鑻嶈尗 斾 斾 镄勨 镄勨 樿愧锣 huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang huang涓庢槉澶logupreme 鐏 劅鐜勫簲澶 笣锛屽 笣锛屽 绛夐瓟涓讳笌 绛夐瓟涓讳笌 Avici Equality King 锛岀帀镄囧 钖涗箣浜嶭 Qing Qing Qingyun 銆 粬鐜 湪镄勭鏄 湪镄勭鏄庡寲韬纴钖屾牱暗€链変竴涓寮忕殑灏婄О銆

It doesn’t matter when the realm is low. At this time, you need to set a name for the sake of majesty. Among the world, few people are qualified to directly call his magic name. This is disrespectful.

It didn’t take much trouble, Zhuang Wudao only had a slight thought, and there was a conclusion.

At this time, his god incarnation was also eye-catching.

“After today, my name is Jiu Xuan, and the Ming and Qing dynasties should be enchanted by the demon. All believers in the world can swear by my name!”

The name sounds stinky and long, but it has its own meaning and is essential. The word “Xiu Xuan” indicates that he is enlightened by the fundamental land; the word “Heavy Ming” corresponds to the fundamental Dafa and the Heavenly Demon record; equality is the equal God’s position inherited from the Equality King; Xuan Ying, corresponding to his revenge and retribution Power; and Tongming two words, this means that he is the demon master, mastering the world of the Nether, the power of reincarnation.

As for the final word “Devil”, it shows his current realm.

Naturally, if Zhuang Wudao is willing and not afraid of the ridicule of others, he can be the god of the emperor, the emperor, the demon and the like. It’s not like a few,

This name of God must be, and it will spread throughout the world with the silk of faith. The god of the lord of the lord, once again sprinted to the peak, the speed of the integration of the spirit of the king of equality, also at this moment, another surge.

The power of the sea is like the sea, and the gods are like prisons. Zhuang Wudao feels suffocated even if it is sensed through the heavenly monument.

But the time is right, he wants to find out the evil thoughts, this moment is the best opportunity.

Knowing that this last step has arrived, Zhuang Wudao first spit a sigh of gas. Then he looked at the dignified and brought the ‘Damark Black Sky’ to the front.

After a little hesitation, he then thought of the fretting, and removed the blank that was too ruined from the big sleeves.

Three Corpses Slash 鍖栬 锛屽繀椤 锛屽繀椤 锛屽繀椤 湁渚濇墭涔嬬墿銆 緷 緷 緷 緷 緷 緷 緷 緷 緷 緷 緷 緷 € € €

Zhuang Wudao’s original choice is the source of the gods of the sky, and the 30% half of the monument.

After he obtained the ‘Road Black Sky’, with the slightest hesitation, the heavenly monument was replaced with this innate sword.

When it comes to materials, when it comes to potential, it is also the innate beauty of the ‘Daomark Black Sky’, which is above the monumental state of the broken state, and there is not much fighting power.

Then consider that ‘Damark Black Sky’ only specializes in killing and cannot suppress Destiny. Zhuang Wudao also used the blank of the Taizheng to be the master of the sacred demon.

In fact, if it is said that the suppression of Destiny, it is more appropriate to print, but after all, it is the Buddha’s things, the potential is not as good as this unformed picture.

After all, it is the prototype of Hongmeng, even if it has not been completed, the material is enough to compare with the spiritual treasure of the innate.

Zhuang Wudao 镞犲姭鏋滀箣鑳 纴镞犳硶浠よ 纴镞犳硶浠よ 纴镞犳硶浠よ 寮犲浘鍗 纴鍙埚啀婕斿寲鎴愪竴寮犲お涓婄伃搴 纴鍙埚啀婕斿寲鎴愪竴寮犲お涓婄伃搴 纴鍙埚啀婕斿寲鎴愪竴寮犲お涓婄伃搴 笉杩囨棩钖 笉杩囨棩钖 笉杩囨棩钖 笉杩囨棩钖 笉杩囨棩钖庤愧锣瓟涓 嫢 嫢 chain chain 繀涓嶈兘浠ユ鐗╀ 鍩 鍩 鍩 锛屾紨鍖栧嚭鍙 竴绉岖 竴绉岖 竴绉岖 傛湁镌 傛湁镌€鍑嗛鍑嗛钂欑殑镙钂欑殑镙熀鍦纴瀹氭槸绁炲疂涓殑缁濋”1st Rate 銆

Three Corpses Slash 镄勭 chain纴Zhuang Wudao 镞╁凡瀹屾垚銆傛镞朵緷娉曡€岃锛屽皢镊繁镄勬伓娆诧纴鎭跺康鍑濊仛涓€镣癸纴 揿湪浜呜 揿湪浜呜 揿湪浜呜 揿湪浜呜 揿湪浜呜 涓や

The ‘Days of the Black Sky’ and the black scrolls suddenly flew in the direction of the lord of the lord, and then naturally merged into the body of the lord.

However, for a moment, the ‘claws’ of the gods are dark and deep, and the eyes that can’t be seen at the bottom have already flashed the spiritual light, in the direction of Zhuang Wudao, far away.

The left hand clung to the ‘Daymark Black Sky’, the right hand holding the black scroll, after watching Zhuang Wudao for a while, then another laugh: “You deserve to abandon this seat? This can’t wait.”

The evil thoughts came out, Zhuang Wudao only felt refreshed, and the heart seemed to be cleaned up and clarified.

At this time, he has lost control of the source of the demon, and he can no longer control the ‘black mark of the road’ and the slab of the sacred.

What 浠栧 浠栧 Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu锛气滀笉鏄帉锛岃€滀笉鏄帉锛岃€忋€啀 啀 啀 啀 呬綘鎴戞湰涓 呬綘鎴戞湰涓 竴浣掳纴铡屽 竴浣掳纴铡屽 pure 浣狅纴涔熷 浣狅纴涔熷寮冩垜镊繁涓€銆傗€

鍦═hree Corpses Slash 瀹屾垚镄勫埞闾o纴Zhuang Wudao 灏卞凡瀵瀵笁灏笁灏寲韬殑寲韬殑舵侊纴侊纴侊纴変镙镙cle clear comprehension 銆

To blame evil is not equal to those evil desires, disappearing from him. It is this kind of anger, hate, color, greed, jealousy and so on that can affect your own heart and mind, and will be manifested through your own evil thoughts.

In fact, the Seven Emotions and Six Desires are still as usual. But only the extremely strong sorrow will affect the heart of the heart,

“Just kidding, why do you need to be so serious?”

The ‘cashing’ haha ​​laughed, and then his eyes turned to the nine Profound Demon world, in the direction of sliding: “You have some conscience, and have been up to the present.”

In fact, ten years ago, Zhuang Wudao could complete the ‘sickness’, but it was only after this moment that the incarnation was taken out. It is to replace the ‘Cangwu’ and bear the pressure of the Equality King to survive this most dangerous stage.

Ten years ago, the ‘Cangwu’ demon Lord, despite his ability to bear the transfer of the gods alone, the process will be extremely painful and will leave many disasters.

This time, with the huge computational power of the ontology, and the power of divine power. At this time, although he stepped into the fourth real step, the fifth metaphysical order was also far away, but the foundation did not appear illusory. In the future, he will spend a lot less time on this.

“This is also for the sake of the self. If you are good, then I am good, life and death, and good fortune.”

Zhuang Wudao said, in the eyes of the slightest apology: “This time you go to the prison, inheriting the equality of the king, the country will be sinister. But everything, I can only ask for a friend.”

“It’s just a sinister one. It’s a promising future. It’s a life of nine deaths. The lord’s ability to troublesome is like carrion to the green fly.”

The ‘Cangwu’ devil is coldly snorted, and then the eyes are cold and cold: “I am only one, the strength is not enough. You two heads, I am afraid to go with you to the Heavenly Immortal world? My Majesty Su Hanfang , dreams of life, magic house and others, are still not a climate, how do you call the gods? How to stop the disaster?

“I have considered this matter too -“

Zhuang Wudao believes in a sleeve, and then the two body guards, they will come out one after another. Zhuang?tong held the ‘no-print’ and ‘flowing fire’ swords, and Zhuang Jiuzhen held the ‘Ray Moon’ sword and ‘All the best’, and went to the back of the ‘Cangwu’ demon Lord, and disappeared together.

“I will leave these two incarnations and these two innate spiritual treasures, together with Su Hanfang, all of them. This strength, just not the realm beyond your two to three opponents, or the army, I think I can handle it. Besides, I will find ways to help you in the Heavenly Immortal world.”

钖屼竴镞堕棿锛屼竴闱(五)摱闀滃摱闀滃鐒鐒粠Zhuang Wudao 琚栦腑鐜板嚭锛屽唴涓幇鍑轰简 Qin Feng 镄勮韩褰憋纴绗戞剰鐩堢泩锛Gas 沨yrannical chain 綋姝ゅ幓Heavenly Immortal 鐣岋纴镐曟槸瑕佹秷娌変竴娈 椂镞ワ纴闅愬鍩嫔悕銆傝嫢鏄窡闅忎粬铡籋 eavenly Immortal 鐣岋纴澶 鏄棤瓒 鏄棤瓒 鏄棤瓒 鏄棤瓒 缑寰堛 效 效 效 效 效 瓟镫 瓟镫 瓟镫 瓟镫 瓟镫 濓纴杩欐灏 濓纴杩欐灏 濓纴杩欐灏 濓纴杩欐灏锣綘铡讳竴瓒熼偅 嫳濡 嫳濡 嫳濡 嫳濡 綍锛熲

Looking at the sky, Qin Feng’s eyes are slightly different. I know this is another ‘Zhuang Wudao’, Zhuang Wudao is his brother, this is also the sky. It is only slightly different. This is what the sky carries. It is all the viciousness of Zhuang Wudao.

鈥滆兘 chain 塀ig Brother 鐩 姪锛屾垜杩欓噷 掓槸鍙啀娣箨 掓槸鍙啀娣箨 掓槸鍙啀娣箨 掓槸鍙啀娣箨 掓槸鍙啀娣箨 掓槸鍙啀娣箨 掓槸鍙啀娣箨 掓槸鍙啀娣箨 掓槸鍙啀娣箨 掓槸鍙啀娣箨 掓槸鍙啀娣箨 掓槸鍙啀娣箨

The sky is close to Qin Feng, and it is almost as unfamiliar. Then I turned my eyes and looked at Zhu Yunzhui and Luo Qingyun, two women behind Zhuang Wudao.

“But this is not enough. Clouds and light clouds, at least one must help me.”

瑷€璇槸涓€链缁忥纴Zhuang Wudao 鍗撮】镞舵槸婊¤剳闂ㄧ殑榛戠嚎銆俍hu Yunzhui 旋存槸蹇崭缪涓嶅凡锛宲奴ch墨涓€绗 鈥沨 鈥沨 鈥沨 鈥沨 鈥沨 鈥沨 鈥沨 鈥沨 鈥沨 鈥沨 鈥沨 鈥沨 鈥沨 鈥沨 鈥沨 鈥沨 鈥沨 鈥沨 鈥沨 鈥沨

It is said that they want to stay and help him, but Zhu Yunzhui, but can see the heart of this ‘crowd’.

After all, it’s not until the birth, the acting is not old, and the mood is not in the color.

It’s just Zhu Yunzhui, but I’m happy, knowing the source of the ‘Cangwu’, and it’s still the embodiment of Zhuang Wudao’s deity.

Luo Qingyun is also a red faint on the face, and it has not appeared in the same color.

The atmosphere changed its taste in a flash, and the Tibetan mirror people were in the mirror, and they were unbridled and laughed heartily.

鈥樿愧锣 欓 欓 欓 镄敋铡 镄敋铡 纴镙 Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu 鍒椤 灏棤姣旓纴鎭ㄤ笉寰椾竴宸 Wu Umbrella rudder 鍖栬 缁欐愧姝 缁欐愧姝 缁欐愧姝 纴姝ゆ椂鍗 纴姝ゆ椂鍗 纴姝ゆ椂鍗 纴姝ゆ椂鍗 鑴 鑴 鑴 鑴 鑴 鑴 鑴 纴鏁呬綔涓岖煡镄勪竴澹 纴鏁呬綔涓岖煡镄勪竴澹 纴鏁呬綔涓岖煡镄勪竴澹 纴鏁呬綔涓岖煡镄勪竴澹 纴鏁呬綔涓岖煡镄勪竴澹 纴钖屾牱涓锛 锛 滆 滆 滆 浜戞硶韬 浜戞硶韬 浜戞硶韬 浜戞硶韬 鍒讹纴涓嶈兘绂诲紑娴╁姭澶╁浘澶︼ 鍒讹纴涓嶈兘绂诲紑娴╁姭澶╁浘澶︼ 缁忓畲鎴愮敱 缁忓畲鎴愮敱 缁忓畲鎴愮敱 缁忓畲鎴愮敱叆阆掳纴蹇呴』闅忔垜锲炲綊Leaving Dust 鈥曗€曗€

涓嶈 璇濋煶 璇濋煶 Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Av 鍖栵纴锲炲綊 鍖栵纴锲炲綊 Leaving Dust 涔嬩簨锛屼篃 浠庨昵璁¤锛屽苟涓嶆 浠庨昵璁¤锛屽苟涓嶆 浠庨昵璁¤锛屽苟涓嶆 ヤ簬涓 镞 镞 镞 镞 镞 镞 傞殢浣犺 傞殢浣犺 傞殢浣犺 傞殢浣犺 傞殢浣犺 傞殢浣犺婏纴涔熸病浠€涔堛€傗€

The ‘Cangwu’ magic master felt overjoyed, and Zhu Yunzhui looked up and said: “But it is only two thousand years. After two thousand years, I have to return to Heavenly Immortal. Staying in the magical zone for too long, to me. No benefit.”

濂 寲灏絯 ithin the body 斿 斿 涔嬫棩锛屽ぇ绾 涔嬫棩锛屽ぇ绾 鏄湪涓ゅ崈杞 鏄湪涓ゅ崈杞 鏄湪涓ゅ崈杞 鏄湪涓ゅ崈杞 鏄湪涓ゅ崈杞 鏄湪涓ゅ崈杞 鏄湪涓ゅ崈杞 鏄湪涓ゅ崈杞 鏄湪涓ゅ崈杞

“Alright, it is two thousand years.”

The ‘Cangwu’ magic master was disappointed, but he nodded. “Two thousand years, it is enough for me to be in the magical field and stand firm.”

Zhuang Wudao is speechless, and there is a feeling that a favorite thing is taken away, and then it is not so obvious. From the eyes of the sorcerer, I saw a smirk.

He can feel the thought of the incarnation. And his thoughts on the side, the avatar can also be known.

Zhuang Wudao can’t help but laugh at himself. In fact, the relationship between the two is more like distraction, but only one body.

Is this going to be your own rival?

鏀 捣浜呜 捣浜呜 浜涗 浜涗 Wu Wu Wu Wu 镄勯 镄勯 Wu Wu Wu犺鏄偅浣嶆槉澶logupreme 鐏 劅鐜勫簲澶 笣锛岃缮鏄お鍙ら瓟涓 笣锛岃缮鏄お鍙ら瓟涓 笣锛岃缮鏄お鍙ら瓟涓 纴锷垮姏閮 纴锷垮姏閮 笉绠楀お寮 笉绠楀お寮 三 三 (3) 珛瓒 笉闅 € € 綘鍙槑锏 綘鍙槑锏 綘鍙槑锏 綘鍙槑锏 綘鍙槑锏 綘鍙槑锏 纴鐪熸 闅 闅 闅 闅 闅 闅 闅 闅 闅 殑锛屽湪浜庤 殑锛屽湪浜庤

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