Chapter 1043: Comprehensive suppression (two three)


I don't know who blew the clarion call. The fifty-two individuals rushed towards Zhou Heng.

If Zhou Heng's physique and spiritual level both reached the peak of Comet Emperor, then he has the confidence to break everyone with a pair of fists! The problem is, after all, he just stepped into a comet.

The gap in strength is real, and it's a lot worse!

If he fights hard, it will be as if the saint entered the sea of ​​magic and was killed by the infinite shadow of the dead! Moreover, he has not reached the strength of the saints, and the strength of these opponents is even more above him!

Is he stupid to pick a crowd?

of course not!

He also has Ziyan Tianlong!

Longhua! head!

For a moment, Zhou Heng's head turned into a dragon head, and then roared loudly!


The masterpiece of Long Yin, the momentum of Ziyan Tianlong and Longwei perfectly superimposed, forming a terrible shock that swept everyone's mind.

At least thirty of the fifty-two people were stagnant, and fewer than twenty were still rushing towards Zhou Heng, but their steps were a bit chaotic and out of rhythm!

Rhythm is very important, just like a body method, every step is very particular about stepping on it. This is a kind of rhythm, and it will be messed up if you step the wrong time!

Losing the rhythm, this siege is self-evident!

Zhou Heng jumped out of shape, and the dragon's head instantly changed into human shape, but his right arm turned into a dragon in an instant.

His attack target was the thirty or so stagnant people.

After all, those people are not weak. Seeing Zhou Heng's coming is an instinct to parry. But their minds were confused, and they were bounded by Tianhe. Vulnerable!

How aggressive is such an offensive force with the Dragon Fist and the Big Five Runes?

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Zhou Henglong's claws bombarded his head. Everyone was directly carried down, and he was beaten to death.

Just then, the number of siege fell to seventeen!

Of course, these seventeen people will be much more powerful. At least they will have a strong mind and will not be easily overwhelmed by Zhou Heng's momentum.

But who would have thought that Zhou Heng just sent out a momentum shock. Coupled with a mess, it solved two-thirds of the people? This strength ... really qualified to compare with those five adults!

Do not! Absolutely impossible! This is just a lower bloodline. Why does the lower bloodline ride on the upper bloodline?

They can definitely defeat Zhou Heng!

Zhou Heng walked at will and kicked out kick by kick. For each kick, a comatose opponent was taken by him to the position of Wuhe, two three, five ten, and quickly piled up.

He had said before that he would get a bunch of people out here. Not a lie!

"Abominable!" The remaining seventeen people yelled.

Zhou Heng's body is shaking. Tianhehuan can be said to be both offensive and defensive, imprison opponents and imprison attacks, as long as the strength does not exceed the limit to withstand. Strong against the sky!

But how could it not be strong?

This is the only thousand roads in history. It has broken the limits of heaven and earth, and even the saints have not been able to do it. Not to mention the power now, it should be magnified ten times!

Under siege. The Tianhe ring can't lock all the attacks, but Zhou Heng also has runes of five elements!

Five elements live together. Its wonderful!

Even if only 40% have been parsed, the five runes still exceed most of the comet level runes. After all, they come from the heavenly scriptures.

This is equally offensive and defensive!

Tianhe Ring ’s missed attacks are naturally blocked by the big five runes.

From this point, Zhou Heng is actually no different from the previous one and one hundred. As long as within the tolerance range of the Tianhe Ring and the Big Five Runes, there are no more enemies Zhou Heng coming!

Just having both offense and defense means that the attack power cannot reach the limit, and the battle is stuck in a stalemate. It is fierce for a while, but it will take at least a few hours to win.

If Zhou Heng used an annihilation rune, he could solve the battle in an instant! If you can get back the black sword, you can also tear up these people's defenses in an instant. How can the comet star-like beast defense prevent chaos-level treasures?

It's a pity that Black Sword is not around, and he doesn't want to reveal his cards in front of everyone, but he has heard that there are several abnormalities in the Tianzi team that are outrageous!

It's good to fight slowly, he's not in a hurry anyway!


Half an hour later, another person was stunned, making the size of the pile a little bigger.

Fifteen, thirteen, ten!

Zhou Heng's opponents have been reduced a little bit, and those who are still barely supporting know that this battle has actually ended long ago. It is the pride of the Dragons who support them to continue fighting. How can a lower bloodline strike back?

Every second they hold on, they can keep the face of the upper bloodline for another second!

— Of course, this is just their wishful thinking.

"Enough!" At this moment, the head coach in the camp finally came forward and suspended the battle. "Zhou Heng is eligible to enter the Tianzi team, the tentative ranking, tenth! All who are under the original ten will be moved downward No. 100th place, go to the ground squad! "

The battle was suspended, and the 52 individuals did not die out. It was a little bit of face, and Zhou Heng was also compensated-he was directly promoted to the tenth place, although he was indeed qualified to rank in the ranks. In this position, but in accordance with the rules, after all, it needs to be challenged step by step.

Zhou Heng stayed in the Tianzi team, but after he stayed, the rooms on both sides were knocked down by students. This was a demonstration of the Tianzi team. Don't think that entering the Tianzi team is your own person, you are still in the blood. They even disdain their neighbors!

A bunch of silly!

Zhou Heng said in his heart that he was not here to make friends anyway, let them die!

I have to say that Xuantianying's treatment is excellent, especially the Tianzi team, each person can get at least one hundred pounds of black hole-level animal meat every day! This is the best supplement for the Dragons who are still in the comet.

Zhou Heng is in tenth place, and he can get 191 pounds of animal meat.

For physical fitness, the point is not the weight, but the power contained in the meat! The black hole-level beast contains abundant power, although Zhou Heng speculates that this is also a hole-level, but for him at present, a hole plus a hundred kilograms of weight can completely meet his needs for a day. .

His physique is rapidly improving!

For nine months in the magic sea, he didn't eat or drink anything! This is not hungry, thirsty is not bad, but the physique of the Dragon is already waiting to be fed, at this time once he can let go of his appetite and eat wildly, how can he be polite?

In addition to eating or eating all day, pig-like life is so easy!

Zhou Heng sighed and frowned slightly.

Physical fitness can be improved by eating. The more advanced you eat, the faster the improvement! But the accumulation of spiritual power is different, so slow!

The vortex of the stars is still very powerful. Even if Zhou Heng is lying still, he can still send his accumulated spiritual power to the Comet Realm within three thousand years, which is enough to make any martial art envious with red eyes!

But Zhou Heng was still dissatisfied, it was too long for three thousand years!

Ten years is his acceptable number!

But the accumulation of spiritual power can not be completed quickly by sending a magnificent ambition, which can only be accelerated by the treasures of heaven and earth, such as the heavenly medicine, such as the star core!

Star Core, the complete version of Sky Xuan Ling Jing!

The power of the star core can be absorbed by anyone, and after it is absorbed, it will become a celestial mystery. Only the realm understanding can not provide the accumulation of spiritual power!

Except for Zhou Heng, everyone should pay more attention to comprehension than spiritual accumulation. After all, accumulation of spiritual power can be completed as long as it takes time to complete, but realm understanding is different. If you do n’t understand, you do n’t understand

Where can I go for the potion or the star core?

Just as Zhou Heng was worried, he welcomed two guests.

A blue-haired, black-haired, lazy and cold-hearted, completely incompatible two people formed a perfect complement, making them look very coordinated.

"Dragon Dark Night!"

"Long Haiwei!"

Both men introduced themselves.

Complete human form, dragon name!

Zhou Heng immediately understood that the blood of the two had completely returned to their ancestors, in fact, they were already in the form of a complete dragon, and the human form was the second form! Therefore, they have the dragon name without entering the black hole!

"Zhou Heng!" He also introduced himself, although he understood that the two must know his name, but it was a mutual respect.

A man respects him, he respects him!

"I believe you don't like to listen to nonsense, then I'll go straight to the topic!" Long Haiwei showed an easy-going smile to Zhou Heng.

"Wear your ears and listen!" Zhou Heng laughed.

"We want to invite Brother Zhou to explore an ancient relic!" Long Haiwei said. As for the dark night, after saying a name, he said nothing, like wood.

"Why me?" Zhou Heng was not in a hurry to promise or refuse.

"Because only Brother Zhou has this strength!" Long Haiwei laughed ~ ~ Adventure to the legacy, not the more people the better, but the elite! "

It is true that many people encounter many troubles, and if there are shortcomings, they must be busy, spending most of their time on rubbing others' butts, and may drag others into danger.

"Isn't there another three?" The Tianzi team has been here for a few days, and Zhou Heng knows that the two rank fourth and fifth respectively.

"They all have their own affairs to deal with, and the relationship between us is not very good!" Long Haiwei shrugged and made a helpless gesture.

"If we leave, what do we do every day?" Zhou Heng asked again.

"Hahaha, sitting in our position, there may be no one to challenge for a few years! Even if it does, it does not matter, the top ten are privileged, and the challenge can be owed for ten or eight years, and within one year after returning. Pay it off! "Long Haiwei said.

Zhou Heng thought for a while, and Zhan Yan showed a smile: "Where is the legacy?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest Power. Please read for mobile phone users.)

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