“It turned out to be.”

Zhuang Wudao’s eyes flashed: “But I still want to know this person, how dangerous is it?”

What he actually wants to ask is the identity of this person. However, I also know Luo Qingyun, and most of them will not tell.

As for Light Cloud Sword, those memories of Luo Qingyun, at least 70% are in the seal state. The sword spirit is also indifferent to the affairs of its predecessor. Even if the temperament of Yun Qingyi has changed recently, it is more lively and cheerful, and there is still no slightest interest in this aspect.

“That’s not you and I can compete now. When I was in the final battle with the robbery, this person also proved Peerless Immortal King. After two million years, this is a card that I don’t know. But recently I have consulted the two books of Xuan Shi, and I have not found any relevant records. The obsession has not been eliminated, and the cause and effect have not been removed. Most of them are only the realm of Primordial Beginning Immortal King. As for the identity of this person, I can only say He and I have a deep relationship, and even his Dao Technique is also like you, I personally tutored.”

Zhuang Wudao startled, decided to look at Luo Qingyun. This is the personal guidance of the teacher, that is, is that person likely to be Liu Qingyun’s discipline? Have you learned the Seven Swords and Accumulating Sword Art?

Since it is a mentoring relationship, why is it that it will fall into revenge?

Luo Qingyun’s gaze on Zhuang Wudao seems to be unconscious, and it shows a bitter smile: “But Junior Brother, you don’t have to care about this for the time being. There is a catastrophe in the sky, suppress Destiny, as long as he does not reveal his identity, he It’s hard to find you and me. As for the Heaven and Earth, you can use the Junior Brother to accumulate your achievements. You can change your face without using the yin and yang swords. Linkage.”

The sword technique has been repaired to peak, so you can no longer stick to the fixed sword style. You can change the Sword Path as you like, as long as you can keep the Core essence.

“- In short, that person has nothing to do with Junior Brother. After I will recover, I will personally break with him!”

The tone is like chop the nail and slice the iron, and there is no room for refutation.

Zhuang Wudao frowned head, want to say that they have both life and death, then when the wind and rain in the same boat, watching and helping each other.

Only when he saw the look of Luo Qingyun, he was speechless. That is incomprehensible complexity, distress, jealousy, reading, resentment and helplessness, all kinds of emotions are mixed together.

Can’t help but make Zhuang Wudao feel curious, what kind of character is this, so that Luo Qingyun is so entangled?

The only thing he understands right now is that the Sovereign Heaven Sword Saint is obviously a private matter of this person and does not allow others to intervene.

Nothing! As Luo Qingyun said, after the catastrophe, the Peerless Immortal King has not found him. And wait for Luo Qingyun to recover and restore Dao Body, but I don’t know what year and month.

At this time, you can leave it to be counted later.

“It’s what you want.”

After a faint sentence, Zhuang Wudao turned his eyes on the Heaven world.

This time it seems to be a false alarm. It really is the result of the robbery, and the Peerless Immortal King who is looking for Luo Qingyun. Then he Zhuang Wudao, even if he has three heads, six arms, can’t cope.

Knowing that the traces of the Yuanji Star Obstruction have nothing to do with it, Zhuang Wudao’s attention has once again turned to the Heaven World.

His fascinating view of the world, there are still some fires, can not be through the hole in the Yuanji, and then completely penetrate the film of Heaven.

But the same is true for the light cloud Sword. There is no need to use the ‘worldwide view door’. Through the perception of distraction, he can see the scene he wants to see.

Being able to sense that in the Heaven world, the situation of the Leaving Dust Palace is already a thousand miles, so bad. However, his distracted incarnation, up to half a day, can come to the Leaving Dust Mountain.

“Heaven’s top ten sects, there are actually seven have been included in the rule of the Daling Dynasty. In a hundred years, almost unified Heaven repair, this Yan Xuan means, really out of the ordinary -“

I remember that when he left, he left countless wealth for the Leaving Dust Palace. There are more than a dozen resources for the Void Refining. There are also two major blood producing areas, which are able to produce a variety of spirits and help people break through Void Refining Realm. Even so, it is still forced by the Yan Xuan.

Only supporting a period of only a hundred years, has fallen to a desperate situation, must call his true spirit, in order to recover the crisis.

“Junior Brother is feeling that this time is too short? You can be Yan Xuan, this is normal. I don’t know, the sooner the timing of the disaster, the higher the chance of his turn. And the two places where the colds are produced, too Leaving Dust Palace’s cause of trouble.”

——With the things left by Zhuang Wudao, the longer the time drags, the more stable the position of Leaving Dust Palace is. Just need to have eight or nine Void Refining places to sit in the mountain gate, then even if Yan Xuan will collect all the town dragon stones, it is not allowed.

There are also chills, and the eyes of Heaven’s teachings are willing to be driven by Yan Xuan, and even the dozens of vassals of the Leaving Dust Palace who are forced to surrender will also help in secret.

Zhuang Wudao At the time, these people did not dare to have a heart. After leaving Zhuang Wudao and Nie Xianling for a hundred years, Leaving Dust Palace can’t suppress the greed of these people.

However, when it comes to this, Luo Qingyun looks at Zhuang Wudao with a different look: “It can still fall into your calculations after all. When I was so arranged, it was not for Yan Xuan, I could gather Heaven. And then a sword?”

At this time, the Daling Dynasty, although the momentum is flourishing, the situation is like a fire, oil, and flowers. However, due to the various means of Zhuang Wudao, the foundation of this dynasty has already been hit hard by him.

The rise of Yan Xuan, not only makes the humanity a good blessing, but also reminds the surviving Destiny of the Great Emperor, to the peak.

In the view of Luo Qingyun, the wooden salary of the Daling Dynasty has been cut off. The so-called Xiaolong has regrets and can’t last long.

Zhuang Wudao’s nine-fifth movements, which took decades of business accumulation, took the step by step Jiang Jiu Profound Demon. Like Yan Xuan’s sudden explosion, even if sitting and watching, the spirit can not last long.

The Leaving Dust Palace in Heaven is still strong after Zhuang Wudao has left. Ling Hua Ying and Yan madman are also generations.

With the national strength of the Great Spirit, if you want to turn Scarlet God Sect within a hundred years, it must be a loss.

Presumably, the country of the Great Spirit at this time is already a decline in the power of the people, and even the people are not living.

In fact, if Yan Xuan can manage his heart for hundreds of years, settle down and deepen Destiny. Then even if Yan Xuan himself died and trembled, the Daling Dynasty could still continue.

Like now, I am rushing to Leaving Dust Palace, but it falls into Zhuang Wudao. It is just a chance to take the opportunity to break Destiny, the remnant of the Great Spirit, so that the humanity will change from now on.

One hundred years ago, the reason why Zhuang Wudao was treated like this was to make Yan’s dragon and converge on Yan Xuan’s body, and then he could break the roots in one fell swoop, leaving no trouble, and the cause and effect between Yan and Yan.

“In fact, the light cloud is quite admired by the Junior Brother’s ambition. Didn’t the Junior Brother have expected today’s Dafa Abilty when he left Heaven to repair the world?”

This is impossible, Luo Qingyun is just a joke. If you are optimistic about your temperament, you can’t think of Zhuang Wudao after a hundred years, and you have the power beyond the Primordial Immortal.

However, Zhuang Wudao’s pre-existing true character in the Leaving Dust Palace must have made up his mind, and he will personally end the cause and effect of Heaven.

However, if you want to distract yourself from the true form of Destiny, you must have a cultivation base above the Immortal Ascension. So she will say that Zhuang Wudao’s ambition is amazing.

“At that time, I only knew myself. If I didn’t work hard and improve, I would become a fairy tales. Sooner or later, I will be crushed to death by the cause and effect of your possession. For a hundred years, it is the limit that I give myself. Even if I pull out the seedlings, I will do it. ”

Zhuang Wudao’s voice is understated and calm: “As for my arrangement in Heaven, there is no such thing as Senior Sister. You just want to give me and him a chance to choose -“

If Yan Xuan can keep his foundation, he will not report anything. Then Leaving Dust and the Great Spirit may not coexist. He doesn’t have to use his own hands to take the life of his former friend.

However, this sentence is said, Zhuang Wudao feels that he is too hypocritical, simply do not say anything.

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