And how was it? Has the witches come yet? ”After the punishment and the rainman retreat for a while, in the roar of the engine, our Miss Hongyu finally came back late, and when I came back, I asked loudly to the cold.

    ComingNo matter how cold the cold is, “but I am relieved that I have already been defeated by me.”

    “Repulsed by you?”The face of ruby ​​is full of doubts. “Is it by you?” An ordinary person who can’t use even a sword? ”

    “Boss, You finally came back to the boss! ”Xiaomian once again got out of the grass she had hidden before, grabbed the waist of the jade, and cried to the red jade, “Boss, you have to help me to be the boss!” This person pulled out my big Sunday star and inserted it on my head! Now the ordinary person is the little sheep, I am the boss! ”

    “What a hell?”The words of Xiaomian let the red jade listen to a headache, and let Xiaomian give his body away from his body! What do you say vaguely? If you don’t take the initiative to pull out your big Sunday star, who can force you to pull it down? ”

    Although the jade is disgusting to the cold, but the people are not stupid, I heard that there are a lot of ghosts in the mouth of Xiao Mian. “What happened in the end?” Tell me all the time! Don’t give me a lie, or you will give me a star keeper! ”

    It’s him?Xiaomian immediately pointed his finger at the cold, a very aggrieved look. “He lied to me that there are two big witches who have been killed, and only his sword-level swordsman can resist. I also said that if I don’t give him my big Sunday star, Shanhaiguan will be destroyed, mankind will perish, and I am the sinner of mankind. I was so scared that I pulled out the big golden star of the ghost golden sheep.”

    “Is this the case?”The eyes of the red jade glimpsed and asked the cold.

    “Basically!”No matter how cold, I didn’t lie to her. It really is the witch of the two witches. If I didn’t get the big Sunday star, now the Vermillion Bird throne is finished, which week The Stars are also finished!”

    “Heng!” Are you trying to tell me that you saved the entire human race? ”Ruby disdainfully said, “Do you think I am a fool? Two big witches, even Lilith adults or shame adults are only at best to maintain the balance of power, you can beat them with an ordinary sword-level swordsman! ”

    “Xiao Mian, I ask you! Did you really have two big witches? Are these two great witches really defeated by this man? ”Ruby turned to Xiaomian and asked.

    “The Witch has come two, but it is certainly not a big witch. The three or two efforts have been cut off the weapons. I guess at most it is a great witch. This guy brags not to draft, I am! ”Xiaomian really took a sip, if it is not fast, it is estimated that the cold has been smothered.

    “Forget it, believe it or not, I am too lazy to manage!”Seeing Xiaomian’s mouthful of water, the cold is really angry. If there is no relationship with this layer of ruby, it is too lazy to say a word to them. After that, the cold will go towards the distance.

    Stop right there Where are you going? ”The red jade chased after the cold and asked.

    “Since you have returned, Vermillion Bird Star should not be any danger. I am going to Azure Dragon Star to see what else I need to help!”The cold cold replied.

    In the battle with the criminal day, the cold has not used his own true skills, and he has not used the sword method like “Xuantian Jiujian”. Therefore, he has been suppressed by the punishment in the scene. From this aspect alone, One side of the penalty day is the winner.

    Although the axe of the last sentence was cut off by the cold, they still had two great witches, and their own strength was not damaged. It stands to reason that it is necessary to continue to fight with the cold. After all, the dream of being away from them for hundreds of years is only a cold-eyed guy.

    However, the criminal day and the rain teacher left, without hesitation and without a memory. Although the cold does not know why they are going, but one thing is certain, that is, they should not play the idea of ​​Vermillion Bird.

    Coupled with the two nasty guys, Ruby and Xiaomian, the cold does not mean to stay in the Vermillion Bird. I decided to go to Azure Dragon and see if the Wuzu concentrate all their power on Azure. Dragon Star, then come to a desperate charge.

    Ruby doesn’t know the cold heart. She only thought that because her tricks were pierced, this disgusting man wanted to rush to escape. Therefore, the move to fix the cold has even confirmed the speculation of the red jade.

    “You have to go!” Give me a sleepy night of the sleepy golden sheep of Xiaomian! That is not your belonging! ”The red jade screamed.

    “You can rest assured that I am not interested in this stuff. But I have to borrow it for the time being, I will return it to you after the witches are repelled! ”The swaying hand that does not return to the cold head said.

    “Scum!”In the eyes of the jade, the cold light is exposed, and the red jade sword in the hand pushes forward one by one, directly puncturing the neck of the cold…Of course, the red jade deliberately opened the sword tip by two inches, so that it could probably be pasted on the cold neck. It is not possible to really hurt the cold. The ruby ​​just wants to teach him…Like this disgusting man, it is necessary to teach him a good meal so that he can understand the truth of being a man.

    But the Red Jade sword is about to go through the neck of the cold, carbuncle suddenly feel his hand was something to force a pat, after a round of dizzy, his wrist was another hand to hold tightly to the arm by the other side to forcibly twisted into a U-shaped, remember the sword blade of the Red Jade Sword has been on its own neck.

    Ruby did not understand what was going on, and his sword was already on his neck.

    Get off me.You are abnormal…”The jade is struggling, but it can’t break free from the cold.

    “Your Sword Skill has regressed a lot more than before! I suggest you still practice your swordsmanship slightly! ”The cold wrist was slightly pushed, and the red jade was pushed out. “I said that the big golden star of the ghost golden sheep is not interested. I will pay you back tonight!”

    After saying that the cold is in his pocket, a drop-shaped aircraft is suspended in the air, and then without any engine sound roaring, the drop-shaped aircraft will grow away and disappear invisible.

    “He actually said that my sword is more backward than before…”The red jade constantly remembers the action of warming the cold just to subdue oneself. From this action, the red jade knows that the ability to fix the cold is really on top of itself. It is not a simple man who wants to hold the Noble Family thigh.

    The last sentence left by the cold is to make the red jade think about it. What is your own Sword Skill? Is this cold and cold before I know myself?

    “Boss, you are fine!”Xiaomian ran over in a panic.

    “I ask you! Was the witch who played against this man really a witch? Do you really see it? ”The ruby ​​was again questioned, but this time the object of questioning was replaced by Xiaomian.

    “How can I see clearly every two kilometers?Anyway, the two people are driving in the dark clouds, one with an axe and one with rain. Xiaomian whispered.

    “What?”The face of Hongyu was anxious, and a hand knife knocked on Xiaomian’s head. The tears of Xiaomian’s tears flowed out. “Things are bad on your mouth!”


    When the cold rushed to Azure Dragon, it was learned from the mouth of the rogue that all the witches had retreated all the way, including the witches outside the Taiyin star, all of which had been withdrawn and returned to their original Among the tribes, this thrilling battle has completely declared its end and ended with human victory.

    Next are some boring things like cleaning the battlefield, but there are things that must be done to fix the cold. Those who are hiding in Taian County, they must take them to a safe place. In order to avoid danger when the Witch retreats.

    The cold has always wanted to go with the flow of the year, but one of the Supreme Leaders of Shanhaiguan, Sun Star Guardian Lilith suddenly came to the order, saying that it is necessary to go to the Sun Star array immediately, saying that there is a very important thing to do. Let the flow of years go. It is impossible to refuse the flow of the year, only to let the cold one to meet those who hold the sword.

    Although this makes the cold a little uncomfortable, but the cold is still a person driving the water droplets. Fortunately, when I came back quickly, when the cold rushed there, I saw that the Black Tortoise and hundreds of witches were confronted there.

    There are dozens of witches of the Witchcraft class. The Black Tortoise does not seem to waste precious dragon tooth on these witches. Therefore, the Black Tortoise is very difficult, and several times it is dangerous. It’s almost going to be caught by the witches.

    Fortunately, the cold and cold came back in time, and several Sword Qi went down. The witches died most of the time, and then the cold and the poor swords were slaughtered. In just a few minutes, the hundreds of witches died. Under the cold sword, the bodies are scattered everywhere.

    Are you OK?Killing the cold of the Witch to the Black Tortoise asked, there was a bit of concern in the tone.

    “I’m fine.”Solid Black Tortoise shook his head. “Fortunately, no one is insulting. Your people are not dead, they are all inside!”

    “You still have three days to get back to the sword-bearer, or else you will stay in my pocket next to these three days. When I am assigned to the guarded area, I will let you out!”Suggestions for cold.

    I don’t need itSolid Black Tortoise shakes his head. “I am familiar with you here. I know where there is a safe place. Just remember to wait for the personal terminal’s communication recovery, notify me which part of the guarded area you have assigned, I will go to you! ”

    After that, the solid Black Tortoise is like an elf ranger, jumping and jumping in the lush forest, and the effort is disappeared into the shadow of the tree.

    Hey There is also a bunch of troublesome guys! ”The cold swayed and shook his head and walked into the ruins of the sword-bearers.

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