Chapter 1042: 1 up (Mon.Wed.)

Zhou Heng fought fiercely with the men in black.

Rao is Zhou Noble's bloodline is more noble, which brings him higher defense and destructive power, but after all, everyone has not reached the upper limit of bloodline, there is a gap, but the gap will not be too large to make people desperate.

Besides, the man in black has a higher degree of dragon after all, and both physical and spiritual levels are above Zhou Heng. With his super defensive runes, it is enough to entangle with Zhou Heng for a long time.

Zhou Heng was a little impatient. He turned the Tianhe Ring to imprison the other with this ring of God, and then bombarded with the runes of the Big Five!

Tianhehuan has very little effect on a powerful opponent such as the man in black, and the time to be able to imprison it is less than one ten thousandth of a second! But for comet star power, this time is enough to do a lot of things!

The big five runes are powerful and constantly impact the defense of the man in black!

Rao is the defense of the other side. However, facing the Big Five runes and Zhou Heng's dragon claws, he still looks stretched!

Without being imprisoned from time to time by the Tianhe Ring, people in black can naturally avoid most attacks, and they will still eat twice, which can restore the horror of the dragon race and heal immediately.

But who made Zhou Heng's attack a loop!

Tianhe ring imprisonment is not long, on the contrary, pathetic! But the effect is always happening, which is particularly annoying, completely destroying the fighting rhythm of the people in black.

Rhythm is a very important thing. Once it is destroyed, it is tantamount to messing up.

So people in black have been stabbed!

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!

What if he's almost dragon-shaped all over? After all, the constitution is still in the comet realm, and Zhou Heng can shake it, and he is confident that he is invincible in this realm!

After half an hour. After lying on the ground for the seventh time, the man in black failed to get up!

This battle. Zhou Heng wins!

Time to challenge the Tianzi team!

Zhou Heng left the camp without hesitation and walked towards the other side of the valley.

Maybe. Tianzi Camp really has a genius who can keep pace with him, allowing him to further release his potential and enter the black hole earlier! If he enters the black hole, he will have a little confidence when standing in front of the confused sky, confidently saying that one day in the future, he will be sanctified in another way!

The day of sanctification is when he marries the deceitful sky—do not promise? grab!

Imagining that Gutian desperately resisted but was helpless to suppress him, obediently obediently, Zhou Heng couldn't help smirking. But at this sweet moment, Red Moon's figure suddenly entered, and the two girls immediately fought, making Zhou Heng a bitter face again.

"Is there a problem with this boy's brain? For a while, he's crazy, and then he's sullen again!"

"Lower blood is lower blood, nausea!"

"Get back!"

The noisy sound sounded, and Zhou Heng realized that he had come to the other side of the valley. A wooden wall and a gate were built here, like bandits occupying the mountain.

A line was written on the gate: "Dogs of the ground team and the handyman team are not allowed in!"

It's just naked ridicule!

Zhou Hengyou glanced at. I saw dozens of people looking at him with disdainful eyes, all of them had a very high degree of dragonization, and the breath revealed was also very strong, and most of them were at the level of comet and peak comet.

Not bad. Very strong, just a glance gives him a feeling much stronger than that man in black!

"Lower blood, this is not where you can come. Get me back!"




Everyone shouted in unison, and there was deep aversion in the expression of disdain.

Divine beasts have the heaviest blood. Especially like the four great beasts, blood of countless generations has been passed down. I don't know how many times the difference between thin blood and thick people. This also makes those with strong bloodlines look down on others, thinking that they are high above them, and shame is associated with those with thin bloodlines.

Xuantianying and Tianzi are the places where the geniuses among the geniuses meet. Which one here is not rich in blood, how can they tolerate a lower bloodline to come in?

It's hitting their faces!

The group laughs really hard!

Zhou Heng sighed, did the lower bloodline so hate people? What if it is really inferior bloodline? Except for the first-generation natural beast, other people can only rely on their own understanding and effort-there is also an indispensable opportunity!

Only its own strength is truly powerful. With the awakening of blood, future achievements have been limited to death!

Of course, for the beasts and dragons, even the death-limiting achievement is at least a black hole. Running out is enough to go sideways!

What about stronger people? For example, Hongyue, hasn't she been horrified?

The reason for this is not the Dragon's steadfastness and self-improvement? Blindly intoxicated in their own bloodlines, but don't think about it, even the old blue dragon is not the strongest chaos. What qualifications do they have to be proud?


Zhou Heng laughed and said, "Let's go together!"


The dozens of dragons are all extremely angry. The little people with the lower bloodlines and the first team who just came to challenge the first team actually are so vocal? Go together? Alas, who do you think you are?

Tianzi team's first dragon follows the wind? The second Lone Salsa? The third Longyutang? Or the fourth Dragon Dark Night? Fifth Long Haiwei?

Except for these five people, who dares to say such crazy words?

That's right, those five people are so strong, they all have a strength of one enemy! But which one of them was born or was a dragon? The blood is pure to catch up with the second generation of dragons, no matter how strong it is understandable!

Would the lower bloodlines also want to stand by with these five adults?

Get out of your way!

"I Wuhe can defeat you!" A dragon youth jumped out, twitched his fingers, and said, "Lower blood, I'll send you back!"

Zhou Heng smiled lightly and said, "You challenge me, isn't it right?"

Wuhe's expression suffocated, and her momentum suddenly weakened.

Yes, it is one thing for them to look down on the lower bloodlines. According to the rules of Xuan Tianying, only the lower ranking talents are qualified to challenge upwards. However, none of the coaches in the camp came forward. This was deliberately releasing water to let them blast this subordinate bloodline!

In this case, what is he afraid of? The big deal is to be confined for several months, which is negligible compared with the glory obtained by driving off a lower bloodline!

"If you're scared, go back!" Wu He strode over.

Zhou Heng gave a cold hum, his own momentum started, hum, and rushed towards the Wuhe River, while the Tianhe ring was running, the dragon dragon boxing banged with the power of the big five elements to the face of Wuhe!


Where could the Wuhe dodge, he was slammed with a punch, passed out, and lay on the ground! This is because Zhou Heng has used all abilities except the Rune of Oblivion. If he can't win with one hit, then Zhou Heng will reflect on his strength and regress!

Although this person belongs to the Tianzi team, he can only say defensively, which is much worse than the original first place of the Zizi team.

——The warrior advocates attack more, because no matter how strict the defense is, there must be omissions in the long guard, so the attack is the better way to win. Unless the Awakened Blood Rune is defensive, generally no dragon will take the defensive path.

Zhou Heng stepped on the back of Wuhe with a smile and told everyone: "I believe there will be many people lying here today!"

Will it be a lot?

Are you stepping on your feet like Wuhe? Was it a lower bloodline?

Everyone is angry, this is a great insult!

The subordinate bloodlines dare to speak out this madness!

But the previous blow was so clear and clear that they really saw the shadow of the five adults of the Tianzi team! No, no, how does the lower bloodline match the five adults, it must be many times weaker, but the five adults are too strong, so that they can't be compared, and they will have such an illusion!

"Do you still need to take care of your face?" Zhou Heng laughed. "Either go up together or lie down by yourself!" He showed his most contemptuous thumb down.

Fire! The fire is big!

The dozens of people were staring at Zhou Heng with eyes spitting fire. This is not an exaggerated adjective, but they really have to spit fire from their eyes! After glancing at each other, they dispersed and formed a circle.

Attacks are triggered.

"Is this a bit arrogant?" On a high-rise building in the camp, two young people were watching the war, one black hair and one blue hair, the blue hair young man sat lazily, and the black hair stood coolly.

They had watched Zhou Heng break into the camp before, knowing that he would be able to stand out from the ground team, and soon came to the sky team to challenge. Just picking the crowd, this crowd has reached at least 50 people, even they feel that Zhou Heng is a little too far.

The dark-haired young man is the Dragon Dark Night ranked fourth in the Tianzi team, while the blue-haired young man is the fifth ranked Long Haiwei.

"This guy is very personality, I like it!" Long An Ye said coolly.

"Fortunately, that guy is not a woman, otherwise I have to suspect that your ice cube will be emotional!" Long Haiwei teased.


"Say back ~ ~ a pick ... one two three four or fifty two people, a little difficult!"

"Well, if you use‘ sea tide runes ’, how many of these people can stand after ten moves?”

"Hey, don't leak my life-saving tricks as soon as I come up!"

"You and I have awakened the unusually powerful runes of blood. Isn't this guy there?"

"Oh, do you like him so much?"

"Not optimistic about him, this is a feeling! I can feel that this guy still has a lot of tricks left unplayed, and if everything works out, he can even fight with the abnormality of Long Suifeng!"

"The dragon follows the wind ..."

Both were silent. In the eyes of the others in the Tianzi team, the top five of them were so powerful that they could only look up, but the two knew how the pervert of the top guy was. All four plus may not be his opponents!

Dragons follow the wind, really a desperate and trembling opponent! (To be continued ...)

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