, these Peerless Immortal Kings have no possibility of being physically fit.

Supreme Immortal Monarch can only be reduced to the pieces in the hands of the princes. Even if the strength is stronger, when the number of robberies comes, it will turn into gray.

The Taoist script speaks, and under the saints, they are all ants. If you can’t be sanctified, even if the strength is infinitely close to the saint, it will eventually be an ant, not eternal.

So he was in a hurry and his heart was shaken, not just because of the pressure of Taikoo and inspiration. Before the robbery, Zhuang Wudao wanted to try and attack the Primordial Beginning Immortal King. In this way, not only can this body be detached, but also sheltering relatives and friends, and propping up a large umbrella for the people around you.

This can also be rewarded by Leaving Dust for thousands of years. If it was not Leaving Dust Palace, it was provided with shelter and help in the darkness. His identity of the body has long been found by Taikoo and the inspirational gods. It is impossible to have a stable cultivation in these six thousand years. Step by step to solve the problem of its own roots. And the vast gods of the sorcerer’s lord have already been attacked by these two people.

An Avici Equality King, who is only taken care of by his morality, is not able to stop the Avici Equality King, who is unable to take care of him.

For six thousand years, the sorcerer can stand up, and the power of sect is even better than the tenth of the heavenly sage and the equal king.

Leaving Dust Palace can’t directly interfere with it, but he hasn’t known how much he has paid for him over the years. Please move two Kings of Luoxian to solve several distresses for him.

Therefore, Zhuang Wudao is very grateful to the dust and the elders of the Leaving Dust Palace. For this reason, even if he is provoked by ignorance and ignorance, he can endure.

Just because he knew that Leaving Dust Palace is now for him, he has already paid more.

“Tai Shang Huang Jing, the Middle of Beijing, is now Anyang City?”

The voice of this ethereal interrupted the thoughts. After Zhuang Wudao woke up, he saw Luo Qingyun’s eyes and complex eyes, looking at the west without a focal length.

Zhuang Wudao was slightly moved, and then smiled: “It is going to Taishang and his party anyway. Then, let’s take a look at the old land of the Emperor Wei Tianchao in the past. It just happened to end up with Senior Sister. Your wish. There is still a cloud. A Bhufu that you arranged in your early years seems to be called ‘Xuan Han Shui Gong’? After the Heavenly Immortal world, you and I have never been able to go out, this time just take a look at your treasures.”

“many thanks Junior Brother.”

Luo Qingyun is pretty red, but it doesn’t mean anything: “I don’t know where I am in the cave, and what I left in the past, it’s still not there. But there are a few treasures that will surprise the Junior Brother. ”

Millions of years ago, she had foreseen possible results before she was killed. All the spirit treasures, as long as they are not used, are scattered and hidden.

She doesn’t know if she can still have a chance to survive. However, these things, even if they can be left to the people who inherit the Light Cloud Sword system, or from the blood vessels of the future, are more powerful than those scattered in the other teaching and training.

Therefore, the ban on the law left over there is a masterpiece after she has racked her brains. The place is also concealed enough to make the ancestors of the half-step mixed elements difficult to calculate.

The plan must be fixed, Zhuang Wudao will not delay. After the war here, the grass was cleaned up, and together with Luo Qingyun, three people from Huamo Ling, fully control the car dragon to return to the direction of Zhongtian Xuanzhou.

Between the Ziyuan Ziri Shenzhou and the Zhongtian Xuanzhou, there is a strait wide and ten thousand miles wide. However, after fully urging the car, Zhuang Wudao took it in just 20 days.

Time is tight, Zhuang Wudao can’t dare to spend time on the road. Within the Ziyuan Purple Day, there is no hope. He can only stay in the land of Middle-earth and find the soil in the land as soon as possible.

However, just across the sea, there was an episode that made Zhuang Wudao and others look at the scene.

It was a battle that took place in the seabed, millions of water monsters, not far from the Tseung K. Zizhou, and continued to kill the battle. Make a lot of tyrannical water in the big demon, a piece of annihilation.

Zhuang Wudao also felt strange at the beginning, but when he took a long time to observe the world, he knew the reason.

One of the Kraken army has thousands of Black Dragons in it. In another, there are hundreds of candle dragons and many Terran cultivators. The latter is less numerous, but more subtle, and the individual’s strength is stronger. The former is a lot of Krakens, and the number is more than three times that of the latter. However, at this moment, this side is at a disadvantage.

“Is it the candle dragon shrine, and the East Ocean Dragon Palace? It seems that this seabed is not too flat-“

Speaking of the Candle Dragon Shrine, Zhuang Wudao remembered the dead rivalry in the days of Tian Xuanjie.

The so-called Candle Dragon Shrine is the upper bound of the Snow Yang Palace. However, the difference is that the candle dragon shrine does not exclude the male discipline, just because of the characteristics of the Cultural Technique, so the male and female branches cultivator.

In addition, this is also a very specific teaching. In the candle dragon shrine, not all human cultivators, there are a lot of candle dragons. The two together, almost dominate the East Ocean, the strength is extremely tyrannical.

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