Sword Moved the Ninth Heaven

Chapter 967: Scary you 1 jump (Mon.Wed.)

Zhou Heng swam all the way, changing his place with a shot, like a fish.

But when the time came to the ninth day, Zhou Heng felt a little strange atmosphere, as if in a conspiracy.

This is a warrior's intuition for danger!

Zhou Heng raised his alarm, but no matter how careful he was, he never noticed anything unusual, but this feeling was always lingering, so that a stone was always pressed in his heart.

Walking through the mountains and forests, Zhou Heng followed two groups, and they were fighting for the ownership of a monster. In the face of this situation, Zhou Heng is naturally not polite, the sunset bow is pulled away, the consciousness locks the target, shoot!


The demon beast whistled instantly, Zhou Heng turned and walked away, as a ghost-like assassin.

But after traveling only seven or eight miles, Zhou Heng was shocked. He sensed a few tyrannical breaths surrounding him! Although he hadn't seen anyone yet, he immediately turned around and walked away, and his feeling of anxiety became stronger.

After four miles to the left, there were several arrogant breaths coming in, and then to the right three miles, the same arrogant breath came under pressure.

Zhou Heng's heart was bright, he was surrounded!

Perhaps the two groups of people fighting for the monster before was a bait, letting him reveal his whereabouts, and then there was the containment of these people!

What just made him wonder was how so many people were following him at the same time!

In hunting competitions, grabbing competitors' prey is allowed by the rules, and it is also a necessary test, unless it is like Lin Xianyang sent someone to pay attention to Liu Yuner's team, or Zhou Heng specially grabbed Lin Xianyang's head. Resentment.

Zhou Heng did a good job before. Each team also grabs one or two heads, which is painless for most people. How could it lead to so many people pursuing and blocking, regardless of the score?

"Zhou Heng. You can't run anymore!" When Zhou Heng was besieged within a radius of less than a mile, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

If you ca n’t run, you ca n’t run!

Zhou Heng bounced and stood on the top of a large tree, never hiding his whereabouts again.

Alas, a number of people flew from the woods, and they also stood on the treetops, and looked like a hundred people, forming a huge encirclement.

A person strode forward and stomped into the air. Looks extremely domineering!

Suppressed by the day glass, the warriors below the comet are unable to fly, but it is not difficult for the high-ranking Tianhe Emperor to reach the sky in a short distance.

This person is Lin Xianyang!

Zhou Heng smiled slightly and said, "Brother Lin really cares about me so much, he actually invited so many people to contain me!"

Lin Xianyang's face was a little dark, and he was snatched by a little star emperor for five days! At first he was holding his breath, not convinced that he would lose to Zhou Heng, nor did he believe that Zhou Heng's "forbidden device" could be used unlimitedly. Therefore, he always insisted on hunting, to compete with Zhou Heng in the end.

But at the end of the eighth day, he finally understood that Zhou Heng's "forbidden device" was much more durable than he imagined!

therefore. He could only stop the struggle with Zhou Heng while holding his back and started hunting Zhou Heng instead.

Of course, he dare not kill. Otherwise, Ma Mingyuan sent by him would have already started, after all, the people at the upper level knew it. Behind Zhou Heng is a "black hole class" strong man.

But he must give Zhou Heng a lesson!

To this end, he promised many benefits. A total of thirteen teams were invited to help him surround Zhou Heng.

It's finally time to harvest.

"Zhou Heng, you have to pay for what you have done!" Lin Xianyang said coldly. He has been fighting on the battlefield since he was a child. He habitually believes that force is the simplest and most effective way to solve all the troubles. What a compliment.

At this point, he inherited the army's bloody, cold style, staring coldly at Zhou Heng, all the rivers and stars were spreading behind him, and the genius with the highest voice in this academy was undisguised. The ground revealed his strength.

Nine thousand six hundred and thirty-eight stars, nine hundred and forty-seven Dahe!

Good guy!

Nine thousand six hundred stars even surpassed the Dragon Emperor of that year!

You need to know that the more solid the foundation is, the more likely it is that you will reach a higher level in the future. Lin Xianyang may come later and come first, and enter the black hole earlier than his father!

Emperor Wuzhong's overwhelming momentum emerged, turned into a blood-red spear, exuding a powerful and terrifying war.

Zhou Heng's heart was stunned, and all her stars were exposed as her mind turned.

Nine thousand, nine hundred, ninety, nine stars!


Seeing this scene, everyone was surprised to spit out their tongues.

Do not doubt the eyesight of a high-level martial artist, even if this number is ten times more, it can be counted clearly in an instant! But because they counted clearly in an instant, they surprised them with their tongues out.

——Should be as shocked as they are, and they will be watched by Da Ri glass mirrors. They have long discovered this quietly formed and captured network, so they have focused their attention here.

The Star Realm is Great!

Great complete!

These three words only exist in the legend, that is, the demon dragon emperor who is now in the sky is said to have only 9,500 stars when he broke through that year. Although it seems that there is only a half of the gap between 500 stars, but in The last few steps in the cultivation process are more critical.

There is such a common understanding among warriors that the potential of the black hole realm depends on the shortcomings of the first three realms. For example, a warrior formed 9,500 stars, 920 Taohe rivers, and 94 Comet, then, his shortest board is 920 Tianhe.

Theoretically, this can form two black holes in a black hole environment.

According to the legend, if all three realms reach great consummation, then there is a chance to become the strongest nine-hole black hole emperor in the world!

Of course, legends are just legends, let alone great consummation. There have never been 9,700 stars, 940 Taohe Rivers, or 94 comets in the history of Bailong.

Now suddenly such an evil spirit appeared in front of them. Wouldn't it be shocking to show the number of legendary great perfect stars?

Although Zhou Heng is only the Emperor of the Stars. But if he can keep such evil spirits, he can form the great consummation of 999 Tianhe and 99 comets. So isn't this guy expected to become the black hole emperor of Jiudong?

Sweeping the Ming Realm, invincible!

——Limited to everyone's level, they don't know that there is a chaotic state above the black hole state, and the great consummation of the four major states is also a necessary condition to break through the chaotic state!

Because he was too shocked, Lin Xianyang couldn't help but stop abruptly. When the heart cluster was shaken, all his spiritual power couldn't work.

If it was normal, it would be nothing, but he just wanted to show off and just made a vain flight. This tone changed, and immediately fell straight out of the air, and fell sturdy.

It wouldn't be natural to fall or hurt him, but in the eyes of the eye, it was too embarrassing!

Lin Xianyang climbed up, his face full of shame and anger.

As a general, the day before the day collapses, the color does not change, and he calmly directs the army without a slight gap! Disorder like he was just now. It may have been defeated on the fast-changing battlefield and even caused a big defeat!

But who made the number of stars in the great consummation too great, never appeared!

As long as such people do not die, they may not be inferior to Tianhe and Comet even if they do not reach great consummation. Its achievements are limitless!

Lin Xianyang had jealousy for the first time in his life, and the object was still an emperor who was countless times weaker than him!

He wants to kill!

"Brother Lin, why be so polite and kneel down to salute. I really don't dare to be underneath!" Zhou Heng pretended to be modest.

Knee your sister!

Lin Xianyang only felt a wicked fire burning, and he could not wait to slap Zhou Heng's face. How dare to ridicule him so much! The bickering was obviously not his strength, and he grunted. Rising up again, stood on the treetop, and opposed to Zhou Heng.

Both sides are doing their best, but the gap is obviously too obvious. Although Zhou Heng has nearly 400 more stars, Lin Xianyang has more than 900 more Tianhe, and he can make up one by casually drawing one Deficiency in quantity.

This is the advantage of the crush level.

"I want you to kneel under my feet and say a hundred times" I was wrong "!" Lin Xianyang said coldly.

"It's enough to apologize, not to kneel, after all, we can be considered brothers!" Zhou Heng intentionally misinterpreted the words of the other party.

Lin Xianyang's face was getting darker and darker, but he also realized that he was too far behind Zhou Heng in fighting hard.

"The teeth are sharp and sharp!" He snorted coldly, and immediately shot, turning into a mountain, and passed to Zhou Hengzhen.

If Ling Tianjiu was not used, Zhou Heng would not have the qualification to fight against Tianhe Emperor, let alone the other party is the overlord of Wuzhong King. Even if he is inferior to him, he will not be too bad. Great Realm Gap!

Zhou Heng's figure flickered, his right hand was shaken, the bow of the setting sun was already full, the arrow was on the string, and nearly 10,000 stars were swirling behind him.

Lin Xianyang's offensive stopped!

He saw the power of this bow and this arrow more!

Regarding this ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ he loves and hates! How much I hope this bow and these arrows belong to him, so that he can kill the enemy chief on the battlefield and build his reputation! But it was this bow that made him hate it. These days are like nightmares!

But now he is afraid to move lightly. This imprisonment kills Tianhe Emperor monsters like slaughtering chickens and slaughtering dogs. He doesn't want to try his own danger!

——He didn't know that Zhou Heng was just a bluff. After all, the special effect of the sunset bow can only cause a lethal blow to the heavily damaged target, just like the black sword also needs to be cut to the point to bombard the opponent.

Chaos-level treasures are indeed powerful, but it depends on who uses them.

"Dare to fight fair with me-I will suppress Xiuwei and fall to the stars!" Lin Xianyang said proudly. (To be continued ...)

ps: Spain is really overrated ~~~

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