The battle between the criminal day and the cold has been intensely launched in a flash.

    To be honest, at the beginning of the penalty day, there were some underestimators. He thought that with his own strength, at most, it was a waste of time and he would be able to get rid of this damn human.

    But soon, he found himself wrong, and the mistake was very outrageous.

    First of all, in the martial arts, this human Sword Skill can actually be comparable to the punishment of the day, this is a point that Peng Tian absolutely did not think of!

    Who is the punishment day? That is the existence of the first witch of the Witch. The so-called criminal day dance is dry, and the ambition is always there. It is the myth and legend of the world.

    Legend has it that after the death of the twelve ancestors, the remaining witches led by several remnants of the great witch to the south of the world, mixed with the human beings living there, and finally formed a tribe that ruled the whole world south: the Jiuli tribe.

    Later, as everyone knows, the Jiuli tribe, under the leadership of the Chi and the mixed human Chiyou, launched an offensive against the Emperor Yan and Huang, trying to reproduce the history of the Witch’s rule over the whole world. But never imagined that some of the witches helped Yan and Emperor, and the two sides were completely destroyed after a big war. Chiyou was also divided into five parts to suppress all parts of the world.

    However, Chiu’s master’s criminal day escaped and led the remaining Jiuli tribe to lick its own wounds in the south. Later, the Yellow Emperor defeated Emperor Yan, became one of the three emperors, occupied the heavenly court, and ordered him to confess to him.

    The criminal day was naturally dissatisfied, so a person took a giant axe, and a big shield killed the heavenly court. He actually broke through the defense of Tianbing Tianzhi and went straight to the door of the Yellow Emperor’s palace. He almost went to the Yellow Emperor to sleep when he was an axe. Give hacked to death.

    However, after all, the Yellow Emperor still had the air transporter, sobered up at the moment of life and death, and then used the Xuanyuan sword and the penalty day to fight. Two people all the way from the heavens to the Shouyang Mountain, and finally the Yellow Emperor chess high, Xuanyuanjian cut off the head of the criminal day. Also cut the Shouyang Mountain, and buried the head of the criminal day with the stone of Shouyang Mountain.

    However, the sentence did not give up, but used his own breasts to make eyes, belly button to make a mouth, still heroic and tenacious battle with the Yellow Emperor. Unfortunately, after losing his own head, the fighting ability of the criminal day is far from the same as the Yellow Emperor, died in the hands of the Yellow Emperor, so the people of the future, this sentence is the most powerful under the Zu Yu of a witch, after all, the Yellow Emperor but the real shortage of yuan Kou, his sword shaft is also a genuine emperor Sword-class sword Niang.

    But I don’t know why, in the world of punishment, the level of power stays at the level of the first-class Yuan Zhen. It is completely incomparable with the Yellow Emperor. There are four small realms and two big realms.

    But in all the witches, the criminal days are the first big witches, especially the axe method of his body, which is definitely the first level in the world. The punishment day is the ancestor of all the people who use the axe in the world, and the axe method of the whole body is superb and reaches the unpredictable degree. If it is converted into swordsmanship, it can also be ranked as the master of swordsmanship in the top ten since the mythology.

    If there is anything in the Shanhaiguan that can be compared with the Noble Family, then only the punishment can count one. With his unpredictable axe method, he has repeatedly played against the successors of the Noble Family. The forced flow of Noble Family’s descendants used the trick of “100 million Sword Art” to defeat the punishment.

    It is also because of the existence of the criminal day, he stood alone outside the defensive line of the Taiyin Star, and the sword-bearers who were scared by the Taiyin Star did not dare to leave their defense zone to support the battle of the Sun Star. The fear is that once the defensive power is low, the madman of the criminal day directly kills the entire area of ​​the Taiyin. The Sun Star has not been broken yet, but the Taiyin Star is gone.

    Until the intelligence personnel found that the penalty days had left the defensive front of the Taiyin Star, the talents of the Tai Yin Star were relieved.

    It is a pity that the punishment is strong and strong, that is, the head is not good, often falls into the trap of human beings, and the hard-born is encircled by human beings. Moreover, after the resurrection of the world, the punishment day seems to have lost the memory of ancient times. At the same time, the brain is not good enough to add the character of childishness, otherwise it will not be so naively bickering with the rain teacher.

    All in all, the penalty day is a very powerful, but very naive and ridiculous character.

    At this moment, the cold has a very deep understanding of these two characteristics of the criminal day.

    To be honest, is the sword-fixing method strong?

    Strong Very strong!

    But can the cold can be ranked in the top ten sword masters since the myth?

    Of course it is impossible. Aside from the obscurity of swordsmen who are not in myths and legends, the number of people who have overcome the cold with Sword Skill has probably exceeded three figures since the myth. If the “primal chaos sword” of the cold can be fully accomplished, then the cold may be among the top ten, but the current cold is definitely not able to do that position.

    Therefore, we can easily draw a conclusion that the axe of the punishment of heaven is better than the sword of the cold.

    The same is true. When the cold and the punishment have passed a dozen strokes, the whole person has already fallen into a very passive situation. Although the big witch character in front of her eyes is very naive, but the big axe in her hand is delicate in the thick mine. Every sword that seems to be cold seems to have been guessed by the opponent. Every attack is given to the punishment. The hard-hitting interception makes the cold have an urge to vomit blood…Since the beginning of the cold war, in addition to the face of the Noble Family, the Secret Sword Art guest, which time is not the cold to fully guess the opponent, and then use his swordsmanship on several levels of the opponent to tease the opponent Between applause.

    However, the person who was teased at this time was replaced with a cold, and the cold could not break through the horrible axe in any case, but he could only be forced back by the other side. In the end, he simply gave up the attack and could only see it. The way to recruit and dismantle the defensive, this is a stubborn stalemate.

    However, the heart of the cold is clear, there is no flawless defense under the sun, and the axe method of the punishment is far better than himself. I am afraid that I will not be able to pass the 100 strokes, and my defense will be broken.

    To make matters worse, there is a big witch in the sky watching him there, he may rush down anytime, anywhere. The Rain Master is a long-range attacking witch, and the first-hand water witchcraft has powerful auxiliary features. Do not say anything else, as long as the rain teacher gives the cold a deceleration of witchcraft, I am afraid that the cold will immediately attack the slower speed and can not keep up with the axe attack of the punishment day, and finally the hard-boiled slain.

    On the other hand, the penalty day is much more pleasant. He is not happy because he is holding on to the cold, but because he finally meets an opponent who can compete with himself on a simple Sword skill.

    This is too difficult. In the years after his rebirth, he has played a lot with humans. But those shameless humans would not dare to fight with them one-on-one. All of them are tactics of group gangs. It is often dozens of sword-level swordsmen who fight around the squad, where to find a can and You are coming to my opponent in prison.

    “Don’t play it, or the bloody person will come back, I will help you, we will kill this human!”At this time, the rain teacher finally rushed over. When I met, dozens of negative witchcraft were thrown into the cold, what slowed down! Frozen! Paralyzed! Bleeding…Anyway, all kinds of negative state are covered with the body of the cold, so that the fighting power of the cold has been reduced by more than twice.

    “You are this old thing! Don’t bother my fight! ”Seeing that my opponent is inexplicably weakened a lot, so that the painful punishment of the just-killing has suddenly become extremely dissatisfied.

    “You are crazy, the freedom of the ancestors is important, waiting for you to go out from here, there are powerful humans outside to make you happy!”The rainman said this on his mouth, but he secretly guessed that it is estimated that there is no second human being in the human world that can come to me with the punishment. Saying that this human being is who, Sword Skill is so high, how have you never seen it before?

    But it doesn’t matter, he is going to die soon, and he and the criminals are working together. This man has only one dead end…

    The rain teacher still didn’t respond. Suddenly he heard an angry roar from the punishment day. When he looked down, the raindrop’s eyes fell out. The big axe of the punishment day was broken!

    Yes, yes, the big axe in the hands of the criminal day has been broken, and it has been cut off. This big axe made of congenital gold has been cut off! In the past few hundred years, the criminal days have been shackled by humans for dozens of times, but it is the death of the body of the criminal day. However, the big axe of the criminal day has never been seen, because there is not a big sword that the sword-level swordsman can break the punishment, but now, this big axe has been cut off.

    “What sword is the sword in your hand? Why can I cut off my big axe? ”On the day of punishment, he looked at the big axe that had broken, and screamed in pain.

    Because the poor sword is an excellent restraining effect for the witches, even if it is a big witch fighting like a criminal day, it is also a poor sword used to fix the cold.

    Only Xiaomian is estimated to hide in some places to watch his own battle, leading to not using the starting point sword, or you can try to use the starting point sword to attack the opponent’s secondary node to see if it can be activated in the Sunday Star Wars array. The opponent’s dimension vortex…You know, because the witches don’t really die, so the witches in the big starry array will not trigger the dimension vortex that belongs to them.

    Therefore, the cold is simply using the poor sword to fight with the opponent. When you find that you can fight for the cold, you may be forced to change it into a sword, and then take out your own “Xuantian Jiujian” with the skill of the Mozi sword to defeat this. When the Sword Skill’s witches were themselves, the big axe of the punishment day was broken!

    “Peaceful sword!”The cold replied faintly.

    “Qingping sword?”When the cold winter did not think of it, when the name of the poor sword was heard, both the criminal day and the rain teacher were scared and stepped back a dozen steps…This can not use the big axe to fight the cold, can not find the North’s big witch, actually just because of a name, it was directly backed by dozens of steps.

    “Rain, look at it!”Suddenly, the panic-stricken punishment seems to have found something, pointing to the battlefield where some of the witches’ bodies were scattered in the distance.

    “is her! Definitely her! ”The rainer’s mouth was attached to the ear of the prisoner’s ear. It seemed to say something in a whisper, and then the rain guard flew away without hesitation with the punishment…The coldness did not flow through the exaggerated sword light, and could not catch up with these two great witches. They could only watch them silently.

    At the same time, all the humans on the battlefield suddenly discovered that the witches who had just been attacking and attacking them began to collectively withdraw, and there was no one left in the moment. By the time the roaming rushed to Azure Dragon, all the witches had already retired.

    Ten thousand yearsAfter a while, the sword-bearers collectively sent out a burst of cheers.

    In any case, this is what human beings have won, even if they sacrificed the lives of 5,000 human sword-bearers, but after all, humans won, and the witches retired.

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