Chapter 891: Break through the stars, No. 1 in ancient times! (Thirty-three)

Zhou Heng respects heaven, but does not believe in heaven.

The mysterious mystery of the Tiandi Avenue has produced cosmic stars and all living things. This is an extremely great miracle and is worthy of respect. But Zhou Heng was unwilling to follow the rules and follow the rules, such as this time, he hardly hesitated to challenge the rules of heaven and earth.

Even if heaven and earth limited the extremes of the ninety-nine gods, he would break the extremes!

Challenge authority, challenge impossible, this is his life belief!

Break me!

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!

Without the **** of Zhou Heng's consciousness, the ninety-nine gods are equivalent to a tadpole and will not take the initiative to launch an attack, but if they are attacked, they will fight back fiercely.

Every aspect of the gods is equivalent to a constant week, this is an extremely difficult battle!

It is equivalent to a hundred enemy, and this hundred is almost on par with yourself!

The momentum is invalid! The black sword cannot be used!

This is an alternative battle that takes place in Dantian Space, with Zhou Heng's body as the battlefield. Regardless of whether Zhou Heng can defeat his own ninety-nine gods, his body will definitely be severely damaged or even lost!

But what about that!

His blood was full of a strong desire for power, and to stop him at the peak of Mingxian was to kill him!

Besides, if you are not a strong man in the black hole realm, what qualifications are there to be a confusing man?

He opened up and closed together, the humanoid fists turned into consciousness, five elements of runes circulated, and he went all out.

The ninety-ninth gods also launched the five-element runes. Their combat power is not inferior. The only difference is that they are instinctual. There is no spirituality in it. But this huge amount can completely make up for the lack of spirituality, and the human form formed by Zhou Heng's consciousness is constantly being scattered. Almost crashed.

The consciousness was torn, and the pain was almost ingrained. And the more painful the person becomes the more sober, unlike when suffering greatly, the human body will faint out of self-protection.

At this time, Zhou Heng became calmer. He not only had to fight against his own god, but also had to seduce the black sword to suppress Dantian space, so that the five-element runes would not break his body first!

His body flickered and he was extremely flexible, with the Chaos Sutra spreading over his head. Disperse some of the attacks for him, otherwise he will have to face ninety-nine opponents of the same level, and even if there is no more sane one punch, it will be enough to kill him dozens of times.

This is the case. He is constantly being smashed, and the wounds of the consciousness are affected. His body is constantly making cracks in the bones, the bones of the **** are broken, and blood stains appear on the skin.

Want to push the limits. How could it not be paid?

This is a path that no one has ever walked through. Once he steps past, he will be able to open a new world, but if he can't cross, he will die here. With the same decay of plants and trees, hard cultivation has completely vanished!

Zhou Heng is not a fool, if he encounters an enemy that is too strong to be defeated. Then he will definitely choose to stay away.

But now I can't avoid it!

He can only face difficulties, otherwise he can only be reduced to mediocrity!

Fight fight fight fight!

He shouted. Injury will only make his fighting spirit higher, he is a fighter by nature!

Silhouettes shuttle. Attack flurry!

Ninety-nine gods have terrible fighting power. How easy is it to smash them? Until the third day of the battle, Zhou Heng finally got a chance to blast a **** into pieces!

"Ah-" At the cost, his consciousness was also torn to pieces by the crazy gods.

Fortunately, this is just God's consciousness, it's not, it's broken when broken, just regroup!

But every time God's consciousness is wounded, this will also reflect on him, leaving him with scars and blood.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The bones of his hands and feet were completely fragmented, and his torso was not much better. The whole man was like mud, blood was flowing out, and the stone layers beneath him were stained red.

This is a huge drain. Every loss of blood is actually a loss of strength, even life!

If Zhou Heng suspends the impact on one hundred gods at this time, he will have great vitality, and he will be cured for a month or more before he can heal the injury, and he will have to lose thousands of thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars. Years of life!

Just easy to fold!

However, as long as this threshold is crossed, it is all worth it!

Because the celestial warrior has a longevity of 500,000 years, which is enough to make up for all the losses that Zhou Heng has lost. Moreover, the celestial realm is not the end of martial arts. Tianhe sphere can have 700,000 celestial celestial beings. In the 900,000 years, the black hole realm directly broke through the million years!

What's more, it's not just a question of life. What does Mingxian count in Ming Dynasty?

Zhou Heng's goal has been staring at the top of a world.

Break me! Crush me!

After smashing a divine image, it is equivalent to opening a gap, and then it will be better, even if it is only a little bit, but this is an improvement.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Zhou Heng's body of consciousness is constantly being smashed, and the appearance of God in his Dantian space is constantly decreasing, from ninety-nine to ninety-eight, ninety-seven, and ninety-six.

When this number fell below 50, Zhou Heng's injuries were getting lighter and milder, and a qualitative change had already taken place.

But at this time Zhou Heng was also close to the edge of collapse, and the flesh completely became a vague flesh. No one would see that he was still alive, and his breath was weak to almost nothing.

But in his mysterious Dantian world, the black sword is still lightly shaken, and Chaos Tianjing is releasing colorful light, which always keeps him alive.

For Zhou Heng, this is enough.

forty seven! thirty eight! Twenty-nine!

There are fewer and fewer complete deities in his body. After this number drops below fifty, the deities are broken faster and faster.

Twenty-one, fourteen, eight, three, one!


Zhou Heng shattered the last of his gods in the Dantian space. If an enemy comes at this time, he is now the weakest time. However, as long as he does not come to the King of Stars or a stronger existence, Chaos Tianjing can still guarantee his foolproofness.

After breaking, standing now, now the breaking is broken, and the next step is standing!

The hundredth aspect of God, now!

The consciousness of Zhou Heng roared in the space of Dantian. He suffered so much, self-harm, and self-destructive repair, in order to be the last hundredth god.


A long mingling trembled from Zhou Heng's body, and instantly rang through the entire Qingfeng Gorge, then spread across Qiyun Mountain, and continued to spread, like a water wave, spread to the entire Duyang Star!

Zhou Heng gave birth to the hundredth god!

Kuanggu first, even the entire Duyang star trembled!

Hum! Hum! Hum!

A strong and obscure breath emerged from Zhou Heng's body, and the cave was constantly corroding, shattered by this breath, and turned into countless pieces of debris.

You need to know how solid the earth is in the Ming Realm. Just the breath of breath can destroy the solid mountains.

There is only one answer!

——Zhou Heng is about to break through!

That's right, after he formed the hundredth aspect of God, he finally touched the opportunity of breakthrough!

He has completed the accumulation of Mingxian level, and finally can hit the Star King!

For others, even if you touch the threshold, you must truly cross the past. It may be months, thousands of years, and tens of thousands of years! But Zhou Heng is different. He never lacks comprehension. As long as the breakthrough opportunity comes, he can firmly grasp it.

The fragments of various gods floated up in the Dantian space, converging towards the most central place.

Because he now has only one god, these fragments of gods are naturally attached to the **** that was born last.

This last divine sign is irresistible, constantly fused with fragments of other deities, and the entire body quickly expands like a giant.

The transition from Mingxian to the realm of stars is the process of transforming the gods into stars. Since Zhou Heng seized the opportunity, naturally he did the same, and evolved God toward the stars.

The problem is that he has only one godly image left now!

In theory, he can only form one star, but in fact he broke through after forming a hundred gods. He should have a hundred stars in one breath. How should this account be counted?

Before that, no one would ever break up his gods and hit the stars, and that was just trying to die!

But Zhou Heng not only did so, but also succeeded!

A super star is forming!

This is a result of the formation of a hundred gods. In terms of the size of the star alone, it is to draw the strong man at the black hole level to Bibi, and the other party must be dwarfed and admired!

Zhou Heng did not know whether he was the King of Stars or the King of Stars.

In terms of the number of stars, he has only one, but in terms of strength, he has definitely broken through the number of hundreds of stars and entered the level of the star emperor!

In fact, the Star King, Star King, and Star Emperor are actually only different in the number of stars, and there is no essential difference-of course, after the number of nines is broken, the power of the warrior will make a leap, such as ten stars to nine stars, then One star difference is totally different.

Regardless of him ~ ~ Whether it is a few stars, you just need to be strong!

Stars radiated from Zhou Heng's body, he was entering the astral realm, the process was so fast that any one of the astral realm, Tianhe realm, etc. would be surprised when they saw it!

But this is indeed happening. Zhou Heng's Dantian space has formed a huge star, which resonates with the sun and the moon.

The secret of the universe was opened to him again, and he saw that the whole world was full of pulses, forming a complicated network. He has seen this scene before, when he advanced from Zhunxian to Yueming Realm.

Now he saw it again.

What exactly is this?

Zhou Heng was inexplicable in his heart. This was like a rune. It was too esoteric for him at this stage. He had no qualifications to figure it out, and could only keep it in his mind.


The big star is finally fully formed, and the strangest star warrior in history has appeared! (To be continued ...)

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