Chapter 890: Extreme God Phases (two three)

Yang Chen thought that the analysis was seamless, but his preconceived notions were too strong, and he was stunned by anger. At this moment, the disgust of Jin Huanri was far above Zhou Heng, which led him to make the exact opposite conclusion.

When he was still entangled with Jin Huanri, Zhou Heng had already leapt forward, and instantly left the two men far behind.

Zhou Heng had started early, and how fast Mingxian was, his figure soon disappeared in the dense woods.

Because the consciousness is greatly restricted here, and coupled with the obstruction of vision, Zhou Heng is actually getting rid of the two people behind him.

"I haven't seen such a stupid thing as you!" Jin Huanri gave a roar, and the two star kings failed to leave Zhou Heng, saying that they could laugh to death!

"Well, I haven't seen anyone who is so kind-hearted. I really admire myself!" Yang Chen sneered, but although he said admiration in his mouth, the expression on his face didn't mean to admire it. To say the opposite.

Cao Muma's self-denial as a man!

Jin Huanri didn't want to entangle with Yang Chen at all, immediately raised his body and pursued the place where Zhou Heng disappeared. Now he may still catch up with Zhou Heng.

"Where to run!" Yang Chen was staring at him.

Jin Huanri ate poop-like nausea, but a star king stronger than him shouted and screamed at him. The only thing he could do was fight and retreat.


Zhou Heng ran for an hour, constantly changing the direction of progress during the period, I believe he has completely got rid of the two star kings behind him.

Goal, Qingfengxia!

He has deviated from the original course, but fortunately, it only allowed him to go a long way. Three days later, a huge canyon had appeared in front of him.

This is Qingfengxia!

finally reached. Zhou Heng said in his heart, leaping down. Head towards the canyon.

Tiancaidibao will be guarded by monsters, which will be swallowed after maturity, or left to the offspring who have not yet been born, or are not strong enough to temporarily digest the elixir. Although Dongxingcao is not a high-level spirit grass, its requirement of 30,000 years to fully grow has determined its scarcity and preciousness.

Therefore, if you want to find spirit grass, sometimes it is better to look for monsters. What level of spirit grass will have any level of monster guardian.

This is what Zhou Heng did. He hid his breath with the five-element runes all the way through the Grand Canyon. He has already inquired before, the guardian monster of Dongxing Cao is Mingxian level. Because the King of Stars does not need this kind of spirit grass anymore.

The gorge was large, and Zhou Heng searched only one-fifth of the area two days later. This is because he uses Mingxian-level monsters as his search target. Otherwise, if the target is a smaller winter star grass, the search efficiency will be lower.

I don't know if Jin Huanri thought he was looking for Winter Star Grass. If that guy can react, then this person may appear in Qingfengxia at any time!

Winter star grass, come out soon!

Three days later, Zhou Heng was shocked by the sound of fighting, and he dived in and took a look. I saw that it was a two-footed golden retriever monkey fighting an arrow pig, all of which were equivalent to at least fifty. But the ape was obviously stronger, but the arrow pig was reluctant to step back.

Zhou Heng glanced, and soon realized. He found a small arrow pig, not long after he was born.

This is obviously the old nest of the arrow pig, and somehow it was caught by the golden retriever. Therefore, female arrow pigs can only choose to fight to protect their cubs.

Winter Star Grass!

Zhou Heng's eyes suddenly flashed. He saw that a small arrow pig was growing a spirit grass that was not too long. The leaves are covered with stars-like light spots, which are quite magnificent.

He understands!

The reason why female arrow pigs do not budge. Another reason is that it wants to leave that winter star grass to its offspring, and the golden retriever ape also came for this winter star grass!

It's better to come early than it is to happen. The golden ape monkey chose to attack at this time because the winter star grass has matured.

Zhou Heng smiled slightly, leapt out of shape, and stroked directly toward the winter star grass.

He killed this horizontal knife and immediately alarmed the two beasts fighting fiercely. They naturally do not want to benefit the third party fisherman, and the female arrow pig has to worry about whether Zhou Heng will hurt its child's interest. In a pig roar, the arrows stab all over and stand up, and violently fires at Zhou Heng And go.

Alas, that golden retriever monkey also fell down with one palm, and there was a tendency to suppress the sky and the earth.

Monsters, like humans, rebel against the creation of heaven and earth. They can eat spiritual grass and refine aura, but they have taken a completely different path of cultivation. Unlike a warrior who cultivates himself, builds the inner world step by step, and evolves his own universe.

What the monsters repair is that their spiritual power is stored in the core of the monster, and it is always the same. Because they do not need any realm understanding, their growth is limited only by blood, as long as they grow normally, they can reach the realm they should reach.

——The black donkey is a kind of alien. It eats the fruits of the heavens and earth. It is more like a man in a donkey skin.

The golden ape was photographed with the palm of his hand, and the power and the spiritual power were perfectly integrated together.

If it reactivates the blood, it will be even more powerful!

This is why the warrior is unwilling to fight with the monsters of the same rank. The thick skin and thick, infinite strength, even if he wins, he may be able to carry himself in, which is very unwise.

The monsters don't need any face. The two monsters who were just still fighting fiercely turned their guns and killed Zhou Heng in the past. Even the little arrow pig that was not long born was also snarling and snarling and shooting out a few arrow spurs on his body, showing the sturdy performance of the monster.

Still small fire cute!

Zhou Heng said secretly, but didn't want to think about it. Without his "cross-border", Xiaohuo would surely become a vicious and overbearing dog, many times more terrible than these two guys!

He thought in his mind, one eye, one hum, a magnificent rush out!

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The three monsters were all broken into their hearts and demons, and they died instantly!

Zhou Heng's momentum already has strong oppression, not to mention that his power now exceeds these three monsters, so it is absolutely easy to kill these three monsters in a moment of momentum.

He copied it and put the bodies of the three monsters into the space weapon. It was not that he was reluctant to leave the bodies of the three monsters, but if they were left here, it might expose his whereabouts.

Winter Star Grass!

Zhou Heng looked at the spirit grass that had radiated the stars and showed a smile of joy.

The last piece of the puzzle has been completed, and he will soon have a good harvest!

After plucking the winter star grass, he hurried up, found an inconspicuous cave to enter, carefully covered the entrance of the cave, and then retreated to the deepest part of the cave, took out the vulcan furnace to prepare for alchemy.

"Well, Mr. Zhou, you can finally take the last step, which can be said to be the first step, to enter the ranks of the true strong!" Vulcan furnace said.

"Is that the first step?" Zhou Heng murmured. Indeed, although he had dominated the human world and the fairy world twice, in the Ming world, such as the Ohara Academy, he just grabbed a person and threw it to Xian and Fan. That is the supreme existence of both worlds!

Stepping into the realm of stars is the beginning of the Ming Realm, and of course it is also a good starting point.

Ten minutes later, another eleven Ming Wang Dan was successfully refined!

Then let yourself take the first step in the Ming Realm!

Zhou Heng threw a pill of Ming Wang Dan into his mouth and immediately began to refine this kind of elixir he had eaten. As long as he reached the peak of Mingxian, breaking through the realm of stars with his understanding would not be a problem.

By the time the Queen of the Golden Dragon ascended to the Ming Realm, he had already glimpsed a corner of Tiandi Avenue, and there was almost no secret in Xingchen Jing in front of him.

As long as there is enough spiritual power accumulated!

come on! come on!

One after another, the gods formed under the action of the elixir, and three days later they finally reached the limit of the Ming Realm—the ninety-nine!

No breakthrough feeling!

Zhou Heng was surprised, wasn't the ninety-nine gods the limit? Why hasn't he sensed the opportunity for breakthrough, as if ... not enough!

He took out another Ming Wang Dan, and after a little hesitation, swallowed it.

Ninety-nine gods are the limit of Mingxian, which has always been said in ancient times. No one has ever heard of Mingxian with a hundred gods. No one knows what will happen after the formation of a hundred gods. Variety!

In an area that has never been set foot, unknown is always the most terrible, because I don't know how to go!

This is why Zhou Heng hesitated, but he had no other choice!

From Juling Realm to the present, he has taken every step farther than others, whether it is the size of the Dantian space opened by the mortal realm, or the number of bright moons, radiant suns, legal phases, and **** phases formed by the fairyland!

That being the case, what about him again?

Hundreds of gods, show me!

Zhou Heng catalyzes medicine. He is going to be the first Mingxian to form a hundred gods in history, and also the first to enter the realm of the stars.


There is a thunderous sound in his body ~ ~ Nine is the pole number, nine or nine is the pole number of the pole number. It is easy to go further than the limit. The ninety-nine gods form a perfect structure, suppressing the formation of the one hundredth god.

No wonder no one has ever formed a hundred gods in history. This is almost impossible!

What Zhou Heng has to do is to break the limit!

What about the ninety-nine gods? This is cultivated by himself, and naturally he will also submit under his will!

Give me up!

Zhou Heng's deity turned into an adult form. With his fists raised, he launched an attack on his own god.

He wants to break these ninety-nine gods, and then stand up!

Zhou Heng doesn't know if he did it right, but in his opinion, this is the best way.

——Without previous experience, I can only try it myself! May be successful, or it may be gone! (To be continued ...)

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