Heaven Xiujie, Nanping Mountain Range, at the top of the main mountain of Leaving Dust, the temple of the Fa. Hua Ying is cold-faced, his eyes are cloudy, looking out to the mountains.

Looking out from this direction, I saw all the fires everywhere, and the wind blade and the thunder and lightning. Thousands of floating warships, cultivator figure formed a ‘cloud’. Various such Dao Techniques, constantly bombarding, impulsively attack the positive and negative yin and yang of the Leaving Dust Palace.

Before leaving, Zhuang Wudao used the Nanmingdu Tianshen Lei Lie fire flag gate array in Nanping Mountain to greatly enhance and strengthen it, and entered the level of the seventh-order large array. Wei Neng was similar to the cold palace at the time of its prosperity.

Today, however, it is such a unique seven-order array that has been compressed by the Great Spirit, step by step, to cover only a thousand miles around the main mountain of Leaving Dust. On the outskirts of the Nanping Mountains, all of them have been abandoned. The two mountains and seven peaks of the Leaving Dust Palace have also lost three.

The surrounding peaks have even been flattened by nearly 70%, and the entire Nanping Mountains have been misnamed. There are traces of fighting everywhere, and there are countless cracks and deep pits distributed in the square.

This is an unprecedented crisis since the launch of the Leaving Dust Palace, and it is also the most depressing time.

And today, this is the last thousand miles, and it is hard to stick to it.

It can be seen that there are more than 300 dragon-shaped ship ships in the distance, and they are gathering in one place, building a huge array.

Seventy years ago, Yan Xuan once again unified the spirit. After the rise, he once sneaked the East Ocean seabed 40 million pounds of Chiyang fine iron, and used the power of the whole country to refine the 365 fourth-order ‘Chiyang Dragon. The ship’s just happened to be a week old, and it has been sweeping away from everything.

I can only say that this Yan Xuan is indeed a true man, and he has won the heart of this world and is blessed by humanity. The Red Yang fine iron hidden in the East Ocean seabed, Leaving Dust Palace occupied the East Ocean area for tens of thousands of years without any clues. However, Yan Xuan not only found it, but also avoided the eyes and ears of Leaving Dust Palace, and sneaked it out and refined it into a fourth-order warship.

At this time, Daling鈥檚 method of laying out the 356th fourth-order ‘Chiyang Dragonship’ should be the Da Zhoutian Chiyang Dry Dragon Array in the deduction of the Leaving Dust Digital Method.

For this reason, Daling has been preparing for a few months, although it is still a bit worse than the guardian of the Leaving Dust Palace. However, to the maximum extent, the power of the Nanmingdu Tianshen Lei Lieqi flag is restrained.

If they are completed by the Great Spirit, then they will be attacked by the Leaving Dust Palace today.

“Isn’t it yet?”

Beyond the thirty steps of Hua Ying, Beitang Wan’er eyes are pleasing, looking at the direction of the main hall in the distance, unconsciously whispering to himself.

There is an altar there, and Yunling Moon is living on it. There is a picture of Zhuang Wudao in front of him, and the exterior is shining with white divine light. But so far, there is no other movement besides this layer of divine light.

I remember that before Zhuang Wudao flew away, I had specially explained the people. If there is any difficulty in resolving Leaving Dust Palace in the future, the three real-life maps left by him can be used to make Leaving Dust Palace turn safe.

Today, Leaving Dust Palace is well-prepared, and Yunlingyue has been on the scene since a few days ago, but it has no effect.

“What are you worried about? Converging your mind and taking care of your eyes -“

Hua Ying squinted at Beitang Wan’er and gave a dissatisfied contempt.

The temple of the Fa-rectification is the center of the gate of the Nanmingdu gods, Lei Lie, and the importance of it is beyond the mirror of the Qiuqiu Mountain.

At this time, there are a total of 12 Primordial Spirits guarding this place, and Beitang Wan’er is one of them.

Zhuang Wudao’s legacy, Nie Xianling’s training, and Beitang Wan’er, in just a hundred years, have proved the Primordial Spirit and become the backbone of the Leaving Dust Palace. It is a rare one, and there are people who want to win Void Refining Realm.

Looking at the face of Zhuang Wudao, Ling Hua Ying is still taking care of it. At this moment, Beitang Wan’er distracted him and made him quite dissatisfied.

The martyrdom may be due to their care. This woman is not as stable as other Primordial Spirit disciple. At this time, where can I be distracted?

The 12 Primordial Spirits here are all focused on suppressing the spirits. Only this woman, the heart is the most jumped.

“Junior Brother, he has never lost faith in people. Since these three real characters can solve the danger of Leaving Dust, it will definitely work. You are with him, can you not know the Junior Brother?”

This sentence is not only to say to Beitang Wan’er, but also to this, nearly 100 Golden Core, 4,000 Foundation Establishment disciple.

However, it is of little use. Thousands of people here are calm and slightly sad. It is obviously ready to deal with this final battle and the degenerate ending. For the departed ancestor Zhuang Wudao, I am not optimistic.

However, being able to be selected here, guarding Leaving Dust’s most forbidden land, is the real backbone of sect, and also the consciousness of living and dying with Leaving Dust.

Beitang Wan’er also knows his own words, but the depths of his gods still contain bitterness. Zhuang Wudao is a person, she is naturally clear. I also believe that after knowing this crisis, Zhuang Wudao will certainly do whatever it takes to make Leaving Dust Palace safe. But what you want to do is one thing. If you can do it, it is another matter.

With the Yuanjixing barrier, there is no cultivation base of immortal realm, and there is no way to enter this innocent tomb.

Even even if it is Spirit Immortal, it is equally dangerous. The day when Scarlet Yang City was triggered, she still remembers it. An upper celestial being, even by the fierce spirit of the outer domain, hurt to such an extent.

Zhuang Wudao Want to intervene in this Heaven squad outside the ‘Yuanji Star Obstruction’, how easy is it?

How can it be possible to resolve this disaster? With the current strength of Daling, even if it is Zhuang Wudao when it is soaring, I am afraid it is difficult to cope with it.

However, she did not say anything, and continued to comb the guideline under her body. The benefits of being naughted by Nie Xianling began to appear.

Other Primordial Spirit cultivators need to be fully responsive, and there should be no spare energy. She is calm and easy to control, but she can also divide most of her heart and observe other things.

Suddenly within the Primordial Spirit, it sensed the sharp fluctuations in the south. Beitang Wan’er looked back and looked at the south side. In the twinkling of an eye, there is a fight that is happening.

It is a zero-law real person, and Gu Yunhang, these two, is the top of the monument, the top five Void Refining Jing Chunyang real people. It is the most outstanding existence of the world and is the pillar of the Leaving Dust Palace.

There is also the Yan madman, with the art instructor, one hundred and twenty years after the entry, step into the virtual world of Void Refining. The cultivation base is not as good as the zero method and Gu Yunhang, but the combat power is even better.

And after the method of breaking into the Void Refining, it shows that there is not enough power, but it is also a rare Void Refining.

But it is such a combination of four, there is still a bad situation there, and it is at a disadvantage.

With a little hesitation, Beitang Wan’er still said: “That is the dragon’s dragon guard of the Great Spirit, it seems that there is no support -“

The Dragon A Guardian is the sculpt of the Great Spirits for thousands of years. It combines humanity and temperament, and its strength is unpredictable.

In the end, this sacred secret technique, in the hands of Yan Xuan, was able to complete the Great Completion, combined with the town dragon stone, and broke through the fourth-order barrier. It was only four at the earliest. After Yan Xuan unified the Heaven of the Heaven, it increased to nine. Each squad has reached the fifth-order limit, close to the sixth-order

Zhuang Wudao sweeps the world before flying. All the forces that could threaten the Leaving Dust Palace were flattened. In addition to Yan Xuan, all the people who may be threatened are all going out.

The reason why the Great Spirits can compete against the Leaving Dust Palace with the Void Refining in the first few decades is because of the nine towns.

The nine dragons and the gods together, even the four Void Refining, relying on the seven-order big array, can not compete.

Beitang Wan’er is worried that once the southern ban is broken through, it may not be completed before the big Sunday Red Sun Dragon Array is completed, Scarlet God Sect has been brokenthrough.

At the moment Leaving Dust Palace, the only powerful Void Refining is the power of Hua Ying.

Originally practicing the killing sword, the mind is almost lost. After the gift of Zhuang Wudao, but in a short period of time, I found my heart, from then on, the heart is stable, and has not changed.

However, this cultivation, which did not stop killing the sword, went one step further and made the final decision to the fifth.

With the cultivation base of the Middle Stage of the Void Refining, surpassing Yu Xuxuan to climb to the top, becoming the strongest of Heaven’s revisions.

“I have a natural heart, there are others to deal with. There is no need to worry. Not to say, let you not be distracted!”

Hua Ying did not move, but instead slammed it on the head of Beitang Wan’er.

At this time, he was on the side of the Nine-French Temple, floating in the void, spinning around his figure. And Hua Ying鈥檚 eyes are staring at somewhere in the ‘Chiyang Dragonship’.

He did not know that the situation there was critical, but in his eyes, there was another more dangerous and powerful existence that required him to guard against it and needed him to check and balance.

At this time, in the Heaven world, in addition to the original sacred sacred sacred sacred scorpion, the only one-sixth-order Dao Fusion, driving all the humanity of this world, the great spirit of the emperor Xuan Xuan –

If this person shoots, then it is only the one who controls the nine halls of the Fa, in order to have the power of resistance.

Beitang Wan’er willow eyebrow is contemptuous and somewhat dissatisfied. When I was about to refute, the anger that knocked on the top of her head suddenly turned into a cold and infiltrated into the mind.

It was only when I was shocked that I was already in a state of mind. Busy took a deep breath, the idea that should not be there, all pressed down.

Knowing myself, in the end, I still gave birth to unwilling thoughts. If I didn鈥檛 want to be myself, I fell into this place. It was more because of the fact that Beitang Family had been operating for hundreds of years.

With the help of mana, he has settled his mind, but within the mind of Beitang Wan’er, it is still a mixture of thoughts and cannot be suppressed.

For a moment, she thought that if Leaving Dust Palace was destroyed, how could she try her best to win the opportunity; at the moment, she was guilty of Zhuang Wudao. Before leaving, why not solve Yan Xuan together, leaving this scourge to be led by Leaving Dust Palace To destroy the door; for a moment, I want to teach Chi Lingzi incompetence, so that sect falls to such a point, why do you have to sect? The ship that was left by Zhuang Wudao, why is it necessary to die at this mountain gate?

She knew that these thoughts were extremely inappropriate and could not be suppressed. However, just half a quarter of an hour later, in the south of Leaving Dust, the turbulence of the other side finally calmed down.

And Beitang Wan’er also had a slight sigh in his heart, and these magical thoughts were temporarily removed from the Italian Sea.

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