From the original location of the Stars and Nine Seconds, it slipped to the Devil’s Prison, at least for more than a thousand years.

Inspired by God and the Archaic Devil, there is no business in the Devil’s Prison, and the strength is weak. There are more equals to the Lord of the Lord, and the ally of the equals of the Lord of the Lord. Positive conflicts, sitting on the top of the sorcerer in the hands of the demon prison, never afraid of these two.

Therefore, in this millennium, the inspirational gods and the ancient demon Lord will surely destroy the heavenly domain and the nine Profound Demon world at any cost.

Once the nine Profound Demon community successfully reached the Devil’s prison, then the two would want to shoot him again, the chances are very small.

“Why don’t worry.”

The lord of the sky is coldly stunned: “You and I are one, there is no difference, you can do things, this seat can naturally do it, you can’t do things, then even if you work hard, It is also helpless.”

He waved his sleeve and made a gesture of eviction: “You can actually leave now, and there is not much time left. I will not leave at this time. I am afraid that it will be difficult to get out of this after a hundred years.”

At the time of speaking, an incomparably magnificent wave of volatility suddenly emerged from the body of the sorcerer, and in a flash, the entire country of God was spread. The air machine is vast and innocent, making all the creatures in the Kingdom of God daunting, and immediately seeing the color of surprise and bowing. All know that this is their ‘God Lord’, once again raising the omen of the throne.

And this vast and unusual Origin Qi, also spread beyond the realm of the gods, a large piece of void, together with the entire nine Profound Demon world, are affected by it. The name of the name of the nine sects of the reign of Emperor Xuan Ying and the enchantment of the Ming dynasty, once again spread all around the world, is the fear of the soul shudder, remember in mind.

And the scope of this vast god domain once again began to expand.

There is no robbery in the gods, and there is a close connection with the heavens and the humans. The only Heart Demon robbery has also been defended by Zhuang Wudao.

At this time, the essence of the gods, and the millions of believers, who have been passed on by the king of equality, have easily entered the fifth level of the gods, and are equivalent to the Golden Immortal Profound Demon!

Zhuang Wudao is an inward sigh, and he is more decisive than himself.

From the beginning of the heavenly gods to the three borders, to the mysterious god, there are undoubtedly many flaws.

But when he was still hesitating, ‘Cangwu’ did not hesitate, and he immediately stepped on this boundary.

This will undoubtedly leave many after-effects, many troubles, and the root cause is only the most insignificant one.

It is better to deal with the possible scourges of these futures than to fall into the hands of the inspirational gods and the ancient demon masters.

With the power of the mysterious demon Lord, and with the help of this god country, and the nine Profound Demon prison equivalent to the gods under him, then even if the Supreme inspiration is in the hands of the Emperor, it may not be able to The kingdom of God broke. The price is that in the next 10,000 years, it is difficult for the sorcerer to raise the position of the gods.

But the real count is just the difference between short and long pain.

“As you said, this is the only time. I am in the Heavenly Immortal world, it is difficult to intervene to help you. There are clouds, leave, take care!”

At the first glance, he looked at Zhu Yunzhui with great disappointment. Zhuang Wudao no longer dared to delay, and decisively took out the Qingshen with Luo Qingyun. And just in his footsteps, just standing on this infinite void, all the looks and appearances have returned to their original appearance.

It wasn’t the previous ‘Zhuang Wudao’, but he abandoned the original flesh, took the mother’s blood, and took Heaven and Earth as his father. He took nine days away from the fire, and all the gods, and finally the body.

The main demon of the Cangwu Demon, ‘Jiu Xuan, re-emphasizing the mysterious Xuan Ying Tong Demon Demon’, the achievement of the mysterious order of the gods, will inevitably lead to the surrounding world and the void sea, a large-scale tide of energy, interfere with the spiritual consciousness of the heavens.

During this time, it was also his best time to get away, and he changed his identity under the eyes of the inspirational gods and the Tailors.

Divine light, following this tide. Only after half an hour, the two arrived at the Xingxuan world that had not been separated too far.

The Heaven and Earth membranes in this world are still being repaired. Zhuang Wudao enters the Star Pofound Realm and looks into the light and falls in the direction of Scarlet God Sect.

With his current idling, it took no more than two hours to go to the disciple house where he lived in his usual incarnation.

When Zhuang Wudao’s figure was just here, there was a slap in the side. A fragrant wind blew, soft and tender, but Nie Xianling was waiting here, this moment directly into his arms,


The power of the mighty forces has triggered various changes in the world. It is not surprising that a new sacred god is the Lord. In the world, there are at least eight hundred of the two devils and the Buddha.

If it is within one eve, even across the three borders, by Avici Equality King, transfer all the essence of the source. And the victim is the existence of robbery in the tomb of the innocent fairy. This will inevitably make the Heavenly Immortal community more eye-catching.

The same is the world of Heaven, the vastness of Heavenly Immortal, but thousands of times better than Heavenly Immortal. Within the Zhongtian Xuzhou, one of the five continents of Heavenly Immortal, there is a place called ‘鏄婂ぉ绁炲湡’. The area has reached a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, almost equivalent to an entire nine Profound Demon world.

On this side of the land, there are hundreds of millions of people who are born with a spirit, and they all believe in the inspiration of Supreme. And in the center of the ‘鏄婂ぉ绁炲湡’, there is a huge palace like a heavenly palace above the nine miles, hidden in the clouds,

It is the rear of the palace, above an altar, a handsome man wearing a sun and moon mountain robes, wearing a 13-inch flat crown and holding a jade tablet. It鈥檚 the eyes that sneer and look at the feet.

That book is a deep bottom of the solitude, but at this moment under the influence of the technique, it can reflect almost all the lower bounds, including the nine Profound Demon circles in the turbulent turmoil.

“I don’t understand why the Taoist friend didn’t try his best this time. I don’t know the scourge. The longer I give him, the harder it will be to deal with it in the future. At this time, Shenzun retains his strength and will only bury a big problem in the future.”

The voice is angry and angry, with injustice.

閳ユ粈缂悾妞ょ杽閿?闃嗘徔寮搁晲鏇熸Ц鐠囶叺 娴滃棴绾?娴滃棴绾?鏇?鏇?灞藉讲娴犮儲妲稿▽ 灞藉讲娴犮儲妲稿▽ 掳 掳 掳 掳 鍌涘灉妤?绗呴椌 绗佹担 绗佹担 绗佹担宀筼lden Immortal 閿涘苯鍑$紒蹇旀Ц chain fear 鏁栭崗銊ュ閵嗗倿鍋呮稉鈧幋妗﹀閸撳秴鎮楅挅搴捍閹舵ɑ宕晞鍕埂immortal realm 閿涘苯姘ㄥ鑼舵彧娑撳啩缍呮稊瀚旑樋閵嗗倹 娑擃偤 鎺嶇瑝閺勵叿 鎺嶇瑝閺勵叿 鎺嶇瑝閺勵叿 鎺嶇瑝閺勵叿 鎺嶇瑝閺勵叿 澶嬫纯婢?澶嬫纯婢?濮?濮?蹇ョ捍閸欘叿妞傞梻 蹇ョ捍閸欘叿妞傞梻 蹇ョ捍閸欘叿妞傞梻 蹇ョ捍閸欘叿妞傞梻 蹇ョ捍閸欘叿妞傞梻 绗夌搾 绗夌搾 绗夌搾 绗夌搾 绗夌搾 绗夐懗 绗夐懗 绗夐懗 绗夐懗 绗夐懗 绗夐懗

“God will deceive me, dare to say that this child has just entered the meta-level of the gods, you really go all out? If God respects you to lower the body, this child will have a great day. If this seat The news is good, the deity of God respects, I am afraid that it has already arrived in the nine Profound Demon world.

Actually know, it is worthy of the Archaic Lord.

闂緁妲夋径logupreme 閻?鍔呴悳鍕安婢?绗i敍灞?绗i敍灞?绗i敍灞?绗i敍灞?绗i敍灞?顦╅敍宀勫亝閿?浜?浜?浜?浜?浜?浜?浜?浜?浜?浜?浜?浜?鐏夐悞 鐏夐悞 鐏夐悞 鐏夐悞 鐏夐悞Key Chongzhen 鏅遍敍灞藉讲 鏅遍敍灞藉讲 鏂?鏂?閸欙讣顓呴崷銊ょ瑓閿涘奔 娑撳秷顓呴椌顤?娑撳秷顓呴椌顤?娑撳秷顓呴椌顤?娑撳秷顓呴椌顤?娑撳秷顓呴椌顤?娑撳秷顓呴椌顤?vic vic vic vic vic vic vic vic閸?鐟曚緤绾撮悞澶岀叀鏉╂瑤缍呯亸 鐟曚緤绾撮悞澶岀叀鏉╂瑤缍呯亸 鐟曚緤绾撮悞澶岀叀鏉╂瑤缍呯亸 鐟曚緤绾撮悞澶岀叀鏉╂瑤缍呯亸 鐟曚緤绾撮悞澶岀叀鏉╂瑤缍呯亸 鐟曚緤绾撮悞澶岀叀鏉╂瑤缍呯亸 澶婂従娴犳牜娈?澶婂従娴犳牜娈?澶婂従娴犳牜娈?澶婂従娴犳牜娈?澶婂従娴犳牜娈?鍌炲亝娴e秷鍏?鍌炲亝娴e秷鍏?鍌炲亝娴e秷鍏?鍌炲亝娴e秷鍏樼€涙ɑ妞挎稉 閿奉€堢捍娑?閿奉€堢捍娑?濮濄儲顏虹挧 濮濄儲顏虹挧 鍩屾禒濠傘亯閿涘瞼鏁嬮晩 鍩屾禒濠傘亯閿涘瞼鏁嬮晩 鍩屾禒濠傘亯閿涘瞼鏁嬮晩 婀?婀?娑?娑?鎮曢崣顓哥卜闂辩偠娅勯晩 鍌?鍌?鍌?鍌?/p>

Anyone who despise the Avici Equality King will pay the price.

“Even if there is ambush, what are I afraid of? But it is just a matter of being in the body. Even if it is dead, why is it damaged by God?”

Avici Equality King Although terrifying, if you don’t try it, how can you not do it?

閳ユ粌妯嬮敍浣藉厴婢剁喖妾锋稉 绮伴挅娑橆暔濞夋洖濮忛晞鍕安闊€堢捍娓氭寧妲?绮伴挅娑橆暔濞夋洖濮忛晞鍕安闊€堢捍娓氭寧妲?鏃锋畱 鏃锋畱 鏃锋畱 鍌涘疮婢?鍌涘疮婢?鍌涘疮婢?鍌涘疮婢?鍌涘疮婢?鍌涘疮婢?鍌涘疮婢堕槅鎻垮几娑斿澧块敍宀冨殰閻?妲告稉宕?妲告稉宕?韫?韫?鏌ら妴鍌炲亝闀炲墎 ‘chain 澶嬫簚娴?绾撮崡 绾撮崡 褰?濉?濉?濉?濉?濉?濉?濉?濉?濉?濉?濉?濉?濉滃苯褰ф稉楦夸紴10% 闀勫嫭 閿n爮婧€娴?绾寸亸 绾寸亸 绾寸亸 绾寸亸 宕幒澶?宕幒澶?宕幒澶?宕幒澶?宕幒澶?宕幒澶?鎼存棁 鎼存棁 鎼存棁 鎼存棁 鎼存棁

Inspirational God respects the voice, and a slight meal: “Not to mention, although the opponent is the same as the Lord, but the purpose is different. The Lord is not willing to contribute, do you want to let you rush, for you to charge?”

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