Chapter 966: Big accident (three three)

Zhou Heng's figure flickered. He had left his original position. He could deal with an Emperor Tianhe, but when the two men joined forces, he cut off one of them and became powerless.

He reached the perfection of 9,999 stars, but he didn't know how to reach the million stars. This is something that never happened in the Ming world. There are no examples for reference and he can only rely on himself.

Maybe a battle of life and death can make him suddenly realize!

But if he could, he didn't want to go to war so soon, after all, he promised Liu Yuner to take the first.

Zhou Heng's attention was still on the body of Lin Xianyang's seven, while moving and changing positions, he continued to **** the head. But after robbing the head of the seven monsters, he was also forced to a dead end by two tracked Emperor Tianhe.

——The range of fifty miles is a limitation!

But at this moment, Zhou Heng retreated to sixty miles away and continued to **** the heads of the people, all the scores of Lin Xianyang and Liu Yuner were captured. Then he retreated to seventy miles, eighty miles, and ninety miles. When Zhou Heng finally retreated to the limit of one hundred miles, it was already the eighth day.

Lin Xianyang's hunting competition must be ruined!

Therefore, he also stopped doing nothing and devoted the last three days to the pursuit of Zhou Heng.

He is really angry!

Zhou Heng has no plans to fight with the nine Tianhe emperors for the time being. He is a man who keeps his promise. Since he promised Liu Yuner to strive for the first place, he must go all out-he started to grab the heads of other teams.

However, he only hated Lin Xianyang. For the other team, he grabbed the head only once, and immediately went away to continue with another team.

"Zhou Heng, dare to come out and fight with me!" On the ninth day, Zhou Heng heard Lin Xianyang's angry roar. The opponent never caught up with him.

If Zhou Heng had not heard of it, an emperor Tianhe actually called to a star emperor. How anxious and corrupt? But what does it matter to him? With the existence of Da Ri Liu Jing, he is doomed to be unable to kill Lin Xianyang with one sword. What's so good about that?

He's not stupid!


Outside the field, a group of strong men from the Wuyang Academy gathered together. Although there were treasures such as Da Ri Liu Jing, the crowd was still reluctant to care, because there were too many powerful people in this group of students. If something happens to princesses like Liu Yuner and Lin Xianyang. Wuyang School can't bear the anger of those big men.

"This competition should be Lin Xianyang's first!" Not long after the start of the competition, the college's big brothers began to guess the winner of this competition.

"Not necessarily. Zhao Heqi, Yang Xudong and Liu Shishi all have the ability to win! Not to mention them, even Ding Quan, Yuan Dongliu, and He Yu are equally likely to win. After all, they all have the qualifications of the King of the Wuzhong King, It has a great advantage when hunting! "Said an old antique with gray hair and almost losing teeth.

"That's what it says. But the old man is still more optimistic about Lin Xianyang. This son has followed Lin Shuai to fight the Quartet since he was a child. This **** killing is best for him, and his nine followers are carefully selected from the army. The stubborn elite, with tacit understanding! "

"Yes, the previous two hunting contests have proved this. At that time, Lin Xianyang had only 700 Tianhe and 800 Tianhe. But now he has entered the realm of 900 Tianhe, and no one can stop him. Go to the top! "

The big brothers stand up Lin Xianyang, only a few people hold different opinions.

The first day, the second day, and the third day passed, and everything was as everyone thought. Lin Xianyang ranked first, a quarter more than Liu Shishi, who ranked second. If he can do the next seven days, he can even stop and rest for the last two days!

However, on the fourth day, Lin Xianyang's score suddenly stopped rising, and after the afternoon, he was overtaken by Liu Shishi and Zhao Heqi respectively and fell to third place.

At first, the big brothers thought that Lin Xianyang's team went to the monster in the comet in the mountains. Although the monster was injured, it only slightly surpassed the peak Tianhe Emperor's combat power. It is thick and thick, and it is by no means easy to kill it.

However, after the fifth and sixth days passed, Lin Xianyang's score still did not increase. Instead, Liu Yuner's score soared sharply and rose all the way to fifth place, which is not less than the four people in front.

"How is this going?"

The big brothers were all very strange, and they started to run the Dayi glass. This piece of treasure can reflect the situation at any place in the field.

Because Lin Xianyang was one of the protected lists, Da Ri Liu Realm immediately showed their encounters in a bird's eye view.

It's normal. After finding the traces of the monsters, the veterans on the battlefield immediately positioned and tracked them, and then nine people surrounded them, trapped the monsters with Lin Xianyang as their core, and grinded to death.

Everything is normal, until the monster is severely damaged, brush the ground, this monster is dead!

It's so fast that these comedians are unaware of what is going on!

After a while, someone with sharp eyes found the silvery arrowhead, but before they looked at it twice, the arrowhead suddenly disappeared!


This is the first reaction of everyone!

Prey can be used to kill prey without increasing the score. Which prodigal can do such a luxurious thing?

They ran the Dayi glass mirror to search, and the treasure quickly searched the distance of hundreds of miles around, and finally located on Zhou Heng.

Only one person, one bow!

"It turned out to be him!" The big brothers marveled.

Because of Zhou Heng's mysterious enrollment, the big brothers naturally remembered such a person, but because the real black hole-level big men in the empire didn't have any snoring, they naturally did not dare to say anything-if they angered Black hole-level strong, killing them is not a matter of minutes?

But this does not mean that they are optimistic about Zhou Heng now. How can a star emperor want them to take it seriously?

They only have one idea, that this kid will be defeated!

"No!" A big man suddenly pointed out, "You see, the kid is wearing the identity symbol of the Seven Princesses!"

"So what?" The others didn't respond.

"Did you forget the score of Seven Princesses?"

With such a reminder, the big brothers were shocked.

Liu Yuner's purpose of participating in this competition is very clear to those with a high status, and also knows that the Great Dragon Emperor has no intention of helping his daughter. Even a guard was not assigned to him.

Although the Seven Princesses was the emperor's favorite daughter, but this time no one dared to help Liu Yuner. This is tantamount to offending both the Dragon Emperor and Marshal Lin Wushu at the same time. Who has the courage?

This is strange, why can Liu Yuner's scores soar?

The big brothers then turned to Dayi's glass mirrors for inspection. I saw Liu Yuner and his party ... The number was pitifully small, one person, one donkey, and one dog. However, they were still followed by one person, Lin Xianyang's men!

How is this going?

These big brothers soon found out. As long as Liu Yuner and his party started hunting the monsters, Lin Xianyang's men would wait for the opportunity to move, killing the monsters and killing the monsters, and this point was counted on Lin Xianyang.

That's it!

Lin Xianyang sent someone to slap Lin Yun'er to let this little princess have a complete defeat. However, Wan Heng did not expect Zhou Heng to be so extravagant, he also used the imprisonment to carry out a slam!

and many more. Killing monsters with immobilizers does not give points!

Where did Liu Yuner's scores come from?

They cut to Lin Xianyang again. After waiting for more than two hours, Lin Xianyang encountered another monster from Tianhe, but was robbed by Zhou Heng again.

Liu Yuner's score beat!

Yes, this score is contributed by Zhou Heng!

Alas, that bow is not a restraint?

After the big brothers looked at each other, they were all shocked.

What treasure is this? How could the warrior in Xingchen Realm slay the monsters at Tianhe Emperor's level in one shot? Moreover, the speed is so fast that even these big men in the comet realm haven't caught traces.

How could there be such a treasure in the world?

Even if it is a black hole-level treasure, it depends on whose hands it falls. Different people use completely different powers! Xingchen Realm can only exert the power of stars. How could it be an exception?

A bunch of big guys are dumbfounded, this is something they have never encountered before.

This is nature. How can the comet environment know the existence of chaos? This is a secret belonging to only black hole-level strong men and even high-order black hole emperors.

"Everyone, is that the big shot?" Some people speculated that the big shot he said was naturally the "black hole" strong standing behind Zhou Heng. Only when such strong men help each other secretly, can they conceal the day glass mirror!

Everyone is silent. If this big man wants to help Zhou Heng "cheat", all people have to shut up. Wouldn't you be afraid that the big man would be so angry and frustrated to find them to settle accounts?

Why is the face of this black hole-level strong man worthy of the first place in the hunting contest?

People have put their face out, do they dare to let go of water?

Besides, this is what Lin Xianyang asked for!

Who asked him to send down his hands to destroy Liu Yuner's hunting, and now he has eaten the evil?

But what is the signal behind this incident? Is that big man supporting Zhou Heng's pursuit of Liu Yuner?

If this is the case ~ ~ How will Marshal Lin Wuyi react?

A bad one may cause the mutiny of the empire!

Everyone's face is not very good-looking. The mysterious big man must be a black hole-level strong man, and although Lin Wudi is still a comet emperor, it is said that he reached the height of ninety-three comets hundreds of years ago. It is possible to go further and break into the black hole level!

In addition, Lin Wujiu still has an invincible army, which accounts for one-eighth of the empire's military strength. If such a character is angry ... the entire empire will be shaken!

Otherwise, how could the Emperor Dragon match Lin Xianyang with his most beloved daughter?

On the one hand, it is Lin Xianyang's talents, but on the other hand, it is to appease the Grand Marshal of the Empire.

It's better not to get involved, they are not qualified!

"Wait, there seems to be an accident!" (To be continued ...)

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